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Mermen of Ea #3

Running with the Wind

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Sequel to Into the Wind
Mermen of Book Three

With the final confrontation between the island and mainland Ea factions looming, Taren and Ian sail with Odhrán to investigate a lost colony of merfolk in the Eastern Lands. Upon their arrival, the King of Astenya welcomes them as friends. Odhrán, however, isn’t so quick to trust the descendent of the man who held him prisoner for nearly a decade, especially now that he has someone to cherish and protect—the mysterious winged boy he rescued from the depths.

Armed with the knowledge he believes will save the Ea, Taren returns to the mainland. With Ian at his side, Taren convinces Vurin that their people must unite with their island brethren before it’s too late. When Seria and his men attack, Taren must call upon the ancient power of the rune stone to protect his comrades. But using the stone’s immeasurable power commands a hefty price—and Ian fears that price is Taren’s life.

220 pages, ebook

First published June 8, 2015

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About the author

Shira Anthony

39 books429 followers
Shira Anthony is a complete sucker for a happily-ever-after, and rarely reads or writes a story without one. Never a fan of instalove, Shira likes to write stories about real men with real issues making real relationships work.

In her last incarnation, Shira was a professional opera singer, performing roles in such operas as “Tosca,” “Pagliacci,” and “La Traviata,” among others. Her Blue Notes Series is loosely based upon her own experiences as a professional musician.

Shira is married with two children and two insane dogs and when she’s not writing, she is usually in a courtroom trying to make the world safer for children. When she’s not working, she can be found aboard a 36’ catamaran at the Carolina coast with her favorite sexy captain at the wheel. She’s given up TV for evenings spent with her laptop, and she never goes anywhere without a pile of unread M/M romance on her Kindle.

Interested in hearing Shira sing? Here's a link to a live performance of Shira singing an aria from Puccini's "Tosca": http://www.shiraanthony.com/wp-conten...

You can subscribe to Shira's monthly newsletter for updates, free fiction, and subscriber-only contests here: http://www.shiraanthony.com/newsletter/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews
Profile Image for Meags.
2,325 reviews591 followers
September 21, 2024
4.5 Stars

An absolutely epic ending to an impressively original and flawlessly written M/M fantasy series.

Beware: BIG series spoilers ahead!...

Running with the Wind draws to a close Taren and Ian’s harrowing battle for personal survival and their bigger fight for the freedom and safety of their Ea brethren.

Taren is the chosen one, of sorts, but he can’t save his kind without the love and support of his mate, Ian, and his close friends, Odhrán, a powerful, immortal hybrid, and Bastian, a Anuki (a dragon shifter who lives and dies for love, only to be reborn again at the end of each life, like a phoenix rising from the ashes).

I absolutely loved all of these four main characters, which just made for super easy and speedy reading, as I grew more excited and engrossed with each chapter and switch in POV, as the conclusion of their story was told.

Taren and Ian are still as in love as ever, proving stronger and more settled in their now well-established relationship. Their eventual understanding and true acceptance of the heartbreaking events that unfolded in their past lives together definitely played a part in their current drive for survival. Remarkably, they shared one of those great loves that you just knew would endure anything, even potential death.

Seriously, remember those BIG spoiler warnings above? Because here they come!!...

As expected, Odhrán continued to be my favourite character of the series, this time showing more of his protective and vulnerable side to his emotions through his growing relationship with nearly reborn Bastian (who experienced accelerated aging across this book until he was once again an adult). Initially Bastian’s protector and father-type figure, Odhrán was hesitant to let himself feel anything more for the young man as Bastian grew and eventually expressed his own desires for Odhrán — feelings that far exceeded those of friendship and family.

After the tragic ending in book two, with the deaths of lovers Rider and Bastian, I really wasn’t sure how I’d feel about Bastian’s rebirth and his romance with a new love interest. The idea that Bastian’s destiny is to live and die in love, was equally heartbreaking and romantic, but I was saddened by the fact that reborn, he held no memories of his past life (or lives, as is assumed), effectively leaving no emotional trace of his love and life with Rider.

In the end, I absolutely adored how Odhrán and Bastian’s relationship unfolded and I was able to separate the two versions of Bastian with ease. I’m now feeling very much like these two need their own spin-off story, especially because here we only truly saw the very beginning of their new and assumedly everlasting love story (what with them both technically being immortal).

In the final chapters of the story, things became very intense, with lives hanging in the balance for all involved, and as exciting and often distressing as some of the action and suspense was, everything played out perfectly, with sacrifices made, but happiness achieved by all.

For me, this was a series that grew in leaps and bounds, not only in terms of story arc, but also in character development, world-building, and relationship development. Although I’ve enjoyed the series from its inception, I honestly could not have foreseen just how epic everything was going to play out by the end.

I’m so very glad I discovered this fantastical, heart-warming and romantic trilogy.

Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,398 reviews1,545 followers
June 9, 2015
At long last! More mermen!

Shira's latest and final book in the Ea trilogy, "Running with the Wind" is no "Transformers: Age of Extinction," let me tell you.

Here's why...

The other day, I was sitting on the couch and that latest Transformers movie was on, with Michael Bay's 10 million explosions and more car crashes than the Religious Right has baseless excuses against gay marriage. About 5 minutes of that and...

I. Was. BORED. To. Fucking. Tears.

So, no, "Running with the Wind" is *thankfully* nothing at all like that mindless drivel.

"Running" is smart and fun, not to mention well-written. And, *gasp*, the intricate plot actually makes sense, so I was engrossed from start to finish.

The majority of the book is not centered around fast-paced action scenes. Instead, the complex world building from the two previous books continues here in the third. The stage was very carefully set and I, for one, was thrilled as my anticipation built and built.

We do get an extra long 'final battle' scene when everything comes to a head, which is superbly well done, in my opinion. The battle follows several characters that are key to the victory, which takes place on multiple fronts; however, the scene work was seamless and very straight-forward to follow.

We learn more of not only the history of the Ea, but also some of the myths behind where both dragons (DRAGONS, people!!!) and humans originated.

This book was as fascinating as it was entertaining.

There was no fighting for fighting's sake. No drama for drama's sake. This story didn't rush, but it was still tight and painted an amazingly rich picture. One from which I couldn't pull myself away.

Not overly hard to believe, though, because it's Shira, we're talking about. And it's *mermen*, people, hello!

And while there were both old and new friends in the book, with the story continuing on as Taren works to rescue his people from the evil Ea Council, much of my excitement surrounded Bastian, since being found after his rebirth as a fledgling dragon at the end of the second book.

A young dragon. What's not to love, right???

But young dragons don't stay young for very long, which leaves Odhran with conflicted feelings toward Bastian. He's first and foremost Bastian's protector, always.

However, as Bastian quickly grows into a man, Odhran's internal battle isn't an easy one to reconcile, especially after having resisted love for an entire millennium.

So no spoilers, other than to say that the story is very nicely wrapped up with a very happy HEA and what, I feel, would be a great jumping off point for a book (or books?) for Bastian and Odhran.

So 5 very well-earned *you-are-thankfully-no-transformers* stars and I couldn't be happier with the way this story ended.


My ARC copy of this book was provided by the publisher for a fair, unbiased review.
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews428 followers
July 25, 2017
In this final installment it all explodes. Will Taren and Ian save their people? Will the council finally listen or will they make Taren and Ian an example? Ian's and Taren's love has stood the test of time. Will they finally get to be together as they are meant to be? It all comes to a head. How will it end?

I cannot even begin to tell you about how much I have enjoyed this trilogy. It is probably the best I've ever read. The writing is phenomenal as is the story itself. All the characters and intertwining lives are amazing. It held my interest the entire time and I want more. I really, really need Bastian and Odhrán now!

This trilogy has it all. If you are a lover of MM and fantasy READ THIS TRILOGY. You will not go wrong.
Profile Image for Shira Anthony.
Author 39 books429 followers
May 7, 2015
The final installment in the Mermen of Ea Series, "Running with the Wind" completes the saga of Ian and Taren and the ongoing civil war between the merfolk factions. With Ian at his side, Taren becomes the leader he was always meant to be.

The road to peace is not an easy one for the Ea, and the future isn't always apparent. Taren knows the goddess will guide him, but there are no guarantees he or Ian will survive the difficult task she has given them.

Will there be more books in the Ea universe? Probably, since there's a story yet to be told involving two secondary characters. A story for another time....
Profile Image for Paul.
648 reviews
March 8, 2017
4.5 STARS for the trilogy
If you like to get lost in another M/M world of high fantasy, magic, shifters and mermen, etc. . . then this extremely well written trilogy is perfect. It not only has solid MC's but they come with an excellent array of prominent characters as well. The storyline's are well crafted and with strong, well written adventures on the high seas, they're a joy to read.

I loved the abundance of extra characters that created some of the sub-plot's, some people don't like this but this enriches these books playing a crucial part in them and continues to keep them moving along, breathing new life and direction to create the well thought out ending.

Actually I don't know if it's the ending but it wouldn't surprise me if they continued on.
Profile Image for Td.
690 reviews
June 9, 2015
Going back to the first book, I wasn't all that sure if I would get into to it after the first couple of Chapters or so but really, it didn't take that much longer to become hopelessly hooked in this epic fantasy trilogy. Fascinating journey, stunning world-building, action that felt like I was right there in the middle of it all, characters I became worriedly invested in and emotions that felt true and pure. Oh, how I loved it all!

To Ms. Anthony - Thank you! If you ever read this...I hope pester you endlessly and don't let you sleep until you have no choice but to give us their story...sooner rather than later. :D
Profile Image for Marc | Rainbow Gold Reviews.
480 reviews50 followers
June 25, 2015



Shira Anthony has created a wonderful fantasy trilogy about mermen and this last book was a worthy conclusion. It seems to me she has also paved the way for another series that would be about the dragon shifter race and play in the same world. I hope I'm not wrong, because It would be hard to say goodbye to such a wonderful worldand the dragon was very intriguing ;)

So, why did I 'only' give this book 5 stars, when I LOVED it so much?

The end of book two was a bit surprising and felt a bit rushed to me. Not the fact that Barra was the traitor - I had suspected that when Tarren was attacked and saw an ea, Barra was in the water at the same time and later suddenly seemed eager to look for him.

It seemed rushed, because so much happened in such a short time. Characters being killed of, dragons and half-dragons being introduced, the betrayal revealed, etc.

For me it just seemed like we had so many characters that were important and it was too much for the author to keep them all around and some of them were thus sacrificed. With all the history between the adults and their complex dynamics, I think the deaths made it easier to focus the main storyline and setup the dragon storyline.

I stillgave book 2 5 stars, because I enjoyed it s much.

However, it was hard for me to understand why Tarren hadn't bonded with the rune stone yet or why Ian hadn't used his powers. I get that both Tarren and Ian were both afraid of their powers, but I thought they had accepted their fate.

This became harder for me to ignore in book 3.

Even after Tarren not only accepts his fate, but also looses his fear of the stone, I waited for a very long time for him to do something about it. But none of the big challenges, nor the fear that the stone could be taken away seemed to be reason enogh to make Tarren bond with it until his hand was forced.

Ian used his powers once to rescue Tarren in book one and it was clear that he was afraid of his powers. He also realized that his powers were a gift of the goddess and their mission extremely important. Ian seemed okay with Odhran's even greater powers in the endand I was confused when he, too, waits until his hand is forced before he uses his powers.

I understand the need to be careful to not make characters overpowered, but it was hard for me to understand why these smart men wouldn't use all the tools at their disposal when things were dire and important.

There were a few other things like a blurb for book 3 that didn't seem to really fit the story that confused me a bit, but in the end I got so lost in this fantasy world and had so much fun and became so addicted that I had a hard tme not giving it 5 stars anyway.

Given the amazing mythology and the wonderful character and a plot that had me read the books bac to back, without putting the books down, I can very highly recommend y'all to read this series.

Profile Image for Deeze.
1,631 reviews289 followers
June 14, 2015
It felt like a very long wait for this final instalment of the Mermen of Ea series but it was well worth it.

Joining up with Taren and Ian was just as I remembered. The love they share comes alive in the pages, and it was a joy to see them again.

But for me this book belonged to Odhrán. I lost count how many times my heart wept for him. Such a proud but lonely soul. Of course there were also times I wanted to shake him and yell at him to stop being so bloody stubborn lol.

Bastian stole my heart as both a child and an adult. Adorable when young and heart achingly sweet when growing up.

The continuation of the battle with Seria and the council had me on the edge of my seat. The battle scenes again had me feeling the explosions and smelling the gunpowder. This is one series that is easy to see as you read. The scenes play out in such vivid detail you will swear you can smell the ocean and hear the cannons fire.

This series had me in tears both happy and sad, I laughed and smiled and I gasped with horror and even felt a little sick once. I think I ran through every emotion while reading. The climatic ending will leave you breathless and the final chapter will leave you sighing in happiness.

This is such a strong read I recommend it to everyone. Action, adventure, love, friendship and family this series has it all.

Now when will we be able to rejoin Odhrán and Bastian.
Profile Image for Claudia.
1,030 reviews
June 10, 2015

If you, like me, couldn’t wait to read more about Taren, Ian and Odhran , the wait is over… Today is release day!!! And I’m so glad I got to review this amazing book.
If you haven’t read this series yet, you cannot miss it!
Taren was a slave for all of his life… when he’s kidnapped by a pirate, he finally feels the freedom for the first time and when he meets Ian, his life changes in ways he couldn’t ever imagine. He discovers that Ian is a shape-shifting merfolk, called EA, and he is one of them too.
Taren believes he can save his people, the EA, but he will need more than just his powers to do it. He will need the support of Ian and his friends.
After all the anguish and uncertainty from Into the Wind, we get to finally know all the turns in Taren and Ian’s life to fulfill their Destiny, and wow, I couldn’t put this book down… My heart went out to Ian and Taren, while they tried to put their fears and doubts to rest and trust in their bond, in the love, so prepare yourself for one more great ride through the EA world.
The amazing secondary characters in this story are an additional charm and make you wish for more. I know this is the last book of Ian and Taren’s story, but there are hints of a new story and I’m hoping Odhrán will get his own story, because he so deserves a HEA too.
Thank you Shira for this amazing reading and thanks Bec for allowing me to review it.
Profile Image for Cathy Brockman.
Author 5 books95 followers
January 28, 2018
This is the third book of the series and you do need to read them in order as each picks up where the other left off. High fantasy isn’t one of my favorite genres though I love a good well-written one from time to time especially if the subject is myths. This an absolutely amazing take on merfolk.
In this book we find everyone reeling from the battle that left them aboard the Chimera with Odhran and the Sea Witch sunken and destroyed. (I won’t tell you how since that is a spoiler). Odhran spots something in the water. After their investigation, they find a winged child in a hot cocoon and take him aboard. The island brings back memories for Odhran and Ian and they build stronger friendship and trust. The winged boy sticks to Odhran and grows at a fast rate. They meet the king and find it quite different than they thought and they also found the colony they were searching for deserted. Weary and after more battles, they head back to the mainland to figure out their next move.
Again we have a very intriguing story. There is lots of emotion and character growth as each man gains their power and learns to use it. You will need tissues! I loved how Shira practically paints a picture of the scenery with words. The sights and smells and tastes are so real. I fell in love with each character and ached with their aches.
If you like a good High-fantasy, Mermen, friendships, soulmates, a very good romance, a touch of sadness yet a happy ending this is for you!

Profile Image for Amber.
1,294 reviews33 followers
June 20, 2015
Lot of excitement and a few unexpected twists in this final book of series. It does a great job of wrapping up the lose ends of the story and giving us some surprises along the way. The only thing I found lacking or not as well done as I liked was the dragon aspect of the story. To me having them appear in the final book felt rushed and perhaps added on to spin off the series. They were a interesting aspect of the story but having it so late in the series made it not blend as well into the story for me. Still a great series and is well worth the read.
Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
July 18, 2015
I started this series being curious about mermen, and now because of this series I love mermen! I love the way Shira Anthony writes, and they way she tells a story. I will miss these characters.

Profile Image for Sara Testarossa.
132 reviews12 followers
September 16, 2015
A fitting conclusion to a fantastic storyline. I savored this book over the course of three months because I didn't want to stop reading about the characters. I'm greedy and still want more even so! Though things were wrapped up at the end, I still am left with a few questions. But the important ones were answered. What a great series.
Profile Image for Seeilin.
280 reviews
June 8, 2015
5 freaking stars because GR won't accept more.

What a ride! I'm still overwhelmed from the ending and I'm going to read the last 30% again just because!
So good. So perfect. I love it!

So...when do we get a certain extra book...? :P
Profile Image for Zane Kage.
3,055 reviews28 followers
June 12, 2015
4.5 stars for an amazing fantasy book with a conclusion that elicited just about every emotion I had to give. So I'm done reading, I'm content, smiling, and, really, really REALLY hoping it doesn't end here... I'm smelling a plot bunny named Bastian.... *sigh* LOVED HIM!
Profile Image for W.S. Long.
Author 24 books53 followers
February 14, 2016
Fascinating, hard to put down

The story of Ian, Bastian, and Treande, the Ea and Anuki come to a resounding conclusion. This last book was hard to put down until I was finished. Bravo!
Profile Image for Barb ~rede-2-read~.
3,474 reviews107 followers
June 27, 2015
Note: This book was provided to me by the publisher through Hearts on Fire Reviews in exchange for an impartial review.

There aren’t enough superlatives in the English language to describe the wonder of this series, so I’m simply going to use outstanding and marvelous to start. And this particular story is the icing on the cake, the crème de la crème, so to speak and quite frankly exceeded my expectations.

The saga picks up where book two leaves off with Odhrán sailing the Chimera, his own ship, transporting the others back to their home base after the catastrophe aboard the Sea Witch. Bastian has been reborn and is first introduced as a young child who is unable to speak but seems attached to Odhrán and is unwilling to leave his side. As the story progresses, Bastian grows at an amazing rate and by the time his maturity is that of a thirteen-year-old, he knows he’s in love with Odhrán. But Odhrán, wary of love due to his betrayal at the hands of Luka centuries before, refuses Bastian’s overtures and Bastian settles in with Taren and Ian on the Phantom, Ian’s ship.

Taren and Ian are together throughout this whole story and form a solid and cohesive unit against any and all threats. Both acknowledge their rebirth from their former lives as Treande and Owyn, though Ian still struggles with trying to remember that life. With Taren now in possession of the rune stone, Ian fears for Taren, knowing the rune stone has the power of the goddess behind it and wary of what that power may bring.

Hoping to learn more of the history of the Ea, the merfolk, and to connect with others of their kind, they set out to find a lost colony in the Eastern Lands. Along the way, they discover that the traveler they befriended one night is Eiran, King of Astenya, and they are pleased to accept his help. Odhrán, who travels with them, is less trusting of the man who is descended from the powerful king who held him prisoner when he was a young man. Together, they discover the lost colony, but it has been abandoned, and it’s likely that it was abandoned centuries before.

Throughout the trip, Taren is visited by visions of the past and apparently of the future as well. He believes that what he’s discovered here is the key to the future of the Ea, and he accepts that his role will be as leader to his people to merge the two warring factions and bring all of the merfolk to live in this underwater colony.

Easy? No way. Difficult? An understatement. Using the stone to help relocate the Ea? Potentially lethal to Taren— and Ian knows it.

Taren and Ian need to fight not only the ruling council of the island’s merfolk, but their arch-enemy Seria as well. And while all of this is going on, Odhrán and Bastian are having their own struggles as Bastian wants to be closer to Odhrán, and Odhrán wants to stay rooted in his fear of romantic involvement.

I loved the subplot struggle of Odhrán and Bastian, and what happens when Bastian finally transforms to a full dragon— his beauty, his power, his determination to help save the Ea at all costs, and finally his determination to live so that he can get back to Odhrán and convince the foolish man that they belong together. (BTW, Shira Anthony— that romance would make a great “sister story” to this one. Just sayin’.)

And, of course, I loved the main plot, and this time I was able to follow the plot without getting lost. I know that’s because the author picked up all the loose threads she had left like breadcrumbs throughout the last two stories and wove them into this tale in a beautifully intricate pattern that formed the tapestry of this amazing saga.

Kudos again to Shira Anthony for giving us a “who’s who” directory at the beginning of the story— perfect for those of us who suffer from short-term memory loss.

I’ve never been a fan of fantasy, yet this fantasy series ranks high on my list of all-time favorite series, and I can’t recommend it highly enough to all lovers of M/M romance.

Profile Image for Love Bytes Reviews.
2,529 reviews37 followers
August 6, 2015
4 Heart Review by Roberta

So, I was willing to read a book at the end of a series and see if I could follow along and truly understand and get into the story. Well, I have to say that I truly had no issues regarding that. That is truly a mark of an great author.

So, this book picks up after the ending of Into the Wind and our guys are trying to get to the lost colony and dealing with the death of Rider and the destruction of ships. Odhran is helping getting everyone back to safety. Bastian has been reborn and is now a child. Bastian has imprinted on Odhran like a baby bird to it’s mother. It’s really kinda cute how this sweet boy follows Odhran around and feels safe.

Taren and Ian are really the MC’s in this story and can I just say that you could totally feel the love that these guys had for each other. That Taren and Ian are the reincarnation of two other men…it’s really just so sweet. I love that even with the flashbacks to another time, that the love and faith that these two have…it’s really beautiful. I felt for each of these characters. You know that Taren is really being pushed into something so huge and it’s going to cost something from him and yet, he still does what he must in order to save his people. I loved Ian’s faith in standing by Taren. He knew that he would be a part of whatever goes down, however, he just wanted to survive with Taren. To be able to live out their lives together…that’s actually what they both want and need.

Odhran and Bastian…I loved the fact that as Bastian was reborn and becoming again….that the one that he wanted was Odhran. I loved watching him grow from childlike to adolescent to full grown man. I liked his evolution. I felt for him as he’s lost all memory of his life prior and just has to start over from scratch. To hear about Rider and not have any feelings regarding him, that is just so heartbreaking to me. Odhran on the other hand….wow… to live as long as he had and to still feel the sting of betrayal that Luca did to him. To see that he didn’t want to fall in love again because of what Luca did. I kinda feel that he was very gentleman like while his feelings for Bastian changed. I liked that Odhran had to also come to grips with his past.

There are some really good secondary characters, both good and bad. They all had their reasons for being around and boy…did they come out swinging. I love that in this story these characters are both human and other. Not all were mermen…Bastian is a dragon and Odhran is…well, I’m still not sure what he is, but Holy Hannah is he something AMAZING!! As you can tell, I really liked Odhran.

There was just a small amount of sexy times in this book and I have to say that what was there was truly non explicit and very tastefully done. It was to show the depth of Taren and Ian’s love and devotion to each other.

I will say that this book was sweet. I enjoyed the action and the characters. I have a feeling that if I’d have read the previous books, I would say that this book would truly touch me. However, as this is the only one that I’ve read…it’s still really good and I’m glad that I had the chance to review it.

This book was provided free in exchange for a fair and honest review for Love Bytes. Go there to check out other reviews, author interviews, and all those awesome giveaways. Click below.
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Profile Image for Lena Grey.
1,562 reviews29 followers
January 5, 2017

“When you use your faith, it gives you energy. It gives you the ability to be able to see beyond where you are right now and see into the future.” ~ Victoria Osteen

'Running with the Wind' by Shira Anthony, picks up where book two ended, with Taren determined to reunite the Ea. Ian, although not possessing Taren's faith in the Goddess,or wearing the powerful rune stone, vows to stand beside Taren no matter what happens. A volcano has erupted on Ea'nu and it's no longer safe to stay there, yet the council won't let them leave, convinced that the volcano will quiet down. Taren, Ian, and Odhrán have come to rescue them. Now all they need to do is convince Taren's people, who have lived as humans for a very long time, to break free from their treacherous rulers and save themselves.

Although still unclear about the power of the rune stone Taren now wears constantly, he has faith that the Goddess will provide him with the information he needs to accomplish reuniting the Ea and finding somewhere they can live in peace. Taren has already discovered he has the gift of sight and he's recently learned he has command of the wind; but he's still learning how to wield the stone's immense power. Taren is learning the stone demands his full attention and realizes that he must be 'one with the stone' in order to command it, but doesn't want to speculate on what that ultimately means.

Ian has finally gotten the idea that once Taren has something in his head, there's no changing his mind. His attempts to do so in the past have almost led to disaster. Ian's faith is not as strong as Taren's, so he has to trust his ability to hear and understand what the Goddess says. Ian loves Taren so much that he's not willing to go on without him and fears that the price the stone exacts does not end in Taren's death. Their mission, to free the Ea, supersedes all other feelings; Ian doesn't want to lose Taren, but he's determined to ride it out, beside Taren, regardless of what happens. Convincing the council is extremely important in their rescue mission. Ian may doubt that appealing to them will help, but since that's what Taren feels is necessary, then he will assist Taren in making the attempt to do so. It doesn't help their cause that Serin, mage and advisor to the council, is adamantly opposed to their plan.

In this, the third story of the series, Shira has created another epic tale for the Mermen of Ea. Not only is this as exciting as the other two, it takes things even further, endearing Ian and Taren to me, but to others in the story as well. Old enemies become allies, and friends become even closer. An unexpected romance blooms in the middle of this chaos which is hard earned but perfect for both parties involved. Shira has tied up loose ends nicely, while leaving an opening, just in case... Fans of the series will enjoy the conclusion. Those new to the series need to begin with the first story and read them in sequential order since one blends with the rest. If you like magic, dragons, mages, mermen, good overcoming evil, and true love, you may want to read this tale. Thanks, Shira, for introducing us to the world of Ea. I hope to hear more about them in the future.

Profile Image for Heather.
1,558 reviews54 followers
February 22, 2017
2nd Overall Series Re-Read Review 2017:
These mermen just keep getting better and better, I'd say as the cliche goes "third times the charm" but truth is Taren and Ian charmed me from the very beginning. Frankly, I don't know what more I can say about these characters, the universe the author created or the author herself that I haven't said already so I'll just leave it at this: if you thought mermen were something you'd never read about then give it a go because you don't know what you're missing and I am already looking forward to my next revisit to the land(and water) of Ea.

Running with the Wind #3
Original Review 2015:
I am so torn about Running with the Wind, on one hand I couldn't wait to jump in the minute it showed up on my kindle but then I also knew it was the finale and that it would be the end of Taren and Ian, so I wanted to take it slow. Who am I kidding? I jumped in and read until I swiped the final page. To see Taren come into his own and realize that he is so much more than the slave he saw himself as at the beginning of Stealing the Wind really made my heart burst with complete and utter "Yay!" and of course Ian hasn't exactly stayed stagnate either. As individuals they have come far but because of the other they also became stronger. Not because they needed the other to be who they were but because the strength and passion they recognized in each other spoke to their own levels of passion and created a determination that not only helped themselves but also their friends, shipmates, and fellow merfolk find a place in the world. This is truly a trilogy for those who love fantasy and for those who love an all around well written story.

Merged review:

How in the world did I forget to post my review for this? Idiot I guess. Here's my review from June 2015:
I am so torn about Running with the Wind, on one hand I couldn't wait to jump in the minute it showed up on my kindle but then I also knew it was the finale and that it would be the end of Taren and Ian, so I wanted to take it slow. Who am I kidding? I jumped in and read until I swiped the final page. To see Taren come into his own and realize that he is so much more than the slave he saw himself as at the beginning of Stealing the Wind really made my heart burst with complete and utter "Yay!" and of course Ian hasn't exactly stayed stagnate either. As individuals they have come far but because of the other they also became stronger. Not because they needed the other to be who they were but because the strength and passion they recognized in each other spoke to their own levels of passion and created a determination that not only helped themselves but also their friends, shipmates, and fellow merfolk find a place in the world. This is truly a trilogy for those who love fantasy and for those who love an all around well written story.
Profile Image for Morgan  Skye.
2,776 reviews27 followers
July 1, 2016
WOW. What a conclusion! This is book three in the series and it MUST be read in order. It’s a far too complex story to jump in without the previous books as background.
In a nutshell Taren was a slave who was kidnapped by a pirate who held and sort of loved by the man who took him from a previous slave owner who wasn’t as kind. He’s rescued by Ian and the two begin their relationship – part of which is showing to Taren that he shares his body and soul with that of a merman of the people Ea. Through many trials and tribulations he also learns that his soul is bound to another’s (Treande) and that he and Ian (Owyn) shared a love in an earlier incarnation.
At the end of the last book we’d just learned about Owyn and Treande and met a whole other bevy of new characters including Sebastian and Odhrán and they have an epic battle in the end wherein Sebastian loses his lover Rider and kills himself in battle but is reborn because he’s a dragon! Now Sebastian is young again and attaching himself to Odhrán and their story continues…
The bulk of the story is Taren and Ian battling with the witch Seria and moving forward towards a new role in the government of their people. But it’s also about laying groundwork for (what I hope?!) is more story from Sebastian and Odhrán.
There’s far too much involved in this story to “summarize” and if you haven’t been following along it won’t make any sense but if you’re a fan and you haven’t read this yet – HOLD ON TO YOUR PANTS! There is SO much going on – action, adventure, battles, government building, way cool powers, destiny taking effect, past lives, future loves… it’s packed … every page is full, full, full.
I think for fans of fantasy this must be what heaven is like. Shira Anthony always amazes me with the width and breadth of her work. From the contemporary Blue Notes series, to the meremen of Ea to the Blood series – each so different and yet she dives so completely into the world and immerses her readers with her. She’s a gifted writer and storyteller and I think her characters are her best asset. Even the secondary characters are amazingly well thought out and three dimensional.
For fans of the series this is a sad but beautiful ending to a great series and I know many of us are hopeful there will be a spin-off with Sebastian and Odhrán!
Micahel Stellman does all the books in this series and it must take work figuring out an entire new world and giving it a voice. He does an excellent job with it and since I’ve only experienced this series through him, he defines it for me and Taren’s voice is his interoperation. I’ve really enjoyed listening to this and highly recommend it.
Overall 4.5 of 5 stars

Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,302 reviews481 followers
March 30, 2016
A Joyfully Jay review.

3.75 stars

Shira Anthony has created a really interesting world in this Mermen of Ea series. I have been following the story for three books and it is so creative and well developed and for me that is the highlight of the series. The characters are well developed, the world is detailed without being overly complex, and the conflicts are engaging. The trilogy follows the overarching plot arc of the conflict between the Ea groups and I think this story brings it all to a nice conclusion. In particular, I have enjoyed Taren’s journey from a poor, mistreated servant to a strong and powerful leader over the course of the three books.

In addition to the world building, I think this series also shines in the character development. In addition to Taren and his lover Ian, we also get to know many members of the various ships’ crews. I found Bastian’s story particularly compelling and I love how it is woven into the larger saga. Those looking for a romance very focused on Ian and Taren won’t really find it here, and at times I felt like I was missing the connection between them from the first book where their relationship is at the forefront. But I think Anthony has given us a really interesting cast here and done a nice job weaving them all together.

Read Jay’s review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for Molly Lolly.
834 reviews3 followers
July 2, 2015
Original review on Molly Lolly
Four and a half stars!
This book was so good! It grabbed my attention and didn’t let go until I was done. I enjoyed watching Taren gain everything he wanted. Even if some of it came at a price. Ian and Taren are so wonderful together. They truly complete each other. Where Taren falters, Ian is there to pick him up and support him; and the flip is definitely the case as well. All of the side/support/secondary characters come into their own in this last book as well. My favorite part is where Ian tells Odhrán that he trust him to keep Taren safe. Ian has grown so much over the three books. Odhrán and Bastian grew the most. Though they both still have a bit of growing to do. I hope we get to see it in a future story because those two are fabulous together.
2,824 reviews15 followers
May 24, 2019
All 3 books must be read in order. Don't buy this one if you haven't read the first 2.

This was better than the first two but by the time I read this, I'd lost interest in the main characters. I had hoped for dragon babies since some eggs were found incubating nicely but nothing else happened with them. If we ever do hear more, I hope its not via multiple books that have no ending.

Personal rant - I try to make sure I don't buy serials like this but I failed with this one. Wish there had been some warning that all 3 books were needed to complete the story. I love this author's writing and because of that, all books were rated 3 stars but if I rated only by how much I like the story, these books would all be rated 1 star.
Profile Image for Carly.
Author 4 books50 followers
July 14, 2017
The stunning conclusion to this amazing series, RUNNING WITH THE WIND was everything I hoped it would be and more. As Ian and Taren come into themselves, and their, relationship fully tensions between the rival Ea come to a head, challenging the magical and human characters like never before.

Shira's unique writing style is at its best, taking readers on an adventure full of twists and turns. Dramatic, sensual, emotional, suspenseful, romantic, fantastic... there just aren't enough words to adequately describe this amazing series!

My OFFICIAL REVIEW written for Carly’s Book Reviews
Profile Image for Lily.
Author 14 books18 followers
December 8, 2015
I loved how Shira wrapped up her trilogy. I makes me want more. I love Taren and Ian.

And Odhran and Bastian as well. What I love about this story is that there is a wonderfully written tale that created a world that I felt I was living in. There was romance and sex but I like stories where sex is not the only thing you see between two lovers. That every other scene is not about sex, there is a beautifully written story. All three books are wonderful individually but also lead you into the next book of the trilogy seamlessly.

I highly recommend these books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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