Comments on Zombies! - page 2

Comments Showing 51-75 of 75 (75 new)

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message 51: by David P (new)

David P Forsyth A George Romero interview includes: "I read I Am Legend and adapted - well, actually ripped off! - the first half. And made it into Night Of The Living dead." - See more at:

message 52: by Randy (new)

Randy Harmelink Thanks, David. I actually came back to add that it should be on the list if ONLY because we probably wouldn't have anything else on the list if it had not been written.

message 53: by Amy (last edited Oct 26, 2013 08:40AM) (new)

Amy Petty David P wrote: "A George Romero interview includes: "I read I Am Legend and adapted - well, actually ripped off! - the first half. And made it into Night Of The Living dead." - See more at:"

I am aware that I Am Legend inspired zombie fiction. This does not make I Am Legend a zombie tale, however. Again, the book specifically names its monsters as vampires; zombies are never mentioned.

message 54: by Randy (new)

Randy Harmelink Amy wrote: "Again, the book specifically names its monsters as vampires; zombies are never mentioned."

So then The Walking Dead would not be a zombie show. They've called them Walkers and Lame-brains and Biters, but never zombies.

Romero's Night of the Living Dead didn't call them zombies either.

And, by some people's definitions, 28 Days Later... is not a zombie film, because no one has died and reanimated. It's JUST an infection.

Regardless of the symptoms, I am Legend is a pandemic-based apocalypse.

And, if you want to get technical about it, "zombies" are corpses reanimated by magical means like Voodoo, so many books on this list wouldn't apply. And Voodoo zombies are destroyed by feeding them salt or destroying the container that holds their soul. They're not created by an infection of any kind, or by being bitten by another zombie, but by a Bokor.

It wasn't until after Night of the Living Dead that the meaning of "zombie" expanded, so how could it have been referred to in I am Legend? The correct term for NOLTD-type zombies should be "ghoulies", since they are undead that eat the flesh of the living. True Voodoo zombies don't do that.

message 55: by Amy (new)

Amy Petty Randy wrote: "Amy wrote: "Again, the book specifically names its monsters as vampires; zombies are never mentioned."

So then The Walking Dead would not be a zombie show. They've called them Walkers and Lame-bra..."

Yeah, you're taking my comment a bit too literally. I'm not saying that it's not zombies because the word is never used in the book. I'm saying it's not zombies because VAMPIRES. ARE. NOT. ZOMBIES, and Matheson specifically calls his monsters vampires.

message 56: by Crisiana (new)

Crisiana if u ever watch residents evil the t virus I want to get because I want to have super powers

message 57: by NoNameLoves2Read (new)

NoNameLoves2Read There are SO many books on here that aren't zombie books. Why are books like The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1) by Suzanne Collins and book 1 from the Sookie Stackhouse series listed as Zombie books? There were many more, I guess I should have made notes lol.

Oh my goodness, The 5th Wave (The Fifth Wave, #1) by Rick Yancey ? REALLY?
Please, someone please explain to me how an ALIEN APOCALYPSE book is on a zombie book list?

I may be wrong but I seriously doubt Agatha Cristie wrote a zombie novel. The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie

The Princess Bride? That's a zombie book? WTH? The Princess Bride  by William Goldman

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

The Catcher in the Rye? The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

There were a few books that I added on my bookshelf as "zombies". I am starting to wonder how disappointing it will be when I find out those aren't about zombies either. Is Blood Red Road (Dust Lands, #1) by Moira Young not about zombies either? I guess it will be a bloody surprise.

WHY? Why can't we just add books that are RELEVANT? I wish Goodreads had some type of flag system to flag particular books that don't belong on a list.

message 58: by Kamakana (last edited Aug 15, 2014 11:20AM) (new)

Kamakana Lathe of Heaven?
Catcher in the Rye?
Carmilla- vampires I think...
Calvin and Hobbes?
Princess Bride?
One flew over the cuckoo's nest?
Hunger Games?

message 59: by Dan (new)

Dan Yosemite Rising, is my vote. Zombie Park Rangers, Need I say more!!!

Realistic Zombies, I could picture this as the near future. Finished the book in two days.

message 60: by Shadowjac (new)

Shadowjac I just removed some non-zombie books like Naruto, Smile, and Amulet to name a few.

message 61: by Irving (new)

Irving Drinkwine What the heck? I hated those Romero Zombie movies. Never saw the appeal. Thought they were stupid in fact. Then I read Day By Day Armageddon and White Trash Zombie ( I must have picked up the wrong books or something ) and now I just can't seem to get enough of this genre.

message 62: by Irving (new)

Irving Drinkwine Amy wrote: "David P wrote: "I am Legend is as much about zombies as 28 Days Later. It's a generic term these days that includes undead, living dead, and terminally/homocidally infected.

Not really. Undead is ..."

I'm late to this party but I agree with Amy. Vampires and Zombies - to different things. And as she said, "UNDEAD" would be the generic term. Mummies...undead, but they are not zombies.

message 63: by Randy (new)

Randy Harmelink Looks like SPAM to me. I saw nothing in the blurb or the trailer that would interest me in the slightest.

message 64: by Amelia (new)

Amelia S. Randy wrote: "Looks like SPAM to me. I saw nothing in the blurb or the trailer that would interest me in the slightest."

Nope! Not "Spam" at all :) it's a zombie book, they're just called Umbras instead.
I'm the Author of LUP

message 66: by Marcello (new)

message 67: by Marcello (new)

Marcello Garofalo “The Sizzling Nights of the Diabolical Dr. Carelli: So much Cinema, Quotes, Intrigue, Drama, Horror and Comedy. Keep Your Eyes Peeled…”
Piera Detassis, “CIAK in Mostra”, 74 Venice Film Festival, Daily # 10, September, 8th 2017, page 4

message 68: by Dayla (new)

Dayla The Passage is a book about vampires, not zombies.

message 69: by Ruri (new)

Ruri Felicia A wrote: "There are A LOT of good zombie books missing from this list."

you could add them

message 70: by R.S. (new)

R.S. Merritt Irving wrote: "What the heck? I hated those Romero Zombie movies. Never saw the appeal. Thought they were stupid in fact. Then I read Day By Day Armageddon and White Trash Zombie ( I must have picked up the wrong..."

Addictive right?

R.S. Merritt

message 71: by Back (new)

Back To Felicia A wrote: "There are A LOT of good zombie books missing from this list."

Thundrull wrote: "one of the better zombie books i've read"

Might I suggest, The Light Reapers, by Gary Hickman? Different, but disturbing twist on zombies. Not famous yet, but should be well on his way based on this book. Excellent read!

message 72: by Back (new)

Back To R.S. wrote: "Irving wrote: "What the heck? I hated those Romero Zombie movies. Never saw the appeal. Thought they were stupid in fact. Then I read Day By Day Armageddon and White Trash Zombie ( I must have pick..."

Might I suggest, The Light Reapers, by Gary Hickman? Different, but disturbing twist on zombies. Not famous yet, but should be well on his way based on this book. Excellent read!

message 73: by Back (new)

Back To Marcello wrote: "“The Sizzling Nights of the Diabolical Dr. Carelli: So much Cinema, Quotes, Intrigue, Drama, Horror and Comedy. Keep Your Eyes Peeled…”
Piera Detassis, “CIAK in Mostra”, 74 Venice Film Festival, Da..."

Might I suggest, The Light Reapers, by Gary Hickman? Different, but disturbing twist on zombies. Not famous yet, but should be well on his way based on this book. Excellent read!

message 74: by Back (new)

Back To Might I suggest, The Light Reapers, by Gary Hickman? Different, but disturbing twist on zombies. Not famous yet, but should be well on his way based on this book. Excellent read!

message 75: by Jenn (not Lily) (new)

Jenn (not Lily) Both The Autobiography of Malcolm X and The Sparrow are at #1040 and should be removed from this list. Very funny to all 13-year-olds who like to troll to add them. I know there are plenty of other non-zombie books on here, but seeing those two really annoyed me.

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