Sunaholy asked:

Am I the only one crazy for Rowan? It was like love at first sight... oh me...

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Gabriela Who's Chaol? XD

I fell hard for Rowan. In my opinion, every epic love story starts with an equally epic friendship. I really hope they end up together, it will be something out of this world.
McKenzie TOTALLY ENDGAME. Chaol and Dorian were temporary.... Rowan and Celaena are definitely forever. I predict that in the next book, Celaena will have some trouble in Rifthold, word will get back to Rowan, and then guess who flies across the ocean to come to the rescue? AND guess who gets jealous when he sees how close Chaol and Dorian and Celaena are? AND GUESS who discovers he feelings for Celaena? (:
Abbey Trewavas I was totally team Dorian because Chaol just never did it for me...and then Ronan graced us with his gorgeous presence. Never looked back.
Rachel Yeah, definitely love at first sight for me as well! The moment a fae man was introduced no one else stood a chance. I'm soo in love with him! I really liked Chaol and Celaena together, but now I can't even imagine her being with anyone else. Sadly for me, I think it'll just be a platonic relationship? I don't know, I hope not!
Rachel Nah I totally fell for Rowan too... to the point where I want one
KritikaB Oh..I'm totally in to Rowan. I like the way he started of being a tough guy and gradually opening up to Celaena, from being indifferent to understanding and caring (at some point like a mother hen). Most of all, I really enjoy when they butt head with each other. Feel bad that she has to leave him behind at the end of the book.
Anna Macomber I like Rowan but I don't ship him with Celeana. I'm still rooting for Celorian. I actually would love it if they didn't get together romantically. It's what I liked so much about Celeana and Rowan's relationship. It wasn't reliant on romance but was probably stronger then any relationship Celeana had. I feel like it would be better if they just stayed friends.
Meredith Even though it might never happen, I adore Rowan and Aelin! I adore their friendship/relationship and I think it will be one of the things that Maas will be coming back to, even though they will be seperated.

I never liked Chaol... got a bad vibe from him in the beginning. Also when he didn't accept all that she is, its just more of a point that they cannot be together. You cannot pick and choose what parts you like in a person, nor can you ask them to be something they are not. (I love when Dorian says something like this :D )
Laura M Definitely not the only one :p I ship them so hard. next to him the Chaol is such a little boy, Celeana can be a child sometimes too, but for the most part she is just too grown up for Chaol by a long shot. I kind of fear that Maas won't do a third love interest but I have so much hope that maybe .. maybe she will hear my prayers for Rowan/Celeana :P
Paula "It was always Chaol."
I love Rowan, I won't deny it. I'm still going with Chaol because he just felt right.
Miki I'm not crazy for Rowan - but I certainly prefer him over all the other lukewarm love interests in the series. I think the reason we love him so much - is because he punched Celaena in the face - because she was being a brat.

Diana Help me, I have fallen and can't get up.... for a fictional character. Rowan is perfectly imperfect.
Andrea I absolutely love Rowan! And while I adore him, I think part of what I loved so much about their relationship was the strong friendship they have in itself. I guess I feel like at this point Celaena needs a friend more than she needs a boy. Platonic male/female relationships seem to be extremely overlooked. While they'd be great together, I'm really conflicted as to whether or not I'd actually want it to happen. Rowan's already found a mate that something that can happen again? Besides, aren't they somewhat related?
_tsukibloom4_ I ship the two, but its likely impossible considering they're distant cousins so, yeah... I still root for Sam T-T Dang i was wrong... but the ship flipping sailed!! :D
Jess I agree!!!! It's like she finally found someone who is her equal and you know there's not way that Sarah J. Maas is going to let them end up together!!! But I'll still be reading with my fingers crossed that maybe, just MAYBE, she will change her mind and put those two together. He's way better than ALL of the guys in her life put together!!!
Skyler Am I the only one who is grossed out by the fact that Rowan and Celaena are distant cousins?! Come on
Hobbit size I love Rowan, but personally I hope they DO NOT end up together because it would substract realism to the story . And apart from that, I like him too much to another heartbreak.

(I don't know if it is well said, I'm sorry. Learning english, you know. ;) )
Lanyi Me too but it's more of a platonic relationship but I don't care. I really hope Maas doesn't bring in any new love interests. I just don't think I can handle it and the best love interests are the ones that are mentioned early on so the fourth but would be pretty late. I don't ship her with Rowan cause I feel like they're more mates than lovers but I don't really care who she ends up with, just someone we already know. And Rowan can't die. ROWAN IS JUST SO AMAZING. THE FEELS.
Kelli Team Rowan. Although, I loved Chaol before Rowan entered the story.
Kim I absolutely adore Rowan but you do know they are cousins, right?
asterin blackbeak yes omg but i cant stop thinking about how old he is and that Celeana will grow old and die and yet there rowan is mourning all over again
Meishuu I hate him. He's full of himself and his "dark and brooding" personality got on my nerves.
Maybe I'm just too old for male characters like him.
Jonathan Oh my god I know what you mean. I was head over heels for Rowan. I wouldn't say at first sight though because he was a jackass in the beginning. Towards the middle of the book I was really warming up to him. Oh my god I just wish he was mine. XD
Amethyst I'm still kinda tender.. 'cause... I had a hard time getting over Dorian and Celaena (Or Aelin, I guess) I still think Dorian and Celaena fit. (My opinion!!)
Tarala They're related by blood. Sure it's separated by generations but still they're related. I'm going to take the unpopular position of being against the cousin ship
Stephanie Werry She made it seem like Chaol is gone in Celena's heart.... Replaced with Rowan (hopefully). But he's not appearing in the next book right away, if at all. D: is the next book the last one?
PeculiarAce I LOVE ROWAN!!! He is perfect.
Louren yes i totally fell for Rowan really want then to end up together totally agree with you
Hannah Schindler I loved Rowan from the beginning. I really hope that Aelin/Celaena end up together. That would be amazing!!!
Ale Costa LOVE Rowan!! Please, please, please! Sarah, don't make Celaena be with Dorian/Chaol!!!

Nadja Rowlin all the way! I really hope that they end up together! Please Sarah J. Maas.
It was so sweet when he took care of her, and when she gave him a kiss on his cheek. Thei relationship is just amazing.
Sienna Holly Idk if I should be saying anything considering that I haven't read any of these books yet but just from the descriptions of Rowan I think that he might be out of the best characters here LOL- I want one!!! Also- HE PUNCHED HER????!!!!! OMG YESSSSSS- I read a little bit of the first book and she annoyed me so much so.... heh heh she needed that LOL- I might read the series just for the punching scene and Rowan in general lol.
Adora Cain I am head over heels in love with this guyyy
Julia I'm like the only person who didn't like him lol
L.E. Towne just reading this series. I do like Rowan. And Dorian as well. I guess I'm a sucker for tragic but strong characters.
Qwertwerido To be serious, I was skeptical, since the earlier books had a lot of plot twist I was like..mmm.... girl don't fall in love.. he might be a spy..blah..blah..blah but since I am on to KoA I can fully say that they are so freaking cute together.
Ashara So I like Rowan but... ... oh my heart cries for Chaol. I love the boy but he's just gonna be replaced with Rowan like he didn't mean anything... typical sjm. I hate it.
Doreen i miss chaol tbh. but i havent finished book 3 yet sooo....idk maybe my feelings will hange at the end of this book?

BUT WAIT isnt celaena and rowan cousins tho?? ....
Krystal Awww DEFINITELY i just wanted to go outside and find a skinwalker just so i could hope Rowan would rescue me hahahaha
Cza Garcia I LOVE ROWAN!!!!!!
Fahmida The only thing sexier than a broody male, is an ALPHA broody male and Rowan has it down in spades. Team Rowan all the way!
Eline I totally feel you!! Rowan is the number one bae!
Ryan M I just started reading the book, so I will try not to look at the answers too much so as not to spoil. However, this question caught my attention. I am going to find it hard to picture a guy named Rowan as it is the name of my daughter. I know it is one of those names that can go either way and is sometimes more of a guys name in some areas but really I find it more feminine, always have. lol Hope that doesn't ruin it for me.
Laurapitii I know! They are amaizing! Maas really knows how to make you love her characters! I really hope that they are going to be together; butI would really enjoy it if Aelin would be immortal as Rowan.
Levenson Policarpio It should be Dorian and Celaena.
Lexie Simmons I love Rowan but I also have a bad feeling its going to stay platonic D: Rowans the first person to know every part of her and forces her to accept herself as opposed to hiding parts away (YES I'M LOOKING AT YOU CHAOL) its funny cause one book ago I was firmly team Chaol but now I cant think of anything worse than the two of them back together until he at least sorts himself out and finally decides where he stands. Aedion Rowan and Celaena as a team? Holy balls
Josephine Knight Yep, I fell for Rowan SO HARD. Book boyfriend? I think YES.
Dylan I like Rowan but I don't ship him with Celena
Kamal Anyone else worried that there won't be much interaction between celaena and Rowan? The reason I loved Heir of Fire so much is because there was so much. My heart just might break if after all the waiting for the next book their ship doesn't sail.
natasha Im sorry to say this but he bit celanea and it says in the book you cant hurt your mate.
Faith Herbert I love Rowan sooooooo much and feel sorry for him having to work for Maeve. I think Celaena will end up with him. I SOOOOOOO HOPE THEY DO!
Rita He's one of my favorite book characters ever! I absolutely adore him.
Misty Choal??? hahaha
Image for Heir of Fire
by Sarah J. Maas (Goodreads Author)
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