Idit Bourla
Idit Bourla asked Sidney Bell:

Hi Sidney, I loved brogan and emery SO MUCH! I am entering my grief right now without them. I want to reread it again and again. It was. I don't know, it was everything I ever wanted. Do you love anime? if so, what is your favorite? is it cowboy bebop?

Sidney Bell Hi Idit! I'm very happy you enjoyed the book! It really made my day to hear from you. As for anime, I'm afraid I'm not much of a fan. I suppose Cowboy Bebop is my favorite of the ones I've seen, followed by S5 of JoJo (also the only season I could get into, actually) and then I managed to finish and enjoy all of Fullmetal. I've tried some others, but I just can't seem to get that into it as a narrative form. I wish I could, because some of them seem great.

I put anime into Bad Judgment mostly because it seemed like the sort of media that a nervous kid like Embry would find rewarding as an emotional outlet. I think he would've had a secret crush on Spike in Bebop as a teenager, and wished he could be that confident. (But then, who doesn't wish they were as cool as Spike?)

Now, Embry's interest in video games--that's all me IRL :D

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