Ally Carter Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ally-carter" Showing 1-30 of 58
Ally Carter
“You really saw some?" Liz said an hour later. Sure, we had the stereo blaring and the shower running, but Liz still whispered, "They really...exist?"
"Liz," I whispered back, "they're not unicorns."
"No," Bex said flatly, "they're boys. And they're...good.”
Ally Carter, Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

Ally Carter
“Zach,” I said as I lay there “Where did you go? When you were looking for me?”
I shifted in his arms, looked into his eyes.
“Crazy.” His voice was a whisper against my skin. “I went crazy.”
Ally Carter, Out of Sight, Out of Time

Ally Carter
“Listen to me." He grabbed my arms, holding me there. " I couldn't find you. And I will never forgive myself for that. Ever.”
Ally Carter, Out of Sight, Out of Time

Ally Carter
“Thanks to you, Gabs, we just figured out a half dozen ways not to rob the Henley.”
Ally Carter, Heist Society

Ally Carter
“He was beside me then, his arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly.

"I'm not crazy," I whispered.

"I know."

Believe it or not, that's the most romantic thing Zachary Goode ever told me.

And I kind of loved him for it.”
Ally Carter, Out of Sight, Out of Time

Ally Carter
“Kat," Hale groaned, then fell back onto the pillows.
"Funny, I didn't hear a doorbell."
"I let myself in; hope that's okay."
Hale smiled. "Or the alarm."
She stepped inside, tossed a pocket-size bag of tools onto the bed.
"You're due for an upgrade."
Hale propped himself against the antique headboard and squinted up at her.
"She returns." He crossed his arms across his bare chest. "You know, I could be naked in here.”
Ally Carter, Heist Society

Ally Carter
“Somebody knows.”
Ally Carter

Ally Carter
“Do you understand any of this?" he said, pointing to the lines and symbols that covered the massive screens.
"Some people understand the value of an education."
Hale stretched and crossed his legs, the settled his arm around Kat's shoulders.
"That's sweet, Kat. Maybe later I'll buy you a university. And an ice cream."
"I'd settle for the ice cream."
Ally Carter, Heist Society

Ally Carter
“If you ever put a student at this school in danger again-'
'Oh, I thought you Gallagher Girls were immune to danger.'
Despite the hundred girls the filled the foyer, no one moved or gasped or tried to defend our honor. We stood silently, waiting for our headmistress to say, 'Oh, we are quite used to being underestimated, Agent Townsend. In fact, we welcome it.”
Ally Carter, Only the Good Spy Young

Ally Carter
“Ooh, the silent treatment.”
Ally Carter

Ally Carter
“I didn't know there were this many math guys," Hale said as they stepped onto the crowded concourse.
Kat cleared her throat.
"And women," he added. "Math women.”
Ally Carter, Heist Society

Ally Carter
“I'm sure Uncle Eddie won't kill him. He'll probably just maim him a little."

"No," Uncle Eddie said. "I won't."

"Okay," Gabrielle said. "So he'll maim him a lot. But Hale can take it.”
Ally Carter, Perfect Scoundrels

Ally Carter
“You know" - Hale's breath was warm against Kat's ear in the chilly ballroom- "I don't know that both of us really have to be here...."
The slide changed. While hundreds of mathematicians waited with baited breath, the boy beside Kat whispered,
"I could go make some calls... check on some things..."
"Play some blackjack?"
"Well, when in Rome..."
"Rome is tomorrow, babe," Kat reminded him.
He nodded. "Right.”
Ally Carter, Heist Society

Ally Carter
“Gabrielle, Hale?" Kat smacked his shoulder. "It wasn't bad enough that you got me kicked out of school, but you had to use her to help you? Gabrielle!" "I can hear you," her cousin sang beside her. Hale looked at Gabrielle and gestured at Kat. "She's adorable when she's jealous." Kat kicked his shin.”
Ally Carter, Heist Society

Ally Carter
“Despite having known him for almost a year, there were a lot of things I still didn't know about Zachary Goode. Like how soap and shampoo could smell so much better on him than anyone else. Like where he went when he wasn't mysteriously showing up at random (and frequently dangerous) points in my life. And, most of all, I didn't know how, when he mentioned the jacket, he made me think about the sweet, romantic part of the night last November when he'd given it to me, and not the terrible, bloody, international-terrorists-are-trying-to-kidnap-me part that came right after”
Ally Carter, Only the Good Spy Young

Ally Carter
“You know you're smarter than all of them, right?" Hale said flatly.
"In fact, if you wanted to PROVE it..."
He glanced at the blackjack tables.
Simon shook his head. "I don't count cards, Hale."
"Don't?" Hale smiled. "Or won't? You know, technically, it's not illegal."
"But it's frowned upon."
Sweat beaded at Simon's brow.
He sounded like someone had just suggested he swim after eating... run with scissors...
"It is SERIOUSLY frowned upon.”
Ally Carter, Heist Society

Ally Carter
“But on the upside, I guess we're getting ready to find out if you really only love me for my jet."
"I might love you for your jet," Gabrielle said, straight-faced.
He smiled a Kat. "What about you?"
"Yeah," Kat said, nodding. "I guess that is the question.”
Ally Carter, Perfect Scoundrels

Ally Carter
“So instead she settled on, "Did my father put you up to this?"
Hale exhaled a quick laugh and shook his head. "He hasn't returned my calls since Barcelona." He leaned closer and whispered, "I think he might still be mad at me."
"Yeah, well, that makes two of us."
"Hey," Hale snapped. "We all agreed that that monkey seemed perfectly well trained at the time.”
Ally Carter, Heist Society

Ally Carter
“Ok," he says. "First lesson."

Noah broadens his stance, taking his place firmly on the embassy side of the threshold. "in the United States," he says. Then, with both feet, he leaps on to the sidewalk. "Out of the United States." Quickly, he jumps back toward me. "In the United States." Another jump across the threshold. "Out of the United States. In. Out. In --"

"Is this the part where I hit you?”
Ally Carter, All Fall Down

Ally Carter
“The window can be fixed, Katerina. I'm far more concerned about him.”
Ally Carter, Perfect Scoundrels

Ally Carter
“The obvious," Noah goes on, a little out of breath, "being that he is probably some super secret assassin or something. And I'm not as tough as I look."
"That's OK," I tell him. "I'm way tougher than you look.”
Ally Carter, All Fall Down

Ally Carter
“There are many ways a self-respecting (not to mention sane) teenage girl might react to having a teenage boy suddenly in her bedroom in the middle of the night.
Ally Carter, Only the Good Spy Young

Ally Carter
“Friends help each other when they know...going up international hit men and stuff.”
Ally Carter, All Fall Down

Ally Carter
“I never leave the house with just one knife. Seriously. Do I look like a one-knife kind of girl?”
Ally Carter, Not If I Save You First

Ally Carter
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words from stupid Russian kidnappers can never hurt me.”
Ally Carter, Not If I Save You First

Ally Carter
“But there are things you tell yourself. And there are things you know. And Maddie knew that the one person she could depend on was herself. But that's okay, she thought. I'm usually enough.”
Ally Carter, Not If I Save You First

Ally Carter
“It turned out, when pretty tall, pretty handsome boys needed to shave they became less "pretty" and more...handsome.”
Ally Carter, Not If I Save You First

Ally Carter
“She needed a minute. He needed a minute. Those were the lies he told himself, but the truth was they both needed the past six years back. Only six years would do.”
Ally Carter, Not If I Save You First

Ally Carter
“The president used to joke that it was going to impact the national debt just to feed him.”
Ally Carter, Not If I Save You First

Ally Carter
“But why?” Maddie sounded like someone who had been waiting her entire life to ask that question. She looked like someone who would wait a lifetime more for an answer.”
Ally Carter, Not If I Save You First

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