
Bias Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bias" Showing 1-30 of 601
Robertson Davies
“The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.”
Robertson Davies, Tempest-Tost

Brandon Sanderson
“Jasnah had once defined a fool as a person who ignored information because it disagreed with desired results.”
Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

Criss Jami
“In an extroverted society, the difference between an introvert and an extrovert is that an introvert is often unconsciously deemed guilty until proven innocent.”
Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

Jonathan Swift
“It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into.”
Jonathan Swift

Stephen Colbert
“It is a well known fact that reality has liberal bias.”
Stephen Colbert

H.P. Lovecraft
“We all know that any emotional bias -- irrespective of truth or falsity -- can be implanted by suggestion in the emotions of the young, hence the inherited traditions of an orthodox community are absolutely without evidential value.... If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences. With such an honest and inflexible openness to evidence, they could not fail to receive any real truth which might be manifesting itself around them. The fact that religionists do not follow this honourable course, but cheat at their game by invoking juvenile quasi-hypnosis, is enough to destroy their pretensions in my eyes even if their absurdity were not manifest in every other direction.”
H.P. Lovecraft, Against Religion: The Atheist Writings of H.P. Lovecraft

Kathryn Stockett
“All my life I'd been told what to believe about politics, coloreds, being a girl. But with Constantine's thumb pressed in my hand, I realized I actually had a choice in what I could believe.”
Kathryn Stockett, The Help

Neil deGrasse Tyson
“One of the biggest problems with the world today is that we have large groups of people who will accept whatever they hear on the grapevine, just because it suits their worldview—not because it is actually true or because they have evidence to support it. The really striking thing is that it would not take much effort to establish validity in most of these cases… but people prefer reassurance to research.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson

Criss Jami
“It's not at all hard to understand a person; it's only hard to listen without bias.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Criss Jami
“Quiet people always know more than they seem. Although very normal, their inner world is by default fronted mysterious and therefore assumed weird. Never underestimate the social awareness and sense of reality in a quiet person; they are some of the most observant, absorbent persons of all.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Criss Jami
“When I look at a person, I see a person - not a rank, not a class, not a title.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Criss Jami
“I'm convinced that most men don't know what they believe, rather, they only know what they wish to believe. How many people blame God for man's atrocities, but wouldn't dream of imprisoning a mother for her son's crime?”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Robert Anton Wilson
“We all see only that which we are trained to see.”
Robert Anton Wilson, Masks of the Illuminati

Shannon L. Alder
“When dealing with critics always remember this: Critics judge things based on what is outside of their content of understanding.”
Shannon L. Alder

Veronica Roth
“But I think that no matter how smart, people usually see what they're already looking for, that's all.”
Veronica Roth, Allegiant

“We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't.”
Frank A. Clark

E.B. White
“I have yet to see a piece of writing, political or non-political, that does not have a slant. All writing slants the way a writer leans, and no man is born perpendicular.”
E.B. White
tags: bias

Camille Paglia
“Men have sacrificed and crippled themselves physically and emotionally to feed, house, and protect women and children. None of their pain or achievement is registered in feminist rhetoric, which portrays men as oppressive and callous exploiters.”
Camille Paglia

George Saunders
“I have a sense that God is unfair and preferentially punishes his weak, his dumb, his fat, his lazy. I believe he takes more pleasure in his perfect creatures, and cheers them on like a brainless dad as they run roughshod over the rest of us. He gives us a need for love, and no way to get any. He gives us a desire to be liked, and personal attributes that make us utterly unlikable. Having placed his flawed and needy children in a world of exacting specifications, he deducts the difference between what we have and what we need from our hearts and our self-esteem and our mental health.”
George Saunders, CivilWarLand in Bad Decline

Michelle Obama
“Let's invite one another in. Maybe then we can begin to fear less, to make fewer wrong assumptions, to let go of the biases and stereotypes that unnecessarily divide us. Maybe we can better embrace the ways we are the same. It's not about being perfect. It's not about where you get yourself in the end. There's power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice. And there's grace in being willing to know and hear others. This, for me, is how we become.”
Michelle Obama, Becoming

Sherwood Smith
“Memory warps time, as it does the sights and sounds and smells of reality; for what shapes it is emotion, which can twist what seems clear, just as the surface of a pond seems to bend the stick thrust into the water.”
Sherwood Smith, Crown Duel

Paul Krugman
“The media are desperately afraid of being accused of bias. And that's partly because there's a whole machine out there, an organized attempt to accuse them of bias whenever they say anything that the Right doesn't like. So rather than really try to report things objectively, they settle for being even-handed, which is not the same thing. One of my lines in a column—in which a number of people thought I was insulting them personally—was that if Bush said the Earth was flat, the mainstream media would have stories with the headline: 'Shape of Earth—Views Differ.' Then they'd quote some Democrats saying that it was round.”
Paul Krugman

Kevin Ansbro
“Prejudice wears a variety of hats, none of them becoming.”
Kevin Ansbro

Criss Jami
“Armed neutrality makes it much easier to detect hypocrisy.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

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