Distortion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "distortion" Showing 1-30 of 114
Yohji Yamamoto
“I think perfection is ugly. Somewhere in the things humans make, I want to see scars, failure, disorder, distortion.”
Yohji Yamamoto

Jonathan Swift
“It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into.”
Jonathan Swift

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
“The most dangerous of all falsehoods is a slightly distorted truth.”
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, The Waste Books

Percy Bysshe Shelley
“Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted”
Percy Bysshe Shelley

Flannery O'Connor
“The truth is not distorted here, but rather a distortion is used to get at truth.”
Flannery O'Connor

Alexandra Katehakis
“Sexual distortions carry strong undertones of prejudice—sexism, racism and homophobia—that rob individuals of their individuality. Common stereotypes include “men are all dogs,” “women are less interested in sex,” “gays are promiscuous,” certain races are frigid or hung, and certain sex acts are indulgent, effeminate, or immoral. Other distortions clearly function as tools of organizations or of religious or political figures to shape public opinion through dogma and to control their followers’ lives.”
Alexandra Katehakis, Mirror of Intimacy: Daily Reflections on Emotional and Erotic Intelligence

Roland Barthes
“However paradoxical it may seem, myth hides nothing: its function is to distort, not to make disappear.”
Roland Barthes, Mythologies

Siri Hustvedt
“Distortion is part of desire. We always change the things we want.”
Siri Hustvedt, The Blindfold

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A partial truth is a non-existent entity.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Jarle Breivik
“lesson about the difficulties of communicating balanced information through the mass media: First you must fight to be heard; then your message is distorted, and finally, you are bound to be misunderstood.”
Jarle Breivik, Making Sense of Cancer: From Its Evolutionary Origin to Its Societal Impact and the Ultimate Solution

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If we decide to forfeit the truth in order to preserve the agenda we must surrender to the illusion that each can serve the other to the benefit of both.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Carmen Laforet
“¿Dónde se ha ido […] aquella familia que se reunía en las veladas alrededor del piano, protegida del frío de fuera por feas y confortables cortinas de paño verde?”
Carmen Laforet, Nada

Carmen Laforet
“No creía yo a mis oídos. No creía yo tampoco las extrañas visiones de mis ojos. Poco a poco las caras se iban perfilando ganchudas o aplastadas como en un capricho De Goya. Aquellos enlutados parecían celebrar un extraño aquelarre.”
Carmen Laforet, Nada

Christopher Manske
“When something—a mirror, an inaccurate measurement, or a costume—comes between us and the things we observe, facts can become less apparent, or they can get hidden away.”
Christopher Manske, Outsmart the Money Magicians: Maximize Your Net Worth by Seeing Through the Most Powerful Illusions Performed by Wall Street and the IRS

“Always operate on the basis that everything is distorted

Even that which began with benevolence, will accumulate malevolence over time”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“The one who's quick to question, is slow to understand

The one who never questions, will never know”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“Everything is and depends upon energy

The travesty that is Allopathic medicine aka eugenics, "modern" academia and medical science fails to recognise energy ultimately arises from meta-physical fields and currents

Which affects health, longevity and well-being etc”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“It's a total fallacy aging is a linear process of entropy

DNA can repair itself, we can release toxins, lengthen telomeres, Mitochondria can repair endogenous damage e.g abasic sites/oxidized bases through BER mechanisms

Knowing how to transmute energy is the key to all of that”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“Modern Allopathic medicine complicates, disrupts and harms natural energy so people needlessly suffer and die long before their time

Energy used for healing creates...

Order where there was disorder

Ease where there was disease

Life where there was death

This is Syntropy‼️”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“Modern Allopathic medicine complicates, disrupts and harms natural energy so people needlessly suffer and die way before their time

Energy used for healing creates...

Order where there was disorder

Ease where there was disease

Life where there was death

This is Syntropy‼️”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“The most powerful ancient knowledge has been shrouded within esoteric mystery schools etc

And as a collective humanity have been intentionally dumbed down to disconnect from the ability to harness and transmute energy

Some can partly, but don't realise they're actually doing it

There are lost of names + symbolism for life-force vital energy in every Ancient culture or modern interpretations

Essence of life
Via Vitae
Divine breath
Breath of life
Vis Vitalis
The Fifth Element

Call it what you will, it's inside of you and around you.”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“ALL symbolism is encrypted...

That's why the masses don't know what they're looking at”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“Highly conscious people illuminate paths many never thought to explore

Their profound depth of understanding and insight cuts through the illusions, lies, noise of everyday life

And clarity of thought and breadth of knowledge enables them to see solutions where others see none

It's a distillation of wisdom honed through trials, tribulations, failures and triumphs

This is what makes them formidable

Not their ability to dominate a conversation, but to transform it

To elevate the discourse to realms of thought previously esoteric, obscured or uncharted”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“We think of remembering as retrieval, but in fact it is an act of creation. Our memories grow and change as we do.”
Tania Branigan, Red Memory: The Afterlives of China's Cultural Revolution

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The real lie is that the lie worked.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A lie is the fear of the truth put to words.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“The 'originalism' of which they speak
(they being the Supreme Court, the Federalist Society,
and affiliated lawyers and politicians)
treats the constitution
like Evangelists treat the bible:
they cherry-pick at whim
which tenets they will uphold
and which they will ignore,
and, also, which they will distort
so the text seems to agree with whatever it is
they're claiming.

Of course, it's as absurd to believe there is only deep truth to be found by
trying to get into the mindset of
a privileged white slave-owning land-owning cis male founder of this country
as there is by trying to get into the mindset of
whoever you believe wrote down the various pieces of the bible,
both old and new testaments.

And now they're chopping down the cherry tree
out in the open
with us all watching
(well, watching only when we're not getting felled along with the branches)
and they're speaking the truth about their intentions
in a document called Project 2025.
We all must read it carefully,
read it and weep,
weep and get angry,
get angry and build strength,
and then do all we can to stop them.

It's now, baby,
or never.”
Shellen Lubin

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Propaganda evidences the existence of truth.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The greatest propaganda is that which declares it is not.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Elizabeth Winkler
“If history gets distorted by tradition, it also gets distorted by assumptions that documented history is the whole history: that recorded truth is the complete truth.”
Elizabeth Winkler, Shakespeare Was a Woman and Other Heresies: How Doubting the Bard Became the Biggest Taboo in Literature

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