Cunt Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cunt" Showing 1-26 of 26
Janet Evanovich
I kicked Joyce in the shin. I draw the line at cunt.”
Janet Evanovich, Four to Score

Henry Miller
“You can forgive a young cunt anything. A young cunt doesn't have to have brains. They're better without brains. But an old cunt, even if she's brilliant, even if she's the most charming woman in the world, nothing makes any difference. A young cunt is an investment; an old cunt is a dead loss. All they can do for you is buy you things. But that doesn't put meat on their arms or juice between their legs.”
Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer

John Wilmot
“Bawdy in thoughts, precise in words,
Ill-natured though a whore,
Her belly is a bag of turds,
And her cunt a common shore.”
John Wilmot, The Complete Poems

Leonard Cohen
“How quickly pettiness returns, and that most ignoble form of real estate, the possessive occupation and tyranny over two square inches of human flesh, the wife's cunt.”
Leonard Cohen, Beautiful Losers

John Wilmot
“Cupid and Bacchus my saints are,
May drink and love still reign,
With wine I wash away my cares,
And then to cunt again.”
John Wilmot 2d Earl of Rochester, Poems by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester

Henry Green
“I got the idea of Loving from a manservant in the Fire Service during the war. He was serving with me in the ranks, and he told me he had once asked the elderly butler who was over him what the old boy most liked in the world. The reply was: ‘Lying in bed on a summer morning, with the window open, listening to the church bells, eating buttered toast with cunty fingers.’ I saw the book in a flash.”
Henry Green

Henry Miller
“A valise without straps. A hole without a key. She had a German mouth, French ears, Russian ass. Cunt international. When the flag waved it was red all the way back to the throat. You entered on the Boulevard Jules-Ferry and came out at the Porte de la Villette. You dropped
your sweetbreads into the tumbrils – red tumbrils with two wheels, naturally. At the confluence of the Ourcq and Marne, where the water sluices through the dikes and lies like glass under the
Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer

Charles Bukowski
“Nothing like beautiful legs. 'Cause with beautiful legs, even if you've been there only once or twice, there might be something up there besides the cunt, there might be something really marvellous this time - it could be a cunt, but it could be - it's just something about looking at the legs just makes you - I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the cunt, I'm just saying, you always imagine - some extra magic when you're looking at the outside portion of the female.”
Charles Bukowski

M.F. Moonzajer
“Be careful of your spelling, if an o can make count cunt, what it might do to you.”

D.H. Lawrence
“All the lot. Their spunk is gone dead. Motor-cars and cinemas and aeroplanes suck that last bit out of them. I tell you, every generation breeds a more rabbity generation, with India rubber tubing for guts and tin legs and tin faces. Tin people! It’s all a steady sort of bolshevism just killing off the human thing, and worshipping the mechanical thing. Money, money, money! All the modern lot get their real kick out of killing the old human feeling out of man, making mincemeat of the old Adam and the old Eve. They’re all alike. The world is all alike: kill off the human reality, a quid for every foreskin, two quid for each pair of balls. What is cunt but machine-fucking! — It’s all alike. Pay ’em money to cut off the world’s cock. Pay money, money, money to them that will take spunk out of mankind, and leave ’em all little twiddling machines.”
D. H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover

M.F. Moonzajer
“I am an atheist and your cunts cannot change my mind.”
M.F. Moonzajer

Harry Crews
“Find a cunt that fits you and you’ll never be the same”, he would say. “Never find any peace. See, it won’t matter if she dishonors you. It won’t matter if she lies to you, hurts you, spits in your face, fucks other men. All you’ll want to know is: are you coming back to me? Are you going to let me have that fantastic cunt one more time? One more time with that cunt that fits you is all you’ll care about. Ruin your family, ruin yourself, nothing will matter.”
Harry Crews

Garth Ennis
“As the old saying goes: With great power comes the total fuckin' certainty that you're gonna turn into a cunt.”
Garth Ennis, The Boys, Volume 9: The Big Ride

V (formerly Eve Ensler)
“After all, the Indo-European word cunt was derived from the goddess Kunda or Cunti, and shares the same root as kin and country.”
Eve Ensler, The Vagina Monologues

Marquis de Sade
“All I can tell you for certain is that at this very moment I'm speaking to you I could do with a really foul whore – I'd like her fresh from the seat of a close stool, her arse reeking of shit, and her cunt smelling of fish. Ho there, Thérèse! You whose filthiness dates back to the Flood, you who haven't wiped your arse since you were baptized and you whose vile cunt stinks for ten miles around, bring all that over here, I beg you, and add a turd, too, if you like.”
Marquis de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom

M.F. Moonzajer
“We live in a world where a cunt has more fans than a scholar.”
M.F. Moonzajer

Robin McKinley
“I wasn't grateful. You want to talk cranky, coitus interruptus takes me well beyond cranky. My engorged labia felt like they were pressing on my brain—what there was of my brain—and if I didn't get to fuck someone, something, now—a vampire would do—I was going to fucking explode. My cunt ached like a bruise.
Beyond cranky, rather fortunately, doesn't transmute into embarrassment. It transmutes into fury. As my blood pressure began to rearrange itself to a more standard unengorged pattern I was seething.”
Robin McKinley, Sunshine

David Mitchell
“He also administered the school's corporal punishment known as The Wacks - which I was told, involved being hit with a big gym shoe made heftier by a kitchen weight wedged in the toe. The gym shoes name was Charlie. It is surely one of the world's greatest sadnesess that billions of shoes go about their benevolent businesses in aid of mankind, day after day, protecting feet providing warmth and support, unselfishly getting ducked in puddles, smeared in dog shit and yet remained unnamed. Whereas this nasty cunt of a show got lavished with affection like a pet.”
David Mitchell
tags: cunt

Brian Michael Bendis
“You better fucking tell us where your little buddies are, or I am going to kick your uterus out, you fucking cunt.”
Brian Michael Bendis, Powers, Vol. 5: Anarchy

Garth Ennis
“There'd be no point trynna blackmail a bloke everyone already knows is a cunt, would there?”
Garth Ennis, The Boys, Volume 2: Get Some

Garth Ennis
“You know you can be a real bitch sometimes."

"I can be a perfect cunt.”
Garth Ennis, The Boys, Volume 5: Herogasm

Garth Ennis
“I don't think this one's business as usual. Me evil cunt sense is tinglin'.”
Garth Ennis, The Boys, Volume 9: The Big Ride

“It is as much about input – the conversation of imaginative men (women and children not excluded) has a rhythm, a phrase that follows a thought and precedes the development of further thought … try not to be a cunt.”
Gordon Roddick

Garth Ennis
“An interesting man. He was a last minute replacement as Bush's running mate, when the original candidate managed to say "Thy Kingdom Cunt" at a prayer breakfast.”
Garth Ennis, The Boys, Volume 9: The Big Ride

“Who else is like me? An INTJ? Fuck your type. I am a CUNT through and through. Give me mud and guts. Blood and cuts. Occam's Razor to reasons jugular. You say your point flows from peak to trough, but your highs I only know as lows. The trench is my home. The machine gun is my welcome mat. I may die on paper, but I am no forgotten soldier.”
Lil Low-Cu$$'t, The Swarm

“Dacre's staff referred to his morning editorial meetings as the “Vagina Monologues,” because of his habit of calling everybody a “cunt.”
Tina Brown, The Palace Papers: Inside the House of Windsor - the Truth and the Turmoil