Ebook Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ebook" Showing 1-30 of 128
Billie-Jo Williams
“Hurricanes couldn’t remove you from my mind. You’re my world and I’m incapable of not loving you.”
Billie-Jo Williams

Dan       Brown
“I've got to stop being such a snob about leather-bound books, he reminded himself. E-books do have their moments.”
Dan Brown, Inferno

Richard Due
“Some people are just sad when there aren't talking squirrels.” —Lily Winter”
Richard Due, The Moon Coin

Dalma Heyn
“For the first time in history, middle-class women do not need men in the traditional ways - for safety, for money, for a life. So they’re demanding instead what they always wanted but couldn’t ask for: emotional connection, presence, intimacy. Sex with enough foreplay, enough seduction, enough closeness to please them. Men are baffled not only because the needs they are being asked to fill differ so from what their fathers and grandfathers understood to be their jobs but also because full-fledged intimacy requires strengths and skills they’ve never learned. Moreover… they’re strengths and skills that were once left solely to women: Men didn’t have to develop them. This maturational mismatch may be contributing to distrust among lovers of all ages.”
Dalma Heyn, Drama Kings: The Men Who Drive Strong Women Crazy

R.N. Jayne
“Humanity was a passing notion to him; something he liked to try on for size and model in the dressing room, but never actually felt compelled to buy.”
Jane Bled

Richard Due
“Tavin cupped his hands to his mouth. “Here, dragon-dragon-dragon!” he yelled.
Lily stared in amazement. Well, that was bold, she thought, and stupid.”
Richard Due, The Moon Coin

Audrey Dry
“La memoria es como libro en el cual se escribe toda nuestra vida. Algunas veces deseamos cerrarlo y olvidarlo para no recordar todos los escabrosos detalles, y otras veces deseamos abrirlo y observarlo detenidamente, queriendo volver a sentir lo mismo que sentimos en aquel momento.”
Audrey Dry, Sin mirar atrás

Richard Due
“Odd names: Winter, Autumn—they almost sound as if someone just made them up.” —Dubb”
Richard Due, The Moon Coin

Richard Due
“You won't find the tales I bear in any books . . . My tales are from the Moon Realm.” —Ebb Autumn”
Richard Due, The Moon Coin

Brian Rathbone
“Stars are the souls of old sailors. They plot the skies and guide the wayward home.”
Brian Rathbone, The Dawning of Power

Carl William Brown
“How can you fight stupidity effectively? The answer is simple: it’s not easy.”
Carl William Brown, Aforismi contro il potere e la stupidità

Sapphire Phelan
“Fuck the weather forecasters and their predictions. With magic, he’d just turned their Doppler radar upside down.

Sapphire Phelan (Being Familiar With a Witch)”
Sapphire Phelan

Susan Wiggs
“It isn’t fair, but maybe that’s the whole point. Fairness has no part in real life, and she took that lesson away from the Hotel Angeline with her.”
Susan Wiggs, Hotel Angeline: A Novel in 36 Voices

Susan Wiggs
“You have seven writers in your basement?”

Donald nods, signing, “They like it here. There’s a poet, a couple of novelists, an opera librettist, an essay writer . . . . They don’t usually make much trouble.”
Susan Wiggs, Hotel Angeline: A Novel in 36 Voices

“They suffered with his death and she - she suffered with their reaction to it.”
Haidji, SG - Suicide Game

Audrey Dry
“Y, entonces, en ese instante que tan solo dura un segundo, el cerebro se encarga de abrir la cerradura del cofre en el cual guardas todo lo que aprecias. Cede de tal manera que la tapa se abre y todo lo que hay en el interior sale de forma tan rápida y tan fugaz que no puedes detenerlo.”
Audrey Dry, Sin mirar atrás

Susan Wiggs
“Already, Seattle is taking hold of her. She still holds Sedona in the dry tan of her skin and in her hair, but the fine mist of the Northwest is making its way to places she didn’t know were parched.”
Susan Wiggs, Hotel Angeline: A Novel in 36 Voices

“I am the Captain of my own life.”
Lexis De Rothschild, The Cat Letters: A Tale of Longing, Adventure and True Love

Richard Due
“But—" yelped Twizbang, “Greydor will eat us!”
Richard Due, The Moon Coin

Nicholas Dettmann
“I am also an author. Please check out my novel, A Life Worth Dreaming About.”
Nicholas Dettmann

“The ocean swells around us. Sometimes, we are in a bowl of water and sometimes on the top of the lip. The horizon curves.

We are sitting on top of the world.

In theory, anyone is on the top of their world at every moment, given that the Earth is truly round. But, it’s hard to see that in a subway under New York City and completely obvious out here.”
Lexis De Rothschild, The Cat Letters: A Tale of Longing, Adventure and True Love

David Harry
“Is this Jimmy Redstone?” the male voice at the other end of the line inquired.

I couldn’t identify the voice. I didn’t recognize the number and the used car salesman tone didn’t do anything to reduce my annoyance at being interrupted during breakfast. “Who the hell you think would be answering his phone?” I snarled.”
David Harry, the Padre Predator

“Elisa Pierandrei's 'Painting, Photography, Drawing. From Africa and Its Diaspora (selected writings)' is a book that pays equal attention to aesthetics, process, medium and the artist as a human in the world (and not only an artist from 'Africa’)”
Russel Hlongwane

Ammon Shea
“Reading on a computer screen gives you no sense of time or investment. The page always looks the same, and everything is always in the same exact spot. When reading the book, no matter how large or small it is, a tension builds, concurrent with your progress through its pages. I get a nervous excitement as I see the number of pages that remain to be read draining inexorably from the right to the left.”
Ammon Shea, Reading the OED: One Man, One Year, 21,730 Pages

Giovanni Lorecchio
“There's always hope.”
Giovanni Lorecchio, Il Mistero Cousteau

Jessica D.K. Jackson
“Never give up. Don't regret. Never go to bed angry.”
Jessica D.K. Jackson, Hör ni mig där bak?

“It is a book that pays equal attention to aesthetics, process, medium and the artist as a human in the world (and not only an artist from 'Africa’)

Russel Hlongwane

“Painting, Photography, Drawing. From Africa and Its Diaspora' by Elisa Pierandrei a book that pays equal attention to aesthetics, process, medium and the artist as a human in the world (and not only an artist from 'Africa’)”
Russel Hlongwane

Elisa Pierandrei
“Quindici brevi ma intensi capitoli ognuno dedicato ad un artista diverso, che si racconta con vibranti parole ed opere d’arte innovative. Painting, photography, drawing from Africa and its Diaspora è il nuovo libro, in realtà è un eBook, che ho pubblicato in lingua inglese. Il libro si propone di creare e stimolare una reazione forte nel lettore, spinto a riflettere sull’attuale situazione attraverso i racconti di artisti africani e afrodiscendenti. Energia, colore e un inedito spirito ironico contraddistinguono i profili degli artisti

Bussola digitale | Arte, fotografia dall’Africa del XXI secolo
Medium @shotofwhisky”
Elisa Pierandrei

hema, USA
tags: ebook

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