Fairytale Retelling Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fairytale-retelling" Showing 1-30 of 162
Alexandra Christo
“It's like holding a story rather than a person; she feels wild and infinite in my arms.”
Alexandra Christo, To Kill a Kingdom

Deirdre Sullivan
“You thought if you were good. If you gave up the things that made you different. The world you know. That it would be enough. But sacrifice is often so invisible. People do not look for it in others. They know their own. They list them out like titles at a ball. I've done for you. I've done for you. I've done. And it is always your turn now. To hurt, to long. To be a broken thing. A thing that differs. Before, you always thought you were a person.”
Deirdre Sullivan, Tangleweed and Brine

Joanne Ganci
“One is always on time if time doesn't matter to them, little mouse”
Joanne Ganci, Blue in Wonderland

Madisyn Carlin
“Calaine lifted her chin a smidge and resisted the urge to smooth her hands over her skirt. Ma always said one’s personality made the outfit—a sour disposition made the prettiest silk look unsightly, but a pleasing smile could cause the rattiest homespun dress to look like an elegant gown. So, instead of returning the man’s glare, she offered a tiny smile. She would win him over, this crabby curmudgeon, and work for his unpleasant self until she raised enough money for Jared’s cure.”
Madisyn Carlin, A Silent Hope

Madisyn Carlin
“He held out his hand. “Need help down?”

“I can manage.”


She’d never admit it—especially not to this arrogant gnat—but this was the first time she remembered riding a horse, and she knew for certain this was her first time dismounting on her own.

Elmery exhaled and gripped the horse’s mane. The two men continued chatting, occasionally waving to the others riding in.

She could do this. Surely a learned woman of twenty-four summers could climb off a horse with minimal risk of injury, death, or embarrassment.

Praying the massive beast beneath her remained still, she slowly attempted to swing her leg over the horse’s back.

Her slipper fell off, landing with an inglorious plop on the right side.”
Madisyn Carlin, Shattered Resistance

Madisyn Carlin
“Icy wisps of fear brushed her heart and a myriad of what ifs flooded her thoughts.

So much could go wrong. So many innocent lives could be lost.

“Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

Would the Scripts’ admonition ever sink into her worry-worn heart?”
Madisyn Carlin, Key

Elizabeth Lowham
“For all the thorns I'd faced, at last I'd found the roses.”
Elizabeth Lowham, Beauty Reborn

Elizabeth Lowham
“Perhaps I could climb aboard a ship and sail to the farthest corner of the world, where there was only undiscovered wilderness, where I could breathe deep the wet wilds and be so lost in fresh green there was no thought of old red.”
Elizabeth Lowham, Beauty Reborn

Scarlett St.  Clair
“I sought purchase against the naked skin of her thighs, my palm resting against her wet heat, my fingers trailing the slickness gathered there.”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Lucy Ashe
“Clearly it is simplest never to marry at all,’ I said, trying to keep my voice light. These stories, ridiculous fairy tales though they were, had tainted the evening. Like Vivian, I preferred to think of The Sleeping Princess as a magical spectacle of fairy godmothers and characters from folklore. But then we had both learned the hard way about heartbreak and loss.”
Lucy Ashe, The Sleeping Beauties

Mercedes Lackey
“Be everything you can even if it takes you into situations that may be strange to you or makes you try things that frighten you.”
Mercedes Lackey, Briarheart

“Não sei quanto tempo (...) se muito, se pouco: a narração corre célebre, mas a ação não foi tão rápida.”
Serguei Aksakov

Kenley Davidson
“She had told a truth and ten more had followed and before she could stuff her tongue back behind her teeth she had told him her name.”
Kenley Davidson, Traitor's Masque

Elizabeth Lowham
“It's true what the folktale says: I did choose to live with the beast. But not for the reason you think. Not to save my father. Not even to save myself.

In truth, I was hoping I'd be eaten.”
Elizabeth Lowham, Beauty Reborn

Scarlett St.  Clair
“My own misfortune had never deterred Roland. He had often offered to help my case if only I'd fuck him.”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Scarlett St.  Clair
“Oh, Gesela, do not pretend you despise my attention.”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Scarlett St.  Clair
“That is the folly of your human blood, to take everything as it appears and not as it is,' said Silas.

'And is it the folly of elves to take everything as it is and not as it appears?' (said Gesela)”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Scarlett St.  Clair
“He was beautiful and cold, like winter…”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Scarlett St.  Clair
“Every part of his body rested against mine, hard and aroused, and I was willing prisoner to it, melting into something soft and supple.”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Scarlett St.  Clair
“... his hand never leaving my neck … he guided me back, pinning me against the wall.”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Scarlett St.  Clair
“Answer my question. Send to my will. Why have you come, sweet one?”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Scarlett St.  Clair
“Do not fret, creature,' he said and bent close, his breath hot against the shell of my ear. 'No one will harm you…too much.”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Scarlett St.  Clair
“There is nothing I want from you except freedom,' she said, but as she spoke, her eyes fills my lips.”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Scarlett St.  Clair
“Deny yourself my pleasure, creature,' I said, lips trailing her jaw. 'It will only drive you mad.”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Scarlett St.  Clair
“I parted my lips and offered a small, teasing smile. This prince was about to discover he had no control.”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Scarlett St.  Clair
“You have never been charming,' I said, interrupting him. 'Do not waste my time with it now.”
Scarlett St. Clair, Mountains Made of Glass

Amy Trent
“Papa had no plan. He had daughters. Twelve of them.

If only daughters could end wars as easily as fathers could start them.”
Amy Trent, Smoke, Steel, & Ivy: A Fairy Tale Retelling

Megan Van Dyke
“No matter what happens, I'm blessed beyond worth or measure to have heard your song and felt your love.”
Megan Van Dyke, The Musician and the Monster: A gothic Beauty and the Beast retelling

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