Free Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "free-love" Showing 1-25 of 25
Trevor Noah
“The dogs left with us and we walked. I sobbed the whole way home, still heartbroken. My mom had no time for my whining.
“Why are you crying?!”
“Because Fufi loves another boy.”
“So? Why would that hurt you? It didn’t cost you anything. Fufi’s here. She still loves you. She’s still your dog. So get over it.”
Fufi was my first heartbreak. No one has ever betrayed me more than Fufi. It was a valuable lesson to me. The hard thing was understanding that Fufi wasn’t cheating on me with another boy. She was merely living her life to the fullest. Until I knew that she was going out on her own during the day, her other relationship hadn’t affected me at all. Fufi had no malicious intent.
I believed that Fufi was my dog, but of course that wasn’t true. Fufi was a dog. I was a boy. We got along well. She happened to live in my house. That experience shaped what I’ve felt about relationships for the rest of my life: You do not own the thing that you love. I was lucky to learn that lesson at such a young age. I have so many friends who still, as adults, wrestle with feelings of betrayal. They’ll come to me angry and crying and talking about how they’ve been cheated on and lied to, and I feel for them. I understand what they’re going through. I sit with them and buy them a drink and I say, “Friend, let me tell you the story of Fufi.”
Trevor Noah, Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood

“A girl who travels has relationships that are based not on security, but on sincerity”
lauren klarfeld

Nikki Rowe
“She wasn't the kind of lady that depended on a man and I think that's what made her so irrestible to them, any man she had loved; she wanted ~ and the men that loved her back couldn't handle not being needed, so she showed them the door and grew her own wings as they walked out. Love to her isn't a maybe thing, nor is it attachment and any man whom thinks he will ever own her would be best not to try at all.”
Nikki Rowe

Abraham Kuyper
“Free love may try to dissolve, and the concubinate to desecrate, the holiest tie, as it pleases; but, for the vast majority of our race, marriage remains the foundation of human society and the family retains its position as the primordial sphere in sociology.”
Abraham Kuyper, Lectures on Calvinism

Emma Goldman
“Whether love last but one brief span of time or for eternity, it is the only creative, inspiring, elevating basis for a new race, a new world.”
Emma Goldman, Marriage and Love

Dossie Easton
“Marriage today is the outcome government imposing its standards on personal relationships, legislating a one-size-fits-all mandate for how people in sexual or domestic relationships ought to run their lives.”
Dossie Easton, The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love

Donna Goddard
“Life is not a competition. No one has to lose for someone else to win. A true blessing blesses everyone. A fragmented love which makes others lose will eventually turn upon itself and destroy the very thing which was being so carefully guarded. An open-hearted love will follow a course which can only lead somewhere good.”
Donna Goddard, Waldmeer

Karl Wiggins
“Men wore business suits and carried briefcases, while their wives, who were attractive but not sexy, stayed home, raised the kids, cleaned the house and had a meal on the table for the whole family when they arrived home. Both husband and wife knew their roles. The wife would only apply face cream after ‘congress’ was completed and the husband was asleep as it was considered that it could be shocking for a man to view his wife this way last thing at night. She would be compliant and forgiving if he suggested some of the more ‘unusual’ sexual practices, although she might register hesitancy by remaining silent.

The Hippies rebelled against this, growing their hair long, burning their draft cards, taking hallucinogenic drugs and indulging in ‘free love,’ which in reality was just another term to describe the notion that all the girls were up for it.”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Aleister Crowley
“It is no idle boast of the vermin Socialists that their system is Christianity, and no other is genuine. And look at them! To a man […] they are atheists and in favor of Free Love—whatever that may mean. I have talked with many Socialists, but never with one who understood his subject. Empty babblers they are, muddle-headed philanthropists. They read a shilling abridgement of John Stuart Mill, and settle all economic problems over a --sirloin of turnips-- in some filthy crank food dive. Ask them any question about detail, and the bubble is pricked.”
Aleister Crowley, The World's Tragedy

Joris-Karl Huysmans
“She interrupted him. "My husband has no concern with the relations which may exist between you and me. He evidently suffers when I go out, as tonight, for he knows where I am going; but I admit no right of control either on his part or mine. He is free, and I am free, to go wherever we please. I must keep house for him, watch out for his interests, take care of him, love him like a devoted companion, and that I do, with all my heart. As to being responsible for my acts, they're none of his business, no more his than anybody else's."

She spoke in a crisp, incisive tone.

"The devil;" said Durtal. "You certainly reduce the importance of the rôle of husband."

"I know that my ideas are not the ideas of the world I live in...”
Joris-Karl Huysmans, Là-Bas

“If I were to take down the walls to let your love in, I would not only free my heart, I'd free the world. There shall be no barrier for love to be contained. A heart with a pulse in rhythm connects us all.”
Jason Micheal Ratliff

“Accept each other. Love. Even if it is messy. Live with no regrets. Remember that diversity is our strength. We shouldn't be building walls, we should be tearing them down. Accept each other no matter who we love, how we pray or how we look.”
Johnny Corn

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Those who give love freely will always have an abundance of love in their lives.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

“I listened impatiently to the wisdom of the O'Neills for about twenty minutes until I could take no more (by this time Steve and Susan had me thumbing through the paperback). I slid the book across the desk at them and said, 'This is so much shit.'

That was a mistake because the word 'shit' on the lips of a pastor deeply offended their moral sensibilities. Such was the state of things among us. They took grave exception to the word SHIT, while I was expected to remain noddingly neutral toward their adultery. WELL, SHIT, I thought. Without apologizing, I tried to convince them I was merely 'upset' by the prospects of their separation. Gradually, I achieved the clinical tone that they so admired in the O'Neills and evidently expected in their country parson.”
Richard Lischer, Open Secrets: A Memoir of Faith and Discovery

Percy Bysshe Shelley
“True Love in this differs from gold and clay,
That to divide is not to take away.
Love is like understanding, that grows bright
Gazing on many truths; 'tis like thy light,
Imagination! which from earth and sky,
And from the depths of human fantasy,
As from a thousand prisms and mirrors, fills
The Universe with glorious beams, and kills
Error, the worm, with many a sun-like arrow
Of its reverberated lightning.

Percy Bysshe Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley

Percy Bysshe Shelley
The heart that loves, the brain that contemplates,
The life that wears, the spirit that creates
One object, and one form, and builds thereby
A sepulchre for its eternity.

- Epipsychidion
Percy Bysshe Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley

C. JoyBell C.
“In a world where we are all battling our own shadows, I wonder why any of us still have the audacity to judge love. Love: whenever it happens, to whomever it happens; is greater than any of us. None of us even know what we're really doing, do we? We're all a mess! And yet, we like to sit around grading love and rating whose love is better and brighter and righter. Love doesn't give a shit, that's the truth. Life is too short to not celebrate love wherever it happens, to whomever it happens. We're all leaves in autumn, all snowflakes in the wind!”
C. JoyBell C.

Nikita Gill
“I, too, hope to be that confident in a love.
Someone who I know will still love me,
even if I do not run to them

every time they call.”
Nikita Gill, Where Hope Comes From

Thomm Quackenbush
“The hippies became another corporate avatar, another mascot selling sugary cereal instead of free love.”
Thomm Quackenbush, Holidays with Bigfoot

A.D. Aliwat
“If love is free, it will be of very, very little value.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Gayla Turner
“It was at that point that it occurred to me I did not have a choice about who I loved, but I did have a choice about which direction those next two steps would take me in.”
Gayla Turner, Don't You Dare: Uncovering Lost Love

Luisa Capetillo
“My great worry is the problem of poverty…Instead of prisons, I would have schools, art and vocational academies, free trade, free love, the abolition of marriage and the substitution of private property for public property.”
Luisa Capetillo

Antonella Gambotto-Burke
“During the Psychedelic Revolution, eroticised violence towards the feminine not only became normalized, but was also presented as the ideal.”
Antonella Gambotto-Burke, Apple: Sex, Drugs, Motherhood and the Recovery of the Feminine

“Freelovers vehemently denied the state had any right to intervene in the sexual arrangements of consenting adults. They focused on empowering the weakest and most abused partner in sex: the woman.

There were two keys to securing sexual rights for women. The first was to reform the marriage laws, which gave husbands almost absolute authority over their wives. Marriage-free-lovers insisted-should be a voluntary and equal association between two people who shared a spiritual affinity.”
Wendy McElroy, XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography

“There were two keys to securing sexual rights for women. The first was to reform the marriage laws, which gave husbands almost absolute authority over their wives. Marriage-free-lovers insisted-should be a voluntary and equal association between two people who shared a spiritual affinity.”
Wendy McElroy, XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography