Highway Quotes

Quotes tagged as "highway" Showing 1-30 of 45
Erol Ozan
“Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost.”
Erol Ozan

Theodore Roethke
“The stones were sharp,
The wind came at my back;
Walking along the highway,
Mincing like a cat.”
Theodore Roethke

“They say life is a highway and we all travel our own roads, some good, some bad, yet each is a blessing of its own.”
Jess "Chief" Brynjulson

“It's the ride of life the journey from here to there living and loving every moment like we have none to spare.”
Jess "Chief" Brynjulson, Highway Writings

Nic Pizzolatto
“You steer down lightless highways, and you invent a destination because movement is key.”
Nic Pizzolatto, Galveston

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The road to success is paved with the hot asphalt of failure.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Hunter S. Thompson
“There is something about the sight of a passing motorcyclist that tempts many automobile drivers to commit murder.”
Hunter S. Thompson

Richard L.  Ratliff
“Let's travel our own interstate highway
Don't let yesterday's ghosts destroy your day”
Richard L. Ratliff

Belle Townsend
“There is a trailer that I pass on the drive to my parents’ house in Robards,
and obstructing the dance of the overgrown weeds
is a Trump sign.
Last summer, another sign went up next to it.
The sign, handily made of cardboard and black marker, said,
Belle Townsend

Eudora Welty
“Sounds from the highway rolled in upon her with the rise and fall of eternal ocean waves. They were as deafening as grief. Windshields flashed into her eyes like lights through tears.”
Eudora Welty, The Optimist's Daughter

“Authority is like a Uniform while power is the gun. You need power to enforce authority just like a policeman on the highway, he is authorized by the law but without gun, even children can make a mockery of him.”
Ikechukwu Izuakor , Great Reflections on Success

Steven Magee
“Suicide is as easy as driving off the cliffs of the beautiful coastal highway at full speed.”
Steven Magee

“To walk in the highway of holiness, one must have faith in God.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Hanna Abi Akl
“As he got back on the highway, the sun was rising from the east. Somehow, he knew he’d make it through the day.”
Hanna Abi Akl, A Road Away From Home

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The chances of the driver’s mind being on the road are usually way too low when on a highway.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Kristen Henderson
“A giant motherboard of geese,
unruffled by the state
police, swarmed in unison,
in harmony...”
Kristen Henderson, Of My Maiden Smoking

Harrish Sai Raman
“You will always find someone ahead of you even if you overtake someone on the highway called ‘Life”
Harrish Sai Raman

J.R. Rim
“Running a business is like driving. Keep adjusting the steering wheel, because no road is straight until you hit the highway. Drift, make sharp turns, do whatever you can to keep moving and achieve your dream.”
J.R. Rim

Rishad Saam Mehta
“Son! I've got a short temper and a long rifle..!”
Rishad Saam Mehta, Hot Tea Across India

Katharine McGee
“The car lurched forward like a living thing, the needle on the speedometer spiking up to fifty, then eighty, then ninety. The entire world seemed to shrink to a silent pinpoint. Rylin lost all sense of time or place. There was nothing but this, the car beneath them and the curve of the road before them and the rush of her blood pumping hot and fast through her veins. The landscape flashed past, a blur of sky and dark forest punctuated only by the yellow line glowing on the road.
The wind pulled her hair in a loose tangle around her shoulders. She could feel Cord looking at her and she wanted to remind him to keep his eyes on the road but something told her she didn’t need to. He let his right hand fall over the middle console, driving only with his left, and Rylin reached for it. Neither of them spoke.”
Katharine McGee, The Thousandth Floor

Steven Sherrill
“The sign says that the Scald Mt. Rod & Gun Club has adopted the highway, but the Minotaur knows an orphan when he sees it.”
Steven Sherrill, The Minotaur Takes His Own Sweet Time

“The highway lies in holiness.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“On the highway of life: 'drive' is about steadily moving forward in your own lane; 'ambition' is about swerving and accelerating into other people's lanes.”
Rayvern White

“The highway is path of holiness.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“The highway is the way of holiness.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Jagdish Joghee
“The sheer joy of the journey, the anticipation of the destination and the pleasure of driving. Beyond all these are memories. Ones that will last forever transcending time.”
Jagdish Joghee

Max Lucado
“It's not always ho ho ho on the high, high highway. Extended time in the car reveals human frailties.
Dad's refuse to stop. They hearken back to the examples of their forefathers. Did the pioneers spend the night at a Holiday Inn? Did Lewis and Clark ask for directions? Did Joseph allow Mary to stroll through a souvenir shop on the road to Bethlehem? By no means. Men drive as if they have a biblical mandate to travel far and fast, stopping only for gasoline.
And children? Road trips do to kids what a full moon does to the wolf man. If one child says, "I like that song," you might expect the other to say, "That's nice." Won't happen. Instead the other child will reply, "It stinks and so do your feet."
There is also the issue of JBA---juvenile bladder activity. A child can go weeks without going to the bathroom at home. But once on the road, the kid starts leaking like secrets in Washington. On one drive to Colorado, my daughters visited every toilet in New Mexico.
The best advice for traveling with young children is to be thankful they aren't teenagers. Teens are embarrassed by what their parents say, think, wear, eat, and sing. So for their sakes (and if you ever want to see your future grandchildren), don't smile at the waitstaff, don't breathe, and don't sing with the window down or up.
It's wiser to postpone traveling with children until they are a more reasonable age---like forty-two.”
Max Lucado, Because of Bethlehem Bible Study Guide: Love is Born, Hope is Here

“What is Toll?
Toll: It's like expecting a red carpet in a accident zone. ”
Dipti Dhakul

“The surge in road traffic fatalities in India is not just a statistical anomaly but a reflection of the intricate interplay of factors contributing to the nation’s road safety challenges. Urban planning that prioritizes pedestrian safety, well-designed roads, and efficient traffic management systems are essential components of the solution. Equally critical is the need for robust law enforcement to ensure compliance with traffic regulations, deterring reckless driving and holding violators accountable.”
Shivanshu K. Srivastava

Sanjo Jendayi
“As you travel the highways and byways of your mind, don't get stuck on a one-way street that leads to nowhere. - Sanjo Jendayi”
Sanjo Jendayi

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