Innovation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "innovation" Showing 1-30 of 1,671
Brené Brown
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”
Brene Brown

“Our wretched species is so made that those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road.”
Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary

Sun Tzu
“There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard.

There are not more than five primary colours, yet in combination
they produce more hues than can ever been seen.

There are not more than five cardinal tastes, yet combinations of
them yield more flavours than can ever be tasted.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Peter F. Drucker
“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old”
Peter Drucker

Richelle Mead
“Throughout history, people with new ideas—who think differently and try to change things—have always been called troublemakers.”
Richelle Mead, Shadow Kiss

Chuck Palahniuk
“History is filled with brilliant people who wanted to fix things and just made them worse.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby

J.K. Rowling
“Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and, therefore, the foundation of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared.”
J.K. Rowling

Frank Zappa
“All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff.”
Frank Zappa

Robin S. Sharma
“Dreamers are mocked as impractical. The truth is they are the most practical, as their innovations lead to progress and a better way of life for all of us.”
Robin Sharma

Ayn Rand
“Well, I always know what I want. And when you know what you want--you go toward it. Sometimes you go very fast, and sometimes only an inch a year. Perhaps you feel happier when you go fast. I don't know. I've forgotten the difference long ago, because it really doesn't matter, so long as you move.”
Ayn Rand, We the Living

“Remember the two benefits of failure. First, if you do fail, you learn what doesn't work; and second, the failure gives you the opportunity to try a new approach.”
Roger Von Oech

Aldous Huxley
“The vast majority of human beings dislike and even actually dread all notions with which they are not familiar... Hence it comes about that at their first appearance innovators have generally been persecuted, and always derided as fools and madmen.”
Aldous Huxley

Steven Johnson
“Chance favors the connected mind.”
Steven Johnson, Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation

Robert A. Heinlein
“Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things.”
Robert A. Heinlein

Derek Sivers
“Steve Jobs gave a small private presentation about the iTunes Music Store to some independent record label people. My favorite line of the day was when people kept raising their hand saying, "Does it do [x]?", "Do you plan to add [y]?". Finally Jobs said, "Wait wait — put your hands down. Listen: I know you have a thousand ideas for all the cool features iTunes could have. So do we. But we don't want a thousand features. That would be ugly. Innovation is not about saying yes to everything. It's about saying NO to all but the most crucial features.”
Derek Sivers

Steven Johnson
“The patterns are simple, but followed together, they make for a whole that is wiser than the sum of its parts. Go for a walk; cultivate hunches; write everything down, but keep your folders messy; embrace serendipity; make generative mistakes; take on multiple hobbies; frequent coffeehouses and other liquid networks; follow the links; let others build on your ideas; borrow, recycle; reinvent. Build a tangled bank.”
Steven Johnson, Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation

Eric Hoffer
“In a world of change, the learners shall inherit the earth, while the learned shall find themselves perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists.”
Eric Hoffer

Henry Ford
“I see no advantage in these new clocks. They run no faster than the ones made 100 years ago.”
Henry Ford

Ray Bradbury
“The zipper displaces the button and a man lacks just that much time to think while dressing at dawn, a philosophical hour, and thus a melancholy hour.”
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Peter F. Drucker
“Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship...the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.”
Peter Drucker

“Tradition is a set of solutions for which we have forgotten the problems. Throw away the solution and you get the problem back. Sometimes the problem has mutated or disappeared. Often it is still there as strong as it ever was.”
Donald Kingsbury, Courtship Rite

Steven Moffat
“You have to take your own bold approach, and if you do you will be rewarded with success.
Or calamitous failure. That can happen too.”
Steven Moffat

Steven Johnson
“Being right keeps you in place. Being wrong forces you to explore.”
Steven Johnson, Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation

Marc  Jacobs
“Innovation is an evolutionary process, so it's not necessary to be radical all the time.”
Marc Jacobs

Sukant Ratnakar
“Do not get obsolete like an old technology, keep innovating yourself.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Open the Windows

Albert-László Barabási
“Keep in mind that imagination is at the heart of all innovation. Crush or constrain it and the fun will vanish.”
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Bursts: The Hidden Pattern Behind Everything We Do

Stefan Molyneux
“Conformity to the present is invisibility to the future.”
Stefan Molyneux

Saul Bellow
“It was probably no accident that it was the cripple Hephaestus who made ingenious machines; a normal man didn't have to hoist or jack himself over hindrances by means of cranks, chains and metal parts. Then it was in the line of human advance that Einhorn could do so much.”
Saul Bellow, The Adventures of Augie March

Israelmore Ayivor
“You were saved not by work, but for work. Do it till all is done. By your Inventions, Innovations, Initiatives, Improvements, Involvements, Imaginations, Information, Interventions and Inspirations... Go the extra mile and dare to do it.”
Israelmore Ayivor

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