Live In The Now Quotes
Quotes tagged as "live-in-the-now"
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“Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for your life to begin and start making the most of the moment you are in.”
“An emotionally locked person refuses to let go of their sad memories and live in the now.”
― Dead Toad Scrolls
― Dead Toad Scrolls
“The goal of any spiritual person is to strive towards attaining self-realization by living spontaneously in the present moment of physical reality, free from anxiety and distress, unencumbered by frivolous affections, and liberated from specious attachments.”
― Dead Toad Scrolls
― Dead Toad Scrolls
“Each of us is impermanent wave of energy folded into the infinite cosmic order. Acknowledgement of the fundamental impermanence of ourselves unchains us from the strictures of living a terrestrial life stuck like a needle vacillating between the magnetic pull of endless desire and the terror of death. Once we achieve freedom from any craving and all desires and we are relieved of all titanic fears, we release ourselves from living in perpetual distress. Once we rid ourselves from any impulse to exist, we discover our true place in the universal order. The composition of our life filament is exactly right when we accept the notion of living and dying with equal stoicism.”
― Dead Toad Scrolls
― Dead Toad Scrolls
“The dark, uncontrolled, primordial part of a person informs them that they are alive. Living free entails accepting a slew of wildness. All wild animals act by instinct. Human instinct and intuitive thought allow us to gain insights and new beliefs, which human rationalization confirms. Logic and intuition work well together, if both sources of mental visualization are drawn from when most apropos. Planning carefully should never replace the spirit for improvisation. Acting recklessly is no substitute for measured evaluation. Nonetheless, a dash of craziness makes most people more endearing than the calculating banker whose ledger driven life causes them to see life in terms of money pouches. Letting go of all conceptions of what is, and dreaming what could be, is a form of delusion. Knowing the difference between fantasy and reality does not mean that a person should disdain imaginative acts. I need to recognize when it is time to stop woolgathering and come back down to reality and work in the pebbly bedrock of the here and now.”
― Dead Toad Scrolls
― Dead Toad Scrolls
“I must cease living the false life of an imposter, and stop worrying about the future or risk sacrificing the joy of living in the moment. I am a seeker. I shall listen to the teaching my blood whispers and ecstatically accept life unfolding in whatever manner my innate material demands.”
― Dead Toad Scrolls
― Dead Toad Scrolls
“The manifold of the past, present, and the future all form a single vivacious composition that only exists in the mind’s eye as separate isolated stages in a forward spooling continuum of space-time. Eternity and time are distinct qualities. Eternity is a dimension of time, an aspect framed by thinking and action. We exist in the present; we live in the element of time referred to as the here and now. We experience life in the eternity that bookends our life force. I need to realize my separate identity in eternity and at the same time actively cogitate upon my indivisible participation in the interwoven continuum of space-time.”
― Dead Toad Scrolls
― Dead Toad Scrolls
“Begin to feel instead of thinking, feel your body from head to toe, feel your heartbeat, feel the air going in and out of your body. Listen to the sounds from outside, smell the scents. Feel inhabiting your body, be present here and now.”
― The Extraterrestrial Girl
― The Extraterrestrial Girl
“I am an autonomous human being, self-regulating and self-governing, and duty bound to quest for the pure idea of how I wish to exist. I need to make the most of this breath of life while I can. I wish to live mindfully. I seek a roadmap leading to personal enlightenment, a means to live as effortlessly as a cork bobbing on a river, not resisting the flow of the stream, not fighting myself, liberated from the anxiety of foolishly lingering over prior travels, unconcerned where I am at, and accepting without reservation where I am heading without desiring more. A person with a light heart and a sound mind wants for nothing. I seek to travel into the mist of future while conscientiously working towards obtaining spiritual enlightenment. I search to acquire an active and open state of mindfulness, but I must exercise caution in doing so, because any degree of wanting, any foray to acquire money or acclaim, undermines the desire to achieve mental stillness and emotional equanimity. By living in an authentic and spontaneous manner, without striving, without obsessing about the horror of the past and the ambiguity of looming future, and by living exclusively in the now, I hope to experience the universal truths – the ultimate reality of absolute existence – reflective of the true nature of the universe.”
― Dead Toad Scrolls
― Dead Toad Scrolls
“We must live life in the present as shaped by the past. The option to begin afresh does not exist. The past days and nights were the sacrificial coals that fired an internal furnace. The dying embers fueled my present being. I need to locate new nutrients to revitalize an unfulfilled soul. I seek to unearth fresh energy sources and forge a renewed resoluteness to slog through the remainder of this gaseous and hard-pressed sojourn. Any prior personal inspiration for living righteously was lost on a remote outpost somewhere along the fractured trail. I go on because I must. I trust that if I industrially seek, I shall ascertain a purpose in life that currently eludes me. If I tread long enough, if I assiduously track sufficient true miles, I shall discover a purpose that fits me. I continue to push forward with an unbowed determination, navigate into the deep unknown with the confidence of an experienced admiral who knows that if he endures the gale forces of self-doubt and persist despite all setbacks that he will discover what he seeks. A person must rely upon personal consciousness as a guiding compass into penetrating the unalleviated obscurity that shrouds the way. I shall always resist the easy path, because it leads to an apocalyptic demise.”
― Dead Toad Scrolls
― Dead Toad Scrolls
“I seek more than diminishing pain. I want to experience a splendid life, a life full of gaiety, charming people, beautiful panoramas, outstanding adventures, and sublime interpersonal experiences. In place of squandering personal resources and wasting valuable time, yearning to satisfying these improbable goals, I wish to learn from gross errors. I desire to cease castigating myself for prior mistakes. A realistic personal goal is striving to achieve presence of mind, demonstrate consistent attentiveness to the present, rather than continually worry about the past or the future.”
― Dead Toad Scrolls
― Dead Toad Scrolls
“A beautiful mind’s humble carriage shelters a flowering equanimity, which elegant bloom fluoresces from living in harmonization with everyday moments.”
― Dead Toad Scrolls
― Dead Toad Scrolls
“Apna Time Ayega’ is perhaps a way to console yourself when you don’t get what you want but you see all others around you getting ‘success, fame and money’. But wait! What’s wrong with having to toil longer for what you want and experience delays and denials while honing your creativity, your skills and your art? What is wrong with enjoying the process of doing what makes you come alive? Actually, it is this process, this journey, that counts more than arriving at some place, proving to someone or getting something! There is no right time in the future. This moment, now, this is the only time you have – because the past is dead and the future is not yet born. This is always the right time. So, instead of sighing and saying ‘Apna Time Ayega’, flip the paradigm, say: ‘Yehi Hai Right Time, Baby!”
“Cast aside any predictions or assumptions that you have about life - what you think is going to happen never does.”
“Acknowledge the goodness in life for there you will find happiness. Live in the present for there is the path to a worthwhile life. Seek out your options for there you will discover the best choice. - Lucinda, Blackhorse Road”
― Blackhorse Road: A novel of deception and forgiveness and love gained and lost
― Blackhorse Road: A novel of deception and forgiveness and love gained and lost
“Present yourself to this moment and this moment will present you with its stellar magic and breathtaking miracles.”
“Most of us live in the past and resist living in a new future. Why? The body is so habituated to memorizing the chemical records of our past experiences that it grows attached to these emotions. In a very real sense, we become addicted to those familiar feelings. So when we want to look to the future and dream of new vistas and bold landscapes in our not-too-distant reality, the body, whose currency is feelings, resists the sudden change in direction.”
― Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
― Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
“Warriors accept results
Warriors don't stay stuck in the past whether good or bad.
What Warriors do if the "Now" results are not as expected. Think Recover Think Await Think Move on Think New Battles Think
in fact, it's what Warriors do even after winning”
― Seeking Valhalla: Warriors Fly with Eagles Swim with Sharks
Warriors don't stay stuck in the past whether good or bad.
What Warriors do if the "Now" results are not as expected. Think Recover Think Await Think Move on Think New Battles Think
in fact, it's what Warriors do even after winning”
― Seeking Valhalla: Warriors Fly with Eagles Swim with Sharks
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