Love Letter Quotes
Quotes tagged as "love-letter"
Showing 1-30 of 104

“Though these words will never find you, I hope that you knew I was thinking of you today….. and that I was wishing you every happiness.
Love Always,
The girl you loved once.”
Love Always,
The girl you loved once.”

“Finished in a frenzy that reminded me of our last night in Cambridge. Watched my final sunrise. Enjoyed a last cigarette. Didn’t think the view could be any more perfect until I saw that beat-up trilby. Honestly, Sixsmith, as ridiculous as that thing makes you look, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful. Watched you for as long as I dared. I don’t believe it was a fluke that I saw you first. I believe there is another world waiting for us, Sixsmith. A better world, and I’ll be waiting for you there. I believe we do not stay dead long. Find me beneath the Corsican stars, where we first kissed.
Yours eternally, R.F.”
― Cloud Atlas
Yours eternally, R.F.”
― Cloud Atlas
“Kitty's always saying how origin stories are important.
At college, when people ask us how we met, how will we answer them? The short story is, we grew up together. But that's more Josh's and my story. High school sweet-hearts? That's Peter and Gen's story. So what's ours, then?
I suppose I'll say it all started with a love letter.”
― Always and Forever, Lara Jean
At college, when people ask us how we met, how will we answer them? The short story is, we grew up together. But that's more Josh's and my story. High school sweet-hearts? That's Peter and Gen's story. So what's ours, then?
I suppose I'll say it all started with a love letter.”
― Always and Forever, Lara Jean

I'm not always the best at expressing myself to you, so I'm taking advantage of the fact that I will be completely unresponsive when you read this, and therefore incapable of messing things up.
I want to thank you for giving me a chance. When I first saw you, I knew I had found something incredible. And since then all I've wanted was to be with you as much as possible.
When I thought I had lost you, I was torn between wanting you back and wanting the best for you—wanting you to be happy. Seeing you so miserable during the weeks we were apart gave me the courage to fight for us . . . to find a way for things to work. And seeing you happy again in the days we've been back together makes me think I did the right thing.
I can't promise you an ordinary experience, Kate. I wish I could transform myself into a normal man and be there for you, always, without the trauma that defines my life as "the walking dead." Since that isn't possible, I can only reassure you that I will do everything in my power to make it up to you. To give you more than a normal boyfriend could. I have no idea what that will mean, exactly, but I'm looking forward to finding out. With you.
Thank you for being here, my beauty. Mon ange. My Kate.
Yours utterly,
― Die for Me
I'm not always the best at expressing myself to you, so I'm taking advantage of the fact that I will be completely unresponsive when you read this, and therefore incapable of messing things up.
I want to thank you for giving me a chance. When I first saw you, I knew I had found something incredible. And since then all I've wanted was to be with you as much as possible.
When I thought I had lost you, I was torn between wanting you back and wanting the best for you—wanting you to be happy. Seeing you so miserable during the weeks we were apart gave me the courage to fight for us . . . to find a way for things to work. And seeing you happy again in the days we've been back together makes me think I did the right thing.
I can't promise you an ordinary experience, Kate. I wish I could transform myself into a normal man and be there for you, always, without the trauma that defines my life as "the walking dead." Since that isn't possible, I can only reassure you that I will do everything in my power to make it up to you. To give you more than a normal boyfriend could. I have no idea what that will mean, exactly, but I'm looking forward to finding out. With you.
Thank you for being here, my beauty. Mon ange. My Kate.
Yours utterly,
― Die for Me

“You have the greatest soul, the noblest nature, the sweetest, most loving heart I have ever known, and my love, my reverence, my admiration for you, you have increased in one evening as I should have thought only a lifetime of intimate, loving association could have increased them. You are more wonderful and lovely in my eyes than you ever were before; and my pride and joy and gratitude that you should love me with such a perfect love are beyond all expression, except in some great poem which I cannot write.”

You ask if I regret our engagement.
No. I regret every minute that you're out of my sight. I regret every step that doesn't bring me closer to you.
My last thought each night is that you should be in my arms. There is no peace or pleasure in my empty bed, where I sleep with you only in dreams and wake to curse the dawn.
If I had the right, I would forbid you to go anywhere without me. Not out of selfishness, but because being apart from you is like trying to live without breathing.
Think on that. You've stolen my very breath, cariad. And now I'm left to count the days until I take it back from you, kiss by kiss.
― Marrying Winterborne
You ask if I regret our engagement.
No. I regret every minute that you're out of my sight. I regret every step that doesn't bring me closer to you.
My last thought each night is that you should be in my arms. There is no peace or pleasure in my empty bed, where I sleep with you only in dreams and wake to curse the dawn.
If I had the right, I would forbid you to go anywhere without me. Not out of selfishness, but because being apart from you is like trying to live without breathing.
Think on that. You've stolen my very breath, cariad. And now I'm left to count the days until I take it back from you, kiss by kiss.
― Marrying Winterborne

“I am Tarzan of the Apes. I want you. I am yours. You are mine. We live here together always in my house. I will bring you the best of fruits, the tenderest deer, the finest meats that roam the jungle. I will hunt for you. I am the greatest of the jungle fighters. I will fight for you. I am the mightiest of the jungle fighters. You are Jane Porter, I saw it in your letter. When you see this you will know that it is for you and that Tarzan of the Apes loves you.”
― Tarzan of the Apes
― Tarzan of the Apes

“Every letter was a love letter. Of course, as love letters went, this one could have been better. It was not very promising, for instance, that Madeleine claimed not to want to see him for the next half-century.”
― The Marriage Plot
― The Marriage Plot

“As I sit here writing to you, I have propped my stocking feet much too close to the hearth. I’ve actually singed my stockings on occasion, and once I had to stomp out my feet when they started smoking. Even after that I can’t seem to rid myself of the habit. There, now you could pick me out of a crowd blindfolded. Simply follow the scent of scorched stockings.”
― Love in the Afternoon
― Love in the Afternoon

I'm switching back to regular handwriting. Calligraphy is hard, and I didn't bring my good pens. Or I need more practice.
Right now you're sitting across from me, probably writing HAGS 30 times in a row. I know a little bit of a lot of languages, but even so, I struggle to put this into words. Okay. I'm just going to do it.
First of all, I need you to know I'm not putting this out there with any hope of reciprocation. This is something I have to get off my chest (cliché, sorry) before we go our separate ways (cliché). It's the last day of school, and therefore my last chance.
"Crush" is too weak a word to describe how I feel. It doesn't do you justice, but maybe it works for me. I am the one who is crushed. I'm crushed that we have only ever regarded each other as enemies. I'm crushed when the day ends and I haven't said anything to you that isn't coated in five layers of sarcasm. I'm crushed, concluding this year without having known that you like melancholy music or eat cream cheese straight from the tub in the middle of the night or play with your bangs when you're nervous, as though you're worried they look bad. (They never do.)
You're ambitious, clever, interesting, and beautiful. I put "beautiful" last because for some reason, I have a feeling you'd roll your eyes if I wrote it first. But you are. You're beautiful and adorable and so fucking charming. And you have this energy that radiates off you, a shimmering optimism I wish I could borrow for myself sometimes.
You're looking at me like you can't believe I'm not done yet, so let me wrap this up before I turn it into a five-paragraph essay. But if this were an essay, here's the thesis statement:
I'm in love with you, Rowan Roth.
Please don't make too much fun of me at graduation?
Neil P. McNair”
― Today Tonight Tomorrow
I'm switching back to regular handwriting. Calligraphy is hard, and I didn't bring my good pens. Or I need more practice.
Right now you're sitting across from me, probably writing HAGS 30 times in a row. I know a little bit of a lot of languages, but even so, I struggle to put this into words. Okay. I'm just going to do it.
First of all, I need you to know I'm not putting this out there with any hope of reciprocation. This is something I have to get off my chest (cliché, sorry) before we go our separate ways (cliché). It's the last day of school, and therefore my last chance.
"Crush" is too weak a word to describe how I feel. It doesn't do you justice, but maybe it works for me. I am the one who is crushed. I'm crushed that we have only ever regarded each other as enemies. I'm crushed when the day ends and I haven't said anything to you that isn't coated in five layers of sarcasm. I'm crushed, concluding this year without having known that you like melancholy music or eat cream cheese straight from the tub in the middle of the night or play with your bangs when you're nervous, as though you're worried they look bad. (They never do.)
You're ambitious, clever, interesting, and beautiful. I put "beautiful" last because for some reason, I have a feeling you'd roll your eyes if I wrote it first. But you are. You're beautiful and adorable and so fucking charming. And you have this energy that radiates off you, a shimmering optimism I wish I could borrow for myself sometimes.
You're looking at me like you can't believe I'm not done yet, so let me wrap this up before I turn it into a five-paragraph essay. But if this were an essay, here's the thesis statement:
I'm in love with you, Rowan Roth.
Please don't make too much fun of me at graduation?
Neil P. McNair”
― Today Tonight Tomorrow
“What did it say about me that all of my favorite novels fell somewhere between a love letter and a suicide note?”
― Heaven and Hurricanes
― Heaven and Hurricanes
“What? Do you dare smile and suggest for a moment that just because of the Absence between us I cannot make myself vivid to you? Ho! Silly boy! Don't you know that the plainest sort of black ink throbs more than some blood—and the touch of the softest hand is a harsh caress compared to the touch of a reasonably shrewd pen? Here—now, I say—this very moment: Lift this letter of mine to your face, and swear—if you're honestly able to—that you can't smell the rose in my hair!”
― Molly Make-believe
― Molly Make-believe
“My Love ❤
Before I laid my eyes on you, all my days were spent in silent contemplation of what was lacking in my life.☁ The moment I saw you, I’ve realized that I had found what I had been lacking all along. ☼ I love you with all my heart.ッ
“My love is upon you.” ♡”
Before I laid my eyes on you, all my days were spent in silent contemplation of what was lacking in my life.☁ The moment I saw you, I’ve realized that I had found what I had been lacking all along. ☼ I love you with all my heart.ッ
“My love is upon you.” ♡”

“You might think about me a bit & whether you could bear the idea of marrying me. Of course you haven’t got to decide, but think about it. I can’t advise you in my favour because I think it would be beastly for you, but think how nice it would be for me. I am restless & moody & misanthropic & lazy & have no money except what I earn and if I got ill you would starve. In fact it’s a lousy proposition. On the other hand I think I could reform & become quite strict about not getting drunk and I am pretty sure I should be faithful.
I have always tried to be nice to you and you may have got it into your head that I am nice really, but that is all rot. It is only to you & for you. I am jealous & impatient – but there is no point in going into a whole list of my vices. You are a critical girl and I’ve no doubt that you know them all and a great many I don’t know myself. But the point I wanted to make is that if you marry most people, you are marrying a great number of objects & other people as well, well, if you marry me there is nothing else involved, and that is an advantage as well as a disadvantage.
Eight days from now I shall be with you again, darling heart. I don’t think of much else.
All my love,
I have always tried to be nice to you and you may have got it into your head that I am nice really, but that is all rot. It is only to you & for you. I am jealous & impatient – but there is no point in going into a whole list of my vices. You are a critical girl and I’ve no doubt that you know them all and a great many I don’t know myself. But the point I wanted to make is that if you marry most people, you are marrying a great number of objects & other people as well, well, if you marry me there is nothing else involved, and that is an advantage as well as a disadvantage.
Eight days from now I shall be with you again, darling heart. I don’t think of much else.
All my love,

“To the celestial, and my soul's idol, the most beautified
Doubt thou the stars are fire.
Doubt that the sun doth move.
Doubt truth to be a liar.
But never doubt I love.
O dear Ophelia, I am ill at these numbers.
I have not art to reckon my groans.
But that I love thee best,
O most best, believe it. Adieu.
Thine evermore, most dear lady, whilst this machine is to him, Hamlet.”
― Hamlet
Doubt thou the stars are fire.
Doubt that the sun doth move.
Doubt truth to be a liar.
But never doubt I love.
O dear Ophelia, I am ill at these numbers.
I have not art to reckon my groans.
But that I love thee best,
O most best, believe it. Adieu.
Thine evermore, most dear lady, whilst this machine is to him, Hamlet.”
― Hamlet

“These are among the many foundation stones of this new world we have built, and the work continues. I know all this seemed impossible a decade ago, when it felt as if everything was falling apart and our climate might be doomed. But everything we did mattered. All of it.
We now know that we're going to keep global temperature rise below the most dangerous tipping points that climate scientists warned us about a decade ago. We can look our kids in the eye and tell them we didn't let them down. Now we can watch their dreams unfold."
— Mary Anne Hitt, "A Love Letter from the Clean Energy Future”
― Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility
We now know that we're going to keep global temperature rise below the most dangerous tipping points that climate scientists warned us about a decade ago. We can look our kids in the eye and tell them we didn't let them down. Now we can watch their dreams unfold."
— Mary Anne Hitt, "A Love Letter from the Clean Energy Future”
― Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility

“After I met Tony for the first time, he wrote to me nearly every day for a month or more... Tony's letters gave me the first experience I had ever had of satisfaction -- of my most secret hopes and desires, and my sense of life's possibility being met. They were always prompter and more numerous and longer and more beautiful than I expected, and they never disappointed me. Whatever I imagined getting from Tony, it wasn't this sparkling river of words that flowed through me and irrigated me and began to bring me slowly back to life. It has allowed me ever after to live with his silence, because I know that the river is there, and that only I am permitted to have this knowledge.”
― Second Place
― Second Place

“Read me or rip me,
it is up to you.
So long as the heart beats,
I'm waiting for you.”
― Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım
it is up to you.
So long as the heart beats,
I'm waiting for you.”
― Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

“Dear Lucy,
I see you. I read between the lines. You are unhappy. And there’s only one way to fix that. I am counting the days…
Love, Your secret admirer”
― Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick
I see you. I read between the lines. You are unhappy. And there’s only one way to fix that. I am counting the days…
Love, Your secret admirer”
― Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick

“Dear Lucy,
You must be wondering who I am. That I cannot yet reveal.
I read your book. And I am enthralled by your story. You write so beautifully.
I am counting the days until I can finally touch you. Smell you. Let you feel all the things you long for.
I see you. I see the real you. I see the darkness.”
― Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick
You must be wondering who I am. That I cannot yet reveal.
I read your book. And I am enthralled by your story. You write so beautifully.
I am counting the days until I can finally touch you. Smell you. Let you feel all the things you long for.
I see you. I see the real you. I see the darkness.”
― Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick

“I am a beast, locked in a cage. But when I finally get out, you will be mine and mine alone. Say goodbye to hubby dearest, for he will be gone soon…”
― Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick
― Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick

“My love,
I can see it so vividly―you torturing your husband. What was it that Daisy Scott did first? She cut off his fingers one by one? For ever daring to put his hands on her?
You would look so pretty with blood all over your face. But you would look even prettier completely bare for me, taking me inside. Letting me worship your body and make you bleed as I dig my nails into your silky skin.
You would love that. I promise you.”
― Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick
I can see it so vividly―you torturing your husband. What was it that Daisy Scott did first? She cut off his fingers one by one? For ever daring to put his hands on her?
You would look so pretty with blood all over your face. But you would look even prettier completely bare for me, taking me inside. Letting me worship your body and make you bleed as I dig my nails into your silky skin.
You would love that. I promise you.”
― Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick

“You’re a walking love letter and you don’t even know it,” I tell her. “The most magnificent lass I ever did see.”
― Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick
― Bloody Fingers & Red Lipstick

“On reading this letter, you may ask: why was it written? To this I answer: so that you should have confirmation of how I think about you; for towards you I am always well-disposed.”

“One and A Half Ex
(Sonnets 1429, 1430)
Once upon a time by the Bay of Bengal,
a naive tiger fell for a vain sheep.
The sheep had him eating out of her hand,
only to discard him for another sheep.
The tiger's world was turned upside down,
abandoning home-n-uni he set out as monk.
Then one afternoon underneath the tree,
the monk awakened to prophetic dimension.
The saintly tiger then returned home,
Lo, commenced his sleepless self-education!
He had already mastered all divine sight,
Now he needed to muster a scientific arsenal.
During his making he met a Balkan xena,
she was everything he could ever dream of.
But the tiger still had plenty struggle ahead,
even for the perfect partner it was too much.
She had a beautiful heart which grew weary,
waiting for a giant with the world on shoulder.
The first whole love of the tiger came to halt,
after four magical years of timeless forever.
Though devastated, unable to think-n-work,
this time this was no longer a naive tiger.
Gloom galvanizes conviction invincible,
Shattered heart makes shade for the world.”
― Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets
(Sonnets 1429, 1430)
Once upon a time by the Bay of Bengal,
a naive tiger fell for a vain sheep.
The sheep had him eating out of her hand,
only to discard him for another sheep.
The tiger's world was turned upside down,
abandoning home-n-uni he set out as monk.
Then one afternoon underneath the tree,
the monk awakened to prophetic dimension.
The saintly tiger then returned home,
Lo, commenced his sleepless self-education!
He had already mastered all divine sight,
Now he needed to muster a scientific arsenal.
During his making he met a Balkan xena,
she was everything he could ever dream of.
But the tiger still had plenty struggle ahead,
even for the perfect partner it was too much.
She had a beautiful heart which grew weary,
waiting for a giant with the world on shoulder.
The first whole love of the tiger came to halt,
after four magical years of timeless forever.
Though devastated, unable to think-n-work,
this time this was no longer a naive tiger.
Gloom galvanizes conviction invincible,
Shattered heart makes shade for the world.”
― Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

“It happens all the time to you fortunate literate people: A maiden who can't read begs you to read a love letter she's received. The letter is so surprising, exciting and disturbing that its owner, though embarrassed at your becoming privy to her most intimate affairs, ashamed and distraught, asks you all the same to read it once more. You read it again, In the end, you've read the letter so many times that both of you have memorized it. Before long, she'll take the letter in her hands and ask, "Did he make that state- ment there?" and "Did he say that here?" As you point to the appropriate places, she'll pore over those passages, still unable to make sense of the words there. As she stares at the curvy letters of the words, sometimes I am so moved I forget that I myself can't read or write and feel the urge to embrace those illiterate maidens whose tears fall to the page.”
― My Name Is Red
― My Name Is Red

“It happens all the time to you fortunate literate
people: A maiden who can't read begs you to read a love letter she's received. The letter is so surprising, exciting and disturbing that its owner, though embarrassed at your becoming privy to her most intimate affairs, ashamed and distraught, asks you all the same to read it once more. You read it again, In the end, you've read the letter so many times that both of you have memorized it. Before long, she'll take the letter in her hands and ask, "Did he make that statement there?" and "Did he say that here?" As you point to the appropriate places, she'll pore over those passages, still unable to make sense of the words there. As she stares at the curvy letters of the words, sometimes I am so moved I forget that I myself can't read or write and feel the urge to embrace those illiterate maidens whose tears fall to the page.”
― My Name Is Red
people: A maiden who can't read begs you to read a love letter she's received. The letter is so surprising, exciting and disturbing that its owner, though embarrassed at your becoming privy to her most intimate affairs, ashamed and distraught, asks you all the same to read it once more. You read it again, In the end, you've read the letter so many times that both of you have memorized it. Before long, she'll take the letter in her hands and ask, "Did he make that statement there?" and "Did he say that here?" As you point to the appropriate places, she'll pore over those passages, still unable to make sense of the words there. As she stares at the curvy letters of the words, sometimes I am so moved I forget that I myself can't read or write and feel the urge to embrace those illiterate maidens whose tears fall to the page.”
― My Name Is Red

“The Word of God is a love letter from His Throne to remind His children to sin no more if they seek to become vessels of hope.”
― The Infallible Word of God: 365 Inspirational Quotes
― The Infallible Word of God: 365 Inspirational Quotes
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