Magnus Quotes

Quotes tagged as "magnus" Showing 1-30 of 45
Cassandra Clare
“I think,” Jace said, “that you don’t want to tell your secrets, so you decided to break up with Alec because...”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
“Magnus, you were trying to flirt with your own plate."

"I'm a very open-minded sort of fellow!”
Cassandra Clare, The Bane Chronicles

Morgan Rhodes
“In the shadow my father has cast over my entire life, you are the only light I can see anymore. And, whatever the cost, I refuse to let that light be extinguished”
Morgan Rhodes, Gathering Darkness

Morgan Rhodes
“Magnus had come to a horrible realization. One that he knew would cause him nothing but pain and suffering from that day forward.
But there was no changing the truth of it.
He had fallen in love with her.”
Morgan Rhodes, Gathering Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“Happy birthday, Alexander," Magnus murmured.
"Thanks for remembering," Alec whispered back.”
Cassandra Clare, What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything

Cassandra Clare
“Not much had changed at Magnus’s since the first time Jace had been there. Jace used an open rune to get through the front door and took the stairs, buzzing Magnus’s apartment bell. It was safer that way because Magnus could be playing video games naked or really anything. Magnus yanked the door open, looking furious. He was wearing a black silk dressing gown, his feet were bare, his dark hair was tangled, “What are you doing here?”

“My,” said Jace, “You’re so unwelcoming.”

“That’s because you’re not welcome.”

“I thought we were friends,” said Jace.

“No, you’re Alec’s friend, Alec was my boyfriend so I had to put up with you. But now he’s not my boyfriend so I don’t have to put up with you.”

“I think you should get back together with Alec,” said Jace.

Magnus looked at him, “And why is that?”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
“If Jace was gold, catching the light and the attention, Alec was silver: so used to everyone else looking at Jace that that was where he looked too, so used to living in Jace’s shadow that he didn’t expect to be seen. Maybe it was enough to be the first person to tell Alec that he was worth being seen ahead of anyone in a room, and of being looked at longest.
And silver, though few people knew it, was a rarer metal than gold.”
Cassandra Clare, The Course of True Love [and First Dates]

Cassandra Clare
“Eventually I fell asleep in the Rabies and Lycanthropy section. Woolsey bites on occasion, and I'm concerned.' - Magnus Bane”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

Cassandra Clare
“The way Magnus’ breath had sounded, rattling in his chest, before he’d said his father’s name.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Morgan Rhodes
“The truth is only dangerous if it can inflict injury.”
Morgan Rhodes, Falling Kingdoms

Cassandra Clare
“The posters bore the words WITH THE PASSING YEARS COMES...IMPOTENCE! Magnus found himself staring at the posters with a sort of absent horror. He looked at Alec and found that Alec could not tear his eyes away either. He wondered if Alec was aware that Magnus was three hundred years old and whether Alec was considering exactly how impotent one might become after that much time.”
Cassandra Clare, The Course of True Love [and First Dates]

Morgan Rhodes
“I love you, Cleo," he said, the words finally coming to him, with no effort at all because of how true they were. "I love you so much it hurts."
Her eyes widened. "What did you just say?"
Magnus almost laughed. "I think you heard me right.”
Morgan Rhodes, Frozen Tides

Morgan Rhodes
“What? Who are you marrying?”
His jaw tightened.“Princess Cleiona Bellos.”
Lucia could not believe her ears. “This has been arranged.”
Magnus gave her a look.“Oh, not at all. Since helping to take her father's kingdom and destroy her life,I couldn’t help but fall madly in love with her. Yes,obviously it was arranged.”
Morgan Rhodes, Rebel Spring

Laurell K. Hamilton
“Do you really have the ability to control all types of undead?" Magnus asked.
"Can you really make a hundred shoes in a single night?" I asked.
Magnus smiled. "Wrong kind of fairie.”
Laurell K. Hamilton, Bloody Bones

Cassandra Clare
“Alec surprised Magnus and the werewolf both by breaking away and lunging at Marcy. Whatever he had been planning, it didn’t work: this time the werewolf’s swipe caught him full in the chest. Alec went flying into a hot pink wall decorated with gold glitter. He hit a mirror set into the wall and decorated with curling gold fretwork with enough force to crack the glass across.
“Oh, stupid Shadowhunters,” Magnus moaned under his breath. But Alec used his own body hitting the wall as leverage, rebounding off the wall and up, catching a sparkling chandelier and swinging, then dropping down as lightly as a leaping cat and crouching to attack again in one smooth movement. “Stupid, sexy Shadowhunters.”
Cassandra Clare, The Course of True Love [and First Dates]

Rick Riordan
“Also, I kept thinking about Alex Fierro. You know, maybe just a little. Alex was a force of nature, like the snow thunder. She struck when she felt like it, depending on temperature differentials and storm patterns I couldn't possibly predict. She shook my foundations in a way that was powerful but also weirdly soft and constrained, veiled in blizzard. I couldn't assign any motives to her. She just did what she wanted. At least, that's how it felt to me.”
Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard

Cassandra Clare
“A girl clutched Magnus’s sleeve and gazed up at him, her false lashes dusted with silver glitter. “Don’t go in,” she whispered. “There’s a monster in there.”
I am a monster, Magnus thought. And monsters are his specialty.
He didn’t say it. Instead he said, “I don’t believe you,” and walked in. He meant it, too: the
Shadowhunters, even Alec, might believe Magnus was a monster, but Magnus didn’t believe it himself. He’d taught himself not to believe it even though his mother, the man he’d called his father, and a thousand others had told him it was true.
Magnus would not believe the girl in there was a monster either, no matter what she might look like to mundanes and Nephilim. She had a soul, and that meant she could be saved.”
Cassandra Clare, The Course of True Love [and First Dates]

Jessica Cluess
“Ferox et stultus," I said, grinning. "perhaps those are the Howel words as well."
"No, yours would be I have a brilliant plan, followed by Blackwood moaning in horror.”
Jessica Cluess, A Poison Dark and Drowning

Cassandra Clare
“Magnus sighed. 'There would be consequences. Have you ever heard of the expression 'the sleep of reason brings forth monsters'?'
'Yes,' Julian said. 'But I'm going to be a monster either way.”
Cassandra Clare, Queen of Air and Darkness

Cassandra Clare
“Ah hayır, Raphael, lütfen beni terk etme," dedi Magnus monoton bir sesle. "O tatlı gülüşünün ışığı olmadan ne yaparım ben? Eğer gidersen kendimi yere atıp ağlarım."
"Öyle mi?" diye sordu Raphael, bir kaşını kaldırıp. "Çünkü bunu yaparsan yanında kalır ve gösteriyi izlerim."
"Çık dışarı," dedi Magnus ona. "Dışarı! Gitmeni istiyorum! Sen buradan ayrıldığında bir parti vereceğim ve sen, partilerden nefret edersin.”
Cassandra Clare, The Bane Chronicles

Cassandra Clare
“Ne iş yapıyorsunuz?" diye sordu kadın.
"Ivır zıvır," dedi Magnus.
"Modayla ilgileniyor musunuz? Moda sektöründe çalışır gibi görünüyorsunuz."
"Hayır," dedi Magnus. "Ben modanın ta kendisiyim.”
Cassandra Clare, The Bane Chronicles

“You do not know me if you think I’d hide. I’m in the light. I am free. Where is my beautiful woman? She runs from her heart. Yet you run through my veins. Your fire burns inside me. I run with you.”
Imogen Maud, Green Envy

Cassandra Clare
“Sen hâlâ sarhoş olmana rağmen, aslında oldukça keyifli bir yemek oldu."
"O noktada ayılmaya başlamış olduğuma eminim," diyerek itiraz etti Magnus.
"Magnus, kendi tabağınla flörtleşmeye çalışıyordun."
"Ben oldukça açık fikirli biriyimdir!"
"Ragnor ise değildir," dedi Catarina. "Bize deney faresi yedirdiğini keşfettiği zaman tabağını alıp başında parçaladı."
"Ve aşkımız böylece sona erdi," dedi Magnus. "Eh, her neyse. Tabakla uzun bir beraberlik yaşamamız zaten mucize olurdu.”
Cassandra Clare, The Bane Chronicles

Cassandra Clare
“Ama senin derdin eğlenmek değil, değil mi James Herondale?" diye sordu Magnus. "Aslında derdin cehenneme gitmek."
"Belki de cehenneme gitmenin eğlenceli olduğunu düşünüyorumdur." dedi James Herondale ve gözleri tahmin edilemez acılar taşırcasına, cehennem ateşi gibi parladı.”
Cassandra Clare, The Bane Chronicles

Cassandra Clare
“Güven. Bu tıpkı birinin eline kılıç verip, ucunu kalbine dayamaya benziyor."
"Senden bana güvenmeni istemedim," diye belirtti Magnus nazikçe. "Henüz yeni tanıştık."
"Ah, sana güveneceğim," dedi genç, umursamaz bir tavırla. "Ne fark eder ki? Er ya da geç hepimiz ihanete uğrarız. Ya ihanete uğrarız ya da bir hain oluruz.”
Cassandra Clare, The Bane Chronicles

Cassandra Clare
“Lily gözlerini Raphael'den ayırmadan Magnus'un yanına sokuldu.
"Ondan hoşlandım," dedi. "Çok acayip olmasına karşın patronluk taslıyor. Ne demek istediğimi anlıyor musun?"
"Üzgünüm. Birinin Raphael'den hoşlandığını duyunca şaşkınlıktan duyma yetimi kaybettim.”
Cassandra Clare, The Bane Chronicles

Morgan Rhodes
“You wouldn't, because you don't want to die. You don't just live, Cleo. Life itself sings from your existence.”
Morgan Rhodes

Cassandra Clare
“I realize now that I won't be any more ready to lose you then than I am right now." He put his hands gently to either side of Alec's face. " Which is not at all.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Fallen Angels
tags: magnus

“We are tied to this life by a chain of gold. And we dare not sever it for fear of what lies beyond the drop.”
Cassandra Claire

Aaron Dembski-Bowden
“El viaje de un año desde Isstvan fue más agitado de lo que me esperaba. Angron y lu Legión nos retrasaron, haciendo una pausa para asesinar un mundo tras otro por sus caprichos iracundos. La psique mutilada de nuestro hermano hace de la planificación una tarea imposible pero al fin, aquí estamos. El principio del fin.”
Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Betrayer

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