Mental State Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mental-state" Showing 1-22 of 22
Erik Pevernagie
“When we feel life escapes us and we don’t recognize ourselves anymore, we do well to build a safe haven in our frame of mind before the essence of our being evaporates and the keystones of our mental structure disintegrate. ("Absence of Desire" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Edmund Burke
“The human mind is often, and I think it is for the most part, in a state neither of pain nor pleasure, which I call a state of indifference.”
Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful

“Life is fundamentally a mental state. We live in a dream world that we create. Whose life is truer, the rational man of action pursuing practical goals of personal happiness and wealth or the philosophic man who lives in a world of theoretical and metaphysical ideas? We ascribe the value quotient to our lives by making decisions that we score as either valid or invalid based upon our personal ethics and how we think and behave.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Kevin Michel
“Every hour of your life that ticks by, there are numerous points and moments when you can choose to pause - and be aware of your mental and physical state. At any given point, you can freeze the flow that is your life, and be fully conscious for a moment.”
Kevin Michel, Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams

Stieg Larsson
“Her apartment in Stockholm might look as if a bomb had gone off in it, but mentally Salander was extremely well organised.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

C. JoyBell C.
“People in this world, on this planet, all of these people are lonely. To varying degrees, human beings are lonely. Many are not; but too many are. And they are too frequently lonely, too. They fill their minds with things called dreams, plans, conclusions, outlooks, new stuff, self-imagery, self-esteem, illusions, fabrications; all of these things are noisy. They fill their minds up with all the things that are noisy enough to drown out the silence of their loneliness. And they think they're going somewhere because they gauge direction and success based upon the measurements of the distance covered over the platforms of the things they fill their minds with. The noise they fill their minds with. In reality, they're not going anywhere. They are sitting right there alone in that empty room of their minds where their hearts ache (or are numb), yet the walls are covered in noisy things, the corners filled with noisy things! It's a horror story, really. The people of this world are living inside a horror story and it is taking place within their minds. And you wonder why this world is unkind? You wonder why this world is violent, is unfulfilled, is half-baked? THIS is the reason why.”
C. JoyBell C.

Michael Finkel
“With his release imminent, Knight seems more unsettled than ever. He scratches furiously at his knees. Jail, he's realized, might not be all bad. There's routine and order in jail, and he's able to click into a survival mode that is not too dissimilar, in terms of steeliness of mental state, to the one he'd perfected during winters in the woods. "I'm surrounded in here by less than desirable people," he says, "but at least I wasn't thrown into the waters of society and expected to swim.”
Michael Finkel, The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit

Amanda Mosher
“Affection is the source of self-confidence, happiness, security, and a comfortable mental state.”
Amanda Mosher, Better to be able to love than to be loveable

Iris Murdoch
“There was a sort of grey dripping figure that kept trying to rise up in my mind and which I ruthlessly violently banished.”
Iris Murdoch, The Sea, the Sea

Criss Jami
“What many may call 'the silent treatment' is sometimes merely a matter of some individual being angry while trying not to be angry - that internal war and self-reflection on whether or not the bomb should be dropped, and if so, in what way shall it be dropped.”
Criss Jami

John Fowles
“en çok temiz olmayı istediğim şu anda, en beterinden bir pisliğin içine düştüm sanki; gelecek için alabildiğine özgür ama bir o kadar da geçmişe zincirli.”
John Fowles(Çev:Meram Arvas)

“Thoughts influence actions.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Victor Pelevin
“В голове обычного человека раздается множество голосов, которые он сам не сознает. Можно сказать, что в подвале человеческого ума постоянно происходит воровская сходка, где, собственно, и решается судьба всего дома. Эти голоса постоянно спорят между собой. Пока они говорят разное, крыше ничего не слышно – она лишь ощущает легкую нервоз- ность. Потом несколько таких голосов соглашаются о чем-то друг с другом и начинают гово- рить в унисон. Тогда их общая громкость делается достаточной, чтобы их стало слышно наверху – и они становятся командой.
Обычный человек не то чтобы слышит голоса – он им подчиняется. Еще точней, он и есть эти голоса, поскольку до того, как команды начинают выполняться, никакого человека просто нет: личность возникает именно в процессе их воплощения в жизнь.
Если же человек по какой-то причине слышит эти голоса все время, его или объявляют шизофреником и изолируют от нормальных людей, или назначают пророком и сажают в золотую колесницу. Но это, в общем, известно.
Можно долго спорить о природе таких голосов. Раньше считали, что они принадлежат богам, духам, ангелам и бесам. Потом их стали называть интериоризованными социальными кодами, фрагментами управляющих человеком программ, инвариантами иерархически обу- словленной матрицы поведения, и так далее – но сами голоса от этого не изменились ни разу.”
Виктор Пелевин

Olivia Sudjic
“The sensation that had plagued me after graduating, of being on the outside of some mystery, peeking in, returned.”
Olivia Sudjic, Sympathy

Catherine Lacey
“I walked toward the ocean, my brain somehow calm and empty, sick of itself, taking a sick day.”
Catherine Lacey, Nobody Is Ever Missing

“When there is no true balance there are bound to be repercussions.” He paused. “I hinted once that the human body was out of tune. The same, with due respect, applies to the mental state. A man’s mind should be precisely balanced between emotion and reason. In true order a man would consult reason before being swept away by emotion. The emotion itself should be the force to vitalize and empower his considered action. Bluntly, the race is unstable and out of balance. You consider this instability normal because you have met and experienced no other.”

“I get your point, but I’m not sure I care for it.” Gaynor was frowning. “Hell, you’re telling me politely we’re all nut cases.” Duncan looked at him directly and without smiling. “Mr. Gaynor, you’re demonstrating my point admirably. You’re allowing pride and resentment to overrule your intellect.”
Philip E. High, The Prodigal Sun

“A healthy state of mind of a society, is strengthened through the inhancement of positive and effective social support systems.”
Wayne Chirisa

R.J. Intindola
“Mental illness is often used as a rationale or label placed on hate crimes. In fact, it rarely is connected to one’s mental state, but instead, through hatred and other prejudicial mores established in early childhood.”
RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 2013

Torron-Lee Dewar
“Just because a series is trending, it doesn't mean you automatically have to tune into it. Not everything broadcasted is healthy for the brain.”
Torron-Lee Dewar

Iqra Iqbal

I imagined his memory was playing tricks on him, the way that dreams are usually a product of the mental state in which we are when we are having them.”
Iqra Iqbal, AI Creative Writing Anthology: 20 Authors Share How to Use Computer Tools

Steven Magee
“Solar eclipses are associated with changed health. After watching the cloudy ring of fire eclipse on 14th October 2023 I had changed health. I noticed a change in mental state and had a lowered mood in the hours afterwards. It was followed by a mild afternoon headache. The next day I had unusual digestive disturbances that felt like mild food poisoning.”
Steven Magee

“The bridge between a psychopath and a murderer is often drawn paper thin. There are psychopaths who twist you inside out with psychological torture, while others make it a reality, twisting you to pieces with blades of steel. They’re all geniuses in their own little fantasies. Some feel trapped and need to find a way through the reality of this harsh world. Some will never be free.”
Remii Allan