Minerals Quotes

Quotes tagged as "minerals" Showing 1-30 of 30
“Rocks and minerals: the oldest storytellers.”
A.D. Posey

Sybrina Durant
“The Metal Horn Unicorns and their elemental friends are techno-magical.”
Sybrina Durant, Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically by the Metal Horn Unicorns

Sybrina Durant
“24 carat gold is a pure naturally occurring yellow metal. There are 4 basic shades of gold alloys: yellow gold, white gold, rose gold and green gold. A huge range of other colored golds are also possible including red (gold and copper), grey (gold, iron and copper), purple (gold and aluminum), blue (gold and iron) and black (gold and cobalt), depending on the amounts of different metals alloyed together.”
Sybrina Durant, Magical Elements of the Periodic Table Presented Alphabetically by the Metal Horn Unicorns

“There are over a million types of fish in the sea as there are flowers in all of the world's gardens. There are at least a million different types of minerals as there are species of birds or monkeys. The possible configurations of lifeforms that could be created from a single atom are infinite. There are at least a billion people on this earth, and no two faces look the same. It is very arrogant to assume that we have seen all of God's miracles.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

D.H. Lawrence
“Incarnate ugliness, and yet alive! What would become of them all? Perhaps with the passing of the coal they would disappear again, off the face of the earth. They had appeared out of nowhere in their thousands, when the coal had called for them. Perhaps they were only
weird fauna of the coal-seams. Creatures of another reality, they were elementals, serving the elements of coal, as the metal-workers were elementals, serving the element of iron. Men not men, but animas of coal and iron and clay. Fauna of the elements, carbon, iron, silicon: elementals. They had perhaps some of the weird, inhuman beauty of minerals, the lustre of coal, the weight and blueness and resistance of iron, the transparency of glass. Elemental creatures, weird and distorted, of the mineral world! They belonged to the coal, the iron, the clay, as fish belong to the sea and worms to dead wood. The anima of mineral disintegration!”
D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover

Enock Maregesi
“Hakuna shaka yoyote (kwa mfano) kwamba mboga za majani na matunda vina vitamini nyingi mwilini na madini na vitu vyote vizuri katika mwili wa binadamu, na kwamba kadhalika vina kirutubisho cha ufumwele ambacho huzuia kufunga choo na matatizo mengine ya mfumo wa usagaji chakula. Kirutubisho hiki kikizidi mwilini utapata matatizo makubwa yatakayoweza hata kukusababishia kifo!”
Enock Maregesi

But most of all, where did this deeply complex sweetness come from?! It's far too nuanced to be solely brown sugar!"
"Oh, the answer to that is in the flavoring I used."
"Soy sauce?!"
"Oh my gosh, she added soy sauce to a dessert?!"

"I used it at the very end of the recipe.
To make the whipped-cream filling, I used heavy cream, vanilla extract, light brown sugar and a dash of soy sauce.
Once the cakes were baked, I spread the whipped cream on top, rolled them up and chilled them in the fridge for a few minutes.
All of that made the brown sugar in the cake both taste and look even cuter than it did before."
"Aah, I see. The concept is similar to that of salted caramels. Add salt to something sweet..
... and by comparison the sweetness will stand out on the tongue even more strongly.
She's created a new and unique dessert topping- Soy Sauce Whipped Cream!"
"Soy sauce whipped cream, eh? I see! So that's how it works!"
Since it isn't as refined as white sugar, brown sugar retains trace amounts of minerals, like iron and sodium.
The unique layered flavor these minerals give to it matches beautifully with the salty body of soy sauce!

"Without brown sugar as the main component, this exquisite deliciousness would not be possible!"

"It tastes even yummier if you try some of the various fruits in between each bite of cake.
The candy sculptures are totally edible too.
If you break one up into crumbs and crunch on it while taking a bite of the cake, it's super yummy."
How wonderfully surprising! Each and every bite...
... is an invitation to a land of dreams!

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 29 [Shokugeki no Souma 29]

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Ben Franklin”
Dr. Joel D. Wallach

Enock Maregesi
“Kula sana kunaweza kusababisha virutubisho kuzidi mwilini zaidi ya kiwango kinachohitajika na mwili, ambavyo baadaye vinaweza kusababisha madhara ya papo kwa hapo kama tumbo kuuma au tumbo kujaa gesi! Baada ya muda mrefu wingi wa virutubisho hivi unaweza kuingiliana na ufyonzaji wa madini kama fosforasi, kalisi, magnesi, chuma, na zinki, hali inayoweza kusababisha upungufu mkubwa wa virutubisho, unaoweza kusababisha kifo.”
Enock Maregesi

Enock Maregesi
“Kila sumu ina kiuasumu chake. Viuasumu vya 'cyanide' ni 'amyl nitrite', 'sodium nitrite', 'cyanokit', na 'sodium thiosulfate'. Kazi ya viuasumu hivi ni kuzalisha madini mengi ya chuma mwilini. Madini haya yatapambana na maada za rangi za uhai ('cytochromes') kwa ajili ya 'cyanide', ili 'cyanide' ing’ang’anie kwenye kiuasumu badala ya kung’ang’ania kwenye vimeng’enya vya seli za mwilini. Kiuasumu kinaposhinda mpambano huo; 'cyanide' hutolewa nje kwa njia ya mkojo, na mwathirika wa 'cyanide' hupona kabisa. 'Sodium thiosulfate' ndiyo bora zaidi kuliko 'amyl nitrite' au 'sodium nitrite', na ndiyo bora zaidi kuliko 'cyanokit'.”
Enock Maregesi

“The names of minerals and the minerals themselves do not differ from each other, because at the bottom of both the material and the print is the beginning of an abysmal number of fissures. Words and rocks contain a language that follows a syntax of splits and ruptures. Look at any word long enough and you will see it open up into a series of faults, into a terrain of particles each containing its own void.”
Robert Smithson

“There are far better MINErals than Gold and Platinum out there, so don't close your mine when you see them on TV”
Goitsemang Mvula

Steven Magee
“The supplement industry is the biggest threat to the pharmaceutical industry.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The bulk of human health issues can be traced to diet and deficiencies in minerals, metals, vitamins and hormones.”
Steven Magee

Gift Gugu Mona
“She is worth more than a business deal, much more than an employment contract. The minerals of this world combined cannot match her value because she is a woman of virtue.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Woman of Virtue: Power-Filled Quotes for a Powerful Woman

Craig Childs
“When a planet is born from interstellar dust it has about twelve refractory minerals, those resistant to decomposition by heat, pressure, or chemical attack. By the time it is complete with asteroid accretion and finally volcanic activity, about 1,500 different minerals are present. The earth has at least 4,300 species of mineral. This high number is unique in the solar system, a function of biological processes such as photosynthesis that releases oxygen which chemically bonds with almost every element, creating new minerals.”
Craig Childs, Apocalyptic Planet: Field Guide to the Ever-Ending Earth

Craig Childs
“In the Atacama, I saw the future, when the sun eats up the last of its hydrogen and burns into its red-giant phase, big enough to cook life and clouds and oceans off this naked orb. It wouldn't be a fast process, not by our standards. Millions of years in the execution, our sky would finally be half filled by a sun the color of a red-hot moonrise. After that, the sun would probably collapse into a white dwarf, meanwhile blasting away its outer shells of gas into an explosive planetary nebula. I imagine that all of our minerals will pay off as we make a rainbow streak flaring off into space. We will be beautiful.”
Craig Childs, Apocalyptic Planet: Field Guide to the Ever-Ending Earth

Michael Hudson
“The United States is in deficit on raw materials account, but is unwilling to limit its industrial expansion correspondingly. It is in surplus on farm products account, but is unwilling to limit its agriculture accordingly. The peoples of developing countries therefore are to be turned into the instrument through which the otherwise untenable U.S. economic process is perpetuated.”
Michael Hudson, Super Imperialism: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance

Steven Magee
“Pineapples are one of nature’s medicines.”
Steven Magee, Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue

“Mineral truly govern our lives whether we recognize it or not.”
Dr. Joel D. Wallach

“Anemia made the tissues and organs small and pale.”
Dr. Joel D. Wallach

“Tissue doesn't lie.”
Dr. Joel D. Wallach

“Necessity is the mother of invention.”
Dr. Joel D. Wallach

“First, do no harm.”
Dr. Joel D. Wallach

Steven Magee
“Malnutrition is an epidemic in the USA.”
Steven Magee, Pandemic Supplements

Steven Magee
“Low calcium is characteristic of COVID-19.”
Steven Magee, COVID Supplements

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Minerals are tested once, once you find human nature, you don't have to test them again.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Mitta Xinindlu
“Why is the African continent always advertising its resources? Advertising is an invitation.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“Symptoms of electrolyte imbalances include chronic fatigue, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, brain fog, sleeping problems, muscle weakness, cramping, headaches and numbness[

DiNicolantonio, Dr. James ; Land, Siim (2021-03-20). The Mineral Fix: How to Optimize Your Mineral Intake for Energy, Longevity, Immunity, Sleep and More”
Dr. James Dinicolantonio Dr.

“To avoid electrolyte imbalances you have to be obtaining enough minerals from food and liquids. You also need to avoid damage to your organs like your intestines, liver and kidneys so you don’t lose the ability to absorb, reabsorb and/ or utilize these minerals. The most obvious solution is to pay more attention to what kinds of foods you eat, which supplements you may need and how much salt to consume in relation to your losses.

DiNicolantonio, Dr. James ; Land, Siim (2021-03-20). The Mineral Fix: How to Optimize Your Mineral Intake for Energy, Longevity, Immunity, Sleep and More”
Dr. James Dinicolantonio Dr.