Move On Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "move-on-quotes" Showing 31-58 of 58
Brooke Hampton
“This has been a really tough lesson for me to learn. The people I love, I love hard and without conditions. My loyalty, once earned, will be with you for a lifetime. I really get that we are all connected and that until we all get it, no-one is getting it. That said, I'm also learning that some people are not a good match for us and their presence in our life is incredibly toxic. We can still love them, we just need to love them from a distance. Maybe after a few more reincarnations, we'll be able to love them up close again.”
brooke hampton

Charlena E. Jackson
“Our children are fighting a silent war because they are broken down and tired. They isolate themselves from the pain. Deep inside they are screaming for help. They should not fight this silent killer alone.”

Charlena E. Jackson
“Bullying is a silent killer because it is truly ignored and goes unnoticed.”

Charlena E. Jackson
“The silent killer puts pressure on our children to be perfect – as if they don’t have any flaws. It changes their identity to the point that we do not know who our children have become. It has control over our children’s minds, and our children start to think they are not good enough.”

Nikki Rowe
“Fuck the ones who hurt you
Stop thinking about them,
Get on with your own life
They'll eventually come back with apologies
And you'll gladly accept them; as you keep growing with your life.”
Nikki Rowe

Germany Kent
“People who hurt you over and over again do not deserve to be a part of your life.”
Germany Kent

Myra Yadav
“Don't simply run after brands, establish yourself as a brand”
Myra Yadav

Germany Kent
“Perhaps, if you knew then what you know now you would have done it differently. You are a different person today. Forgive yourself, and move on.”
Germany Kent

“If something great is going to happen in your tomorrow there are certain thing’s that need to end today.”
Sope Agbelusi

Germany Kent
“When you are taking a risk, go with the one that could be life-changing.”
Germany Kent

“There is a turning point in everyone's life, because every journey has its end.”
I'm salmiah

Myra Yadav
“Don't bury your past into the grave of repentance, make it your great inspiration to move on”
Myra Yadav

“With time,
her memories will fade away.
Pain will be replaced with void.
Expections from others will be reduced.
Kindness will be increased.
That's how, a broken soul, heals.”
mukesh prajapat, An Unknown Girl: Short story by Mukesh Prajapat

“Everybody has talent, it's just a matter of moving around until you've discovered what it is.”
talent,future,moving on,

“Dependence on others is not the freedom as you want in your life”

“Destiny determines who enters your life, but you are the one who decide who stays. That the truth hurts only once and a lie hurts every time you remembered it. That there are three things in life that leave and never ever return: words, time and opportunities. Therefore, appreciate people who appreciate you and don’t care about people who kept you as an option.”
I'm salmiah

“I am not interested to be a guest in your life!

I just wanna be someone who you afraid to lose!

I am sure when you read this, you know it is specially written for you.”
I'm salmiah

“Make your heart strong.
Teach your heart to accept all the painful decision; even its really against what the heart wants.”
I'm salmiah

“Listen, clinging to people who causes you pain won't heal the scares on your heart, but worsen it.”

Deeksha Arora
Deeksha Arora

Keishorne Scott
“It sucks when they move on before you do. And act as if they’re happy with someone else. Don’t fall for it. It’s all cap. Let them rush & fail. You take your time. You heal, grow, and keep winning. Don’t let loneliness force you into a relationship you have no business being in.”
Keishorne Scott

“You may not be able to reach what's in front of you, until you let go of what's behind you.”
Golden Flower

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