Thinking With A Great Mind Quotes

Quotes tagged as "thinking-with-a-great-mind" Showing 1-30 of 96
Friedrich Nietzsche
“If thinking is your fate, revere this fate with divine honour and sacrifice to it the best, the most beloved”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Die Welt ist voller Torheit, Dumpfheit, Inkonsequenz und Ungerechtigkeit. Es gehört viel Mut dazu, diesen nicht das Feld zu räumen.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Laura Whitcomb
“Obedience is bondage, if God wants to be adored he should make himself more loving.”
Laura Whitcomb, The Fetch

“Unification of differences is power.”
Shesh Nath Vernwal

Marlen Haushofer
“„Ein Mensch kann niemals Tier werden, er stürzt am Tier vorbei in den Abgrund”
Marlen Haushofer - Die Wand

Brian Herbert
“I'm a thinker. That is what I do, in great depth and detail, every waking moment of the day. I like to believe it's worthwhile. And yet, I can't help but recall something ... said to me once when I was young: "All of these things with which we occupy ourselves don't amount to much in the cosmic scale of things, do they? No matter how extensively we ponder any particular topic, there is really very little there"--Gilbertus Albans, Reflections in the Mirror of the Mind
Brian Herbert, Sisterhood of Dune

“It's tough to get out of one's inherited imbecilic culture, and a thus inherited or endowed lunatic belief system. A freethinker must overcome every deadened system. Especially one's own.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“I got angry on the book today; and the pen started crying.”
Wrushank Sorte

Edward de Bono
“A person who knows all the answers, has an opinion on everything, has a certainty backed up by rational argument, has very little possibility of further progress. Such a person is unlikely to walk away from a discussion with anything more than a reaffirmation of how right he or she has been all along.”
Edward de Bono, I Am Right You Are Wrong

Germany Kent
“Rescue yourself from misery, loneliness, depression, or anything else that has pulled you away from the fulfilling life you deserve.”
Germany Kent

Carlos Wallace
“Stop letting others determine what you believe in and celebrate unless you are okay with co-signing someone else’s agenda. I for one, am not.”
Carlos Wallace

“A tongue can move the world
A tongue is a defensive devise
A tongue is a offensive
A tongue is sharper than a razor
A tongue is faster than a bullet
A tongue is stronger than a racket
A tongue can make you a hero
A tongue can make you a criminal
A tongue can move a trigger
A tongue is as dangerous as all above so please control your tongue because it can Destroy the world!”
Beta Metani'Marashi

Nicky Verd
“Being top of your class does not necessarily guarantee that you will be top in life. Life requires much more than your ability to understand a concept, memorise it and reproduce it in an exam. Intelligence and excellence in life go beyond your ability to provide cut-and-paste answers.”
Nicky Verd, Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“We are not what we think, we are what we do”
Dr.P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Agatha Christie
“I saw,” said Poirot. “With the eyes of the mind one can see more than with the eyes of the body. One leans back and closes the eyes—”
Agatha Christie

“Your thinking is the factory of life.
What product are you producing?”
Dr. Billy Alsbrooks

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“I Don’t Like To THINK SMALLER, I Don’t Dislike To THINK BIGGER”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

J.R. Fitzgerald
“Aside from FAMILY, there is nothing more important in this world than Self-Education. You too can unmasks the #1 truth about Personal Development; ANYONE can Develop a Genius Mindset and Unleash Their Full Potential and Achieve Unimaginable Success. -J.R. Fitzgerald”
J.R. Fitzgerald

“All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison.” - Paracelsus”
Simona Tivadar, Medicină, nutriție si bună dispoziţie

Dexter A. Daniels
“Consistency is thinking the right thoughts even when your reality seems all wrong.”
Dexter A. Daniels, Consistent, Not Different: Why We Stray from the Path and Reasons to Return

“Catch thoughts early on to ask how they serve you, instead of you habitually serving them.”
Raiysa Nazaire

“life goes faster and faster goes with the world, while life remains narrative for the living.”
Baraka Michael

“Not all students will become scientists, but all students need to think scientifically.”
Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo

Mehmet Murat ildan
“There are many people who think, but few who think correctly; many people who read good books, but few who internalize what they read; many people who criticize, but few who criticize correctly! The important thing is not to do something, but to do it right!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Have you ever stopped to think about whether it is a sin to ignore your intuition, your gut feelings, the very God Force within? Perhaps this explains why some experience great suffering!”
Constance Delores Burrell

“Sometimes your greatest inspiration comes when you mind is beyond the river that doesn’t have a bridge.”
Shirley Tripp Johnson, Why Me ?: Navigating the Unbearable Truth of Grief and Loss

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