Our Quotes
Quotes tagged as "our"
Showing 1-30 of 80

“Most of us live in the illusion that we control our thoughts. However, in reality, the situation is quite the opposite.”

“We forget that there might be a limit to our imagination, but there is no limit to what we can achieve.”

“Since our mind is filled with useless impressions, even when we discover what we really want from life, we have trouble focusing on it.”

“Jesus Christ is the source—the only source—of meaning in life. He provides the only satisfactory explanation for why we’re here and where we’re going. Because of this good news, the final heartbeat for the Christian is not the mysterious conclusion to a meaningless existence. It is, rather, the grand beginning to a life that will never end. That same Lord is waiting to embrace and forgive anyone who comes to Him in humility and repentance. He is calling your name, just as He called the name of Pete Maravich. His promise of eternal life offers the only hope for humanity. If you have never met this Jesus, I suggest that you seek spiritual counsel from a Christian leader who can offer guidance. You can also write to me, if that would help. Thanks for reading along with me. I hope to meet you someday. If our paths don’t cross this side of heaven, I’ll be looking for you in that eternal city. By all means, Be there!”
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

“16. Christians should never consult astrologers, psychics, or those who practice witchcraft (see Isaiah 47:13-14). They are usually phonies who only pretend to have extrasensory powers. But in some cases, they are working in cooperation with Satan. Rather than tamper with this evil world, the one true God wants us to bring our needs, problems, and decisions to Him. He has promised to lead us into all truth (see John 8:32).”
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

“17. One of the secrets of successful living is found in the word balance, referring to the avoidance of harmful extremes. We need food, but we should not overeat. We should work, but not make work our only activity. We should play, but not let play rule us. Throughout life, it will be important to find the safety of the middle ground rather than the imbalance of the extremes.”
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

“He is the God who loved you so much that His Son stripped Himself of all heavenly glory to live as an impoverished Jewish carpenter so He could shed His blood, suffer, and die for the forgiveness of our sins.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“God put you on earth with a divine assignment- something prepared in advance for you to do. I've found that the things that make us sad, the things that make us righteously angry, or the things we care about that others don't are often a key that unlocks our reason for living. It's our burden.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“Whether right or wrong, it is my belief that Christian colleges place their emphasis not on that which divides us, but on the substance that binds us together. That commonality is the gospel of Jesus Christ. He commanded us to love one another—to set aside our differences and to care for “the least of these” among us. It is our unity, not our diversity, that deserves our allegiance.”
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

“One of the most breathtaking concepts in all of Scripture is the revelation that God knows each of us personally and that we are in His mind both day and night. There is simply no way to comprehend the full implications of His love by the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is all-powerful and all-knowing, majestic and holy, from everlasting to everlasting. Why would He care about us—about our needs, our welfare, our fears? We have been discussing situations in which God doesn’t make sense. His concern for us mere mortals is the most inexplicable of all.”
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

“When something small loudly demands all our attention, its noise often drowns out the whisper of what's enormously important.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“Most of all, we remain focused on our Rock that never moves.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“I wonder if He anticipates the day when He can make us understand what was occurring in our time of trial. I wonder if He broods over our sorrows.”
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

“35. God is entitled to a portion of our income—not because He needs it but because we need to give it.”
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future
― Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

“Fueled by faith and passion for our true priorities we're going to drive against traffic in order to find rest, refreshment, and time for what matters most in life.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“To get rid of a spiritual problem, we need to pull it up by its spiritual root. To pull up roots, we're going to have to be willing to get our hands dirty, to make some sacrifices that provides long-term benefits instead of short-term, refinanced gains. God is willing to help us, to provide the tools we need to weed out those areas where our desire for money is spoiling our fruit of the Spirit.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“In God's economy, you may even harvest a crop in places where you didn't plant seed. When you're generous, you will be blessed, whether it comes to you materially, spiritually, emotionally, relationally, or some other way. God obviously cares much more about what happens in our hearts than what happens in our bank accounts, more about our attitudes than our credit scores. Giving generously changes you. It frees you up, undermines the power that money and possessions can have over you, and it makes you more like Him.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“More important, it's because God is our only true source of life.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“We live aware of God moment by moment. He is not part of our lives; He is our life.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“When it's clear that we have a commitment to God that comes before anything else in our lives, most people will respect us even if they don't share our faith.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“If the seed doesn't get planted, it can't become a toxic thornbush. We must guard our minds and our hearts, starting with our eyes.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“The entire time we playing, the current had gently moved us downstream with the tide. We were drifting the whole time and never realized it until we couldn't find our way back.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“For many of us, it's just one thing standing in our way of completely following Jesus.”
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
― Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“Your food will converge with my food
Your clothes will stitch with my clothes
Your culture will merge with my culture
We'll create something beautiful
Something new
We'll call it our culture”
― Being
Your clothes will stitch with my clothes
Your culture will merge with my culture
We'll create something beautiful
Something new
We'll call it our culture”
― Being
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