Player Quotes

Quotes tagged as "player" Showing 1-30 of 69
“I heard you were a player , okay , lets play a game.

We'll flirt, play fights, talk 24/7, say goodmorning and goodnight every day, give each other nicknames, hang out, talk on the phone for hours, take cute pictures together, make promises to each other and hold each other.

And whoever falls in love first, loses.”
Lyla Tyela Belikov

Shannon L. Alder
“A deceitful man will go as far as to trample all over a woman’s reputation and spirit, in order to prove to his ex-love that he was faithful. The irony, is he is still in love with his ex and the new woman in his life doesn’t even realize it.”
Shannon L. Alder

Coco J. Ginger
“....finally I see that it’s never been me, just a blanket that keeps you warm. Easily tossed along
when something flashier or someone prettier comes along. Your heart I held so carefully, I see, this was all just a game...”
Coco J. Ginger

Coco J. Ginger
“She stabbed him with her wicked pretty knife, disrupted his simple life.
She's a player, a heartbreaker,
and now she breaks alone.”
Jamie Weise

Ali Hazelwood
“In my experience, commitment leads to expectations, and expectations lead to lies, and hurt, and disappointment-stuff I'd rather not experience, or force others to experience.”
Ali Hazelwood, Check & Mate

Israelmore Ayivor
“Every game has rules. Obey the rules, win the game; disobey the rule, lose it! The game of life has loser and winners. Play fairly and win!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Susane Colasanti
“There's this total manwhore phenomenon happening, where even the geeks are player now. It's like Manhattan is this giant playground and guys want to keep playing forever.”
Susane Colasanti, Take Me There

Dejan Stojanovic
“Absolute is a game with only one player where Absolute forgets itself so it would have a reason to fulfill the motion while returning.”
Dejan Stojanovic, The Sun Watches the Sun

Michael Bassey Johnson
“In a world full of spectators, be the player.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Simon Sinek
“Finite-minded players do not like surprises and fear any kind of disruption. Things they cannot predict or cannot control could upset their plans and increase their chances of losing. The infinite-minded player, in contrast, expects surprises, even revels in them, and is prepared to be transformed by them. They embrace the freedom of play and are open to any possibility that keeps them in the game. Instead of looking for ways to react to what has already happened, they look for ways to do something new. An infinite perspective frees us from fixating on what other companies are doing, which allows us to focus on a larger vision. Instead of reacting to how new technology will challenge our business model, for example, those with infinite mindsets are better able to foresee the applications of new technology.”
Simon Sinek, The Infinite Game

Michael Lopp
“Forty-five minutes after the meeting began, I did something I’d never ever done before. I walked out of a meeting where I was a key player because I simply couldn’t waste any more time on this uselessness. Stood up, walked out, and slammed the door. Yes, it’s an emotional move that is almost always a bad move in business, but near the top of my list of professional pet peeves is the following: Do not waste my time.”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

“Regular practice, consistency and self-confidence can only help you becoming a great player.”
Bhawna Dehariya


खेल ख़त्म हुआ है, खिलाड़ी नहीं”
Vineet Raj Kapoor


खेल कभी ख़त्म नहीं होता”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

“A coach needs to work with a player to correct flaws. He needs to give the player honest feedback. Sometimes, that means telling the player that his swing isn’t good enough or his work habits aren’t good enough. But he has to know how to do it constructively.”
Bob Rotella, How Champions Think: In Sports and in Life

“It was crucial that my player was always the
first one to attack, to never let herself be dominated, but to dictate.”
Patrick Mouratoglou, The Coach

“They’ve got a lot of respect for you. The players like you. They trust you. I’ve heard nothing but good things.”
Gary Mack, Mind Gym: An Athlete's Guide to Inner Excellence

Michael Lopp
“First, you can assume all the engineers are players. They obviously have technical knowledge they may throw on the table, otherwise why were they invited? The product-management person is also a player as she represents the sales folks in this meeting. Program managers in these meetings are pawns. They’ll make sure action items are recorded and that the meeting ends on time.”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

Michael Lopp
“There are two major types that you need to identify: players and pawns. The simple distinction between the two types is that players want something out of the meeting. This is their incentive to participate. They’ll be leaning forward, actively nodding, barely able to hold themselves back from spilling their agenda all over the table. Pawns are either silent or instruments of running the meeting. In either case, they’re adding very little to the meeting and can be removed from strategic consideration. The term pawns is not intended to be derogatory, of course. Pawns very well might be running your company, but in meetings, they don’t contribute . . . it’s just not their key skill.”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

Michael Lopp
“You might very well have the requisite players, pros, and cons , but then again, you might have too many. If it’s 30 minutes in and you still can’t figure out what the issue is, it’s time to go: too many issues. Someone who cares more than you needs to distill this chaos down to a coherent statement so the pros and cons can argue about one thing.”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

Michael Lopp
“The pros are the players who are currently on the winning side of the issue. They’re getting what they want and are not incented to negotiate. They don’t even have to be here, and yet, they’re here and appear willing to listen to the cons, right? Maybe. Maybe they’re just here to watch the cons squirm.”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

Michael Lopp
“Meeting Bail Tip #1: Identify the Type of Meeting. Meeting Bail Tip #2: Classify the Participants. Meeting Bail Tip #3: Identify the Players. Meeting Bail Tip #4: Identify the Pros and Cons. Meeting Bail Tip #5: Figure Out the Issue. Meeting Bail Tip #6: Give the Cons What They Want. Meeting Bail Tip #7: Figure Out the Issue.”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

Michael Lopp
“I’ve been talking about the ins and outs of local mandates so far. These are situations where you are the decision maker, which gives you access to a wealth of information as well as all of the players. In any decent-sized organization, you are equally likely to be on the receiving end of foreign mandates. This is a mandate that occurs way outside of your sphere of influence. We have a brand new strategy. Ready. Go.Yes, the tables are turned. Mandates might just randomly show up and there isn’t a thing you can do about it. Guess what? The same rules mentioned previously apply, with one exception. Just like your team, you are going to have one of the three opinions (yay, boo, or yawn) regarding the mandate. Regardless of what your opinion is, you must figure out the justification behind the mandate.”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

Michael Lopp
“First, you can assume all the engineers are players. They obviously have technical knowledge they may throw on the table, otherwise why were they invited? The product-management person is also a player as she represents the sales folks in this meeting. Program managers in these meetings are pawns. They’ll make sure action items are recorded and that the meeting ends on time.If you’re sitting in a meeting where you’re unable to identify any players, get the hell out.”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

Rick Riordan
“You’re just a pawn on the chessboard, Leo Valdez. I was referring to the player who set this ridiculous quest in motion, bringing the Greeks and Romans together.”
Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena

“It used to be that only a professional player could wear the official team uniform. Now anyone with $75 can own an authentic game jersey. Somehow that cheapens the honor and privilege that go with that jersey. In reality, only the players themselves have earned the right to wear it. But we have done the same thing with our heroes. We throw the term around and slap it on just about anyone who has attained even a modicum of celebrity status, whether it is in the world of sports, music, or entertainment. But greatness is not merely for those fortunate enough to gain public notoriety. It is not for those who seek grandeur or personal glory. Rather it should be for those who, through quiet strength, demonstrate character on and off the field or the stage.”
Jeff Kinley

“Through every chord and melody, weaving his passion into the fabric of his music, may his journey inspire others to dance to the rhythm of their dreams.”
levi paul taylor

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