Protecting Quotes

Quotes tagged as "protecting" Showing 1-30 of 41
Cassandra Clare
“Good. Because I don't need protecting."

"I knew you'd say that.But the thing is, sometimes you do. And sometimes I do. We're meant to protect each other, but not from everything. Not from the truth. That's what it means to love someone but let them be themselves.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls

Roger Scruton
“Conservatism starts from a sentiment that all mature people can readily share: the sentiment that good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created. This is especially true of the good things that come to us as collective assets: peace, freedom, law, civility, public spirit, the security of property and family life, in all of which we depend on the cooperation of others while having no means singlehandedly to obtain it. In respect of such things, the work of destruction is quick, easy and exhilarating; the work of creation slow, laborious and dull. That is one of the lessons of the twentieth century. It is also one reason why conservatives suffer such a disadvantage when it comes to public opinion. Their position is true but boring, that of their opponents exciting but false.”
Roger Scruton, How to be a Conservative

Rebecca Yarros
“You take a step toward this Sorrengail and you'll be dead before you can even shift your weight,' Xaden says, his voice dropping lethally. 'She's not up for discussion.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rachel Corrie
“We are protecting civilians. We are unarmed. We are no threat to you. Please do not shoot.”
Rachel Corrie

Katie McGarry
“I agree. I don't understand how a guy everyone is terrified of makes me feel safe. I don't understand how a guy who stayed behind to protect me when he didn't know me has been shot. I don't understand how a guy who carried me out of an alley full of shattered glass is the enemy everyone is warning me about.”
Katie McGarry, Walk the Edge

Stephanie Garber
“I didn't murder anyone last night.'

'You killed someone in front of me!'

'That wasn't murder. He was trying to kill you.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love

Steven Magee
“Police internal affairs are in the business of protecting corrupt and incompetent police officers from prosecution due to the extensive range of laws that they have blatantly broken.”
Steven Magee

Joanna C. Valente
“It wasn't that I didn't love you–
I needed protecting from
my sisters & brothers / the ones
whose anger I take
because each pain means I was
alive. My first memory comes
not from your love
but theirs.”
Joanna C. Valente, Marys of the Sea

Steven Magee
“Protesting is about making history, creating art and protecting future generations.”
Steven Magee

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Protecting Is My Ethical Duty And Destroying Is My Moral Duty, MURUGA PERUMAL”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Steven Magee
“Making the assumption from the outset that the police are corrupt will help in protecting you from their corruption.”
Steven Magee

Sarah J. Maas
“I'd written to Rhys, How do I tell Cassian and Azriel I don't need them here to protect me? Company is fine, but I don't need sentries.

He'd written back, You don't tell them. You set boundaries if they cross a line, but you are their friend- and my mate. They will protect you on instinct. If you kick their asses out of the house, they'll just sit on the roof.

I scribbled, You Illyrian males are insufferable.

Rhys had just said, Good thing we make up for it with impressive wingspans.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Stephanie Garber
“I know we met before you rescued me at the well. Were you my guard?'

He worked his jaw.

For a second she didn't think he would answer.

Then he shook his head. 'No. I'm generally better at doing damage than protecting.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love

Erin Hunter
“The RiverClan warrior gave a little nod to Stormpaw just like any mentor approving of his apprentice's courage. Then he turned to look up at Tigerstar again.

"You'll have to kill me first, Tigerstat!" he spat.”
Erin Hunter, The Darkest Hour

Susanna Kearsley
“Acting from instinct he angled his body so it would shield Lydia's, sweeping her back into the recession of a doorway that, while closed, would give her shelter. Pressing close, he wrapped himself around her so the blows would strike him first.
They did. Repeatedly. A clump of mud and small stones that had missed its target struck and shattered on the doorframe and he felt her jump and start to tremble, so he bent his head and murmured words of reassurance, low and calm over the wailing of the injured man, and all the ugly shouts of his tormentors.
Fear, he knew, was mostly in the mind, and he would spare her that. He'd long since learned to channel his own fear to action, so it was surprising to him now to feel it twist within his chest- a fear not for himself, his safety, but for hers. It lingered even when the mob had passed them by, the angry tumult growing fainter down the street, and there was no more danger.
Stepping back, he gave them both the space to breathe. Her face was pale, and she appeared to still be shaking but she only drew her cloak a little tighter as though wanting him to think it was the cold, and he had seen enough cadets who did not wish to show him weakness that he recognized her brave attempt to seem more strong in front of him, and though he was not fooled by it he understood her need to make the effort. Having satisfied himself she was unharmed, he wanted for her to collect herself sufficiently to leave the sheltered doorway, then he offered her his arm again, and once again she took it, holding tighter to him this time, and they crossed the street in silence.
But the feeling, strange and new, stayed firmly lodged beneath his ribs, as though once having taken hold it was now part of him, and he had no idea what to do with it.
We always fear what we don't know, he'd told the young de Joncourt boy.
And walking now with Lydia's gloved hand upon his arm, her warmth beside him, Jean-Philippe admitted there was truth in what he'd said. Because in all his twenty-seven years, with all that life had dealt him, he had not known anything like this.”
Susanna Kearsley, Bellewether

Steven Magee
“I believe in protecting people and not killing people through easily preventable occupational diseases.”
Steven Magee

Ehsan Sehgal
“Protecting own life and equal-living opportunities, as the jobs, education, and social activities accordingly moral values of society execute human rights or a person's right. However, not protecting that and instead of that fighting for such freedom that, stays beyond the moral, religious, and traditional values, defines self-choice, not the human rights or a person's right. Indeed, such struggles and attempts fail and never prevail, one cannot surpass that, without leaving such a society.”
Ehsan Sehgal

Steven Magee
“If your choice is keeping your managers happy or protecting the health and safety of your workers, the honorable choose their workers.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Protecting workers may get you illegally fired in the USA.”
Steven Magee

John M. Sheehan
“If you are focused on protecting your life and your loved ones' lives, you are no longer in God's grace of deliverance.”
John M. Sheehan

Katherine McIntyre
“This light—this was something precious, something worth protecting.”
Katherine McIntyre, Constitution Check

Sarah J. Maas
“He hung his head, sighing deeply as his hand tightened on mine. 'Feyre... I wish...' He shook his head and cleared his throat. 'I'm sending you home, Feyre.'

Something inside me splintered. 'What?'

'I'm sending you home,' he repeated, and though his words were stronger- louder- they trembled a bit.
My chest caved in. Leaving- free. 'Did I do something wrong-'

He lifted my hand to press it to his lower cheek. He was so invitingly warm. 'You did nothing wrong.' He turned his face to kiss my palm. 'You were perfect,' he murmured onto my skin, then lowered my hand.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Sarah J. Maas
“When she tricked me out of my powers and left the scraps, it was still more than the others. And I decided to use it to tap into the minds of every Night Court citizen she'd captured, and anyone who might know the truth. I made a web between all of them, actively controlling their minds every second of every day, every decade, to forget about Velaris, to forget about Mor, and Amren, and Cassian, and Azriel. Amarantha wanted to know who was close to me- who to kill and torture. But my true court was here, ruling this city and the others. And I used the remainder of my powers to shield them all from sight and sound. I had only enough for one city, one place. I chose the one that had been hidden from history already. I chose, and now must live with the consequences of knowing there were more left outside who suffered. But for those here.... anyone flying or travelling near Velaris would see nothing but barren rock, and if they tried to walk through it, they'd find themselves suddenly deciding otherwise. Sea travel and merchant trading were halted- sailors became farmers, working the earth around Velaris instead. And because my powers were focused on shielding them all, Feyre, I had very little to use against Amarantha. So I decided that to keep her from asking questions about the people who mattered, I would be her whore.'

He'd done all of that, had done such horrible things... done everything for his people, his friends. And the only piece of himself that he'd hidden and managed to keep her from tainting, destroying, even if it meant fifty years trapped in a cage of rock....''

Those wings now flared wide. How many knew about those wings outside of Velaris or the Illyrian war-camps? Or had he wiped all memory of them from Prythian long before Amarantha?

Rhys released my chin. But as he lowered his hand, i gripped his wrist, feeling the solid strength. 'It's a shame,' I said, the words nearly gobbled up by the sound of the city music. 'That others in Prythian don't know. A shame that you let them think the worst.'

He took a step back, his wings beating the air like mighty drums. 'As long as the people who matter most know the truth, I don't care about the rest. Get some sleep.'

Then he shot into the sky, and was swallowed by the darkness between the stars.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“Cassian stepped in Nesta's path when she tried to walk past him. Put a tan, callused hand on her forehead. She shook off the touch, but he gripped her wrist, forcing her to meet his stare. 'Any one of those human pricks makes a move to hurt you,' he breathed, 'and you kill them.'
Cassian pressed one of his knives into Nesta's hand. 'Ash can kill you now,' he said with lethal quiet as she stared down at the blade. 'A scratch can make you queasy enough to be vulnerable. Remember where the exits are in every room, every fence and courtyard- mark them when you go in, and mark how many men are around you. Mark where Rhys and the others are. Don't forget that you're stronger and faster. Aim for the soft parts,' he added, folding her fingers around the hilt. 'And if someone gets you into a hold...' My sister said nothing as Cassian showed her the sensitive areas on a man. Not just the groin, but the inside of the foot, pinching the thigh, using her elbow like a weapon. When he finished, he stepped back, his hazel eyes churning with some emotion I couldn't place.

Nesta surveyed the fine dagger in her hand. Then lifted her head to look at him.

'I told you to come to training,' Cassian said with a cocky grin, and strode off.

I studied Nesta, the dagger, her quiet, still face.

'Don't even start,' she warned me, and headed for the stairs.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“Where are you going? she demanded. 'There are two dozen soldiers there!'

'Autumn Court soldiers,' Cassian clarified, wings pumping so hard the wind ripped at her eyes. 'I don't know what the fuck they're doing here, or if Eris has royally fucked us over, but one of them shot an ash arrow through Az's wing.'

'Then why are we flying away?'

'Because I'm not landing with you in the middle of that.'

'Put me down!' she shouted. 'Put me down wherever and go back to him!' He didn't, surveying the bog below for the right place. She slammed a hand on his muscled chest. 'Cassian!'

'I know what each second costs me, Nesta,' he said quietly.

'Put me down in a fucking tree, then!' She pointed to one that they narrowly avoided.

He spotted an area he deemed safe enough: a solid stretch of grassy land, the remnants of a tee rising from its midst. He set her in the tree, as she'd suggested, perching her on the highest, sturdiest branch. It groaned and swayed beneath their weight. 'Stay here,' he commanded, waiting until she'd wrapped her hands around the branch and was clinging like a child who'd climbed too high. 'I'll be back soon. Do not climb down. No matter what you may see or hear.'

'Go.' She was utterly useless in a fight, she knew. She would only distract him.

'Be careful,' he warned, as if he weren't the one about to head into danger, and then he was gone.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Rebecca Yarros
“I refuse to sleep on your fucking floor like some kind of guard dog.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“You shouldn't be in here.'

'I'm your personal guard,' he replied. 'I can be wherever I feel I am needed to keep you safe.'

'And what do you think you need to protect me from in here?' I demanded, looking around. 'An unruly bedpost I might stub my toe on? Oh, wait, are you worried I might faint? I know how good you are at handling such emergencies.'

'You do look a little pale,' he replied. 'My ability to catch frail, delicate females may come in handy.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“You shouldn't have done that,' I told him.

'I should've allowed her to hit you? In what world would that have been acceptable?'

'In a world where you end up punished for something that wouldn't even have hurt.'

'I don't care if she hits like a baby mouse, this world is fucked up if anyone finds that acceptable.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

“In the relentless march of technological progress, online privacy emerges as the last bastion of personal freedom. It's a commitment to protecting our right to navigate the internet without the constant gaze of prying eyes. Online privacy isn't a privilege; it's an essential thread in the tapestry of digital citizenship, reminding us that our online interactions should be shaped by our agency, not subject to external scrutiny.”
James William Steven Parker

Heather Fawcett
“I looked at Shadow. He was worrying one of the pig bones, too distracted by his delight to sense anything amiss. But he caught wind of my unease and went rigid, his jaw still clamped round the bone, drool dangling.
Abruptly, he charged--- not behind us, but at a small red fox regarding us from one of the caves.
"Leave it," I told Shadow, but he kept barking--- the thunderous, unearthly bark he reserves for the most dire situations, rough and rasping like the rattle of death, which brought the chill of the earth below into one's bones.”
Heather Fawcett, Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands

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