Ramadan Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ramadan" Showing 1-30 of 47
A. Helwa
“REMEMBER: Prayer is not about punishment or reward; it is about cultivating a genuine connection with God. The deep purpose of prayer is not to obtain a certain outcome; rather, it is about having an intimate conversation with your Lord.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

A. Helwa
“REMEMBER: No matter what happens in your life, if it turns you towards Allah, it is a blessing. Whether Allah is testing you to strengthen you or holding you accountable for a sin you may have committed, the response is the same: turn to Allah and ask for His help and guidance.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

A. Helwa
“The question is not whether God is lovingly speaking to us, the question is, are we open enough to listen?”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

A. Helwa
“Oh Allah, open my heart to receive the light of Your guidance and all-encompassing love. My Lord, guide me to the inner truths of my own being and help me to walk the spiritual path with gratitude and humility.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

A. Helwa
“Prayer, then is a means of undressing the ego of its superficiality and coming to the Divine presence with all of our neediness and humility.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

Ehsan Sehgal
“Ramadan is not only to stay thirsty and hungry; it is also to realize the real thirsty and hungry ones to help; it is true worship.”
Ehsan Sehgal

Abhijit Naskar
“The greatest iftar is
to break the fast of apathy,
with the feast of affection.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

A. Helwa
“We do not pray, fast, or give charity because Allah needs it, but because our spirits need to be in the presence of the Divine light to blossom. We are seeds, we are infinite potential hidden in the garden of a body, waiting to awaken through the mercy of Allah’s light.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

A. Helwa
“Ask Allah to open the eyes of your heart so that you are able to witness the miracles and blessed moments that are constantly unfolding around you, patiently waiting for you to notice them. The miraculous gifts of Allah are not rare, however, our inability to be receptive enough to receive them limits our ability to experience them.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

A. Helwa
“Allah is always with us. His light never extinguishes. If we experience darkness or separation it is a function of a part of us knowingly or unknowingly closing the eyes of our hearts to the everlasting presence of His love, mercy, and truth. The Divine is the only eternal reality in and beyond existence; everything else is impermanent. All variability in our experience of Allah has to do with our state, not His.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

A. Helwa
“The Qur’an is a divine map, a flashlight in the dark night, a compass that leads us back to the home we left so long ago.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

A. Helwa
“When we are humbled before Allah, we taste something of His greatness. When we focus on our shortcomings, our sins, and mistakes it is easy to lose hope, but when we focus our attention on Allah’s forgiveness, mercy, and love we are able to traverse whatever challenge or obstacle is in our way.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

A. Helwa
“We do not need to understand every element of our sin to let go of it. The seed doesn’t need to understand the nature of the sun’s light to be moved and transformed by it.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

“Ramadan is a time to detach from worldly pleasures and focus on our spiritual growth and connection with Allah”
Rasti Bahadin

A. Helwa
“Allah’s love and divine intimacy with us does not change, but our awareness of that love shifts due to the ever-changing states of our hearts and minds.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam

A. Helwa
“Tawba is not about our sins as much as it is about Allah’s forgiveness. When we seek refuge in Allah’s mercy we are turning from our human qualities towards His divine attributes. Whether we wrong ourselves or others wrong us, tawba is the vehicle that turns us from our pain, blame and disappointment back toward Allah, who is the source of all hope, mercy, and peace.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

A. Helwa
“Prayer helps strip us from the false weights of the ego allowing us to be vulnerable enough to receive the blessings Allah has always been pouring upon us.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

A. Helwa
“We are called to pray like rain, to pour our spirits into the soil of humility as we plant our heads in prostration upon the ground of faith. In prayer, we water the earth of our existence with the cleansing, pure water of God’s own words.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith

Abhijit Naskar
“Happy Holidays (The Sonnet)

Spirit of Christmas doesn't grow on a fir tree,
Christmas blooms wherever the heart is hatefree.
Ramadan isn't fulfilled by feasting on some tasty beef,
The greatest of feast is haram if others go hungry.
Hanukkah's miracle isn't about the oil lasting 8 days,
Rather it's about the resilience of light amidst darkness.
Fireworks may be diwali for those still in kindergarten,
Everyday is diwali for an existence rooted in kindness.
The will to love and the will to lift are the backbone,
Of all human celebration, tradition and communion.
Take that fundamental will out of the equation,
All you have left are rituals without meaning and mission.
Fasting, feasting and decorating are step two of any festival.
First and foremost, at our altar within, we gotta light a candle.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sin Dios Sí Hay Divinidad: The Pastor Who Never Was

Abhijit Naskar
“Chrismadan (The Sonnet)

What happens when two ancient cultures come together!
They create a spectacular specimen called dervish advaitin.
When mistletoe and menorrah combine, heart shines brighter,
Beyond belief 'n disbelief, there's a land most enlightening.

Keep your outdated sectarian identities to yourself,
I am Jewistian, Hinduslim, or simply Human Universal.
Be the next civilized step of humankind's evolution,
Not just another savage vessel of mistakes ancestral.

Revitalized by Ramadan, humanized by Christmas,
Let's celebrate Chrismadan, as well as Hanukkawali.
Instead of carrying on as second-hand savages,
Habibi come, let us start living with humanity!

When all religions combine, a modern human is born.
Without integration there is no dawn, just endless mourn.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşk Mafia: Armor of The World

Filip Dewinter
“In Brussel hangt nu Ramadan verlichting in de straten… De omvolking volgens het boekje: ons volk wordt vervangen door een ander volk en samen met het verdwijnende volk wordt ook de cultuur, manier van leven, tradities en identiteit vervangen…”
Filip Dewinter

Abhijit Naskar
“Fasting and feasting all turn mere futile choir,
If, for whatever reason, life is distant from life.
Celebration of Ramadan is celebration of rahmat*,
Ramadan without *compassion is Ramadan without life.

Ramadan is not a muslim festival,
Ramadan is a human festival.
Ramadan is a reminder to rekindle our light,
Ramadan is the end of all feelings uncharitable.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşk Mafia: Armor of The World

Abhijit Naskar
“Ramadan Sonnet

Le jeûne et les festins deviennent
un chœur futile si la vie
est éloignée de la vie.
La célébration du Ramadan est
la célébration du rahmat*,
le Ramadan sans la *compassion
est le Ramadan sans vie.

Le Ramadan n'est pas une fête
musulmane, c'est une fête humaine.
Le Ramadan est un rappel
pour raviver notre lumière,
Le Ramadan met fin à tous
les sentiments peu charitables.

Le plus grand iftar est
de rompre le jeûne de l’apathie,
avec la fête de l’affection.
Pour celui qui vit avec bonté,
chaque jour est le Ramadan.”
Abhijit Naskar, L'humain Impossible: Cent Sonnets pour Ma Famille Mondiale

Abhijit Naskar
“Le plus grand iftar est de rompre le jeûne de l’apathie, avec la fête de l’affection.”
Abhijit Naskar, L'humain Impossible: Cent Sonnets pour Ma Famille Mondiale

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonetto Ramadan

Il digiuno e il banchetto
diventano rituali futili, se
la vita viene separata dalla vita.
La celebrazione del Ramadan
è la celebrazione di rahmat*,
Il Ramadan senza *compassione
è il Ramadan senza vita.

Il Ramadan non è una festa musulmana,
Il Ramadan è una festa umana.
Il Ramadan è un promemoria
per riaccendere la nostra luce,
Il Ramadan pone fine a tutti
i sentimenti scortesi.

L'iftar più grande è rompere il digiuno
dell'apatia, con la festa dell'affetto.
Per chi vive con gentilezza,
il Ramadan viene ogni giorno.”
Abhijit Naskar, Yüz Şiirlerin Yüzüğü (Ring of 100 Poems, Bilingual Edition): 100 Turkish Poems with Translations

Abhijit Naskar
“Le jeûne et les festins deviennent
un chœur futile si la vie
est éloignée de la vie.
La célébration du Ramadan est
la célébration du rahmat*,
le Ramadan sans la *compassion
est le Ramadan sans vie.

Le Ramadan n'est pas une fête
musulmane, c'est une fête humaine.
Le Ramadan est un rappel
pour raviver notre lumière,
Le Ramadan met fin à tous
les sentiments peu charitables.”
Abhijit Naskar, L'humain Impossible: Cent Sonnets pour Ma Famille Mondiale

Abhijit Naskar
“For one who lives with kindness, every day is Ramadan.”
Abhijit Naskar, L'humain Impossible: Cent Sonnets pour Ma Famille Mondiale

Abhijit Naskar
“Ramadhan bukan tentang hari raya; ini tentang kasih sayang.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“Mind begins at the wake of chains,
Life begins at the wake of sect.
A hundred hajj won't make you holy,
If your heart is ever cold and dead.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

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