Robert Quotes

Quotes tagged as "robert" Showing 1-29 of 29
Cassandra Clare
“He’s not feeling well,” Clary said, catching at Simon’s wrist. “We’re going.”
“No,” Simon said. “No, I — I need to talk to him. To the Inquisitor."
Robert reached into his jacket and drew out a crucifix. Clary stared in shock as he held it up between himself and Simon. “I speak to the Night’s Children Council representative, or to the head of the New York clan,” he said. “Not to any vampire who comes to knock at my door —“
Simon reached out and plucked the cross out of Robert’s hand. “Wrong religion,” he said.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Robert Jordan
“He was swimming in a sea of other people’s expectations. Men had drowned in seas like that.”
Robert Jordan, New Spring

Robert Jordan
“Burn you, Nerim, that's a leg not a bloody side of beef!"
"As my lord says," Nerim murmured. "My lord's leg is not a side of beef. Thank you, my lord, for instructing me.”
Robert Jordan, Lord of Chaos

Robert Frost
“Fireflies in the Garden
By Robert Frost 1874–1963

Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very star-like start.
Only, of course, they can't sustain the part.”
Robert Frost, The Poetry of Robert Frost

Robert Muchamore
“For official purposes, these children do not exist.”
Robert Muchamore

Emery Lee
“Finally, mutually, and completely, they released all doubts, abandoned all fears, unwilling and unable to deny this overpowering love.”
Emery Lee, The Highest Stakes

Robert G. Ingersoll
“We must remember that there is a great difference between a myth and a miracle. A myth is the idealization of a fact. A miracle is the counterfeit of a fact. There is the same difference between a myth and a miracle that there is between fiction and falsehood -- between poetry and perjury. Miracles belong to the far past and the far future. The little line of sand, called the present, between the seas, belongs to common sense to the natural.”
Robert Ingersoll

Gemma Burgess
“Sorry. Did you know you giggle in your sleep, by the way?’
‘Really? How adorable of me.”
Gemma Burgess, A Girl Like You

S.L. Naeole
“He sleeps with you?"
Stacey rolled her eyes at that.
"No, Ghandi-of course Robert!”
S.L. Naeole, Bird Song

Emery Lee
“Try as you may, you can never defy love.”
Emery Lee, The Highest Stakes

Gemma Burgess
“It’s braver to stay. It takes courage to stay. I am sure I speak for all the single people here when I say that I don’t want to ever lack that courage. I don’t want to lose my best friend and my true love, just because I wanted to
stay in control and not take a risk. Even if they walked away, even if
they ran to the other side of the world, even if I thought that I didn't have a chance in hell, I still want to know that I did everything I could
to make it happen.”
Gemma Burgess, A Girl Like You

Robert A. Heinlein
“When One Teaches, Two Learn”
Robert Heinlein

“When you believe your lie, it will curse your life forever.”
Robert Ahanes, Goddess In The Silence

Richelle Mead
“I was so grateful to see Lissa okay that I missed what Eddie had already noticed. "You guys, where are Victor and Robert?"
Lissa's face crumpled, and even Adrian looked grim. "Damn it," I said, needing no explanation.
Lissa nodded, eyes wide with distraught. "We lost them.”
Richelle Mead, Spirit Bound

Irina Binder
“Mă deranjezi în permanență, fiindcă-mi bați în piept!”
Irina Binder, Fluturi

Ron Hansen
“He also had a condition that was referred to as granulated eyelids and it caused him to blink more than usual, as if he found creation slightly more than he could accept.”
Ron Hansen

Kirstin van Dyke
“Son of Krypton!”
Kirstin van Dyke, Code Name: Silence

Gemma Burgess
“Am I meant to not reply to Josh From HR’s texts, do you think? Hell, maybe I am. Maybe he liked me the way I like Adam The Tick Boxer. Maybe every single person in London is hoping for a text from someone else, and we’re all connected in a chain of waiting. I wonder who’s at the top of the chain?
Robert’s phone beeps. He picks it up, reads the text, makes a derisive little snorting sound and puts it back on the table without replying.
That answers that question, then.”
Gemma Burgess, A Girl Like You

Kateřina Petrusová
“Je hřích lhát člověku, který mě učil lhát? Myslím, že ne.”
Kateřina Petrusová, Nepřítel mého nepřítele
tags: robert

Robert F. Kennedy
“First is the danger of futility; the belief there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous array of the worlds ills -­‐-­‐ against misery, against ignorance, or injustice and violence. Yet many of the worlds great movements, of thought and action, have flowed from the work of a single man. A young monk began the Protestant reformation, a young general extended an empire from Macedonia to the borders of the earth, and a young woman reclaimed the territory of France. It was a young Italian explorer who discovered the New World, and 32-­‐year-­‐old Thomas Jefferson who proclaimed that all men are created equal. 'Give me a place to stand,”
Robert F. Kennedy

Chris Priestley
“But she was no guardian angel. She was not trying to help me at all. She had been trying to claim me as she had claimed the lives of my fellow passengers.
She was the thing that remained forever unseen in my visions of her tales. She lurked near the bodies of those whose whose lives were so cruelly taken. She was there always, waiting.”
Chris Priestley, Tales of Terror from the Tunnel's Mouth
tags: robert

Peter Bunzl
“You know, once,” Robert said, “I was working in the shop, doing some repairs on a music box, and it was all going wrong. Da took me aside and told me to think of it like life: ‘It looks complicated when you see all the separate pieces, but the purpose of the music box is to play joyful music. You just have to remember how to fit them together so it will. The same with life really. It’s just about the living of it. That’s all you have, and all you can do: live and be happy.”
Peter Bunzl, Cogheart

Gemma Burgess
“Your chest is surprisingly hairy.’
‘I hope I can’t say the same thing about you.”
Gemma Burgess, A Girl Like You

Gemma Burgess
“Oh Abby...I want you to know...I am so full of shit. You should not listen to me. I know nothing.”
Gemma Burgess, A Girl Like You

Chris Priestley
“She had the the most extraordinary capacity for falling asleep at a moments notice. Any kind of pause in the routine was an excuse for a nap. I swear she was more cat than human.”
Chris Priestley, Tales of Terror from the Tunnel's Mouth

Chris Priestley
“In my confused state I wondered if I had not died and gone to hell. And if this was the case, I wished that I had been allowed more opportunities to sin, for this seemed a rather excessive judgement on what had been a frankly dull and blameless life. But I was not dead. I could see that now.”
Chris Priestley, Tales of Terror from the Tunnel's Mouth
tags: robert

“Writing is like a camera. You see the world from a different lens.”
Robert Ahanes

Maggie Stiefvater
“and a punch was a bigger act than a trespass”
Maggie Stiefvater, Blue Lily, Lily Blue