Sam Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sam" Showing 1-30 of 275
Lauren Oliver
“i think of all the thousands of billions of steps and missteps and chances and coincidences that have brought me here. Brought you here, and it feels like the biggest miracle in the world.”
Lauren Oliver, Before I Fall

Lauren Oliver
“Things change after you die, though, I guess because dying is the loneliest thing you can do.”
Lauren Oliver, Before I Fall

Sophie Kinsella
“I'll have to admit, he really does have quite a smile. Kind of heart-stopping, especially as it comes out of nowhere.
I mean... you know. If your heart was in the kind of place to be stopped.”
Sophie Kinsella, I've Got Your Number

Sarah J. Maas
“You can't go."

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't."

"Because I'll miss you, damn it!" she hissed, splaying her arms. "Because what's the point in anything if you just disappear forever?"

"The point in what, Celaena?" How could he be so calm when she was so frantic?

"The point in Skull's Bay, and the point in getting me that music, and the point in... the point in telling Arobynn that you'd forgive him if he never hurt me again."

"You said you didn't care what I thought. Or what I did. Or if I died, if I'm not mistaken."

"I lied! And you know I lied you stupid bastard!”
Sarah J. Maas, The Assassin and the Underworld

David Bowie
“We can be heroes just for one day”
David Bowie Heroes

Jennifer Rush
“I smiled. “You trust me more than Cas?”
“Cas would choose a case of beer over me.”
My laughter echoed through the cemetery. “That’s not true!” I brushed the hair from my face. “The others have your back.”
“Yet you were the one who saved my life.”
Jennifer Rush, Altered
tags: anna, sam

J.R.R. Tolkien
“He drew a deep breath. 'Well, I'm back,' he said.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

J.R.R. Tolkien
“Being a cheerful hobbit, he had not needed hope, as long as despair could be postponed.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

Sarah J. Maas
“The silence was suddenly too charged, his face too beautiful in the light.”
Sarah J. Maas, The Assassin's Blade

Lauren Oliver
“i feel like a curtain has dropped away and i'm seeing people for who they really are, different, and sharp, and unknowable.”
Lauren Oliver, Before I Fall

T.J. Klune
“You know what they say, once you go dragon, all the rest is just laggin’.”
“No one says that,” I said. “Absolutely no one.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart

Stephen Chbosky
“Sam dropped me off. When she was too far away to see me, I started to cry again. Because she was my friend again. And that was enough for me.”
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Jennifer Rush
“I think he’s delirious,” Cas said.
“Don’t die on me,” I ordered.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he said right before he passed out.”
Jennifer Rush, Altered
tags: anna, cas, sam

T.J. Klune
“I don’t have time for all the relations and courting and wooing bullshit,” I said. “I’m a wizard. I have quests.”
“Uh, you’re an apprentice,” Gary said. “And you’re sent on errands.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart
tags: gary, sam

“Are you making fun of my hero complex?'

Linda Howard, Mr. Perfect

Tarryn Fisher
“Maybe the guy loves a good bitch - but you're treading a thin line between attractively bitchy and psycho.”
Tarryn Fisher, Dirty Red
tags: leah, sam

“Hell, even I'm a little surprised by Nine--between this and our little heart-to-heart in the doorway earlier, I might have to upgrade him from total douche bag to minor tool.”
Pittacus Lore, The Fall of Five
tags: nine, sam

Sam Harris
“[I]t is difficult to imagine a set of beliefs more suggestive of mental illness than those that lie at the heart of many of our religious traditions.”
Sam Harris, The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason

Jojo Moyes
“Sometimes for our sanity own sanity we just have to look at the bigger picture.”
Jojo Moyes, After You

“Are you sure you want us to keep calling you 'Six'?"

"You can say it's short for something."

"For what? Sixty?”
Pittacus Lore

Rick Yancey
“We are the clay, and you are Michelangelo.
And we will be your masterpiece.”
Rick Yancey, The 5th Wave

Rachel Caine
“Sam talking to a frat boy -

"You. O Positive. How many exits?" "What?....Oh shit, did you just call me by my blood type?”
Rachel Caine, The Dead Girls' Dance
tags: sam

Sophie Kinsella
“Sam doesn't hesitate for a minute.
'You say, "Mr and Mrs Tavish, you're making me feel inferior. Do you really think I'm inferior or is it just in my mind?”
Sophie Kinsella, I've Got Your Number
tags: poppy, sam

T.J. Klune
“Look. This has been… fun.” Lie. This had been nerve-racking and I needed to go masturbate. “But I have to go. I’ve got stuff to do before I head out again.” Masturbate. “Wizard stuff. Like… secret wizard stuff.” Masturbate.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart
tags: sam

Maggie Stiefvater
“I remembered the pain as clearly as if I were shifting — the pain of loss. I felt the agony of the single moment that I lost myself. Lost what made me Sam. The part of me that could remember Grace's name.”
Maggie Stiefvater, Shiver

J.R.R. Tolkien
“What did I tell you, Mr. Pippin?' said Sam, sheathing his sword. 'Wolves won't get him. That was an eye-opener, and no mistake! Nearly singed the hair off my head!”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Maggie Stiefvater
“Sam came around the back of the car and stopped dead when he saw me. "Oh my God, what is that?"
I used my thumb and middle finger to flick the multicoloured pom-pom on top of my head. "In my language, we call it a hat. It keeps my ears warm."
"Oh my God," Sam said again, and closed the distance between us. He cupped my face in his hands and studied me. "It's horribly cute." He kissed me, looked at the hat, and then he kissed me again.”
Maggie Stiefvater, Shiver
tags: grace, sam

J.R.R. Tolkien
“Sam: Mordor. The one place in Middle-earth we don't want to see any closer, and the one place we're trying to get to. It's just where we can't get. Let's face it, Mr. Frodo, we're lost. I don't think Gandalf meant for us to come this way.
Frodo: He didn't mean for a lot of things to happen, Sam... but they did.”
J.R.R. Tolkien

Maggie Stiefvater
“So it comes to this: I would have lost her either way.

If Cole hadn't reinfected her, I would have lost her in the hospital bed. And now Cole's wolf tozin pumps through her veins, and I lose her to the woods, like I lose everything I love.

So here is me, and I am a boy watched--by her parents' suspicious eyes, since they cannot prove that I kidnapped Grace but believe nonetheless--and I am a boy watchful--because Tom Culpeper's bitterness is growing palpable in this tiny town and I will NOT bury Grace's body--and I am a boy waiting--for the heat and the fruitfulness of summer, waiting to see who will walk out of those woods for me. Waiting for my lovely summer girl.”
Maggie Stiefvater, Linger

T.J. Klune
“So, funny story. There are fairies? In the Dark Woods. And I might have pissed off their king.”
There was silence. Then, “Of course you did.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart
tags: ryan, sam

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