Seeking Approval Quotes
Quotes tagged as "seeking-approval"
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“Accomplishments don’t erase shame, hatred, cruelty, silence, ignorance, discrimination, low self-esteem or immorality. It covers it up, with a creative version of pride and ego. Only restitution, forgiving yourself and others, compassion, repentance and living with dignity will ever erase the past.”
“You will never gain anyone's approval by begging for it. When you stand confident in your own worth, respect follows.”
― The Single Woman–Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass: Embracing Singleness with Confidence
― The Single Woman–Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass: Embracing Singleness with Confidence
“More often than not, people who are obsessed with their desires and feelings are generally unhappier in life vs. people that refocus their attention on service to others or a righteous cause. Have you ever heard someone say their life sucked because they fed the homeless? Made their children laugh? Or, bought a toy for a needy child at Christmas time?”
“You strive to please others, to fit in, and feel accepted. In spite of that, you still don’t feel accepted, and not because others don’t accept you, but because you haven’t accepted yourself as you are.”
― The Pursuit of Dreams: Claim Your Power, Follow Your Heart, and Fulfill Your Destiny
― The Pursuit of Dreams: Claim Your Power, Follow Your Heart, and Fulfill Your Destiny
“True acceptance doesn’t require you to fit in or change who you are. It doesn’t have to be sought; it’s given to you.”
― Reconnect to Love: A Journey From Loneliness to Deep Connection
― Reconnect to Love: A Journey From Loneliness to Deep Connection
“heeping (noun): a state of mindlessly following others when in fact you know the truth and the right actions you must take, but you don’t want to overcome social resistance, accept the brief emotional pain of going against social pressure, and assume full responsibility for your life.”
― The Pursuit of Dreams: Claim Your Power, Follow Your Heart, and Fulfill Your Destiny
― The Pursuit of Dreams: Claim Your Power, Follow Your Heart, and Fulfill Your Destiny
“To be brutally truthful, the removal of your noodle from seeking other people’s futile approval to be you, is one of the most beautiful steps to flight, where wings flap to freedom from so many deadly traps.”
“Who are you trying to impress? Better yet, why?”
― Listen to Your Conscience: That's Why You Have One
― Listen to Your Conscience: That's Why You Have One
“The more you try, so desperately, to prove a point to get someone's approval, the more fleeting that approval might be, causing a chain of depreciation of self-esteem. Sometimes, all you need do is truly love yourself and get only the approval and acceptance of the inner self.”
“If, instead of seeking approval, you ask, ‘What’s wrong with it? How can I make it better?’, you are more likely to get a truthful critical answer. These answers will help you in improving and becoming a better version of yourself. Constant critical evaluation is key to constant improvement.”
“The sun doesn’t wait for approval before gassing itself up and setting itself on fire. It’s too busy bringing it’s desire to spread love, light and sight to earth’s entire empire.”
“It is quite easy to get approval if we ask enough people, or if we ask those who are likely to tell us what we want to hear. The likelihood is that they will say nice things rather than be too critical. People tend to avoid difficult conversations. Also, we tend to edit out the bad so that we hear only what we want to hear.”
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era
― small wins BIG SUCCESS: A handbook for exemplary success in post Covid19 Outbreak Era
“She was disappointed, I could tell, and suddenly the only thing I wanted in the world was to please her.”
― Ban This Book
― Ban This Book
“We all have weakness and strength. I have to fight against the weakness in my personality. Everyone of should fight against the weakness of the soul. Seek to build on your strengths.”
“It was my father and I that were inseparable. His darling girl; that's what he called me. He understood me- his bright, easily bored, passionate, underdog-defending, in-need-of-large-doses-of-physical-activity-and-changes-of-scenery daughter. And more important than understanding me, he liked me. He was most proud when I took the road less traveled by.
It wouldn't be exaggerating to say I lived for the look of delight and surprise in his eyes when I accomplished something out of the ordinary. Beating him at chess. Reading the unabridged version of Anna Karenina when I was ten. Starting a campfire with nothing but a flint and a knife.
But now it seemed our father and daughter skins were growing too small. I still craved his attention and approval, but he gave it more sparingly. Our long, rambling conversations about everything and anything- the speed of light, the Cuban missile crisis, how many minutes on each side to grill a perfect medium-rare steak- had petered out, replaced with the most quotidian of inquiries: Is Gunsmoke on tonight? Is it supposed to snow tomorrow? When's the last time the grass was cut?”
― Valley of the Moon
It wouldn't be exaggerating to say I lived for the look of delight and surprise in his eyes when I accomplished something out of the ordinary. Beating him at chess. Reading the unabridged version of Anna Karenina when I was ten. Starting a campfire with nothing but a flint and a knife.
But now it seemed our father and daughter skins were growing too small. I still craved his attention and approval, but he gave it more sparingly. Our long, rambling conversations about everything and anything- the speed of light, the Cuban missile crisis, how many minutes on each side to grill a perfect medium-rare steak- had petered out, replaced with the most quotidian of inquiries: Is Gunsmoke on tonight? Is it supposed to snow tomorrow? When's the last time the grass was cut?”
― Valley of the Moon
“...only one thought passed through his mind: “Did I make my parents proud?”
― Harp and the Lyre: Extraction
― Harp and the Lyre: Extraction
“Denominations aside, Christians are largely partitioned by those who bother to be accepted by the world and those who do not, by those who are embarrassed by those who are not.”
“something not entirely right. But without options beyond what’s expected and with a deep desire for approval, one does what one sees.
At least, that is what one does until one no longer can.”
At least, that is what one does until one no longer can.”
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