Selfawareness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "selfawareness" Showing 1-29 of 29
AmyK Hutchens
“We cannot stop people from providing their opinions, but we can decide which opinions matter to us.”
AmyK Hutchens, The Secrets Leaders Keep: Insightful Stories And Provocative Questions That Unlock The Hidden Secrets To Winning Big In Business And Life

Tom Rath
“And all of the self-awareness in the world can quickly go to waste if you fail to keep learning about what the world needs from you and how you can best serve others.”
Tom Rath, Vital Friends: The People You Can't Afford to Live Without

Abraham H. Maslow
“We all have everything we need within us to create our fullest potential.”
Abraham H. Maslow

“When something goes wrong,
there is a reason for it and then
there is an explanation for it.
Stay aware, don't confuse the two.”
Dr. Sandeep Atre

“Don't dislike someone just
because they don't like you.”
Dr. Sandeep Atre

Maryam Monika Saliu
“Many people believe that the most human response to adversity is
to try to avoid it, to maintain as much normalcy as
possible while bypassing misery. Regardless, the most straightforward method to reach our full potential is to live bravely and step outside of our comfort zones.”
Maryam Monika Saliu, Resilience: Surviving a Life Saving Operation is a Silver Lining

“Presence, more valuable than Presents”
Hazel Butterworth

“A question not asked, remains unanswered”
Hazel Butterworth

“Get yourself outta boundaries created by your own self. Take a pause, look into yourself and start living a free life.”
Bilal Shabbir

Sarah Kuttner
“Frau Hermann! Fällt Ihnen denn gar nichts auf? Sie sind sehr intelligent. Sie scheinen auch über einen sehr hohen emotionalen Intelligenzquotienten zu verfügen, und Sie sind über die Maßen empathisch, haben ein ausgezeichnetes Gespür für die Stimmung anderer. Nur bei sich selbst versagen diese Fähigkeiten total. Was Ihre eigenen Gefühle angeht, laufen Sie mit einem dicken Brett vor dem Kopf herum. Das ist merkwürdig. Es stimmt ganz offensichtlich: Sie können alles andere, aber nicht sich selbst spüren!”
Sarah Kuttner, Mängelexemplar

“Don't let yourself loose without
tapping into your 'power to choose'.”
Dr. Sandeep Atre

Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum
“Aprender de uno mismo significa tener la capacidad de observarse y de deducir, a partir de la observación, el estado en el cual funcionamos y lo que necesitamos corregir del mismo. Para poder observar nuestro interior, la herramienta fundamental es la concentración.”
Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum, Fluir en El sin yo

“Those who are incapable of managing themselves always demand to be ruled by others. However, when a new leader shows up, it is never the right one.”
Marino Baccarini

“Personal Transformation is so much personal.
You shouldn't talk about it with anyone.
You must remain absent while remaining present till you are ready. Those around you will comment, criticize, and conspire to create
obstacles in the process, because, as I said in
Relashuns to Relashines, in your light their own shadows will Scare them. If they are not able to stop you, then they will go away. Have the strength to stay with yourself. You will achieve. It is not difficult. Trust yourself. Ah, it is such a beautiful journey without going anywhere else. Staying where you are, doing what you are required to do and do you must.”
Ramesh Sood

“We attract behaviour. Period.

A deep realisation which had made me apologise and seek forgiveness of the one who had thrown a glass of water on my face sometime in 1978. Imagine what I might have said to provoke such a reaction! I had found him after 17 years to ask for his forgiveness. I had embarked on a search of ten of such individuals from all across. One whom I was not able to locate, I had incidentally found traveling in train.

No, personal transformation is not easy. Don't indulge in it if you are not willing to make the efforts which would be essential. If that strong and intense desire is there, then trust me you will attract the right person, right voice and a right mentor or coach.

To listen to that top, nay, that deep and therefore, a little weak voice, will need you to be cautious and attentive before it gets snubbed by the noise around. If you are able to then know that your time has come.”
Ramesh Sood

“In one's life, if one wants to reach the top, then , why one has to be what one is not! Being realistic helps me as a coach. It builds unflinching trust between me and my coachee..”
Ramesh Sood

Binod Shankar
“Self-awareness is the foundation of meaningful change. Know thyself.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

Binod Shankar
“Experience alone is not enough. It isn’t automatic. You must get feedback and introspect and slowly your values get crystallized. It’s a fun journey and a wonderful place to be. Because it’s all about knowing yourself and the world around you and that knowledge is true power.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

Binod Shankar
“So, I’ve had the benefit of experience. But experience alone means jackshit. You only get wiser if you are relentlessly curious, think deeply, can be honest with yourself and have a strong dose of humility.”
Binod Shankar, Let's Get Real: 42 Tips for the Stuck Manager

Zzenn Loren
“There's a difference between 'being' skeptical and 'identifying' as a skeptic. The latter requires upkeep.”
Zzenn Loren

Nicholas Nikita
“Make no mistake, there's an author screaming "love me" behind every book.”
Nicholas Nikita

“You are not defined by what others say about you; you are defined by what you know yourself to be.”
Omotoso Omotayo Olawande

“Hi there! Don't let yourself become a billboard for the products of the dark city. Stay vigilant!”
Luckson T Mabade

“It requires a lot of strength and self awareness to realize and accept a thing which is not correct but you have been doing it for long, and may be you have mastered it..!”
Mahendar Singh Jakhar

“World Meditation Day is an opportunity to pause, take a deep breath, and find peace in the chaos. It's the one day when sitting still and doing nothing is not only acceptable but encouraged! It’s like a global permission slip to let go of your to-do list, quiet your mind, and embrace the blissful state of nothingness. So, take this opportunity to channel your inner yogi, strike a pose (or just plop down on the couch), and indulge in some well-deserved mental downtime. Happy meditating!”
Life is Positive

“Jealousy? Ain't got time for that! I'm too busy counting my blessings and cheering on others' victories. Winners support winners, baby! There's plenty of success to go around, and celebrating someone else's win doesn't dim my light—it just adds more shine to the room. So, while they're out there scoring goals, I'll be on the sidelines, clapping louder than anyone 'cause, in the end, we're all on the same team—Team Success! Let's keep this winning streak going!”
Life is Positive

“If you have managed to fool others, that is an art. But if you are fooling yourself, that is just stupidity.”
Pranab Jyoti Borah