Stages Of Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stages-of-life" Showing 1-30 of 33
“No age of life is inglorious. Youth has its merits, but living to a ripe old age is the true statement of value. Aging is the road that we take to discern our character. Fame and fortune can elude us, but character is immortal. We must encounter a sufficient variety of experiences including both failures and accomplishments in order to gain nobility of character.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Criss Jami
“Generally it appears the case that, when faced with all life's problems, the baby, he wants to cry about everything, the child wants to question everything, the teenager wants to rebel against everything, the young adult wants to solve everything, the middle-aged adult wants to protect everything, and the elder wants to accept everything.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Cole Todd
“Everyone should have the experience of getting lost in life at least once. Part of growing up is learning how to tolerate uncertainty, and when the time is right, to find or create a new path for yourself.”
Cole Todd, Burn Out of a Fairy Godmother

“God always prepare us for the great mission but we are unaware.
All the stages are connected; we must graciously be fully present in each stage.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

“A transition period is a period between two transition periods.”
George Stigler

“Similar to a how a flower grows incrementally, people also blossom in stages. As we age, we expand our knowledge of how the world works and how other people respond to our deeds. We also expand our language skills in order to communicate both our thoughts and feelings.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“People undergo several sequential steps in maturing from infancy including childhood, adolescences, young adulthood, middle age, and old age. Each stage presents distinct challenges that require a person to amend how they think and act. The motive for seeking significant change in a person’s manner of perceiving the world and behaving vary. Alteration of person’s mindset can commence with a growing sense of awareness that a person is dissatisfied with an aspect of his or her life, which cause a person consciously to consider amending their lifestyle.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Growing old is humbling and it takes effort to accomplish this stage of life with dignity.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Every stage of life lay the foundation for the next stage of life. Treasure each stage of life.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“A person who wants to know everything eventually comes to a stage where his/her curiosity of knowing everything comes to an end and that is the stage of Enlightenment.”
Sangita Pareek

“Reflecting on various aspects of our lives is essential for a person to grow and adjust to changing phases in their life. Self-analysis entails examining a person’s existing level of self-esteem and documenting the inner voice that speaks to a person, which is frequently either affirming of self-defeating. Failure to periodically engage in self-analysis, make crucial revisions in our personas, and modify our thinking patterns when we encounter transformative events in life can lead to mood disorders, burnout, and other emotional maladies.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Despite the personalization of life’s events, all people largely experience the same general transformative stages of life and eventually we all encounter a row of similar tragedies. We do not experience identical lives or exemplify replicable personalities. Every person is a receptacle whom is capable of experiencing the full gamut of the entire human condition. Our lives act as a period of apprenticeship, which we devote laboring to discover the truths that we can live by.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Death is a stage where no actor can act.”
Khalil Ur Rehman

Sarah Orne Jewett
“So we die before our own eyes; so we see some chapters of our lives come to their natural end.”
Sarah Orne Jewett, The Country of the Pointed Firs

“Every stage of life has it's valuable lessons to be learn't”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Idealistic notions that guide a younger person frequently prove unsustainable. Concluding any stage of life demands that a person rebuilds oneself after living destroys our ideological beliefs.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Stewart Stafford
“Birthdays are happy as a child, defeatist with age and joyful again at surviving another year.”
Stewart Stafford

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Life is in stages.
There is a stage where, like grasshoppers, we hop from grass to grass.
And another, where we move from grass to grace.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

“Every day that we live, we must address new truths that pertain to life and death. Each incremental decade in the hayride of life incites us to address a newfangled realism. By age ten, the weepy passing of pets or grandparents, the death of sitting or past presidents, or the demise of other notable figures, obliges us to address the fact that no one including our parents and siblings will live forever. Cognition of each person’s fickle mortality spurs an awaking in our ken, which newly grasped knowledge is sure to cause a ray of resentment for humankind’s lack of immortality, especially if the people who a person cares deeply about fail to sanctify their body with nourishing and purifying habits.”
Kilroy J. Oldster

Haruki Murakami
“After those bohemian days, he went back to college, and returned to academic life. He never went on a long trip ever again. As far as I know, he’s spent his time since just shuttling back and forth between home and his office. It’s strange, isn’t it? No matter how quiet and conformist a person’s life seems, there’s always a time in the past when they reached an impasse. A time when they went a little crazy. I guess people need that sort of stage in their lives.”
Haruki Murakami, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

“All beings of the world are in a constant state of either coming into being or going out of being. Resignation of the soul is the final act in a one-character play. Given our genetic defect of mortality, it is impossible not to question the why and wherefore of our existence. It is understandable why each of us must ask what life is all about, and for that matter, constantly inquire what is next. Where does the headwater of our existence spring from and where will the divergent stream of life take us? Do the still waters that gently slide by compose the tranquil waters relished by lentic lakeside creatures? What lies ahead in the burbling headwaters of tomorrow? Does nourishing brain food wait for lotic inhabitants to feast upon in the turbulent rapids and airy froth of the future? Vagueness, doubt, and insecurity shroud the future. The only thing certain is that the effervescence culled from our dynamic immersion in the firth of today will expose our material composition.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
“The aged sometimes feel enraged because of being caged in a stage of life ravaged by discomforts, their often wild talk is not a gauge of their appreciation.”
Vincent Okay Nwachukwu

“Choose your audience wisely, for its not your performance that varies but their response is what matters!” ”
Ramana Pemmaraju

Laura Chouette
“Our stage is set by love.”
Laura Chouette

“And he is not at an age right for renunciation; he has not even entered the stage of the householder, as befits a well educated man; he has not therefore paid back his dues to the gods and to his ancestral spirits and to his fellowmen. Bound by these dues where can he go now? He has no experience at all of women and consequently of samsara. He has not therefore attained any of the purusharthas of life, namely dharma, artha and kama. He has not even rendered personal service to his parents to ensure their comfort. He has not helped his loving relations, nor endowed his dear friends with wealth, nor honoured the wise. He has not shared his wealth with his dependants nor fulfilled the desires of those begging for favours.

"He has not founded his lineage by begetting sons and grandsons. Nor has he performed any great sacrificial rituals. He has not given generous gifts nor fulfilled his obligations of hospitality. He has not done his duty by this world. He has not adorned the earth with dams, wells and water distributing centres, with palaces, ponds and groves. Above all he has not still spread his fame far and wide which alone would live on till the end of the world.”
Bāṇabhaṭṭa, Kadambari

T.M Cicinski
“You are in the spring of your life, little one, and have all the time in the world ahead of you, while for myself, I suspect that midwinter's day has already passed.”
T.M Cicinski, Where The Waves Break Upon The Shore

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