Steampunk Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "steampunk-romance" Showing 1-24 of 24
Gail Carriger
“What if all those strange and unexplainable bends in history were the result of supernatural interference? At which point I asked myself, what's the weirdest most eccentric historical phenomenon of them all? Answer:the Great British Empire. Clearly, one tiny little island could only conquer half the known world with supernatural aid. Those absurd Victorian manners and ridiculous fashions were obviously dictated by vampires. And, without a doubt, the British army regimental system functions on werewolf pack dynamics.”
Gail Carriger

Lindsay Buroker
“Sespian opened his mouth, paused, closed it, then shook his head ruefully. "It's very easy to be drawn into what you're saying, and I catch myself wanting to nod and agree. Maybe I should take notes on your technique."
Amaranthe blushed and felt like she should stutter an apology, but she hadn't done anything to be embarrassed about, had she?
"It's her eyes", Sicarius said, startling her..
Yara glanced over her shoulder at him, apparently, surprised to hear him speak, but soon turned her attention back to the tracks. She seemed to be believe she should remain silent for the discussion.
Sespian scratched his jaw. "Yes, maybe so. They're like a doe's. Warm and earnest and..."
"Wholesome. Sicarius's eyes glinted, and Amaranthe scowled at him.”
Lindsay Buroker

Tamara Rose Blodgett
“...because of the foulness of her mother's emotional river, a current which ran swift, changing its path without warning...”
Tamara Rose Blodgett

“Breathe, Newberry. If you faint in the Blacksmith’s laboratory, only the stars above know what might be grafted to your body when you wake up.”
Meljean Brook, The Iron Duke

Maeve Alpin
“I tell you all the time, you will never be able to replace me with a brass and steam contraption.”
Maeve Alpin, As Timeless As Stone

iLana Markarov
“Remember? We have a rematch. And this time, it’s my turn to shine.” With his goggles on, Sterling got into his stance, keeping an eye on the Professor.
“Oh? I didn’t realize that you were so dull.” I put my goggles on and took my stance as well, making sure that Professor Trinkott was within my line of vision. Challenge accepted.
“Ha, ha, joke all you want, Alvara. Just don’t come crying to me afterwards.”
“I don’t cry when I win.”
iLana Markarov, The Timekeeper's Secret

Pauline Creeden
“You put up this steel armor around yourself in the form of hostility and disinterest—whichever works to shield you best at the moment, but that’s not who you are.”
Pauline Creeden, Armored Hearts

Gail Carriger
“Hail a cab, please, Floote. I am going out."
"Are you certain that is wise, Miss? "
"To be wise, one might never leave one's room at all”
Gail Carriger, Soulless

Daniela Barisone
“Perdonerete, ma è piuttosto difficile parlare del proprio amico e di otto tentacoli che vi aggrediscono e si infilano sotto gli abiti, insinuandosi in posti che un gentiluomo non dovrebbe nominare.”
Daniela Barisone, Di tentacoli e braccia di ferro

Maeve Alpin
“A priest, who came from a land far away and wed priestess Seshat, used powerful magic for Pharaoh Tutimaeus. With his invention of a horseless chariot and magic men who blew steam, the Egyptians defeated the Hyksos warriors.” He felt his mouth quirk and a deep chuckle rolled from his belly. “Well, an Egyptian priest is a quite a step up from assistant to the conservator of the Louvre.” - As Timeless As Stone”
Maeve Alpin

Courtney Brandt
“And now we both blushed, because things like changing one’s garments should not be discussed among a Queen and one of her subjects.”
Courtney Brandt, The Queen of England: Coronation

Maeve Alpin
“We do not need you. Do not come unless I call you.” Ricard crawled out of bed and shut the door as the steam men moved down the hall. “Dumb things.” Ricard - As Timeless As Stone”
Maeve Alpin

Beatriz Fitzgerald Fernandez
“we are two like-minded creatures too well-matched, both equal halves of a whole not altogether wholesome”
Beatriz Fitzgerald Fernandez, Shining from a Different Firmament

Courtney Brandt
“At that idea, I grinned. Queen of England. Single mother. What would my opposition say about that?”
Courtney Brandt, The Queen of England: Grand Tour

Courtney Brandt
“And who exactly are you supposed to be, the Queen of England?”
Courtney Brandt, The Queen of England: Coronation

Courtney Brandt
“Once more for Britain,” I said to the empty room. I might not be the Queen everyone wanted me to be, but I was intelligent and fully capable of breaking the code.”
Courtney Brandt, The Queen of England: Coronation

Courtney Brandt
“My station has barely recovered from the massacre, and we have not held my formal coronation, not to mention the fact I am only eighteen years of age and have no parent present. How on earth do people expect me to find a husband in all of this nonsense?”
Courtney Brandt, The Queen of England: Coronation

Courtney Brandt
“Did Jonathan not realize that sometimes a girl didn’t want to be honorable? That sometimes young women had the same desires and needs as young men?”
Courtney Brandt, The Queen of England: Coronation

Eliza Sinclair
“The joy, the dizzy bliss—the wonder of it all—Jeron had never experienced anything like it. Moon-rays and fairy lights glinted on Niamh’s loose hair and in her eyes. There was no hesitance in her actions, and none of the self-doubt Jeron had noticed before.
Just gentle touch and kiss, the warmth of love’s first dawning.
He distanced his face enough that she would not mistake his expression. “All of this, here and now. This is real, do you understand?” He touched one finger to the compass at her chest. “True north. I promise.”
“I believe you,” she said. “And, I can be the north star. I am a Starsong after all. Now kiss me one more time before we make that final round.”
Jeron complied, again and again and even once more for good measure, the world fading into cricket song and budding flowers on the first full-moon night of the spring.”
Eliza Sinclair, Valiant Heart

Katherine McIntyre
“Are you sure you haven’t changed your mind?” Theo called as she reached the door. “This all would be a lot easier if you’d just hand me the parts, and I could get down to business. You know we’re not heading out for a picnic at the gardens. Don’t want to get those lilywhite hands dirty.”
Katherine McIntyre, Of Tinkers and Technomancers

Katherine McIntyre
“She found it hard to ignore the uncomfortable feelings that emerged or the delicious smell of him, all earth and amber. Her hand twitched with the desire to run her fingers through his rust-red hair.”
Katherine McIntyre, Of Tinkers and Technomancers

Katherine McIntyre
“You’re not wearing your normal dandy attire, but you still cut a figure,” Theo said begrudgingly. “If you think you can approach as a prospective buyer, I’ll sneak around back and try to filch the clockwork maid.”

“What is this planning balderdash?” he said, a smile playing on his face. “I thought, with you involved, we’d be marching in and drawing iron.”
Katherine McIntyre, Of Tinkers and Technomancers

Katherine McIntyre
“Here with her, he wasn’t the son of Kylock Sr., he wasn’t an arrogant prat and he most definitely wasn’t a gentleman.”
Katherine McIntyre, Of Tinkers and Technomancers

“What was he doing-allowing criticism froma fair face to distract him as though he were a gangly besotted boy? He was no boy. Ane he abso-bloomin-lutely was not besotted.”
Angela Bell