Stormtroopers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stormtroopers" Showing 1-6 of 6
Joe Schreiber
“I'm just saying --' He pointed the way that Han appeared to be favoring. '--this doesn't feel right'

'Yeah, well, we're on a Star Destroyer being chased by the living dead. NONE of this feels right”
Joe Schreiber, Star Wars: Death Troopers

Ernst Jünger
“Trench fighting is the bloodiest, wildest, most brutal of all ... Of all the war's exciting moments none is so powerful as the meeting of two storm troop leaders between narrow trench walls. There's no mercy there, no going back, the blood speaks from a shrill cry of recognition that tears itself from one's breast like a nightmare.”
Ernst Jünger, Storm of Steel

Timur Vermes
“A large number of people had already gathered in the city centre to demonstrate against the government. Seemingly it had occurred to no-one to opt for the most obvious solution – stormtroopers.”
Timur Vermes, Er ist wieder da

Victor Gischler
“Kidpool: Seems like we spend a lot of time bashing flunkies. There's no end to them.
Lady Deadpool: They belong to the same union as Stormtroopers and red shirts.”
Victor Gischler, Deadpool Corps, Vol. 2: You Say You Want A Revolution

Ernst Jünger
“These are the figures of steel whose eagle eyes dart between whirling propellers to pierce the cloud; who dare the hellish crossing through fields of roaring craters, gripped in the chaos of tank engines ... men relentlessly saturated with the spirit of battle, men whose urgent wanting discharges itself in a single concentrated and determined release of energy.
As I watch them noiselessly slicing alleyways into barbed wire, digging steps to storm outward, synchronizing luminous watches, finding the North by the stars, the recognition flashes: this is the new man. The pioneers of storm, the elect of central Europe. A whole new race, intelligent, strong, men of will ... supple predators straining with energy. They will be architects building on the ruined foundations of the world.”
Ernst Jünger, Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis

Daniel José Older
“Seems Commander 110 finally came to his senses too, because then he says: "We don't need to see his identification."
"Bless!" I almost yelled, but I kept it contained.
"These are not the droids you're looking for," Old Guy says.
And he was right. He was so right. It was like, of course they're not!
110 agreed and then Old Guy says he can go about his business, and I'm like Yes! Yes, Old Guy! Say that! And 110 agrees again! Word for word in fact!
"Move along," this remarkable little geezer says.
Commander 110 nods. "Move along." And then, because he's 110 and he can't help himself, he repeats it for good measure.”
Daniel José Older, Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View