Young Adult Series Quotes

Quotes tagged as "young-adult-series" Showing 1-30 of 166
Rachel Vincent
“Eastlake High makes Buffy's hellmouth look like a crack in the sidewalk.”
Rachel Vincent, If I Die

Jennifer Donnelly
“She's got a big belt around her hips. It has a shiny buckle with PRADA on it, which is Italian for insecure.”
Jennifer Donnelly, Revolution

Jess C. Scott
“Anya looked upon Nin admirably. Having him as a partner-in-crime—if only on this one occasion, which she hoped would only be the start of something more—was more revitalizing than the cheap thrills of a cookie-cutter shallow, superficial romance, where the top priority was how beautiful a person was on the outside.”
Jess C Scott, The Other Side of Life

Cassandra Clare
“There walked warlocks in all their bat-winged, cat-eyed glory, and here, as they swung out over the river, she saw the darting flash of multicolored tails under the silvery skin of the water, the shimmer of long, pearl-strewn hair, and heard the high, rippling laughter of the mermaids.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Bones

Rae Hachton
“You Just scared me half to death," I said.

"You should be thrilled you're halfway there.”
Rae Hachton, Pretty In Black

Lauren Hammond
“Maybe I’m stupid. Maybe I’m just as evil as he is by keeping my mouth shut. But he told me once that I was different. And I can’t help but hope that me being different is the one thing in this world that can save him from what he fears the most…Himself.”
Lauren Hammond, A Whisper To A Scream

Rae Hachton
“Dying would be normal for me, and one day, I'd be buried beneath a stone, and nothing would matter anymore. It'd be ordinary, like life.

And that terrified me, endlessly.”
Rae Hachton, Black Satin

Jennifer Donnelly
“She smells of her cooking and the perfume Eau d'Hadrien. My mother wore it, too. She used to cook, like Lili. Our house smelled of garlic and thyme instead of sadness.”
Jennifer Donnelly, Revolution

Jenna-Lynne Duncan
“She was evil. Couldn't he, who killed demons with his own hands, realize that? And now I had to run for Mardi Gras Queen because of him. Or her. I didn't know whose fault it was but there was no way I could back down now.”
Jenna-Lynne Duncan, Aftermath

Gwenn Wright
“Are you all right,” he whispered, his lips brushing the tips of my spiky hair. Granted, I knew he was only being discreet so as to save poor Hillary from being reamed again, but my knees didn’t know the difference. They betrayed me, buckling under his hot breath on my ear and the deep whisper that tickled my senses.”
Gwenn Wright, Filter

Shawn Maravel
“The thirst we shared for one another made it clear that the distraction would only come from deprivation. Charlotte was always on my mind. In my dreams, her name balancing fatally on my lips at all times, the scent of her drove me on through my everyday tasks. It was in denying myself of her soft skin and intoxicating presence that I truly began to lose touch.”
Shawn Kirsten Maravel, Severance

Steven J. Carroll
“It is good practice to never fault someone for their birth name, being that it is always of far greater importance how men speak of you, than the name by which you are addressed.”
Steven J. Carroll, A Prince of Earth

Gwenn Wright
“Do not be so ridiculous, I can more easily find you someone else.” Gripping the bars of his prison so strongly that the bones of his knuckles showed prominently through his pale skin, the monster growled again, “I will have no other.”
Nearing the end of his patience, Klaus demanded, “Why? Why are you being so impossible?”
Turning to the diminutive creature beneath the blanket, he smiled nastily, his light red eyes gleaming, “Because he wants her.”
Gwenn Wright, Filter

Lauren Hammond
“The voice blurs and fades, like a faint cry riding on the tails of the wind. I yawn and stretch, rolling over. I fold my pillow under my head and wait for the voice to return. When I hear nothing but the sound of my own breathing I allow myself to drift back into a dreamless slumber.”
Lauren Hammond, Asphodel

“To the world, she is formidable. To me? She is the world.”
Taherah Mafi

Gwenn Wright
“For a moment she believed he had left, but as she shifted away from the wall she sensed him there beside the bed. He was very close.
Wretched curiosity!
But she would fight it and not look.
“Katherine,” he whispered, his breath rolling in a warm wave across her cheek. A traitor tear spilled out, the humiliation was too much to contain. Gently, a finger dabbed the wetness from her skin. He said it again, softly, as though it pleased him just to say it, “Katherine.”
“Viktor!” the accented voice bellowed from below. And then the shadow was gone.
Darkness overwhelmed her then and carried her away to a land of crows and mocking strangers.”
Gwenn Wright

“She'd done it again... killed another monster with his own sins.”
Natasha Larry, Unnatural Law

“He tries not to think about The Core...but he couldn't deny it...they were all becoming something else entirely. Darwin's Children”
Natasha Larry

“I wonder if the folks at Christian books will fire you when they find out about your devil powers-John Gramm”
Natasha Larry

Shawn Maravel
“I pulled my chair up to the table and Alex sat down, following suit, unable to guard a smile from breaking onto his lips. He was handsome; I had to give him that. His hair was perfectly gelled and his face was smooth and free of stubble. I could even detect the scent of cologne, something I knew him to rarely wear.
“I didn’t expect you to show up,” he admitted.
“Then why’d you invite me?” I hoped that I hadn’t sounded rude.
He chuckled and tucked his napkin into his lap. I did the same. “I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment.”
Shawn Kirsten Maravel, Severance

“There is no such thing as a disability, and we say diffability, because we know you are all different, and possess different abilities.”
Troian Anderson, The Light of Winter

“Words would just jump out of my mouth before I even realized what I was thinking.
I was told in no uncertain terms that this was not the way we treated our elders, or anyone for that matter. Our culture is about the respect for everything around us. At that time, they didn’t realize I had Tourette’s.”
Troian Anderson, The Light of Winter

Erika Leigh Agnew
“Dragon or not, going to a brewery is always a priority. You'll understand when you're older," his uncle replied cheekily.”
Erika Leigh Agnew, Dragonsown

Erika Leigh Agnew
“You cannot make a mountain from a mouse. It is magic, not a miracle- Seraii”
Erika Leigh Agnew, Dragonsown

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Rescuing Derian would mean suffering the wrath of the immortal governing body. It would mean breaking their abiding rules, facing another trial where her fate would be determined by beings compassionless to the mortal effects of time. It would quite possibly mean a dire sentence for Eena, and worse, the fulfilling of Ascultone’s prediction about her. Even so, there was no way she could abandon Derian, not now that she knew for certain he was alive. She could not turn her back on the man who had sacrificed every bit of his life for her, the man who had done nothing but remain loyal and undaunted in pursuing and protecting her since the day she was born.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Eena, The Tempter's Snare

Loxley Browne
“In every path we choose, there will be obstacles and uncertainties. But remember, it is during these moments of uncertainty that we are given the opportunity to truly grow. Embrace what lies ahead, for even if the road is foggy, your determination will light the way.”
Loxley Browne, Attie's Amazing Adventures: Rocket City Love

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