Quincey, a young girl who has drifted from her tour group at the White House, encounters the ghost of Abraham Lincoln gazing at the Gettysburg AddressQuincey, a young girl who has drifted from her tour group at the White House, encounters the ghost of Abraham Lincoln gazing at the Gettysburg Address. He seems sad and after some prodding, admits to Quincy that he is indeed. He felt that there was much to do in the year 1865 after the reunification of the country. So, they take off!
With Lincoln doing the flying Quincy is able to show him what has been accomplished in this country since the Civil War. Some things are complete, like the Union. Others we're still working on, like not fussing and fighting with our fellow man.
Lincoln is happy with what he sees and is able to "move on."
A quirky and hilarious book from a quirky and hilarious author/illustrator....more