Team Up follows the lives of a group of young teenage show jumpers in Australia. Most of them ride because they love their horses, the thrill of jumpiTeam Up follows the lives of a group of young teenage show jumpers in Australia. Most of them ride because they love their horses, the thrill of jumping and being able to compete and challenge themselves. This is definitely the case for Hetta, JJ, Marcus and Theo. It could even be said of their close friends Chance and Ruby. However, Savannah’s motivations to ride appear to be from another world. Horses are all about prestige and blue ribbons.
Team Up follows the lives of a group of young teenage show jumpers in Australia. Most of them ride because they love their horses, the thrill of jumping and being able to compete and challenge themselves. This is definitely the case for Hetta, JJ, Marcus and Theo. It could even be said of their close friends Chance and Ruby. However, Savannah’s motivations to ride appear to be from another world. Horses are all about prestige and blue ribbons.
Catch Rider tells the story of teenager Laney. She is a very capable rider and full of passion and enthusiasm for riding, but she doesn’t have a horseCatch Rider tells the story of teenager Laney. She is a very capable rider and full of passion and enthusiasm for riding, but she doesn’t have a horse of her own. And since her aunt’s passing, Laney doesn’t even have a place she can comfortably come to and ride at.
It appears that A Patriotic Day at the Rodeo is a continuation of the Rocking Horse Rodeo series. It focuses on a rodeo event that young Dee and HenryIt appears that A Patriotic Day at the Rodeo is a continuation of the Rocking Horse Rodeo series. It focuses on a rodeo event that young Dee and Henry are taking part in. They are attending with their horses Hank and Top. Dee is excited to see all the patriotic reminders at the event.
Cowgirl and the Ghost Horse continues on in the cowgirl series by Rae Rankin. You can read my review of Cowgirl Lessons from earlier this year. In thiCowgirl and the Ghost Horse continues on in the cowgirl series by Rae Rankin. You can read my review of Cowgirl Lessons from earlier this year. In this book for early grade readers, young horse fans learn about a ghost horse legend.
La Duquesa is the second book in the wonder horse series. It looks at the story of an incredibly beautiful grey Arabian mare, known as La Duquesa (TheLa Duquesa is the second book in the wonder horse series. It looks at the story of an incredibly beautiful grey Arabian mare, known as La Duquesa (The Duchess). It also explores the life of a young girl. She is growing up having what she needs, but not necessarily what she wants.