Heinlein's story of a young adult finishing school on Earth before heading home to Mars, only to find himself stranded by a war between Earth and VenuHeinlein's story of a young adult finishing school on Earth before heading home to Mars, only to find himself stranded by a war between Earth and Venus, has always been a favorite. I'm writing this after reading it in 2014 with the kids, and surprisingly this is probably their least favorite of the Heinlein that I've introduced them to....more
By His Bootstraps is atypical for a Heinlein story, particularly in terms of having a weak and undesirable main character. I think this was a byproducBy His Bootstraps is atypical for a Heinlein story, particularly in terms of having a weak and undesirable main character. I think this was a byproduct of a very unusual plot challenge.
While Heinlein used time travel in other places, it was always of a distant sort. If you are both willing to move 2000 years through time and declare yourself unsure of potential paradoxes, time traveling isn't that big a burden. You just get an interesting setting. This was Heinlein's one use of close time travel, so close that at one point three versions of a person aged within days of each other end up in a fist fight. This imposes a much greater challenge in that Heinlein follows the character through a continuity of consciousness through all frames, creates a vivid character, and has all of the behavior plausible in all frames, including the inevitable puckish desire to change what happened last time. (I think some of the characters faults and his being a little dim were probably required to make it work.)
It does work on many, many levels. Heinlein is so impressed with himself that he takes the last 15 minute or so, in the audio version, to explain things that you probably missed (I had) that are resolved cleverly. This sounds like a major fault but seasons Heinlein fans, if they haven't seen it before, at least aren't too surprised. Like always, such excess by the author is easy to ignore.
All in all, a great story making the best use of a common speculative fiction device that I've seen anywhere. It feels very unlike a Heinlein story and at the same time I have a hard time imagining anyone else writing it.
2016: I finally read this one with Alex. He loves time travel stories, he says. I didn't have the heart to tell him this is not only one of the best that I've seen, but that good ones are pretty darned few....more
Heinlein's rambling stories collected under auspices of memoirs of Lazarus Long remains one of my favorite bits of literary comfort food. Except for oHeinlein's rambling stories collected under auspices of memoirs of Lazarus Long remains one of my favorite bits of literary comfort food. Except for once, all "readings" were listenings to the narration by Lloyd James who does an amazing job personifying these characters. He adds tremendously to the book.
In 2015, I tried this with the kids. It took a very long time in small bites, and their reaction was luke warm, but overall, not a bad experiment....more
Bernard Cornwell has turned out to provide me with dozens of books that I love and this is the first book that I discovered by him. I re-read it to seBernard Cornwell has turned out to provide me with dozens of books that I love and this is the first book that I discovered by him. I re-read it to see how it stood up and I ended up enjoying it even more than I did previously.
Stonehenge is historical fiction surrounding the building of Stonehenge. Obviously there have to be tremendous guesses back that far, but they are as well-informed as possible I think. The backbone of a really good story is there and the book inspires curiosity and interest in Stonehenge and makes you want to visit....more
I hesitate to put any novel in my shelf "books everyone should read" but I will this one. It isn't because it is my favorite novel, though it is in thI hesitate to put any novel in my shelf "books everyone should read" but I will this one. It isn't because it is my favorite novel, though it is in the top ten. It is because that its value doesn't come from any genre, known author or other thing tending to be highly variable with taste. I guess there is one exception -- it is historical fiction. If you really dislike that, you may dislike this.
I recommend it so highly because it provides an amazingly deep sense of time and place in medieval England and shows an essential moral struggle for a man to achieve a great accomplishment. I really can't imagine anyone not liking it.
I came out of reading this novel with an appreciation for ancient cathedrals, the culture of that period of history and an abiding memory and care for the characters. Give it a try and you may as well.
I just complete my 2010 reading. My experience was different from that of a loved novel being read again. The story was new and fresh to me again. It moved me and I was completely captivated. I think before I had been motivated mostly by the accomplishments and challenges of the characters. This time, I seemed to be more captivated by their relationships, their hope, and their feelings. There is so much in this novel that Follett brings to the reader.
2017: I just started, and I'm reading this with the kids now. This is one of our more ambitious shared reading adventures, but I think that they're ready for it. Continuing my tradition of trying to share books that I've really loved, this seems like a good choice.
It took over two months, but we finished it. Everyone loved it, and Lily keep saying, a day later, that she misses it and can't believe it is over. :-)
2023: There is now a prequel, as well as three sequels. I'm rereading the whole series. The prequel was a fine book, but this book continues to delight me above others. ...more
It was amazing to revisit this classic. The final essay, including an appraisal of American culture and where it might head, was written two years befIt was amazing to revisit this classic. The final essay, including an appraisal of American culture and where it might head, was written two years before I was born. I wish her insight could be applied to evaluate the change in the last 45 years. ...more
This is a less-favorite Feynman book. I'm less interested in his topics for the most part in this book and there is a lot to disagree with. That said,This is a less-favorite Feynman book. I'm less interested in his topics for the most part in this book and there is a lot to disagree with. That said, I had the same reaction I always have when reading one of his books, specifically that I should be more like him. That's a hell of a recommendation particular when I'm finding myself disagreeing with him. His straight-forward honesty and way of approaching things is extremely compelling....more
This installment in the Covert One series was a bit of slow-starter, perhaps because of having read it before, but it really picked up and became one This installment in the Covert One series was a bit of slow-starter, perhaps because of having read it before, but it really picked up and became one of my favorites. ...more
I don't know if I'll ever get tired of reading Friday. Other than perhaps Minerva, I find Friday the most appealing female character Heinlein created.I don't know if I'll ever get tired of reading Friday. Other than perhaps Minerva, I find Friday the most appealing female character Heinlein created. The plot is not as tight as many of his early novels, but still flows. The action is extremely well-written. The Heinlein avatar is particularly appealing in this book. It just has lots to recommend it....more
Dune remains a favorite. It is easy to see why it became a classic. In the past, I haven't even been able to finish the first sequel, but I'm going toDune remains a favorite. It is easy to see why it became a classic. In the past, I haven't even been able to finish the first sequel, but I'm going to give it another try.
2017: This was a great choice for reading with the kids....more
The Prisoner of Azkaban is one of my favorites in the series, perhaps along with The Goblet of Fire. This is the first book that gets a bit more complThe Prisoner of Azkaban is one of my favorites in the series, perhaps along with The Goblet of Fire. This is the first book that gets a bit more complex, having characters of more complex motivations. Prior books raise the specter of a terrible monster that Harry gets lucky enough to defeat. This novel starts to introduce a bit more depth, offsetting the amazing backdrop of the world already being familiar. As of this, my fifth reading, this is still a joy.
2014: As of my sixth reading, this is still utterly enjoyable, and the pinnacle of literary comfort food.
2016: The kids say this was their favorite so far. Well, mine too.
2020: We read more slowly now, because we spend much of our time in cars talking rather than listening to audiobooks, which I think is good, but we all still love these stories, and making it through slowly is still immense fun....more
I was still able to enjoy re-reading The Chamber of Secrets. These books are delightful.
2013: I read this during the holidays last year and am going tI was still able to enjoy re-reading The Chamber of Secrets. These books are delightful.
2013: I read this during the holidays last year and am going through the series again. I re-read books more than most of my friends, but it unusual even for me to end up reading the book twice in one calendar year. :-)
This book was every bit as charming and lovable as I remember and custom doesn't stale its infinite variety. Surprises included how child-like it is nThis book was every bit as charming and lovable as I remember and custom doesn't stale its infinite variety. Surprises included how child-like it is now that I'm calibrated to later novels in the series and also how short it is! It seems to be about 20% of the last book.
Regardless, it is fabulous to immerse with these characters again, witnessing their indomitable courage and watching them and their friendship grow.
2013: Oddly, I've read this series a couple of times over the holidays and come to associate it with Christmas, even though the work is in no way related to the holidays. Even though it is sooner than I would typically revisit it, I found myself craving it. Also, it is literary comfort food, which is something I'm in deep need of right now. I'm so happy to be returning to Hogwarts. :-)
2016: Finally reading these with the kids. It's been absolutely fantastic. My kids had seen the movies, and they're usually reluctant to read books and see movies based on them, though they're happy to do either. They fell so in love with this book that Alex is racing ahead of me and Lily and then going over it again with us. The movies for (most of) these books are excellent, but the books are so much more....more