Jayson's Reviews > The Silkworm

The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith
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bookshelves: author-british, 400-499-pp, genre-crime, genre-detective, genre-mystery, read-in-2014, subject-books

(A-) 82% | Very Good
Notes: Wherein there are many meals, and nearly every important chat occurs in a restaurant, pub, or over tea and biscuits.
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Reading Progress

July 19, 2014 – Shelved
July 19, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
July 27, 2014 – Started Reading
July 28, 2014 –
page 7
July 30, 2014 –
page 12
July 31, 2014 –
page 35
August 1, 2014 –
page 56
August 2, 2014 –
page 63
August 3, 2014 –
page 89
August 4, 2014 –
page 105
August 5, 2014 –
page 178
August 6, 2014 –
page 265
August 7, 2014 –
page 334
August 8, 2014 –
page 356
August 8, 2014 –
page 455
August 8, 2014 – Finished Reading
March 24, 2015 – Shelved as: author-british
March 25, 2015 – Shelved as: 400-499-pp
March 26, 2015 – Shelved as: genre-detective
March 26, 2015 – Shelved as: genre-crime
March 26, 2015 – Shelved as: genre-mystery
September 15, 2016 – Shelved as: read-in-2014
October 31, 2018 – Shelved as: subject-books

Comments Showing 1-37 of 37 (37 new)

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Jaanaki Could'nt agree more :-)

Jayson Jaanaki wrote: "Could'nt agree more :-)"


Gautam Bothra Hey guys,

Pls suggest more in same genre.

Gautam Bothra

Jayson Gautam wrote: "Hey guys,

Pls suggest more in same genre.

Gautam Bothra"

Well, if you like this book there are two others in the series that you might like to check out: Cuckoo's Calling and Career of Evil. Aside from those, I can't say I read many quirky British mysteries. The mysteries I read tend to be on the thriller end of things.

message 5: by Vignesh (new)

Vignesh Ashok Kumar Is this series really thrilling and takes one to the edge of the seat.. If not.. Could u suggest some best thrillers?

Jayson Vignesh wrote: "Is this series really thrilling and takes one to the edge of the seat.. If not.. Could u suggest some best thrillers?"

Thanks for the comment Vignesh! I wouldn't say that this series is particularly edge-of-your-seat, or even suggest that these books are thrillers. It's a detective series, and a slow and methodical one at that, which save for action-y scenes near the end, don't provide much in the way of thrills. As for your second question, I haven't read many thrillers of the kind you're looking for, so I'd hesitate to even suggest any, to be perfectly honest. Action-packed thrillers aren't really my genre, sorry to say.

Shruti - Bookbabe_4life Isn't it so that all the chat and discussions over some or the other meal a standard custom for all the detective books? I mean they have to have meet up over a meal or something as frivolous as tea to discuss all their cases and the clues leading to it. I've noticed this in all the detective books i've come across , say, sherlock holmes , or maybe like james bond where they exchange important info over a drink or something , oscar wilde's race against time ,blah blah blah. This practice seems a bit old-fashioned and cliche , though reliable :)

message 8: by Jayson (last edited Oct 21, 2018 01:45PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jayson Shruti - Bookbabe_4life wrote: "Isn't it so that all the chat and discussions over some or the other meal a standard custom for all the detective books? I mean they have to have meet up over a meal or something as frivolous as te..."

I think it's more to do with being a British custom than anything to do with detective fiction. This was actually a point of conversation during my recent buddy read. Meals as setting for exposition seem a particularly British thing, though Galbraith in these books takes it to new levels.

In the detective novels I've read, conversations tend to happen in an office space or at various locations during the course of investigation. This is the case with Sherlock Holmes, which you bring up, where conversations relating to the case nearly always happen at Baker Street, the client's residence, or at the scene of the crime. There they may sometimes talk over tea, but that's, again, because it's British.

This meals trope seems entirely absent outside of the British context. You don't see it in Nordic or American detective stories, for example, which tend to root narrative in a police procedural format wherein meals seem absent except in depictions of home life or leisure time. So it's a British thing, and particularly prevalent and glaring in this instance.

Claudine I could really go for a chocolate biscuit

Jayson Claudine wrote: "I could really go for a chocolate biscuit"

Completely understandable. It's a book that really gets you in the gut 😁👍

message 11: by gelowmichael (new)

gelowmichael That was fast! :) looking forward to read this :)

Jayson gelowmichael wrote: "That was fast! :) looking forward to read this :)"

Hope you have a great time with it, gelowmichael! 😁👍

Jazzy Finished this tonight! It wasn't the absolute best book ever but it was a lot of fun to read. Strike is a interesting character to follow

Jayson Jazzy wrote: "Finished this tonight! It wasn't the absolute best book ever but it was a lot of fun to read. Strike is a interesting character to follow"

Happy to hear that, Jazzy! I find this series remarkably consistent after the first book. Sort of like how the Harry Potter books were roughly the same level and tone from books three or four onward. Rowling/Galbraith is extremely consistent after she/he hits her/his groove. So, I'm guessing you'll enjoy the rest of the series more or less the same as this :)

message 15: by CLoE (new)

CLoE Cool this book looks good

message 16: by Blake (new)

Blake Stepsis Yes, it does!

Jayson Ginger wrote: "Cool this book looks good"

Glad you think so 😁👍

Jayson Blake wrote: "Yes, it does!"


Jayson Sara wrote: "Oh my gosh- you are so right! These books make me hungry and want a beer (even though I hate beer!)."

Lol. I figure, a skilled writer can make even the most unappealing grub sound ambrosial. Books are too often Trojan horses for hunger 😁🍺

Jayson Sara wrote: "Hahaha so true! 😂"

Book are often valuable as food cues... reminders to eat when you're engrossed in a story 😋

message 21: by Amol (new) - rated it 1 star

Amol i dont know what others liked in this book. its just 3rd rate writing. boring endless nonsense about a fantasy killing come true. nothing interesting in the mystery.

Jayson Amol wrote: "i dont know what others liked in this book. its just 3rd rate writing. boring endless nonsense about a fantasy killing come true. nothing interesting in the mystery."

Well, perhaps you can find out what others liked by actually reading their reviews. I mean, that's what I would do 🤷‍♂‍

Also, perhaps write your thoughts in your review, which I can see is presently blank, rather than in the comment section of some random other person's review. Just a thought 😁👍

message 23: by Amol (new) - rated it 1 star

Amol jayson - how about minding your own business. just saying...

Jayson Amol wrote: "jayson - how about minding your own business. just saying..."

You do understand the irony of what you just said, right? This comment section is absolutely my business and replying to nonsense people post here is minding it. In contrast, you're the one being belligerent on someone else's turf. Just saying...

message 25: by Amol (new) - rated it 1 star

Amol No. You're the one who's being a prick. just saying...

Jayson Amol wrote: "No. You're the one who's being a prick. just saying..."

Okay, I think I have the measure of your intellect right now. I'm going to block you, because you're being annoying, and that's all it seems your comments are good for.

message 27: by Amol (new) - rated it 1 star

Amol Okay, I think I have the measure of your intellect right now. - prick signature

Jayson Amol wrote: "Okay, I think I have the measure of your intellect right now. - prick signature"

smh 🙄🤦‍♂️ Begone, troll!

Jayson phrog wrote: "do you always get stonk people in ur updates?"

More than you could even imagine 😅

Lavender Mystique Sounds like a tempting book lol 😁

Lavender Mystique Amol wrote: "jayson - how about minding your own business. just saying..."
hmm...how about minding YOUR own business...? just saying...

Jayson Lavender Mystique wrote: "Sounds like a tempting book lol 😁"

Yes, especially if you're in a ravenous mood, it's definitely pushes you in that direction 😁👍

Jayson Lavender Mystique wrote: "Amol wrote: "jayson - how about minding your own business. just saying..."
hmm...how about minding YOUR own business...? just saying..."

The things I have to put up with on a daily basis here... comes with the territory, I suppose 🤷‍♂️

message 34: by Tj (new)

Tj It's funny how stupid people can be xD I mean, this dude literally came into your update to say 'mind your own business' ( ・_ゝ・) Anyways Jayson, Nice review as always! Your rhyme never fails to amaze me xD

Jayson Tj wrote: "It's funny how stupid people can be xD I mean, this dude literally came into your update to say 'mind your own business' ( ・_ゝ・) Anyways Jayson, Nice review as always! Your rhyme never fails to ama..."

Thanks, TJ! I appreciate it. With some people, the more they say, the worse they look. I find it amusing to let them run their mouths to a certain degree. It's when they start getting hostile that I consider cutting them off.

message 36: by Élise (new)

Élise I love tea and biscuits 😃 This sounds like one I will enjoy.

Jayson Élise wrote: "I love tea and biscuits 😃 This sounds like one I will enjoy."

Happy to hear that, Élise! Tea and biscuits is actually factors in a lot with the series as a whole. The way the main character takes his tea is sort of a running joke :)

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