emma's Reviews > Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
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really liked it
bookshelves: that-setting-tho, recommend, slump-worthy, reread, favorites-2017, reviewed, fantasy, ya, 4-stars

Reminder that all of my Harry Potter reviews contain unmarked spoilers, and lots of ’em. If you’re one of the two people on Goodreads who hasn’t read this series, this review is not for you. So, my dear underside-of-a-rock-residing friends:


This review will be interesting, because this book was far (far, far) from perfect, and yet I am utterly determined to give it 5 stars. (Which I have only given to the first book in this series.)

God, how do you talk about this book? It’s really amazing. It is really hard for me to feel anything while reading a book or generally living my life. For example, I felt nothing when Sirius died. Nothing throughout most of this series, actually. And nothing in this book, because nothing happened and everyone survived and everything is sunshiney and joyful!

Ugh. I tried. The last hundred-ish pages of this book really tore me apart. Okay, even that’s not true. I’ll just come out and say it: I’m really f*cking sad that Dumbledore died. I love him so much. He’s high up in my top 5 characters. (Do I even have a top 5?) I’m devastated, which makes me even more upset, because I have a life to live today and can’t just lay around and wallow in fictional pain.

I’m going to move on in the hopes that I just. Forget. Because I don’t like this at ALL.

Here, we see Harry Potter - who, I think few will argue, has been a fairly mediocre character up to this point - become AMAZING. He’s motivated solely by his need to work against injustice and evil. He realizes his parents’ legacy within himself. He denounces the sucking up of others. He works hard in school! He is a good friend even when his two BFFS are being childish to one another plus refusing to believe him. In short, he’s really, really, five-star-level great here. Gorgeous character development in 650 pages.

I didn’t think I liked Ginny much, because I didn’t remember this book well...like, at all. But she is so great! So funny. I wish there was more of her in this book.

Also, I’ll fight anyone who says Dumbledore is ~the real villain~ of this series. He’s really not. (Cough, Snape is, cough.) AND YOU'RE NOT EDGY, PEOPLE WHO HATE DUMBLEDORE BUT LOVE SNAPE. YOU'RE JUST DUMB. I fell deeply in love with the guy. (Dumbledore, not Snape. BLEH.) AND I F*CKING MISS HIM. Goddamn it. Trying to forget didn’t last very long. Anyway.

I missed Hermione and Neville. Hermione was absolutely not well-represented here at all. Maybe it’s a good thing she’s not a Ravenclaw (#RavenclawPride) because she works fully against logic throughout this book. And when she’s not she just, like, refuses to believe Harry.

Ron is soooooooooo annoying! Is he anyone’s favorite character? He’s like, Fred or George if one of them was totally childish and attention-starved and mean. In fact, Ronald is a pretty impressive character for the number of gross character traits he embodies despite being supposed to be a good character. Mean, immature, rude, jealous, definition of an inferiority complex. Bleh.

Harry and Ginny I’m totally for, BUT THE OTHER RELATIONSHIPS IN THIS BOOK ARE SO BORING. Can we do Hermione and Fred instead? Ron and Luna would be cute. Or, God forbid, some LGBT representation? WE KNOW YOU’RE A SUPPORTER, JOANNE. Don’t even get me started on Lupin and Tonks.

Speaking of supposedly-good characters’ downfalls: I’m no longer a Hagrid fan. It started with the last book and came fully around here. Like, at a certain point, the man needs a character trait. Liking weird animals, making bad food, and being humongous don’t count. Harry and Hermione’s constant stubbornness is annoying. Plus makes the plot repetitive once in a while. Also, Tonks. You know what, I guess I AM going to get started on Lupin and Tonks! She was a hilarious badass in the last book, totally depressed and weak in this one. I know I sound like a total emotionless asshole here, but that’s who I am, and she’s annoying in this book. AND IT’S TOTALLY FINE BECAUSE SHE’S JUST BEING A SPINELESS IDIOT OVER SOME DUMB SHABBY MAN. Kill me, please. Then I can see my beloved Dumbledore again.

Too much Snape. (Cannot WAIT to write the rant on him.) Too much Draco. (Why do people romanticize that little weirdo so much? I guess I get the temptation, but he’s a bully at best and a spineless traitor at worst.) I hate Kreacher and I hate Dobby...I hated Winky, too...I might hate house elves. If that makes me racist against a species of fictional character, SO BE IT, I GUESS.

I miss Fred and George, and the fun people from the Order (if they existed), and Hermione and Neville aren’t here nearly enough. The price of Harry’s amazing and concise character development is WAY too many bad characters, not nearly enough of the good ones. EXCEPT DUMBLEDORE. UGHHHH. I’M SO SAD. (I think my inability to cry is making this worse. Maybe if I just creepily sobbed in front of my roommate for a few minutes I’d feel better. Damn you, my lack of emotions! Just kidding love you.)

But I want to give this book five stars more than anything. It was so compulsively readable, more than any other book since the first for me. And it’s the last book where our pals are attending Hogwarts. That makes me so sad. It’s such a gorgeous setting and I’m going to miss it so much. WHY IS THIS BOOK SO SAD?! If Deathly Hallows is any sadder I’ll be seriously impressed. And also seriously screwed.

And, okay, even though I was a harsh critic of these books...I’m really going to miss this series. I’ve been rereading it on and off (obviously) for three months, and it’s been a fun ride. This is one of the greatest settings of all time. And since I’m rereading it after 10 years, it’s like saying goodbye twice. AND I HATE ENDINGS.

Bottom line: Okay, THIS is my favorite Harry Potter book. (Anyone else’s?) Unreal character development + tragic and lovely adieu to a gorgeous setting + ability to make me feel real, deep emotion + compulsively readable? An absolute dream.

----------ORIGINAL REVIEW---------------

Ron and Hermione's will-they-won't-they is a total snoozefest. I propose Fred & Hermione and Ron & Luna instead. Also seven more books!

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Reading Progress

March 25, 2015 – Shelved
February 18, 2017 – Started Reading
February 22, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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lacy white Fun fact of the day: JK Rowling almost put Fred and Hermione together. :) lol.

emma lacy wrote: "Fun fact of the day: JK Rowling almost put Fred and Hermione together. :) lol."

omg did she really?! it seemed like it!! they would have been so cute together :( i'm not a ron fan myself

message 3: by fia (new) - rated it 4 stars

fia I'm also not a fan of Ron and Hermione. Fred and Hermione makes much more sense to me!

emma Nafia wrote: "I'm also not a fan of Ron and Hermione. Fred and Hermione makes much more sense to me!"

omg yay, glad someone else agrees!!! fred is at least more of a charmer >:( lol i love hermione i want the best for her

Marc Childs definitely the best book of the series to me, the backstory of Voldemort is so interesting, and the scene with Dumbledore drinking from the chalice made me wish I could read faster!

emma Marc wrote: "definitely the best book of the series to me, the backstory of Voldemort is so interesting, and the scene with Dumbledore drinking from the chalice made me wish I could read faster!"

yesyesyes! oh gosh just so fantastic for so many reasons.

emma Hemant wrote: "Dobby & Ron are the best but I don't like Hagrid either."

haha agree to disagree on the first two! dobby will always get on my nerves but maybe ron will be redeemed for me in the 7th? it's a tall order but i'm open to being wrong :D

message 8: by vaishnave (new) - added it

vaishnave I don't like the idea of Ron and Hermione together; Ron is so ..simple minded and Hermione is complex. Hermione and Fred, maybe even Hermione and Draco would seem better.

emma Hemant wrote: "emma wrote: "Hemant wrote: "Dobby & Ron are the best but I don't like Hagrid either."

haha agree to disagree on the first two! dobby will always get on my nerves but maybe ron will be redeemed for..."

i honestly just see him as kind of mean & inconsiderate. and i get he's surrounded by people who are more noticed than him but his obsession w/ attention and jealous nature really get to me!!!!

message 10: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Vaishnave wrote: "I don't like the idea of Ron and Hermione together; Ron is so ..simple minded and Hermione is complex. Hermione and Fred, maybe even Hermione and Draco would seem better."

agreed! ron is just a weak character imo and i love hermione too much. as i HATE draco i wouldn't want the two of them together though :p

message 11: by lacy (new) - rated it 5 stars

lacy white Vaishnave wrote: "I don't like the idea of Ron and Hermione together; Ron is so ..simple minded and Hermione is complex. Hermione and Fred, maybe even Hermione and Draco would seem better."

Not even going to lie, I am a total Hermione/Draco shipper. I love the idea of opposites attract. lol.

message 12: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma lacy wrote: "Vaishnave wrote: "I don't like the idea of Ron and Hermione together; Ron is so ..simple minded and Hermione is complex. Hermione and Fred, maybe even Hermione and Draco would seem better."

Not ev..."

oh god i just hate draco so, so much. i get the idea of opposites attract but not when it's a spineless mean weirdo and a total goddess of intelligence hahaha

Aleksandra I watched the movies, but I'm catching up with books now :D muuuch better than movies! I kinda wish I would have amnesia and forgot all of the movies :c

message 14: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Hemant wrote: "Draco and hermoine; the hate was mutual but HBP hints that Draco fancies Ginny, so Draco and Ginny and Harry and Luna. Imagine Draco and Lucius in the Weasley family LOL, heights of awkwardness"

does it really hint that? i think i must be blind to any of draco's feelings due to said hatred. oh god that'd be so awful! cheers to draco not ending up with any of them :p

message 15: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Aleksandra wrote: "I watched the movies, but I'm catching up with books now :D muuuch better than movies! I kinda wish I would have amnesia and forgot all of the movies :c"

haha yes, the books are (almost) always better as they say! i've never seen the movies but i'm glad you are enjoying reading them!

message 16: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Hemant wrote: "^^ I did the same, there was no major surprise factor :( But the books offer a lot of other good little things"

i've never seen the movies so i can't say definitively, but there are so many tidbits and details and easter eggs in the books that i can't imagine the movies caught them all!

message 17: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Hemant wrote: "emma wrote: "Aleksandra wrote: "I watched the movies, but I'm catching up with books now :D muuuch better than movies! I kinda wish I would have amnesia and forgot all of the movies :c"

haha yes, ..."

okay great thanks! i'll probably watch them after i finish the 7th book to cope with the sadness :p

Fatema Ok I totally agree with you. Snape is waaaayyyy too overrated. Just because it turns out that he liked Harry's mother makes him good?

message 19: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Fatema wrote: "Ok I totally agree with you. Snape is waaaayyyy too overrated. Just because it turns out that he liked Harry's mother makes him good?"

he shouldn't be all of a sudden the greatest character of all time just because he creepily obsessed over the dead, married mother of the kid he torments. BLEH. hate snape.
i'll be writing a massive rant on him once i've finished the series!

message 20: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Hemant wrote: "^^ emma, you'll know why Snape is so popular in the seventh book and it's not just because what Fatema said. Since you haven't read the Deathly Hallows I cannot say, it will spoil the surprise as y..."

i've read the Deathly Hallows before, it was just a long time ago. don't worry, i'll still hate Snape in the end - likely even more than i do now. will let you all know when the rant is posted :)

message 21: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Hemant wrote: "^^ I'll watch out for Ron, Dobby and Snape in your review and hope you enjoy reading it! I'm halfway done and I'm reading it for the first time..."

haha thanks! enjoy

Michael hahaha, all the pictures just enhance the awesomeness of an already awesome review. But, I have some stuff to say, hope it's cool. first off, seeing a lot of HermionexFred love in the comments and I'm totally on board with this. Ron and Hermione's personalities compliment each other well and there's the whole friends-since-childhood thing and the way they've faced numerous dangers together over the years but there was NO chemistry. I think Rowling seriously lacks skill in writing a good romance. Not saying she's not amazing all around but I found she's decidedly lacking in this department. I was not even particularly fond of Harry and Ginny even though I thought it was a good pairing. Anyway, keep in mind I'm pretty harsh in reviewing Harry Potter as well because I've read and experienced a large amount of more "adult" books and TV shows and am also like, 25, so it seems a bit kiddish to me but still very enjoyable books and have respect for the universe Rowling has created, although I think it seriously lacks the complexity and beauty of a lot of fictional worlds that have been created elsewhere (ASoIaF to me blows away HP as far as world-building is concerned) but like I said, still extremely enjoyable and worth the time and I think worth analyzing on a deeper level as far as characters and plot are concerned. I think the most significant strength in the series is what the characters stand for, which judging from the intelligence of a lot of your reviews, I'm sure you also understand. Stuff that you don't personally like, like Lupin and Tonks relationship, is just a device Rowling uses to portray something in the real world. Tonks - Lupin is obviously forbidden love, or doomed romance. Snape is undying love, or love that extends even past the grave. Snape also symbolizes the loss of faith in the world and human relationships that is experienced by many people throughout life. Snape is very intelligent and understands how dark and unforgiving the universe is, how lonely it is, but his love for Lily keeps him going. He is not a "great wizard" like Dumbledore or Voldemort, who are really above many human emotions, and operate on a higher plain. Dumbledore is fighting battles and making moves behind the scenes virtually since book 1. Snape, Dumbledore, and other OoTP members are symbolic of people who see behind the curtain, who are not deceived by the smoke and mirrors of an "ordered society". The war against Voldemort is ever present in their minds throughout the books, even while Harry, Hermione, and Ron maintain their innocence for quite awhile and don't realize just how serious shit actually is until like late in book 5, or until they find out about the horcruxes. It can really be either occasion that is a turning point for the series to get darker. I share your dislike of Ron but also keep in mind he's what Rowling uses to symbolize jealousy and really intense emotions like jealousy. Having three protagonists who are crusaders for justice and trying to save the world would be pretty shallow if they weren't flawed. I see Rowling's development of Ron as more of a strength than a LOT of the other characters in the books. It's necessary for him to exist and be the way he is. Pretty sure you mentioned that in some form but figured I'd reiterate. I agree that this wasn't Hermione's best book but honestly she's such a capable badass throughout 95% of the series that it's necessary to show even she can be incompetent, or not all-together. Also, while it's true Harry doesn't really become an "interesting" character until this point, I think it's purposeful on Rowling's part. Harry is kind of like.....how all of us would react when faced with these situations. He lacks a personality compared to other characters and seems a bit out of place or distant because it provides an avenue for the reader to see through the eyes of someone whose strength of personality or reactions to certain events won't cloud our overall experience of the series. Not sure if it's completely on purpose, but emotionally he's not written with quite as much depth as many other characters, at least in my opinion anyway. But anyway, sorry, got a little carried away, maybe I should review this myself! btw love your reviews!

Michael oh wow, should have proofread that lol

message 24: by emma (last edited Jun 19, 2017 11:31PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Michael wrote: "hahaha, all the pictures just enhance the awesomeness of an already awesome review. But, I have some stuff to say, hope it's cool. first off, seeing a lot of HermionexFred love in the comments and ..."

whoa man! i'd say definitely review this book. you've got some hella valuable thoughts on it!! i'd agree with your indication that the harry potter series isn't exactly God's gift to earth - i've enjoyed my reread without really understanding the obsession. & i fully agree that rowling is utter shit at romances. some of the fred/hermione banter was cute to me, but ginny and harry are a snoozefest, ron and hermione feel forced...i could go on.

in terms of the concept of characters as symbols...not sure. your analysis is really compelling, but i just...don't have enough faith in the books, i guess. there's definitely a lot going on below the surface, which is why the series holds up to literary analysis in a way very, very few young adult books can. i agree that each character holds a significance beyond simply, you know, a fifteen-year-old boy or whatever, but i'm less willing to believe they symbolize a Concrete Idea. i think the whole thing is a classic Good versus Evil story, and offers no more or less on the subject than any other classic or work of literature in the same vein. (i can expand on this if you want me to.)

also, i really fucking hate snape and think he's an example of completely sloppy writing. if he was supposed to symbolize anything, it was horribly done.

thanks for this!! very interesting to think about.

FoodxHugs love your use of gifs in your reviews. hilarious !

message 26: by Anna (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anna I can’t get sad at books either... sure I can shout “I’M SO SAD! HOW WILL I GET BY?!?!” But I never can cry....

message 27: by Dove (new) - added it

Dove Little weirdo 😂😂 As much as I love Harry Potter you made some logical points about how this series is flawed.

On another note I also hate Dobby, he was always really annoying to me and I didn't give a damn when he died. Ron- just no. I dislike him so much. I also never really got on the Tonks train. Snape I've always seen as someone who never grew up and the fact he ENJOYS belittle CHILDREN, like no. Fred and George are life (Hermione and Fred would totally work out btw). But...

I kinda hate Dumbledore. I kinda cheered when he died. I need to reread the series again because maybe I'll see him in a different light ;) (pun intended) but for now I hate his guts. Maybe I've read too much Dumbledore bashing fanfics or something.

message 28: by Dove (new) - added it

Dove Belittling*

ronald acona jr this book is the best thing to ever com to earth

Brooke Wheeler Yeah I loved this one too. Great review, btw.

message 31: by Abby (new) - rated it 5 stars

Abby Crow (enneagrams) This is also my favorite one in the series :)


Hanifa i mean, yeah, they're polar opposites -fred thinks hermione is uptight and hermione thinks fred and george are immature-


this is just one of those ships that is just... ugh!

Hanifa i especially disliked dobby in the second book

in the other books, he's just meh tbh

i don't really get how ppl like him so much tho

Hanifa and fr-

whyyyyyy do ppl ship draco and harry????

yh the fanart is hot, but draco is a downright asshair

lem◍nade Well I hate Dumbledore AND Snape, both were huge jerks

message 37: by Jude (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jude Harris not even gonna lie, when i watched the movies for the first time(after i read the books of course), dobby dying was incredibly sad. that was 3 years ago and to this day has remained the only time ever that i have cried in a movie.

about the ron and hermione relationship. there may be some other relationships that you want to see, but you have to respect the brilliance that JK Rowling has here. throughout the story, as emma said, harry develops a TON of character and part of that is separating himself from the rest of the world including ron and hermione. at that, when he does get to the realization that he needs his friends it is such a bigger and better moment.

message 38: by Jenn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jenn Wiles Agreed

message 39: by Wei Xiao (new)

Wei Xiao

message 40: by Rijja :) (new)

Rijja :) vaishnave said: I don't like the idea of Ron and Hermione together, Ron is so ..simple minded and Hermione is complex". Well, I don't think that's true at all. They both hae that bond that makes you feel that they were made for each other. And J.K Rowling aced at carefully crafting their relationship throughout the series, and I praise her very highly for that.

message 41: by Rijja :) (new)

Rijja :) h

Kayleigh Commenting on this year old review while I’m re-reading the series to say I can’t wait for the Snape rant

Branimira I would totally dig Hermione and Fred combination. But, to be truthful, I would totally dig any other male or female character and Hermione combination instead Ron.

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