Christy's Reviews > Paper Hearts

Paper Hearts by Claire Contreras
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it was amazing

5+ stars!

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After reading this story, I am blown away. I had a feeling I would love this book. I love all Claire’s books. She writes with so much feeling and emotion, I can’t help but to fall in love with her stories. Paper Hearts left me with such a book hangover. I’ve read a few books since and it’s still on my mind. I highlighted more in this book than any other. Pages and pages of quotes. I can’t rave enough about this gorgeous story. Every chapter was special- every page, every word. It was all beyond incredible. I loved Mia, Jensen, and their second chance romance so much!

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When Jensen and Mia were younger, they were inseparable. They were in love. A real and true forever kind of love. When Jensen went off to college, things changed. He made one choice that changed both of their lives forever. It’s been years since the two of them were a couple. Since they were best friends and the most important person to the other. Now they’re in the same city again, and old feelings come to the surface.

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Jensen knows the mistake he made was huge, but he wants another chance with the only woman he’s ever truly loved. He wants Mia. As much as Mia tries to deny it, Jensen is still the only man she’s truly loved. But how do you move forward and forgive someone that shattered your heart? It’s not easy, but it may be possible…
“You can keep walking away from this, and I’m going to keep letting you, because even when you think you leave, your heart always stays, and it’s something I carry with pride.”

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Mia and Jensen were both amazing characters. After reading Torn Hearts, I wasn’t sure if I could ever 100% forgive Jensen or move on from that. It hurt my heart- I can’t even imagine trying to forgive and move past something like that. Any time I wanted Mia to give the poor guy a break, I remembered how I felt when I read that scene… and I completely sympathized with her. When it comes down to it, Jensen was not perfect. He made one choice and had to live with the consequences. He more than made up for that decision. He was incredibly romantic when it came to Mia. His writing in the story was wonderful.
“Some say I loved her to the point of madness, bordering on obsession… Perhaps they’re all right. Perhaps they’re all right. Perhaps I am mad. And if that’s the case, to be frank, I don’t give a damn. What I know is that she sets me on fire… and I’d rather live my life in flames than be numb without her.”

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Some of my most favorite parts of the book were those chapters that featured Jensen’s column. It was great to get in his head and see what he was thinking and feeling. I absolutely loved all his ‘thoughts’
My thought for today: be cautious with yourself.
Be cautious, because others will beat you down enough. You shouldn’t have to add to that pain. You will, though, because that’s what you do. But you’ll also get back up, because that’s what you do.

Aside from Mia and Jensen, it was great to catch up with the rest of the gang from KH. I especially loved Mia’s brother, Rob and her parents. They brought some much needed laughs to the story. And any scene with Olivia was also fantastic.

Paper Hearts is by far the most engaging, well-written and stunning story I’ve read this year. Claire’s writing is brilliant. This story moved me. It’s made it’s way to the very top of my favorites list and I can’t wait for everyone to read it and fall in love with Mia and Jensen just as I did!

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June 25, 2015 – Shelved
June 25, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
August 31, 2015 – Started Reading
September 1, 2015 –
53.0% "LOVE <3 <3 <3"
September 2, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 65 (65 new)

message 1: by CeCe (new) - added it

CeCe Enjoy! :) Hey, where did you get your awesome coffee cup from?

Christy Christine wrote: "Enjoy! :) Hey, where did you get your awesome coffee cup from?"

I got it from Jay McLean's store. I'm not sure if they're still for sale or it was a limited thing... it was a while ago :)

message 3: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Awesome review, Christy.

✦❋Arianna✦❋ Awesome review, babe!x

message 5: by Pattrycia (new)

Pattrycia Fabulous review Chris!

Joan Fantastic review Christy! I am reading Kaleidoscope Hearts and knew something was up with these two. Cannot wait to get to their book. :)

Christy Amanda wrote: "Awesome review, Christy."

Thanks, Amanda! <333

Christy Arianna wrote: "Awesome review, babe!x"

Thanks, sweetie! xo

Christy Pattrycia wrote: "Fabulous review Chris!"

Thanks, hun! x

Christy Joan wrote: "Fantastic review Christy! I am reading Kaleidoscope Hearts and knew something was up with these two. Cannot wait to get to their book. :)"

Yes! Excited for you to read! thanks, Joan!

message 11: by AJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

AJ Wow, this sounds amazing! Great review, Christy, can't wait to check it out :)

Christy AJ wrote: "Wow, this sounds amazing! Great review, Christy, can't wait to check it out :)"

Thanks, AJ! I loved it x

Jennifer Kyle Beautiful review Christy <3

message 14: by Jade (new) - added it

Jade Please please tell me Jensen's mistake isn't cheating on Mia D: (view spoiler)

message 15: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten So glad you loved this so much!! Love that! Stunning review as always hun!! xx

message 16: by Silvia (new) - added it

Silvia Drascall love your review...thx for sharing..

Linda Beautiful review, Christy! :)

Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾ Stunning review, honey! xx

message 19: by Leann (new) - added it

Leann Thanks for the review Christy!! Just finished Kaleidoscope Hearts which I LOVED!!!

Christy Jennifer wrote: "Beautiful review Christy <3"

Thanks, Jennifer! <333

Christy Jade wrote: "Please please tell me Jensen's mistake isn't cheating on Mia D: [spoilers removed]"

... (view spoiler)

Christy Kirsten wrote: "So glad you loved this so much!! Love that! Stunning review as always hun!! xx"

Thanks, babes! <333

Christy Silvia wrote: "love your review...thx for sharing.. "

Thanks, Silvia! <3

Christy Linda wrote: "Beautiful review, Christy! :)"

Thanks, Linda! xoxo

Christy Lkay ❇✾Dirty Girl Romance❇✾ wrote: "Stunning review, honey! xx"

Thanks, sweetie! <3

Christy Leann wrote: "Thanks for the review Christy!! Just finished Kaleidoscope Hearts which I LOVED!!!"

Thanks, Leann! <3

Christy Vrsha (PeekAtMyBookReview) wrote: "Lovely review Babe ;)"

Thanks, doll! <3

Mysza Gorgeous review Christy!

Christy Mysza wrote: "Gorgeous review Christy!"

Thanks, babe! <3

Danielle Giorlando- Gordon I can't wait to read it. I just finished the prequel and Have decided not to start another book.... I am waiting for this to show up on my kindle....... Are you able to read books prior to the release date so that you can write a review? Just wondering because I'm fairly new to this site and I was just curious as to how you got the book.

Christy Danielle wrote: "I can't wait to read it. I just finished the prequel and Have decided not to start another book.... I am waiting for this to show up on my kindle....... Are you able to read books prior to the rele..."

I hope you love it, Danielle! Only a few days :) Yes- I received an early copy from the author in exchange for an honest review :)

message 32: by Stacey (new)

Stacey Amazing review my lovely :-) ♥

Christy Stacey is Sassy wrote: "Amazing review my lovely :-) ♥"

Thanks, babe! xoxo

message 34: by Len (new)

Len Fab review Christy ;))

message 35: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen Beautiful review sweets! ❤️

Christy Len wrote: "Fab review Christy ;))"

Thanks, darling! xo

Christy Jen wrote: "Beautiful review sweets! ❤️"

Thanks, doll face! xoxo

message 38: by Raj (new)

Raj Awesome review Christy!

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog GORGEOUS review Sweetheart! :)

Christy Rag wrote: "Awesome review Christy!"

Thanks, Rag xoxo

Christy Patty ❤️❤️ Belongs To ❤️Kellan❤️Jesse❤️Lautner❤️Miller❤️Garrett❤️Malcolm and Archer❤️❤️ wrote: "GORGEOUS review Sweetheart! :)

Thanks, love! xoxo

Keisha Loved the review & pics, Christy! I'm excited for this one. Can't wait for it's release!

Christy Keisha wrote: "Loved the review & pics, Christy! I'm excited for this one. Can't wait for it's release!"

Thanks, Keisha! It's out tomorrow :) Hope you love!

Brandi Gorgeous review, as always, Christy! xx

Christy Brandi wrote: "Gorgeous review, as always, Christy! xx"

Thanks, lovely! xo

Danielle Giorlando- Gordon Ok so I just finished Paper Hearts and....... OMG!!!!!! It was so worth the 3 hours of sleep I got last night and being exhausted at work today. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ love Jensen I fell in love with him in torn hearts to be honest. I feel sad that the book is over. May actually read this one again. Def. 5 stars.

Christy Danielle wrote: "Ok so I just finished Paper Hearts and....... OMG!!!!!! It was so worth the 3 hours of sleep I got last night and being exhausted at work today. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ love Jensen I fell in love with him in torn..."

YAY!!!! I seriously want to re-read this book already LOL I love it so much!

Danielle Giorlando- Gordon Looking For a new book to start.... What do you recommend?

Rachel  L Lovely review and images Christy! xoxo

message 50: by Dee (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dee Montoya Amazing review, babe! I loved Jensen's articles and posts too. He's a yelper like me. ;)

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