Erica's Reviews > Broken Monsters

Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes
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Here's how this played out for me.

I was listening along - there are four different narrators in this audiobook, by the way - and enjoying the story immensely. It was standard Homicide detective vs Mad serial killer fare only there were cool little twists like the serial killer wasn't even trying to stay one step ahead of the police, wasn't leaving bodies to be found in order to taunt authorities. He wasn't trying to not get caught, the cops weren't even on his radar. No, he was doing ART!

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There were so many yucky men in the story - Clayton and his creepy delusions, Pedo-Phil, Jonno...all yucky for different reasons and it was so fun to be icked out by these guys. And there were good guys, too, so it wasn't all man-hatery, or anything.
Layla, though, she charmed me to bits with her fears and her bravery. She tried to do the right things but made stupid mistakes and then made everything worse each time she tried to fix it all herself. That's part of being fifteen, I guess, though, usually, you don't have to contend with serial killers. Usually.
There were chapter titles made of song lyrics (earworm central, people) and bits of pop culture dropped here and there in amusing yet appropriate ways. Such fun!

Like I said, I was enjoying Detective Gabriella trying to figure out the mismatched body creatures from a logical, crime-fighting perspective while Clayton was going about his artistic business, being all Kyle MacLaclan-Crazy in his drive to do as his obsession demanded. From the sidelines, Jonno and TK (love him, too) were barreling in and I knew they were all gonna meet up and POW!

Only, no. Not POW!

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For no good reason that I could see, the story went from serial killer suspense novel to King-esque speculative horror. Why? WHY?
It's like biking along and you get to a hill and the sun is shining and there are no bugs in the air and you go down the hill and it's thrilling and you know you could get hurt but you maintain control and you open your arms wide as you balance perfectly on the bike beneath you and you tip your face to the sun, wind in you hair, sailing along in bliss and WHAM! a logging truck comes out of nowhere and smears you.
Oh. Wait. That was a movie, not this book. But it was the same type of unexpected but lame ending and I was not pleased at all.
Yes, yes, I know there were hints here and there of supernatural elements but I, in my "I pretend I'm smart" brain, thought, "Oh, this is going to be an amazing look at how obsession can create madness and how that madness can spread to those who don't share the obsession and that's how cults start" so on and so forth. I really thought it was a big psychological build-up and I was prepared to be wowed.

I was not wowed.

I was thrown into the old gods and "If you believe in fairies, then clap your hands" and I'm not a fan of speculative horror in the first place, was exactly like going for that delicious glass of tea (or whiskey) and finding out it's cheap apple juice made from concentrate and misery.

Dammit to hell.
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Reading Progress

July 9, 2015 – Started Reading
July 9, 2015 – Shelved
July 9, 2015 –
12.0% "Dude. Clayton is creeping me out with his weirdass delusions."
July 14, 2015 –
42.0% "Maxi the Taxi-dermist has just appeared and we're getting to see some of her work and all I can think is that Kelly (and the Book Board) and The Bloggess would squee if this place were real and visit-able."
July 14, 2015 –
50.0% "Ooh, this Jonno dude is terribly pathetic. I find myself sneering at him and rolling my eyes. He's one of the ones I'd like to see get a comeuppance."
July 15, 2015 –
75.0% "Eyeeew. Some of the guys in this book are just so icky."
July 15, 2015 –
92.0% "aaaand now we're in Stephen King-ish territory so I'm losing interest. Whatever the "reason" for this supernatural element, it's not going to ease my bitterness at having my sense of suspense dashed."
July 16, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Alissa Patrick This WHOLE book was super weird!

Erica Alissa wrote: "This WHOLE book was super weird!"

I am completely good with super weird.
I, myself, am super weird.
But, seriously, so far, Clayton is just wiggin' me right out.

Shelby *trains flying monkeys* "Dammit to hell"


Alissa Patrick totally agree with your review. Ugh

Erica I just...
Why'd it have to go there?
It was a phenomenal story! I was so wrapped up in it! And then that whole MONSTERS ARE REAL and I'M THE DREAM! stuff...that's not a twist! That's a disappointment and it still hurts.

message 6: by Mir (new)

Mir Layla, though, she charmed me to bits with her fears and her bravery

That's cool. I thought the main gal in The Shining Girls was not so interesting and that really weakened the book for me.

Erica I'm not sure I'm going to intentionally read any more by this author, though I probably will by accident.

Alissa Patrick Erica wrote: "I just...
Why'd it have to go there?
It was a phenomenal story! I was so wrapped up in it! And then that whole MONSTERS ARE REAL and I'M THE DREAM! stuff...that's not a twist! That's a disappointme..."

(view spoiler)

Erica Yeah, that's where I thought, "This has to be all a huge delusion and everyone will be alive and traumatized in the end."
That's really how she died.

message 10: by Mir (new)

Mir Erica wrote: "I'm not sure I'm going to intentionally read any more by this author, though I probably will by accident."

I'd try some the graphic novels she collaborated on, if the library ever gets one.

Erica The Fairest ones?
I'll be reading those soon, since I"m going through the Fables collection.

message 12: by Mir (new)

Mir She also did some Wonder Woman, looks like.

message 13: by Kristin (new) - added it

Kristin Hmm, think I may have to rethink this one then. I wasn't a big fan of The Shining Girls anyway and this one isn't sounding much better :/

Erica Kristin ❋extols death with luminescent brilliance❋ wrote: "Hmm, think I may have to rethink this one then. I wasn't a big fan of The Shining Girls anyway and this one isn't sounding much better :/"

It's great! Up until it isn't. And then it's really not great at all.

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