karen's Reviews > Don Quixote

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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bookshelves: littry-fiction, meowch-bad-kitty, not-a-polyglot

done quixote!!!
pun quixote!!
fun quixote??
none quixote...

and that's not entirely true; there are some rollicking good times in here, but the first part is so much endlessly episodic violence, and while the second half becomes calmer and more focused, it never got my imagination engaged nor my blood flowing.

in fact, although i know he really does love it, i can't help but feel that brian's recommending this to me is similar to the duke and duchess having their fun with don q. i feel like brian is pulling a prank on me - that he does not want me to meet my reading goal and is laughingly crowing, "no, karen, you will not read 150 books this year!! i am preventing you!!"

i will show you. despite the amount of time i was stalled on this one, i will come right back in the game.

but this, i did not love this. and a lot of it is just context. i can appreciate it as an artifact and as a foundation for western literature, but it suffers from the fate of any work that was not edited professionally.

tastes change over time. just in the same way that marilyn monroe would have probably had to drop fifteen pounds to rock our modern-day underfed runway ideal, so this book could lose a similar amount of text. stop frothing, bri, seriously if this turned up in some slush pile somewhere, there would be allll kinds of criticism, and it might even get passed around the office (lgm) a few times to the giggles of the editorial assistants: "this guy can't even keep the supporting character's wife's name straight!!", "this is inconsistent!!"," "this is repetitive!""what is this interlude that has nothing to do with anything else doing in here??" "this is flat-out stolen from another source!!!"

an editor would go to town on this puppy.

but we have the luxury of reading this 500 years after it was written and marveling at how fresh and modern it still sounds. and part of it is very modern. but grossman's frequent "cervantes probably meant ____here" or "this is the wrong reference" would not play in a modern novel. if jonathan safran foer had done this, there would be a crown of pretentious classics majors drawling, "i can't believe he said "perseus" when he meant "theseus"... " guffaw guffaw.

but 500 years down the road, we can afford to be more forgiving. vanity press authors take heart!

and i am aware i am being nitpicky, i am more just interested in pointing out how a lot of people who love this book would be very indignant to read something produced today that had so many obvious flaws.

but i do admire longevity.

i just couldn't get into it, overall. there are a lot of great moments here: the burning of the books (nooo!), the puppet show, don q. in a cage, and great non-action sequences in the discussions of the value of drama as a medium and the difficulty of translation and many other minor occurrences.

the first half is just episode after episode of this delusional thug with some kind of 'roid-rage, meth-aggression attacking people and innocent lions, unprovoked, and his sidekick who is a grasping fiend who would sell you out for even the promise of a sandwich. and it all reads like marx brothers slapsticky stuff. i mean, how do you break someone's nose with a loaf of bread??

with the second half, it is better and becomes more self-reflexive and much sadder, but a lot of it still remains tedious. the second half, written ten years after the first part, frequently references the unauthorized sequel to don q that some guy wrote and pissed cervantes off. it is like a mean girl passing notes to the cool kids, "did you hear what he said??? that's my man he's messing with!!" etc etc.

and i am not a lazy reader, even though my tastes tend toward a faster pace than this, but i have read plenty of slow-paced, dense prose that didn't make me take out my mental red pen and slash away at what i felt was extraneous or repetitious.

i can appreciate the message about art and its impact and its potential and its place in the world, but i did not have fun reading this book.

and i make no apologies.

and for jasmine - who doesn't think there is anything complicated or pretentious in the spanish language - this qualifies, i think. it gets all meta in the second act. for its time, it was seriously mind-bending stuff.

come to my blog!
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Reading Progress

January 25, 2011 – Started Reading
January 25, 2011 – Shelved
February 8, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 137 (137 new)

David I love this book. If you don't, you're probably a retard.

karen no, it's good, because i have been wondering that myself.

message 3: by Allan (new)

Allan Fisher This is in my list of Classics to read this year.

message 4: by Michelle (new) - added it

Michelle This book gets old fast.

message 5: by Bill (new) - added it

Bill hi karen, how is your reading of don quixote coming along?

karen slow but good!! i just passed the 200 page mark

message 7: by Bill (new) - added it

Bill that's another of the many books i have to read someday. that's a big bite to chew!

message 8: by Michelle (new) - added it

Michelle How's it going, Karen?

I gave up around page 200. I keep thinking that one day I will go back to it, but if I am being honest with myself I know that isn't true.

karen i am on page 400 - i am suddenly the slowest reader ever!! i am enjoying it, but it is not going to be a five-star - i guess the diagnosis is retard all the way!!!

message 10: by Michelle (new) - added it

Michelle Don't listen to David. You're not a retard if you don't love this book.

Let me guess, you just read the part where Don Quixote and Sancho rode into a town and there was a horrible misunderstanding and either one or both of them got their asses kicked. Was I close?


don q just got his hand lashed to a doorknob or whatever while he was trapped standing on his horse.

comedy mayhem!!

message 12: by Greg (new)

Greg When will the rating be unveiled?

karen i am writing the review now,dbag

message 14: by Courtney (new)

Courtney 1st like! YEAH! I win :D

karen hahahahaa we both do!!

message 16: by Bill (new) - added it

Bill another awesome review karen! i got to be the 2nd like!! you might be able to break someone's nose with french bread...maybe stale french bread.

message 17: by brian (last edited Feb 08, 2011 04:51PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

brian   with all due respect, david's right: you are a retard.

with this book cervantes invented modernism and post-modernism centuries before anyone had built a firm enough foundation for mod or pomo to even smash it. in short: cervantes is THE FUCKING END ALL AND BE ALL.

beyond all that academic nonsense: this is 1000 pages of pure good.

and now b/c of your vote-whoring ways you will hold the top spot on this review and entire gaggles of jackasses will read your ill-conceived review before dozens of other more valid ones.

for that, and for the three stars, you will burn in hell!!!

but that's just my opinion.
hugs & kisses.

(yes, i voted for it. please go away.)

message 18: by Eh?Eh! (new)

Eh?Eh! brian, you have an empty review space (and your one comment is from someone I remember getting a dogpile in a long ago thread....)

karen 1) if either you or david wrote a review for this, you know full well you would get more votes than me; don't even be coy.

2) don't make me come over there.

3) i do appreciate what the book stands for and represents in the history of litterature, but that doesn't excuse all its faults.

message 20: by brian (last edited Feb 08, 2011 04:59PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

brian   eh: who is that woman? and what'd she write to you?

KAREN!!!! steel-cage match. me vs. you.
be afraid. be very afraid.

(it's only because of 'CONFLICT' that you aren't dead already)

karen i have my outfit all picked out

message 22: by Eh?Eh! (new)

Eh?Eh! brian wrote: "eh: who is that woman? and what'd she write to you?"

Oh, it wasn't to me, I just remembered her thumbnail and name. But I found the thread...heh, it was one of yours.

brian   oh, i remember her.
she was lotsa fun.

message 24: by Esteban (new)

Esteban del Mal Beat him with nose-breakingly-hard medieval bread! And when he's on the ropes, give him one for Terrence Malick!

brian   watch it esteban. me and kowalski are a killer tag team. we'll destroy karen and your golden-hour, precious-voice-over, ponderous-as-hell, pseudo-philosophical, emperor's-new-clothes loving ass.

message 26: by [deleted user] (last edited Feb 08, 2011 06:21PM) (new)

I have no opinion on Don Q.

However, Introduction by Harold Bloom makes me die a little. Did you read that?

karen i read almost all of it. the translator's note was much more enjoyable and rewarding and... human.

David This reminds me why I don't participate on this site very much anymore.

message 29: by Esteban (new)

Esteban del Mal Tag team? Golden shower? Have I wandered into a role-playing thread? I have no doubt the two of you could make short work of me, brian, but only so long as you made common cause. Soon you would tire of dressing my flayed carcass up in two-sizes too small Thin Red Line underoos and then you would turn on each other and victory would be MINE!

I always wanted to give DQ a try, but I work with these two guys that remind me of DQ and Sancho Panza and they're always trying to get me to join their fantasy football league.

karen oh, david.

i'm sorry i didn't love a book you love.
but i did send you a valentine.

message 31: by Krok Zero (new)

Krok Zero the first half is just episode after episode of this delusional thug with some kind of 'roid-rage, meth-aggression attacking people and innocent lions, unprovoked, and his sidekick who is a grasping fiend who would sell you out for even the promise of a sandwich. and it all reads like marx brothers slapsticky stuff. i mean, how do you break someone's nose with a loaf of bread??

Uhh that sounds kind of awesome

karen it probably is, i am just 'tarded

message 33: by Krok Zero (new)

Krok Zero I think I just saw the keywords "meth," "sandwich," and "Marx brothers" -- surely a recipe for literary greatness if there ever was one

karen well, i like sandwiches, at least.

message 35: by Greg (new)

Greg I've been ambivalent about reading this, but after reading your review I think I might give it a shot. I kind of want to know if I'll be in the David/Brian camp or if I'll be retarded too.

message 36: by brian (last edited Feb 09, 2011 01:34AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

brian   dearest greggy-poo,
your obsessive love for parker exempts you from total retardation. however, you might qualify for half-retard, yet. we'll see...

karen ha! you can have my copy, i won't be giving it a reread anytime soon.

karen i wasn't going to float this to disprove your vote-whore accusations, but then i felt like pissing the two of you off after all. cheers! mwah! conflict!

David Propriety is probably affronted by my comments. They are dog, true, but merely pigtail-pulling. Feathers, commence unruffling.

karen Hi karen,

David just liked your review of Don Quixote on Goodreads!

i like to think that there isn't always an exclamation point at the end of that sentence, but in this case, they felt it was deserved.

David Hi karen,

David just liked your review of Don Quixote on Goodreads! In a half-assed kind of way!

karen Hi karen,

David just liked your review of Don Quixote because he thinks you made some cogent points and didn't even have to use any pictures!

David Hi karen,

David just liked your review of Don Quixote because his spirit has been broken!

message 44: by Esteban (new)

Esteban del Mal David wrote: "Hi karen,

David just liked your review of Don Quixote because his spirit has been broken!"


karen oh yay!

this is me putting my face in david's tummy like i do with my cat. ahsh ahsh ahsh... who's a cute little mittens???

message 46: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine oh I will have to read this for the second act then so far I'm 3 paragraphs in.

karen then we'll see who's a retard!!

David Oh yeah. Definitely.

message 49: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine karen wrote: "then we'll see who's a retard!!"

probably me.

karen but you are reading it in spanish, which makes you better than me

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