Barry Pierce's Reviews > That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana

That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana by Carlo Emilio Gadda
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it was ok
bookshelves: 20th-century, read-in-2015

This novel is the perfect example of "lost in translation". Nearly every page has a footnote which has to explain a joke that doesn't work in English or tell you that Gadda is basically subtweeting Mussolini here. I'm sure in its original language this novel is a masterful critique of Italian politics that inspired both Calvino and Pasolini. However, in English, this novel is like walking into a joke and only hearing the punchline.
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Started Reading
November 8, 2015 – Shelved
November 8, 2015 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Kenneth (new)

Kenneth Margo Agree. Sorry I found it boring at times almost incomprehensible. Like Joyce's Ullysees self indulgent wordy digressions

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