Mayim de Vries's Reviews > Daughter of the Blood

Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop
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did not like it
bookshelves: avoid-lifes-too-short-for-bad-books

If you are just perusing the comments wondering whether or not give this book a chance, take this fair warning: Every review of one star (and below) is true and well deserved.

A rare occurrence: I DID NOT finish this book (something that happens once in a blue moon) and I most sincerely advise you not to even start it. Life is too short to waste it on such a pitiable example of scribomania. There are far too many good books out there just waiting for you Dear Reader; the only good use of the Daughter of the Blood I can think of is to recycle it.

I gave it a shot because several years ago I read an excerpt of some other instalment to this series. At least, from what I remember, it was set in the same world(s) and could possibly feature some of the characters. Every series is like a dynasty, the farther down, the better the chance of begetting a monstrosity instead of a prince charming so I thought the Daughter of the Blood deserves the benefit of a doubt. I was so wrong! This series started far worse than other fantasy/paranormal series finish. And if you crave for something dark and sexy yet smart and well written at the same time, try Jacqueline Carey instead.
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Reading Progress

January 23, 2016 – Shelved
Started Reading
January 25, 2016 – Finished Reading
March 14, 2016 – Shelved as: avoid-lifes-too-short-for-bad-books

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by Sad (new)

Sad Sunday (Books? Me?!? NEVER!!!) OMG! A book Mayim DNF! *makes many records for future generations*

Mayim de Vries Well yes. As embarrassing as it is to admit, indeed a DNF happened.

message 3: by Sad (new)

Sad Sunday (Books? Me?!? NEVER!!!) I am so so so sorry to find it and prepare it for the future generations.

(I am not so so sorry).

message 4: by Caro (new)

Caro the Helmet Lady She's not sorry at all haha.

Mayim de Vries I have a suspicion she does not even try to hide her glee. :D

message 6: by Sad (new)

Sad Sunday (Books? Me?!? NEVER!!!) Fireworks and the band express mu glee? Nope, this is a sad occasion. Very sad. (*waves for the fireworks and the band to go away*)

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

We have the same rating for this masterpiece.

Mayim de Vries It does not surprise me, Evgeny. :))

message 9: by Sad (new)

Sad Sunday (Books? Me?!? NEVER!!!) And I was about to add it to my "To Read" list... :/

message 10: by Mayim (new) - rated it 1 star

Mayim de Vries Why don't you? Don't deprive me of the pleasure of reading your review!

message 11: by Sad (new)

Sad Sunday (Books? Me?!? NEVER!!!) Pfff, I am too fancy to read 1* book :D I trust your judgement too much.

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

Sad wrote: "Pfff, I am too fancy to read 1* book :D I trust your judgement too much."

No, you have to. We have already suffered and now it is your turn :)

message 13: by Sad (new)

Sad Sunday (Books? Me?!? NEVER!!!) Flee, I choose to flee! :D

message 14: by Mayim (new) - rated it 1 star

Mayim de Vries Sad wrote: "Flee, I choose to flee! :D"

Coward ;p

message 15: by Sad (new)

Sad Sunday (Books? Me?!? NEVER!!!) Mayim wrote: "Sad wrote: "Flee, I choose to flee! :D"

Coward ;p"

Better safe than sorry.

Based Sandwich I know I shouldn't DNFed it when i saw you did, too, yet I still decided to give it another hour and read until 22% mark

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