Nastassja's Reviews > A Crown of Wishes

A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi
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A crown of wishes is finally here! I love this story so much I feel like making every friend of mine read it. Yup, I am that unashamed *Grinch smile* You haven't started this book yet? What are you doing here?! Run, reader, run and start it right now :D

*Thank you to St. Martin's Griffin and NetGalley for sending me a copy of this book!*

“A story had no ownership. A story could break its bones, grow wings, soar out of reach and dive out of sight in the time it took just to draw breath. It meant we weren’t walking a cut path. We carved it into existence with every step.”

Roshani Chokshi is a queen of storytelling! Every word, every line is filled with exquisite magic. It feels like honey spreading through your veins and making your blood sing. Reading her books is a pleasure I find myself addicted to. It also doesn't hurt that books' covers are so gorgeous. This is how the author described A Crown of Wishes:

There are feasts of silk birds, poisonous courtesans, strange rooms where desires can be devoured, thrones to be conquered, rakshasi fruit that turns princesses to beasts, and, of course, love.

I wouldn't say better!

This story is about a lonely Fox Prince. The world praises his mind and slyness, but would never accept him as a true ruler - only as a Puppet King. He is so sure of himself; he never doubts, he hides his hurt behind smirks and lopsided grins. And so he wishes: for magic to show him the way, to hope for something more, to own his fears, for power and recognition.

This story is about a fierce girl - with blood on her lips and fangs in the heart, who wears the armor of silk and cosmetics as confident as she wears the armor of leather and chain mail. The ‘Jewel of Bharata’ they call her. She got so tangled up in court games that she one day lost herself. She hides her weaknesses, she strikes her enemies, but she loses. And so she wishes: for a chance to prove her worth, to shed her guilt, to save her people.

A chance meeting. Reluctant allies. A tournament of wishes. Everything to gain and nothing left to lose. A Crown of wishes is many things in one. I liked The Star-touched Queen a lot, but I loved this one. The author found a perfect balance between story-characters-writing-wisdom and magic. Lovers of fast-paced, engaging plots will find this book entertaining, but characters are what really makes it shine brightly. Gauri and Vikram stole my heart from the first moment I met them. They deservedly take place among my all-time favorite book couples. Why couples, not characters? Because I can't imagine anything but a team when I think about them. Their shared scenes and interactions are what makes this book light and funny, but, at the same time, deep and sad. Gauri and Vikram felt real and flawed; they grow throughout the book: they make mistakes, they fall; they stand and move on but with every step, they become someone new and someone better.

Gauri is a fierce and strong warrior. Vikram, on the other hand, fights with his wits. Gauri places her faith only in herself. Vikram believes in magic. Two absolutely different people forced to work together in order to get their wishes. What to expect from such duet? ONE OF THE BEST CHARACTER DYNAMICS! Their banters are the best thing I've experienced in a while.
“What do I call you? ” he asked, turning to me. “The ‘Jewel
of Bharata’ just seems too modest, don’t you think? ”
“Call me Gauri.”
“How intimate.”
I glared. “Enjoy it, because that’s as intimate as this will ever get, Fox Prince.”

When they first meet, they do not hesitate to threaten the other. They don't value each other's lives; after all, they are from two warring Kingdoms. But time passes, bonds grow tighter and THAT transformation from enemies to more is EVERYTHING. But if you think their banters will cease after they grow closer - don't be fooled, they'll become only better, hehe. Ah, how I wish I could share every dialogue of theirs with you; I highlighted practically the whole book, and I feel like running re-reading those passages already, though, I finished reading it only a couple of hours ago!

Oh, and there's also a scene with shirtless Vikram reading a book! Aahh, I believe I thought myself in paradise when I read that scene, haha. Sorry for the little fangirl excursus, I needed to share that awesome scene with the whole world *grins*.

A Crown of wishes is a story filled with wisdom. I admire, once more, how unique and beautiful the world author created. I know little about Indian (Hindi) culture, but it felt authentic to me in this book. And it's not only about one culture: Roshani Chokshi added something from the western mythology as well, flavoring the story with richness. It doesn't feel just like an entertaining story, it feels like a story that teaches you something valuable. The writing is so beautiful, I couldn't stop myself from reading some passage aloud or re-reading some - so beautiful and melodic they were.

All in all, A Crown of Wishes is better and richer than its predecessor. If you didn't enjoy The Star-touched Queen, I would strongly recommend you, my friends, to give this book a chance: I am sure it will surprise you in more ways than one. This story left a deep imprint on me and it is, for sure, became one of my favorites. It has everything a reader can want in a book: an engaging and magical story (there's per se something irresistible about magical tournaments, e.g. Caraval, A Gathering of Shadows), three-dimensional characters with fantastic dynamics, exquisite writing that transfers you into the world of wishes you've never visited before, well-rounded secondary characters which, for once, play an important role in the story. It was a nice bonus to find myself caring for someone apart from our main characters.

I wish I had enough words to express how deeply I enjoyed this story. I can only hope that when the book is out in the world in March, you will wish to read it, my friends.

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Quotes Nastassja Liked

Roshani Chokshi
“How many years had he spent believing that he was meant for more? Sometimes he thought his head was a snarl of myth and folktales, where magic coaxed ignored princes out of the shadows and gave them a crown and a legend to live in. He used to wait for the moment when magic would drape a new world over his eyes. But time turned his hopes dull and lightless.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: vikram

Roshani Chokshi
“He’d built his life on wanting the impossible— true power, recognition, a future— and now magic had found him the moment he stopped looking. It breathed life into all those old dreams, filling him with that most terrible of questions:
What if . . .
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: vikram

Roshani Chokshi
“Did you steal that fruit? ” I asked.
“Of course. I want nothing more than to steal apples. I’ve also always manifested the ability to travel through time, and at night I turn into a beast and only your kiss can break the—”
“I get it. That’s a no.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“Death might be waiting, but I was going to be a queen. would have my throne if I had to carve a path of blood and bone to get it back.
Death could wait.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“I’ll never forget what burning roses look like. All those scarlet petals turning incandescent and furious. Like the last fl are of the sun before an eclipse swallows it from the sky.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“Find the one who glows, with blood on the lips and fangs in the heart.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“The Prince was staring at me strangely. No man had looked at me that way. Men had looked at me in admiration, in fear, in lust. They’d looked at me with disbelief at who I was. He looked at me with disbelief at who I could be.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“I want you—” he started.
I glowered, pressing the chair leg into his neck. “I would die before I let you touch me.”
“What an improvement. First it was me who would die. Now it is
you who offers to die before touching me,” he said. “Another man might be insulted. Now, if you would allow me to finish—”
I glared.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“This magic felt like I had glanced at my destiny
sideways, as if I had never seen it for what it was and now the hope of what I wanted most loomed bright and lurid in the corners of my heart.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“Ever since I lost Maya in the forest, I hated magic. It swallowed
people whole the way it swallowed my sister. Instead of leaving me a body to mourn, the Otherworld had left me with a chest full of caution and a string of nightmares.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“He stared at me. “Are you done? ”
“May I get up? ”
“I see you like your men with their egos gutted.”
“Only when I’m feeling generous.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“What do I call you? ” he asked, turning to me. “The ‘Jewel
of Bharata’ just seems too modest, don’t you think? ”
“Call me Gauri.”
“How intimate.”
I glared. “Enjoy it, because that’s as intimate as this will ever get, Fox Prince.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“Beside him, Gauri looked distraught. Chivalry demanded that he
should inquire after the Princess’s well- being. She caught
him looking at her and frowned:
“You’re heaving like a water buffalo in its death throes.”
Never mind.
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“How do you feel? ”
“Like I will die if I don’t eat this apple.”
He considered this. “Then why don’t you bite it? See what happens.”
“Are you mad? ”
“I prefer curious.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“Stop admiring the view,” he said.
“Critiquing it.”
“What do you find lacking? ”
“Alas. I must have misplaced it.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“People always think killing requires a force: a cup of poison tipped into a mouth, a knife parting flesh from bone, a fist brought down repeatedly.
Here’s how you kill: You stay silent, you make bargains that peel the layers off your soul one by one, you build a scaffolding of flimsy excuses and live your life on them. I may have killed to save, but I killed all the same.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“He turned to me, mischief glinting in his eyes. “How
do they celebrate good fortune in Bharata? In Ujijain, we kiss.”
“Look elsewhere.”
“Are you sure? You spend an awful amount of time looking at my
“That’s only because I’m horrified at the sheer idiocy of the words
leaping out of them.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“What I saw in Vikram’s gaze rooted me to the spot:
understanding. Those secrets had coaxed a shadowed part of us to step into the light. Understanding felt like a hand reached for and found in the dark. No one had ever looked at me that way because no one, until now, could.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“Her kiss burned in his bones. And maybe it was the magic of Alaka or maybe his mind was splintering from every thing they’d gone through, but he would have sworn she tasted like cold honey and caught magic.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“There was more she wanted to say. He could feel the words scrabbling at the clasps of her thoughts, eager to be known. Freed. But she stood there, stony- faced and impassive. And he remembered the girl he had glimpsed from the Grotto— the one who let her shoulders drop when no one looked, the one who fought every day when no one noticed. The one who had once hoped that the Night Bazaar traded on dreams. She deserved more than loneliness.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“That was a lie. Of course I remembered. The memory pounced on me the moment I fell asleep. Fire painted my bones when I kissed him. In the back of my head, I’d felt the kind of drowsy hunger that lit up my thoughts when I first ate demon fruit. For more and less. For something impossible.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“I donned my armor, lining my eyes with kohl until they were dark as death and patting crushed rose petals on my lips until they were scarlet as blood.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“Vikram’s eyes widened. “What’s this? Praise from Her Beastliness in the morning? Are you under a curse that makes you friendly before noon? If so, how do we make it permanent?”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“You’re welcome, by the way, for dragging you back here. I had a couple offers to sell you and almost considered it.”
“Intriguing. For how much? ”
“A bag of gold, the ability to make thunderstorms go to sleep. Something else. Five goats? ”
“Just five goats? I’m worth at least ten. Plus a cow.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“Vicious and sweet,” said Vikram, shaking his head. “Beastly girl.”
“You like me, don’t lie,” I teased.
“I couldn’t lie if I tried,” he said quietly.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“I’ve always loved tales of broken lovers who roam through countrysides singing their stories of woe and separation, their honey- sweet longing for the next life when they can suddenly be re united. It makes other people happy, you see. It makes people grateful that it hasn’t happened to them.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“A story had no owner ship. A story could break its bones, grow wings, soar out of reach and dive out of sight in the time it took just to draw breath. It meant we weren’t walking a cut path. We carved it into existence with
every step.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“In the face of that fear, maybe the mind couldn’t help but scrape together feelings toward the only person we had a connection to. That was all it was. A consequence
of survival?”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“In that moment, he looked like mischief and midnight,
like a temptation that always slipped away too fast and left you at once relieved and disappointed.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“Guilt accretes. It builds and builds, whittling stairways and spires in the heart until a person can carry a city of hopelessness inside them.
My guilt was building a universe.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“Vikram hated fear. He hated how it fed on him and stripped away his comfortable blindness. Fear forced him to hold up the contents of his heart to the light.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“It felt silly to say that he couldn’t bear to lose her. He never had her. She was not a thing to be possessed. But her entrance in his life had conjured light. And losing the light of her would plunge him into a darkness he’d never find his way out of.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“Surviving isn’t just about cutting out your heart and burning every feeling into ash. Sometimes it means taking what ever is thrown at you, beautiful or grotesque, poisonous or blissful, and carving out your life with the pieces you’re given.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“Love is like Death without the guarantee of its arrival. Love may not come for you, but when it does it will be just as swift and ruthless as Death and just as blind to your protestations. And just as Death will end one life and leave you with another, so will Love.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“No magical abilities had ever revealed themselves to me no matter how much I wished for them. But I had a vast source of will. And will was an enchantment that no being could touch because I alone could wield it. That was power.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“He reached once more for his book. Instead of his shirt.
“Did you run out of clothes? ”
“No?” He looked down, as if just noticing that he was partially exposed.
“I had to bandage some of the cuts I got after running back here.”
“But you have your bandages on now.”
“Astute as ever, Princess. Am I offending your maidenly senses again? Can I not luxuriate in a single evening without the threat of bodily injury?”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“But for the first time, I wanted to believe in the things that outlasted us: the stories that came to life in a child’s head, the fear of the dark, the hunger to live. Those were the footsteps that not even Time could discover and erase, because they lived far out of reach, in the song of blood coursing through veins and in the quiet threads that made up dreams. I wanted to hold the hope of those tales within me and follow it like a lure all the way back to myself.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“Are you waiting for the next full moon? You realize the Tournament will be done by then, yes? ” called Vikram.
“Calm down.”
“I am turning ancient.”
I stepped outside. He opened his mouth to speak. Saw me. Closed it.
“Are you so ancient you’ve turned to stone? ”
He straightened. “Are you planning to seduce your way into
winning? ”
“Envy doesn’t suit you,”
“Not envy. If I could seduce my way into winning, I would. In fact, I considered wearing your outfit, but chest hair
lacks a certain feminine charm.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes

Roshani Chokshi
“In Bharata, I guarded myself. Weakness was a privilege. It divided you, snipped out your secrets and gave every sliver power over you. I didn’t have parts to spare. Bharata called me their Jewel, and maybe I was like one. Not sparkling or precious. But a cold thing wearing a hundred faces. Like facets on a gem. One for every person.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“But Vikram had seen through every facet, holding me against the light as if I truly were translucent, and instead of making me feel as if I had been looked through and found wanting, I felt . . . seen.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“Since that night, he needed to tell her . . . something. But what?
“Please don’t die” sounded foolish. “You smell nice” sounded worse. He wasn’t even sure what the right words were, but they sat on his tongue and made it impossible to speak around them. Before Alaka, he would have been content keeping what ever thorny not- feelings had reared up inside him. But Death commanded urgency. Death tore the skin off dreams and showed the bones under neath. And Vikram saw the bones
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: vikram

Roshani Chokshi
“Now she looked at him. She didn’t soften. Or smile. If anything, she had become a little of the ground on which they stood. Cold and lovely. But won der poured out of her eyes. Won der and something like . . . relief. And if he thought there was fi re under his skin earlier, it was nothing compared to now. Now he had swallowed the sun. Now the world had stopped lurching forward and begun an impossible dance.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: vikram

Roshani Chokshi
“I never dared to hope for someone who challenged
and respected me, knew me at my worst and still coaxed out my best. And yet I had found that in the unlikeliest of places and most inconvenient of people. Wasn’t that enough to fight for? Could I live with knowing that I’d left him standing in the shadows . . . waiting for me?
I couldn’t. And that was all the answer I needed.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“He stood up. In his own mind, he stepped sideways. Shifting his
thoughts. His fears were his own, weren’t they? He’d spun them out
from himself. He’d forged them from every hurt and fury. Fear was a
reminder that even the insubstantial could kill. But insubstantial meant it had no shape. It couldn’t be conquered or tamed or avoided. Only moved through, with force and will. Vikram crouched, his fingers splayed on the ground, his breath forming icicles in the air.
His fears bore down. Sharp. Hungry. He grinned.
I made you.
I own you.

He repeated the words like a mantra, until he found the strength to
stand . . .
And run.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: vikram

Roshani Chokshi
“I didn’t revel in death, but I didn’t hate it either. Death had raised me, like an older sibling. Amidst death, I had found my bearings as a soldier. Surrounded by death, I had found my place as a leader.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“His hope was cold. Poisonous. Eclipsing. And he
fed it anyway, the way someone feeds something out of habit simply because there is nothing else in their life worth growing.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: vikram

Roshani Chokshi
“All this time, he thought magic had chosen him. Maybe magic never chose. Maybe it had always been about the fit. A key latching into a hole. Maybe there had been just enough holes in him for magic to slip through and hook him like spurs into cloth.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: vikram

Roshani Chokshi
“Before he came to Alaka, he dared to hope that he was meant for something more. Now he dared to hope that he could shape that meaning for himself. All this time, he had expected that magic would stitch his future together. But all magic had done was show him how to stitch it together for himself.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: vikram

Roshani Chokshi
“Before I left Alaka, I told Vikram I didn’t know myself. Now I was
staring at the depths of what that meant. Heroine. Savior. Villain. What were those words but different fistfuls of a tale that all depended on who was doing the telling? You see, a story is not just a thing told to a child before sleep. A story is control. I saw it now. Felt the talons of that truth scrape through me.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Roshani Chokshi
“Sometimes weakness wore the face of strength, and sometimes strength wore the face of weakness.”
Roshani Chokshi, A Crown of Wishes
tags: gauri

Reading Progress

May 18, 2016 – Shelved
February 3, 2017 – Started Reading
February 3, 2017 –
page 35
9.49% "I am only 35 pages in and already I ADORE this book! Real political intrigues and cunning characters -- I am in heaven ❤"
February 4, 2017 –
page 114
30.89% "Me: Omg! This book is so good!

*five minutes later*


Me: Nastassja, stop running about your room squealing every five minutes instead of reading or you'll never actually finish the book!!"
February 5, 2017 –
page 260
70.46% "Gauri and Vikram have one of the best character dynamics I've ever encountered in a book. The last time such level of connections between characters I felt in Arin and Kestrel from The Winner's Trilogy.

Mix of joy and pain is inevitable."
February 6, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-41 of 41 (41 new)

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message 1: by Spira (new)

Spira Virgo I thought it wasn't going to be a sequel to the book :o

Nastassja Spira-Virgo wrote: "I thought it wasn't going to be a sequel to the book :o"

It is a companion novel and the story is centered on the heroine's sister from the first book. I think it's going to be super amazing))

message 3: by Spira (new)

Spira Virgo Nastassja wrote: "Spira-Virgo wrote: "I thought it wasn't going to be a sequel to the book :o"

It is a companion novel and the story is centered on the heroine's sister from the first book. I think it's going to be..."

Oh so like, its a sequel but you can probably also read it without the previous book? That's quite convenient for even new readers! :D

Nastassja Spira-Virgo wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Spira-Virgo wrote: "I thought it wasn't going to be a sequel to the book :o"

It is a companion novel and the story is centered on the heroine's sister from the first book. I thin..."

You can but you will probably miss a lot of important information from the previous part, so better read them in order)

message 5: by Marguerite (M) (new)

Marguerite (M) enjoy enjoy enjoy !

message 6: by Minni Mouse (new)

Minni Mouse Yaaaaaayyy!!!!!

Nastassja Thank you, guys! I am so happy, omg!! xD

message 8: by Candace (new)

Candace Robinson It is soooo good!

Nastassja Candace (Literary Dust) wrote: "It is soooo good!"

I hope so! I really liked the first book and can't wait to read this one! I am happy you enjoyed it, Candace!

Selene I haven't read the first book yet and I got approved also so I need to catch up this weekend! :)

Nouf *LostinFantasy* Congrats, Nasta! So happy for you! To not only get approved on an upcoming book but one you're excited about! I hope it's even better than you expect! <3
I can't wait to know what you think! I never finished the first book, but I'm still curious about Vikram and Gauri's story, and I hear this is even better than ASTQ! So enjoy! ;D

Nastassja Selene wrote: "I haven't read the first book yet and I got approved also so I need to catch up this weekend! :)"

Aw, congrats, Selene, I hope you'll like this series, because it's really so beautiful and the sequel is rumored to be even better! Happy reading! :D

Nastassja Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Congrats, Nasta! So happy for you! To not only get approved on an upcoming book but one you're excited about! I hope it's even better than you expect! <3
I can't wait to know what you think! I neve..."

Thank you, Nouf :)) Yes, I am veeery excited to read this book, who knew I'd be so lucky, haha. Vikram and Gauri's story for sure will be breathtaking knowing what we know about them from book 1. Agh, and that cover! I need to also buy a hardcopy of it, so I could stare at this utter beauty a lot xD

Nouf *LostinFantasy* Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Congrats, Nasta! So happy for you! To not only get approved on an upcoming book but one you're excited about! I hope it's even better than you expect! <3
I can't wait t..."

So I definitely should continue reading book 1 to understand their story? I'm thinking of just searching out their parts and reading just those. :/
And yes the cover looks gorgeous! And it'll be more exciting to get it after you know how much you enjoyed the story! I usually get more excited over hardcovers of books I've already loved as ebooks than ones I still haven't read. Buying books in reverse, I know. :p

Nastassja Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Congrats, Nasta! So happy for you! To not only get approved on an upcoming book but one you're excited about! I hope it's even better than you expect!..."

It depends on how much of book 1 have you read? if less then 50% then yeah, you should probably finish it, not skip through. I'll explain: you see, the whole storyline of book 1 and main ideas that go through it: fate, threads of lives, reincarnation and ect are vital to understanding where Vikram and Gauri stand in the whole system (I don't remember how exactly the thing where all lives are mapped is called). I have a feeling characters from book 1 will have a say in Vikram and Gauri's fates. I am really curious how the author will pull it out, but I'll let you know when I read the book if it's worth it :D

Ahaha, I usually first read ebooks, because yeah, delivery time of a physical copy can stretch for more than one month, and sometimes it's so hard to wait when you want to read a book, right? So I usually read ebooks first, then if I loved the book, I also buy a physical copy. And yes, it's always so much more pleasant to buy books we've already read and loved; the excitement level is off-scale when the postman finally delivers it :D

Nouf *LostinFantasy* Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Congrats, Nasta! So happy for you! To not only get approved on an upcoming book but one you're excited about! I hope it's..."

I stopped at exactly 50%! Haha. I'm a quitter. :((
I wasn't that interested in the MCs (the whole underworld part with the dead kind of freaked me out), but I was very curious about Vikram's fate! Because there were two choices I remember. And I guessed that one of them would lead into the sequel's story. So I'm thinking of going back just to see which one was chosen for him.

Getting the book you love in the mail is the best feeling for sure! You already know how valuable it is! Haha. But waiting for one you haven't read is agonizing! Ebooks are definitely what I go for when I want to read a book right away. The magic of it just appearing ready to read is definitely something to appreciate - and I'm still not over it! ;p

Nastassja Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Congrats, Nasta! So happy for you! To not only get approved on an upcoming book but one you're excited ..."

Yup, you are guessing right :D Though I probably should refresh my memory with the events of book one, I don't remember some of them, haha, it's been too long since i read it :D

Magic of words always gets to us whether it's a ebook or a physical copy, but physical copies also smell delicious, haha! xD

message 18: by Nina (new) - rated it 4 stars

Nina FIVE STARS *moves book to priority TBR* Can't wait for your review!

Nastassja Nina (Every Word A Doorway) wrote: "FIVE STARS *moves book to priority TBR* Can't wait for your review!"

Yay! I feel like MAKING all my friends read this book, haha :D

message 20: by Minni Mouse (new)

Minni Mouse Lolll, shirtless Vikram reading a are too funny! You've convinced me -- I shall give this book a try!

Nastassja Minni Mouse wrote: "Lolll, shirtless Vikram reading a are too funny! You've convinced me -- I shall give this book a try!"

Hehe, irresistible, right? :D But seriously there's way too much awesome things in the book to to miss them!

message 22: by Mimi (new) - added it

Mimi Yay!! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this one. I'm definitely looking forward to reading it as well. I liked reading Star Touched Queen mostly because I adored Roshani's writing but it didn't quite connect with me at some points. I'm eager to get my hands on this one after your glowing review though!

Nastassja Mimi wrote: "Yay!! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this one. I'm definitely looking forward to reading it as well. I liked reading Star Touched Queen mostly because I adored Roshani's writing but it didn't quite c..."

Yaaaassss, this one was perfect! Aaahhh, I am so happy you want to give it a try! I hope you'll like it, Mimi! :)) I get what you mean, I liked TSTQ a lot, but in the second half of the story things got a little bit surreal and it was had to get the rest of it. Thankfully in ACoW there's beautiful writing and SOLID plot - no flying it the land of surreal, haha

Nouf *LostinFantasy* I reeeally want to read this book asap - but I can't seem to get through reading TSTQ first! Stuck at 50%. Can I skip that one and just start this without missing out on info I'll need? :p

Nastassja Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "I reeeally want to read this book asap - but I can't seem to get through reading TSTQ first! Stuck at 50%. Can I skip that one and just start this without missing out on info I'll need? :p"

You can read ACOW without reading TSTQ, they are two different stories, and if you are stuck you can definitely skip TSTQ :D

Nouf *LostinFantasy* Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "I reeeally want to read this book asap - but I can't seem to get through reading TSTQ first! Stuck at 50%. Can I skip that one and just start this without missing out o..."

That's a relief! Because I am really hoping to enjoy this more than TSTQ. For some reason, I could not get into that book. And because I can't pinpoint a reason for that, I'm really annoyed with myself for not finishing it. xp
But I'm still excited for ACOW! :D

Nastassja Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "I reeeally want to read this book asap - but I can't seem to get through reading TSTQ first! Stuck at 50%. Can I skip that one and just start this wit..."

My problem with not enjoying TSTQ for 100% was because in the second part the book became too whimsical and elusive. I couldn't get what was going on and was lost till the end. ACOW still has beautiful writing but it's more solid and independent from book 1, so I think you have all the chances to enjoy it more, dear :D

message 28: by Nouf *LostinFantasy* (last edited Mar 31, 2017 04:42AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nouf *LostinFantasy* Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "I reeeally want to read this book asap - but I can't seem to get through reading TSTQ first! Stuck at 50%. Can I skip tha..."

Yeah the whimsical and elusive tone is usually not my thing. So I'm even more relieved to hear now that ACOW is not totally like that. It's hard to focus on the story and connect with the characters otherwise.
I think I'll start reading it now - and let play some music from my favorite Indian movie soundtracks as I do! ;D

Nastassja Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "I reeeally want to read this book asap - but I can't seem to get through reading TSTQ first! Stuck at 5..."

I love this plan of yours :D Keep me posted with your updates!

Nouf *LostinFantasy* I finally read your review fully, Nasta!! Aaah it's so perfect! It's not the first time I find myself nodding or wanting to point at what you wrote and say "exactly!!" Haha! I love how you described Vikram and Gauri - I agree, when you think of them they're as a pair - they do grow and evolve together!
And yess, you're so right about the banter getting even better after they fall for each other! (view spoiler) They are definitely now OTP - up there with Arin and Kestrel!

I love the book so much! And thank you for recommending it and for letting me gush about it and discuss with with you while reading!! Made it all the more fun! :D

message 31: by Nastassja (last edited Apr 12, 2017 12:10PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nastassja Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "I finally read your review fully, Nasta!! Aaah it's so perfect! It's not the first time I find myself nodding or wanting to point at what you wrote and say "exactly!!" Haha! I love how you describe..."

Aw, thank you so much, dear <3 You gave the book 5 stars!! I am tremendously happy you loved it ^.^ And it once again gladdens me that we have such a hit-hit with this book and lately with others too (remember, long lost sisters :D). I am super tired tonight, because I had to get up at 4:30 in the morning and go to another city for some business, and the day turned out pretty shitty. Sorry for complaining; I'll get better tomorrow and will read your review (undoubtedly an amazing one) and we'll discuss and fangirl properly :D

message 32: by Nouf *LostinFantasy* (last edited Apr 12, 2017 01:13PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nouf *LostinFantasy* Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "I finally read your review fully, Nasta!! Aaah it's so perfect! It's not the first time I find myself nodding or wanting to point at what you wrote and say "exactly!!" ..."

Yup, another winner!! *high five*

Aw I'm so sorry you had a hard day, Nasta! And please don't apologize! I'm actually having a stressful few days too. Today I managed to steal a few moments of peace and polished up my review (had it mostly written two days ago, so yay!), but still jet-lagged and recovering from the exhausting roller coaster that was yesterday. Haha. So, I feel your pain! <3 *hugs*
I really hope you have a much better day tomorrow! And take your time - whenever you're free of all stressful things, there's always time for fangirling! ;))

Nastassja Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "I finally read your review fully, Nasta!! Aaah it's so perfect! It's not the first time I find myself nodding or wanting to point at what you wrote an..."

Aw, Nouf, you are always such a great emotional support, thank you so much *hugs back*

Sorry you had a couple of stressful days as well, but am I terrible to feel better that I wasn't the only one suffering? Buddy-suffering, eh? :P I had to get up early today again, but after I get a couple of solid beauty-sleep I'll be back in full and ready for new book adventures :D

Nouf *LostinFantasy* Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "I finally read your review fully, Nasta!! Aaah it's so perfect! It's not the first time I find myself nodding or wanting ..."

Aw really anytime, Nasta! <3 Buddy-suffering is just what it is! Haha. And don't feel bad, I needed the support too! I feel your lack of sleep problem - I dunno if it's jet lag or what, but my brain is not helping me get through these days! :p
I really hope you get enough rest soon and feel better! And there better me an amazing book waiting for you to make up for this torment when it's over! ;))

sreeja so glad you liked this! :))

Nastassja Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "Nastassja wrote: "Nouf *LostinFantasy* wrote: "I finally read your review fully, Nasta!! Aaah it's so perfect! It's not the first time I find myself n..."

No, not jet lag, just sheer exhaustion of solving problems and running from one errand to another the whole day. But I am free today and for the weekend, yay!!

And I am hoping you feel better too, whatever your brain was not cooperating with is getting done now ;)

Nastassja sreeja wrote: "so glad you liked this! :))"

I adore this book!! You need to read it too, Sreeja. I am sure you won't regret it :D

DaBear I was quite hesitant about this book... but no more after your review;) I am excited!

Nastassja DaBear wrote: "I was quite hesitant about this book... but no more after your review;) I am excited!"

Aw, that's good to hear <3 I hope you enjoy the book when you read it, I really believe it's one of the best and one of my fav for sure ;)

message 40: by Elle (new)

Elle (ellexamines) Can you read this one without reading Star Touched Queen?

Nastassja Elise wrote: "Can you read this one without reading Star Touched Queen?"

Yup, you can, it's a companion novel about the The star-touched queen heroine's sister.

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