Arah-Lynda's Reviews > The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection

The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection by Arthur Conan Doyle
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it was amazing
bookshelves: i-said, paperwhite, top, lod

I have no idea how I let myself get so long in the tooth before finally settling down and reading this collection.  Suffice to say I am glad I finally came to my senses.

It is all here, every Sherlock Holmes story ever penned by Arthur Conan Doyle.  There are four complete novels and five books of case studies.  Relax I am not going to even attempt to review every one of these.  That would be tedious for me as well as you.

There is no doubt that my hands down favourite of the entire collection was The Hound of the Baskervilles, but make no mistake I loved it all.

According to Goodreads I started reading this collection on June 23 of this year and I am just now able to close off my review.  With the exception of the novels which I read straight through once I had started them, the balance of the case files I read in between other books.  I must say I truly enjoyed this approach and looked forward to dropping in to see what Sherlock was up to every now and again.  

Sadly all good things must come to an end.  It was however an experience I shall never forget and I shall certainly miss Watson and Holmes.  I may have to go back and pay them a visit again sometime.  
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Reading Progress

June 23, 2016 – Started Reading
June 23, 2016 – Shelved
August 16, 2016 –
42.0% "I am slowly in between other reads making my way through the complete case files. oh and I am enjoying every minute of it."
September 12, 2016 –
70.0% "Just finished The Hound of the Baskervilles. Fantastic!"
September 23, 2016 –
79.0% "Ready to start His Last Bow ( I shall miss reading this in between other books."
October 7, 2016 – Shelved as: i-said
October 7, 2016 – Shelved as: paperwhite
October 7, 2016 – Shelved as: top
October 7, 2016 – Shelved as: lod
October 8, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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message 1: by Carol (new) - added it

Carol I'm so! Congratulations! Have the collection sitting here looking classy, lol.

Arah-Lynda Carol wrote: "I'm so! Congratulations! Have the collection sitting here looking classy, lol."

You may be jealous now Carol but I will definitely be envious once you start your own Sherlock marathon. Just think how classy you will look reading them. Thanks Carol.

message 3: by Sud666 (new) - added it

Sud666 this is the one I has the original Strand illustrations which I think are so cool

Arah-Lynda Sud666 wrote: "this is the one I has the original Strand illustrations which I think are so cool"

Good for you Sud. Whatever form your collection takes, the stories are eminently readable.

message 5: by Marty (new) - added it

Marty Fried Sounds like a fun read. I'm a little surprised there are not more than that. I might just have to get hold of this one.

Arah-Lynda Marty wrote: "Sounds like a fun read. I'm a little surprised there are not more than that. I might just have to get hold of this one."

It was fun Marty. And back when I acquired it, which was likely in May of 2016, it was only .99 at Amazon. Honestly hours of reading pleasure.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

I loved these too, so much that as soon as I reached the end, I began the journey again.

Arah-Lynda Tony wrote: "I loved these too, so much that as soon as I reached the end, I began the journey again."

I see your five stars shining Tony and can completely understand taking this trip twice.

message 9: by Jaidee (new)

Jaidee Way to go Arah-Lynda- a remarkable reading achievement...Congratulations !!

Arah-Lynda Jaidee wrote: "Way to go Arah-Lynda- a remarkable reading achievement...Congratulations !!"

Thanks Jaidee.

Arah-Lynda Hasham wrote: "Awesome review"

Thanks Hasham.

message 12: by Aira (new)

Aira since I'm only 13 it is a bit hard to read but very intresting . The way Mr. Sherlock Holmes solves the mysteries is extremely entertaining

message 13: by Aira (new)

Aira Excellent Review :)

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