Bubu's Reviews > Turbulence

Turbulence by Whitney G.
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did not like it
bookshelves: cr, awful, 1-star

I may or may not write a more detailed review at some point. For now, I have to get over this book...quickly.


This is me after finishing this book:

Interestingly enough, the book was well written and at least the beginning engaging. Good enough for me to carry on. But that's the only good thing I have to say about Turbulence.

Gillian is 28 and Jake is 38. One of the reasons why I decided to read it. See? Not NA. Hah! After about 20% I ended up spending in the heads of two super hormonal 15-year-olds. I've read NA novels with MCs much more mature than Gillian and Jake.

Apart from that, Turbulence has all the ingredients I dislike in Contemporary Romances. However, I won't talk about the 'arsehole' hero. Note that I put it under quotation marks; and I did this because the book wouldn't exist without him being an arsehole. What's the point in discussing a character trait when the whole story is based on it? No, what's more interesting is what the author makes out of the heroine. I only have a few words to describe the heroine, Gillian, and there's no need to elaborate any further: needy doormat. I've said enough about doormat heroines in previous reviews so I won't bother.

What pissed me off was the author's attempt to make her heroine look like anything else but a doormat by manipulating me into feeling sorry for her.
Foolish, foolish girl... So much for not being a doormat. I feel like one of the heroines in an old romance book—one of the Mary Sues who’s willing to put up with anything from an asshole hero in exchange for amazing cock.
As if that would make me feel more sympathetic towards Gillian; as if it wasn't what Gillian was doing all along. It didn't matter what the hero did, this is exactly how she acted. Jake treats her horribly, then waves his cock at her and she gives in. Every. Single. Time. Oh, the author does try to give her heroine a backbone. Gillian tries to break up a few times, but nope, cock > self-respect.


Note to author: If new books feature the same character traits of old romances, then something is fundementally wrong. Besides, contrary to popular belief, most of the old romances offered proper characterisation, plot and structure.

Turbulence offers none of those things. The plot is so ridiculous, even if I were willing to try to point out the numerous holes in it, even if I tried to explain how Gillian and Jake meet, their backgrounds, it would still not be enough to show how much this book was lacking in other departments. Character development? Nope. Chemistry? Nope. Emotional growth? Nope.

I know people will be swooning about the 'smoking hot sex'. Hang on! Be right back.

No, no. Well, there's lots of dirty talking and lots and lots of sex, but let's be honest here. It was so repetitive, it became boring very quickly. Like this:

Despite all the problems I had with this book, I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on one the most 'romantic' declarations of love I've come across in a long time.
“The point is, I haven’t seen or fucked you in months, and I haven’t seen or fucked anyone else in months either.” He pressed his lips against mine. “And that, no one else will ever compare. I miss and I love you, and only you. And most of all, I miss fucking you.”

Oh, the feelz! I'm dying here!
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
August 31, 2016 – Shelved
September 30, 2016 – Shelved as: cr
November 12, 2016 – Shelved as: awful
September 6, 2017 – Shelved as: 1-star

Comments Showing 1-35 of 35 (35 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

That bad?

message 2: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu Yep, pretty much. This was one hell of a needy doormat heroine, and it doesn't matter how much the author tried to make it look differently.

Having said that, Oana, just watch the incoming 5 star reviews. People will love it. I guess self-respect in heroines isn't wanted.

WhiskeyintheJar I just had a one star read too. We need some winners!

message 4: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu Kyraryker wrote: "I just had a one star read too. We need some winners!"

Which one was yours?

WhiskeyintheJar Mercenary was the latest. I did my reading roundup and had 8 2star reads :( Hope this month is better for all!

TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover perfectly said!!! I completely agree

message 7: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu Thank you, ladies :)

I rarely put gifs in my reviews, Kathy. I couldn't hold back with this one, though. Wow. How can you make dirty sex sound so boring that you think of vanilla sex when you write a review? Not that I'm saying that you should read this book to see how it's done, no no, stay away from it, but this one would be a great example.

Crystal Gann I absolutely agree with this review!!

message 9: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu Thank you, Crystal :)

message 10: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu Thank you, Bibi. This book was truly horrible.

message 11: by Dilek VT (last edited Mar 10, 2017 07:12AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dilek VT OMG, Bubu, what is this? I am so happy that I haven't tried this!

Oh, girl, you are so funny when describing something if you are angry or pissed :))))

This.. especially this part below... made me LMAO :))))

"Jake treats her horribly, then waves his cock at her and she gives in. Every. Single. Time. Oh, the author does try to give her heroine a backbone. Gillian tries to break up a few times, but nope, cock > self-respect."

Funny... so so funny...

Thank you for such a fun and enlightening review!

message 12: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu Dilek VT wrote: "OMG, Bubu, what is this? I am so happy that I haven't tried this!

Oh, girl, you are so funny when describing something if you are angry or pissed :))))

This.. especially this part below... made m..."

You see now why I loved your review? And had to laugh at the same time? Nothing's changed and I'm glad I decided not to give this author another try.

You confirmed my decision :)

Dilek VT Bubu wrote: "Dilek VT wrote: "OMG, Bubu, what is this? I am so happy that I haven't tried this!

Oh, girl, you are so funny when describing something if you are angry or pissed :))))

This.. especially this par..."

Right, no more of her work for me, either ! :)

message 14: by Dilek VT (last edited Apr 30, 2017 05:57PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dilek VT Oh, Bubu - a friend insisted that I should read this book and I did, having forgotten about this review... How can I forget cock>self respect... :)))???

Now, before I write my review, I was checking what my friends have thought about it and bam, I came across your review and remembered our dialogue :)

The weird thing is that I happened to like their messed up love (or whatever it was). What's wrong with me????!!!!!!! I normally hate doormat heroines!!!??? WTF? You know what? I think it is bigger than her self-respect and it is really bigger than my sanity, lol!

message 15: by Bubu (last edited May 01, 2017 03:26AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu That's alright, love :) What works for you, doesn't have to work for me. The heroine in this one drove me batty.

He treated her like shit, and she let him till the very end. To me, he was a wanker who delighted in emotionally abusing her. The occasional romantic outbursts he showed were far and few in between and in no way redeemed him in my eyes

But that wasn't the only point that made me want to smash my Kindle against the wall.

Another point, to which I said little, was the his whole 'I hate my family' plot. That was beyond ridiculous to me. I can't even remember the particulars, only that I thought 'No fucking way could anyone get away with that.'

And then her role as an author/blogger/journalist. The whole plot seemed convoluted with unnecessary elements that made it impossible for me to suspend my disbelief.

The final nail to the coffin was what he said to her at the end: '"And most of all, I miss fucking you.” Gotta love his priorities ;)

But that's me, sweetie. Like I said, what doesn't work for me, can very well work for you, and if you enjoyed it, that's all it matters :)

Dilek VT Bubu wrote: "That's alright, love :) What works for you, doesn't have to work for me. The heroine in this one drove me batty.

He treated her like shit, and she let him till the very end. To me, he was a wanke..."

Yeap, and I agree with you about it all and I really am surprised that I still loved this couple :))) The chemistry between them maybe, I don't know... I am still unable to write a review... Still thinking, lol!

message 17: by Bookwormlover (last edited Aug 09, 2017 05:58AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Bookwormlover Surely, with an average rating of 4.31, you must be mistaken????

Nah, you nailed it. I barely made it. Love your rants! Great review.

P.s.: You do know how to take a book apart. The last two gifs...LMAO!!! And that last quote....so utterly romantic! hahahahaha!

message 18: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu Thanks :) Yeah, that last sentence had me swooning.

message 19: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Bubu wrote: "Oh, the feelz! I'm dying here!"

Bwahahaaaaa :D:D:D That is one very romantic declaration of love. The poor wee thing... Unable to hump anything for months!

message 20: by Bubu (last edited Aug 09, 2017 07:59AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu Andrea wrote: "Bubu wrote: "Oh, the feelz! I'm dying here!"

Bwahahaaaaa :D:D:D That is one very romantic declaration of love. The poor wee thing... Unable to hump anything for months!"

Be still my beating heart ❤️

Those were the days (only a year ago!) when I was still relatively new to CR's and ended up with all sorts of mind boggling crap.

I've become pickier! claps herself on the shoulder and tries not to think of "Ruckus" well, mostly 😊

message 21: by Mo (new) - added it

Mo Pity is wasn't better for you. I really enjoyed her Reasonable doubt series.

message 22: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu Mo wrote: "Pity is wasn't better for you. I really enjoyed her Reasonable doubt series."

Thanks Mo 😊 I may have been unlucky with this one and give Reasonable Doubt a go

message 23: by Ira (new)

Ira Oh dear:(

message 24: by Mou (last edited Aug 09, 2017 11:49AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mou I read her Reasonable Doubt series and I liked that. Better luck next time tho :)
Btw, If they were just fucking each other and nothing else than how they fall in love? or rather they fall in love with the specific anatomy?

message 25: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu Tbh, I can't remember that much anymore, Mou. It's been almost a year since I read this.

message 26: by Sam I (new) - added it

Sam I AMNreader Ohhh resurrected...I’ve read this author twice and realized, nah, not anymore. Just not for me

message 27: by Bubu (last edited Jan 02, 2018 08:04PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu Resurrected because now the bloody challenge thingy is asking me to set the dates for those that haven’t been set which I don’t have time for. But one wrong click...sigh!

Whitney G? Never, ever again. Whenever I see one of her books pop up, I remember the ...and most of all I missed fucking you’ part.

message 28: by Sam I (new) - added it

Sam I AMNreader It doesn’t want me to set dates! GR is so good at being moody with certain people.

message 29: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu No, that’s because I finished my reading challenge and underneath it asks me about all the books where dates are missing

message 30: by Sam I (new) - added it

Sam I AMNreader Are you sure? I think it’s being moody with you. 😉

message 31: by ♥ℳelody (new)

♥ℳelody "most of all, I miss fucking you" Catch me I'm swooning. 😂😂

message 32: by Aoi (new)

Aoi ... and I haven’t seen or fucked anyone else in months either. --> swoon!

message 33: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu @ Melody: Hang on....


Shit, sorry. I failed. Like the book :)

@ Aoi: Yep, totally swoon worthy hero. Not.

h o l l i s it makes me so happy to find other one-star lovers of this book.

message 35: by Bubu (new) - rated it 1 star

Bubu We are a rare breed!

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