Benjamin Duffy's Reviews > Mistborn: The Final Empire

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
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bookshelves: e-books, fantasy-sci-fi

I can't remember being this violently conflicted about a book in quite some time. There are some areas where it's so incredibly well done, with the author absolutely nailing it, and then others where I found myself grinding my teeth in frustration. I'm going to abandon my usual practice of writing short, pithy reviews and just drunkenly ramble on a few things here. (Still no spoilers, though.) That OK with y'all?

Language. About two and a half chapters into this book, I found myself asking, "Why does this feel like a YA fantasy book?" It wasn't the subject material or the plot, both of which are much more sophisticated than Harry Potter and his ilk. While I would feel perfectly comfortable having a 12-year-old read this PG13-violent and utterly asexual book, I don't feel as though it's necessarily written for tweens. Finally it occurred to me: it's the language. This book is one of the most simply written books I've ever read, using only the most basic vocabulary. That isn't a bad thing, as I'd rather read something direct and simple than something flowery and overwritten, but Sanderson's language is so simple here that it's almost as if he's drawing with the Crayola 16-set when other authors have the big 64. (One notable exception: having apparently become recently enamored of the word, he uses maladroitly at least three times. Maybe he was jamming some Weezer while he wrote.) I haven't read any of his other works (yet; Mistborn #2 is on deck), but I have to assume this simplicity is by conscious choice, and it's an interesting choice at that. I'm just not sure yet how I feel about it.

One language choice that I am sure how I feel about is Sanderson's decision to have his characters speak good old American English. The narration is similarly plainspoken, with a fair amount of American slang thrown in, rather than the twee, faux-Elizabethan style of a lot of fantasy authors. I like the approach. One of the most time-honored fantasy tropes is having all the characters thee and thou each other, with a few ne'er did yon stars of Yomama glimmer so resplendently, my suzerain for good measure. And I can handle that stuff, having been weaned on Tolkien and everything that came after, but I found Sanderson's decision to move away from that convention refreshing. I interpreted it as Sanderson saying, "The unspoken assumption here is that this book has been translated from whatever languages they speak on this made-up world, so why translate it to anything other than what is most understandable and comfortable for you to read? To couch this story in funky language is to insult your imagination by implying that you need that in order to realize you're reading a fantasy novel."

Setting and Plot. The setting is a typical high fantasy world - feudal-style nobility and peasantry; shadowy, powerful priesthood; mysterious evil lord, etc. - with some odd, almost steampunk flourishes thrown in. There are wristwatches. Men's formal wear is described as something more like Victorian coat and tails than medieval garb. Magic in this world is fueled by elemental and alloyed metals, which are described rather precisely, using percentages. It's a unique and interesting blend.

The basic plot is about as stock as it gets. If you're familiar with the Star Wars films, the Harry Potter or Percy Jackson books, Eragon, the Dragonriders of Pern trilogy, Dune, Ender's Game, or any one of about a million other works, please play Mad Libs with me:

Dear [kid with weird name], I know you are only a [farmer / orphan / urchin / child of a minor noble], and this will be hard for you to accept, but you [have Great Powers / are the Chosen One / insert name of funky power here]. You are the only one who can [save the world / save the universe / defeat the Empire / restore order to the Force / kill the Big Boss]. Luckily, even though you just learned your destiny fifteen minutes ago, you will make up for lost time by quickly becoming better than anyone in the history of ever at [Quidditch / dragon riding / sandworm riding / Allomancy]. Any questions?

Needless to say, the plot could have been a one-way express ticket to Hack City, but it really isn't. Vin's growth and development are handled well.

Exposition. This is a fantasy book for the video game generation. By that, I mean that the book follows the general path of a first-person RPG:

1) Introduction to the world and the main characters
2) A few early levels whose only apparent purpose is to teach the player how to use the buttons
3) Quests of increasing difficulty, with progressive reveals of the Big Plot
4) Fight with the Main Boss, including the inevitable twist
5) Denouement and teaser for the next installment.

Not that that's a bad thing! But I was really surprised at the way Allomancy (the main "magic" in this world) was laid out. In the two towering fantasy/sci-fi works of the 20th century, The Lord of the Rings and Dune, the supernatural elements of the story operated behind a sort of curtain or screen. The One Ring in LotR and the spice Melange in Dune both held great, mysterious powers, but the specific effects and extent of those powers were seen only in fits and flashes, and never understood completely by the characters or the reader. In contrast, fairly early in this book, Kelsier takes Vin on a practice run where he explains how her powers work and what their advantages and limitations are, using plain language and real-world physics, and lets her fly and mess around and just generally exult in her magic. It left me, the reader, as well as Vin the character, feeling that even if we didn't understand this magic perfectly right now, we might at some point in the future, which was a very different feel.

OK, after enough rambling about things I feel ambivalently about, let's wrap up with one big win and one big fail:

WIN: Brandon Sanderson can write the hell out of an action scene. (And since the final quarter of this book is pretty much all action, playing directly into Sanderson's strengths, it kicks all kinds of ass.) The fights in this book are gut-wrenching without being overly gory, and the chases and sneaks are heart-stopping as well. Perfect combination of pace and detail. Amazing. Possibly the best I've ever read from an author in this genre, and if he's able to do that so effortlessly, so early in his career, it gives me hope that he can fix...

FAIL: ...the dialogue. In spite of being favorably disposed due to the use of informal American English, I eventually found the dialogue here really clunky. Everyone is too wordy. Everyone says one sentence too many. Over and over again, I found myself going, "Real people don't talk like this," and especially, "Real people who are supposed to be close friends don't talk anything like this to each other." Seriously, think of how you talk to your best friends in private, then compare it to this book. In addition, there was always that odd feeling of unneeded exposition, as if the characters were talking half to each other and half to the reader. It was unfortunate, especially in contrast to how slick and fast-moving and just plain awesome a lot of the other writing was.

All in all, this was a fun, kinetic read...with a few holes in it. It builds, it explodes, and the ending is really good. If half-stars were allowed, this would have been a 3 1/2. Good stuff.

Also, here are my (spoiler-free, suitable as previews) reviews of the second and third books in the series, if you enjoyed this one!
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Reading Progress

September 10, 2011 – Shelved
September 10, 2011 – Shelved as: e-books
September 13, 2011 – Started Reading
September 13, 2011 –
2.0% "This trilogy was a birthday gift from my good friends Joe and Angie. Digging in!"
September 14, 2011 –
17.0% "So far, this book is one of the most unique fantasy books I've read, yet one of the most formulaic at the same time. It's an odd mix!"
September 15, 2011 –
31.0% "ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED 50G - Fly around town with your nifty new powers"
September 15, 2011 –
37.0% "So, I'm thinking these little asides before each chapter were written by the Lord Ruler, whoever he is, before he was Lord Ruler."
September 16, 2011 –
47.0% "Kudos to Sanderson for leaving the word 'candelabrum' singular when only talking about one - most writers fail that one. Debits to Sanderson for 'sagaciousness.' O.o"
September 17, 2011 –
62.0% "Marsh is refreshing because he's the only main character who doesn't talk so damn much."
September 17, 2011 – Finished Reading
April 25, 2012 – Shelved as: fantasy-sci-fi

Comments Showing 1-50 of 154 (154 new)

Collin Having just finished the book in 6 days, a pretty fast pace for myself, I felt like I had to give the book at least 4 stars. However, you hit the nail one the head with your review. Sanderson spent a lot of time explaining things to the reader explicitly when it could have been done more elegantly. For example, much of the first quarter of the book kept pounding into the readers head that the skaa were oppressed and enslaved. We get it, they don't get a lot of food, you don't have to state that the food on the table was amazing every time. Give the reader some credit. Overall, it was a good book, but I would completely agree that the prose felt a little...YA compared to authors like Martin and Rothfuss.

Benjamin Duffy Collin wrote: "Having just finished the book in 6 days, a pretty fast pace for myself, I felt like I had to give the book at least 4 stars. However, you hit the nail one the head with your review. Sanderson spe..."

I agree! If you're heading straight into the other two books in the trilogy, I'll be interested to see what you think of them.

Also, this reminds me I should post a review of The Alloy of Law before I forget everything about it...

message 3: by Joe (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joe Papperello It's funny that you mention the overuse of 'maladroit,' since as I was reading Mistborn I couldn't believe how overused the word 'envelop' was. Doing a search on the epub turns up 11 uses of the word in the first book.

Avalon Baldwin Definitely agree with everything here. It felt like a first novel by someone with a lot of talent - fantastic idea and a good understanding of pace and scenery. But, man, that dialog.

Avalon Baldwin ...pressed submit too soon on tablet. The dialogue* felt... too self-aware. This was the first book I read by him, we'll see if it improves?

Benjamin Duffy Avalon, cheers! Thanks for your insight. I urge you to keep going. Through the trilogy (and even its psuedo-sequel, The Alloy of Law), Sanderson never does get great at dialogue, but he gets better. And the rest of his gifts make the reads worth it!

To read science fiction and fantasy, with only a rare few exceptions, is to accept some pretty glaring flaws from your authors in the pursuit of their imagination, and I speak here as someone who's read a half dozen books by Larry Niven. In comparison to some of those, Sanderson is practically Ishiguro.

Georgina Gavzey this sums up exactly how I feel about the book. I'm only 1/3 of the way through it and it's compelling enough to keep reading, but the language is puzzling simple!

Benjamin Duffy Georgina wrote: "this sums up exactly how I feel about the book. I'm only 1/3 of the way through it and it's compelling enough to keep reading, but the language is puzzling simple!"

Awesome, thanks! I'll be interested to see what you think of the book once you're done, as well as the other two books, if you decide to move on and read them as well. (I recommend you do, as they keep getting better!)

Teddi yes, pretty much it. But being as entertaining as it is, I was a bit more generous with my stars. Awesome review.

Benjamin Duffy Thanks, Teddi! I give more three star reviews than any other kind, but I did give the second and third books in this series four apiece, as I felt they tightened up its strengths and at least partially addressed its flaws. I'll be interested to see what you think of them!

Georgina Gavzey now I've finished it I have to say the book definitely got better. he's a master at writing twists and turns into an inherent very simple story. I found the latter half of the book much more engaging and it's compelled me to read the other 2 in the series.

MsLyraGW Currently reading this book!
It's funny that you guys mention how often he uses certain words because something similar happened to me recently. I was reading The Magicians' Guild, and realized that the author used the word "familiar" at least 3 times per chapter. It drove nuts.

message 13: by Betsy (last edited Jun 23, 2014 07:44AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Betsy When I started visualizing this story as an anime is when I really started enjoying it. The dialogue and endless internal monologues were so on anime point. :-D

Benjamin Duffy Betsy wrote: "When I started visualizing this story as an anime is when I really started enjoying it. The dialogue and endless internal momlogues were so on anime point. :-D"

Hah, that's perfect. Good call!

message 15: by Qian (new) - rated it 2 stars

Qian I just came on goodreads to make sure that I wasn't the only one who had a hard time with the writing. After reading Rothfuss, I expected to be completely drawn into this book too! But you're totally right, the language is really clunky and hard to overlook. It's just too simple! So thanks for writing this review and not letting me feel like a whiner!

message 16: by Daniel (new) - added it

Daniel And if I have to read "Vin paused" ONE MORE freaking time...

Matthew Haha I felt exactly the same way! I even googled IS MISTBORN A YA SERIES at one point!

Susan I'm only about four chapters into the book and am already starting to get a bad taste in my mouth of the simplicity of the writing so thought I'd read some reviews. You put into words what I couldn't quite yet. I have already read Elantris and loved it but felt the same way abut it. I got the feeling he just wanted to get on with the story line without worrying about a lot of embellishment, like his succinct physical descriptions of the characters. That said, I'm definitely going to finish reading the series.

Nathan Haha, loved the Typical Fantasy Plot portion! I also feel like Brandon Sandersons writing is like a video game. BUT, I love his dialogue! I think he writes some of the snappiest lines out there! And think he should be getting roped in to movies to help fix their dialogue!

message 20: by Zach (new) - rated it 5 stars

Zach Varwig Havent read it, but having read Sandersons close to the Wheel of Time, and the Stormlight novels, i can see where a lot of this review is coming from. Thanks for a great review.

Bigal-sa Great review, sums up my feelings of the book exactly.

Jonti I loved the bit about the stereotypical plot that this book used! Even though this book is utterly wonderful I can completely agree with your review. (although I personally would have rated it 4 stars)

Patrick As much as I like many of the characters, and this is true of other Sanderson I have tried to read, I never quite connect with them in the way I want to. I think your point about the dialog hits on the main reason why I am left emotionally distant. While we are inside a characters head it is engaging. Once they speak, they stop seeming like a real person, and the illusion is shattered. I actually am reading the book a second time after abandoning it halfway through before, because people have said to give it a chance. Your reviews of the followups give me some hope.

The trope plot is pretty right on - although I think it's pretty clear Sanderson knows what he is doing in that regard.

Benjamin Duffy Patrick wrote: "As much as I like many of the characters, and this is true of other Sanderson I have tried to read, I never quite connect with them in the way I want to. I think your point about the dialog hits on..."

Patrick, cheers! One thing I can say about the Mistborn series, flaws and all, is that it absolutely pays off in the end. Glad you decided to keep on reading, and I'll be interested to know what you think in the end.

Patrick I found the end very captivating and want to read the second soon. The plot and characters do pay off thankfully. I think this book could have easily been 5 stars with just a little bit of editing. So much of the expository dialog would be better left unsaid, letting the reader try and figure out what's going on. A lot of the time you already have enough to know the explanation before the characters do.

Jennifer I think I found five versions of the word maladroitly...=]
Good review!

Thomas Great review. I was trying to really sum up my feelings on this book as I did enjoy it quite a bit, but wasn't necessarily impressed by it. Weird conflicting feelings I haven't had for a book in awhile.

message 28: by Flaffy (new)

Flaffy Dude I love this review and I'm going to save that formula to be a use I tend to drift towards books with that formula. "Dear [kid with weird name], I know you are only a[farmer / orphan / urchin / child of a minor noble], and this will be hard for you to accept, but you [have Great Powers / are the Chosen One / insert name of funky power here]. You are the only one who can [save the world / save the universe / defeat the Empire / restore order to the Force / kill the Big Boss]. Luckily, even though you just learned your destiny fifteen minutes ago, you will make up for lost time by quickly becoming better than anyone in the history of ever at [Quidditch / dragon riding / sandworm riding / Allomancy]. Any questions?" Just love it.

Benjamin Duffy Flaffy wrote: "Dude I love this review and I'm going to save that formula to be a use I tend to drift towards books with that formula..."

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I also hope you enjoy the second and third books in the series as much as I did. (Nobody seems to like my review of the second book very much, but my review of The Hero of Age seems to get a lot of likes and commentary.)

message 30: by Shai (new) - rated it 3 stars

Shai I actually can't remember being this frustrated with the language and dialogues in a book FOR A LONG TIME! Language I caught on fast enough, but the dialogues just became increasingly frustrating over time, it seriously took away from the appeal of the story. The 2nd half also dragged and I was so frustrated with vin over her constant save nobles/eland trope and her constant going back and forth in her mind, she became my least favorite character in the 2nd half meanwhile kalsier became the most favorite. She came across as seriously naive for putting so much importance on eland, after just meeting him for 2 times, I thought her being street kid would make her more wary and a bit more bitter towards the nobles after having lived and seen the skaa life, but her attitude instead was just off-putting.

Sorry, for ranting on to your review, I agree with all your points. But, I personally was a bit disappointed that such promising premise was undermined because of drawbacks.

Ainsley Dobson I'm so glad that other people felt the same way about the language and dialogue in Sanderson's books! I do enjoy his books a lot, and I understand that he wants to make them readable and understandable for a wide range of people, but the fact that the writing makes it sound like a prestigious ten-year-old is telling me this story really takes away from the plot.

Danielle Exactly, you did a great job putting into words what I was thinking but struggling to express! Still a good series, but I share your frustrations.

Thomas Pasch I'm nearing the end of part one of book one. I was getting irritated by the dialogue and the fact that Breeze was able to down the remainder of his wine, but then sip said wine a paragraph later. This page of comments helps me realize that I'm not alone in this irritation. I also see that many of you ended up finishing and enjoying this trilogy despite these issues, which is what I had hoped to find when I came to this site. I suppose I will read on.

message 34: by Lyn (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lyn Great review

Kristine My thoughts exactly.

Wendy I love your description of fantasy plots.!
I do love that basic plot, but it is so accurate.

Miguel I'm well into The Well of Ascension now, and I share your mild aversion to the author's use of everyday language. I've lost count how many times everybody "snorted" (Sanderson's words, not mine) in response to someone else's remark in both books. I expect this will continue in the third book.

message 38: by Kasen (new)

Kasen Wysong Wow. This is the best review I've ever read in my life. I appreciate it.

Benjamin Duffy Kasen, thank you very much for saying so! That's extremely kind. if you push forward and read the next two books in the series (and I certainly hope you do), please have a look at my reviews of those as well. Nobody seems to like my review of the second book all that well, but my review of the third is pretty well-regarded. :)

Sir Nicho So glad to see someoe else noticed the maladroitly use. It seemed like he used it 3 times in ten pages. Good review, keep it up.

message 41: by Alex (new) - rated it 4 stars

Alex Vrettos Thanks for this. Your words have captured my thoughts exactly. I am a big fan of Brandon Sanderson's world building and magic systems but I felt guilty while reading this that although technically very good the language was very simple and lacked atmosphere. I feel a bit better knowing it was not just me!

Benjamin Duffy Alex wrote: "Thanks for this. Your words have captured my thoughts exactly. I am a big fan of Brandon Sanderson's world building and magic systems but I felt guilty while reading this that although technically ..."

Alex, thanks for the kind words! I enjoyed this book quite a lot despite my *** rating, and I think the second and third books are even better. I'll be interested to see what you think of them.

message 43: by Alex (new) - rated it 4 stars

Alex Vrettos Half way through Hero of Ages now and they're keeping me interested - loads of good reveals - but amplifying observations about the style of language! Cheers.

message 44: by C (new)

C Cowell Thats crazy! I'm 30 pages in and I'm thinking, "What the hell, I am totally reading a video game, here. The whole simplicity in writing and conveyance of the main characters is like the beginning of a Dragon Age game. Not sure how I feel about that.
I also agree with you that the simplicity in language... well it just plainly hurts the heart for me. His characters seem brilliant, but he's not weaving me into the experience the way his scenarios have the potential to!
Scuse the rant. I have fears continuing this book.

message 45: by Benjamin (last edited Dec 07, 2016 07:24AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Benjamin Duffy Christine wrote: "Thats crazy! I'm 30 pages in and I'm thinking, "What the hell, I am totally reading a video game, here. The whole simplicity in writing and conveyance of the main characters is like the beginning o..."

Christine, thanks for the comment! A couple of things I'd offer up about this book and its two direct sequels:

1) The weak points - language, dialogue, development of minor characters - do get better as it goes along, even if they never become strong points.

2) The strong points - world-building, pacing, exposition - grow from strength to super-strength. Good stuff.

3) I found, as did a majority of people I know who've read the trilogy, that the payoff is worth it. :)

Since you were brave enough to read my review of this book before finishing the book, I'd offer up that my reviews of the second and third books won't spoil anything for you (and there is definitely stuff to be spoiled), and the review of the third one in particular seems to be helpful to a lot of people here.

Thanks again for commenting! I hope you enjoy the books.

Tauqir Ahmed I just finished reading it and I absolutely agree with everything you said. Have you read any of his other works since? Are they better/worse? I ask because I really want to read the much revered Way of Kings... but if the writing continues to be in the same vein as this book I might bow out.

message 47: by Benjamin (last edited Dec 12, 2016 05:29AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Benjamin Duffy Tauqir wrote: "I just finished reading it and I absolutely agree with everything you said. Have you read any of his other works since? Are they better/worse? I ask because I really want to read the much revered W..."

Hey, thanks for the comment! As far as "other Sanderson" goes, the second and third books in this trilogy keep improving IMHO. Definitely worth the read.

I also read The Alloy of Law, which is set in the same world but far enough in the future (100 years?) that there are no shared characters. I liked it OK, but not enough that I was enticed to read its sequels. (I guess it's another trilogy?) His dialogue problems never improved much. He really, really needs to co-author with someone who writes people well.

Scott Pruden I was going to write my own review, but will simply suggest that people view yours. Thanks for saving me lots of time and energy on crafting my own rant.

Benjamin Duffy Scott wrote: "I was going to write my own review, but will simply suggest that people view yours. Thanks for saving me lots of time and energy on crafting my own rant."

Scott, that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me all year. :)

Rant aside, the series did get better over the course of the next two books, building on its strengths and improving (though never completely fixing) its flaws, and at least in this reader's humble opinion, delivering a payoff that was worth the frustration. I'll be interested to see what you think of them, if you read them.

message 50: by Sage (new) - rated it 2 stars

Sage I feel this review on a spiritual level. I am currently on page 92 of Mistborn and I am STRUGGLING. I like the plot and I'm interested in allomancy, but the language is killing me. It just feels so unsophisticated and stiff? Typically I can easily immerse myself in a writer's fantasy land but this writing is just so plain and stiff that I find myself stuck on earth. Is it worth pushing through?

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