Miranda Reads's Reviews > Little Women

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: audiobook, love-the-love
Read 2 times. Last read February 28, 2021.

Galentine's Day is right around the corner...so why not curl up with a good book? Check out my latest BooktTube Video - all about five fabulous books on female friendship!

The Written Review

“Don't try to make me grow up before my time…”
The March sisters may be radically different but they all have one thing in common - love.

Their love for their mother and father, their love for adventure and for each other unites them in this troubled time.

The Civil War is afoot and all the sisters can do is think about their father away and in battle. Their mother tries to distract them but often she can barely distract herself.

Jo, a radical tomboy and aspiring author - rallies her family with her amusing plays and scribbles.
I like good strong words that mean something…
Meg, the beautiful sister, often puts her family first and holds them together when her mother cannot.
You don’t need scores of suitors. You need only one… if he’s the right one.
Amy, the youngest, was spoiled as a child and oh my, it shows. But even she can rally when life looks darkest.
I'd rather take coffee than compliments just now.
Beth, sweet and good-natured, valiantly cheers on her sisters but her frail health often keeps her at the sidelines.
There are many Beths in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping...
The sisters must face hardships their New England home.

They must face things that they never would have thought possible.

But, even in the darkest of times, they will have each other. And that is most important of all.
Watch and pray, dear, never get tired of trying, and never think it is impossible to conquer your fault.
This is probably my fifth or sixth time through and yes, I am totally going to read it again.

There's just something about this book that's absolutely gorgeous and timeless.

I love the sisters and their relationships with each other - I see so much of myself and my cousins with their day-to-day interactions.

Jo, the darling, is the perfect mix of strength and fear. Watching her grow from a brash girl to confident young woman just makes my heart happy.
You are the gull, Jo, strong and wild, fond of the storm and the wind, flying far out to sea, and happy all alone.
And the message of the book! Ahh. My heart. So full.

It often feels like the messages from books in the mid 1800s are saccharine sweet or so heavy-handed with their themes that they're ridiculous. (Just look at the later Anne of Green Gables if you'd like an example!)

But this one had just the right mixture of loving family + religion + life lessons. It was beautifully balanced.
Be worthy love, and love will come.
That being said, I do absolutely hate that (view spoiler).

I swear, every time I reread this series, I practically rediscover that fact (my brain is incredibly good at selective memory-ing those sorts of things)...which makes it awful all the more.

Oh, and am I the only one who's still bitter over who Jo ends up with? This book may have been published in 1868 but this is my hill and I WILL DIE ON IT!

But don't let that spoil your interpretation - this book is truly wonderful. I love it.

Audiobook Comments
Read by Kate Reading - can I just take a moment for us all to appreciate the the narrator is Kate Reading? Her last name is absolute perfection.

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Quotes Miranda Liked

Louisa May Alcott
“I like good strong words that mean something…”
Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

Louisa May Alcott
“Don't try to make me grow up before my time…”
Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

Reading Progress

Started Reading
May 24, 2016 – Finished Reading
March 1, 2018 – Shelved
February 28, 2021 – Started Reading
February 28, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 64 (64 new)

Imran Shafi this was our novel in school but i found it boring at the start so didnt read it till the end but after reading this review thought of reading it till the end
excellent review

ʙᴇʟᴀ.: ☾**:.☆*.:。. Lovely review😄 This is definitely a timeless classic which I really love...a all time favorite. And no, you're not the only one who did not like Jo's choice for a husband. I mean only after watching the 1994 movie I was somehow able to change my mind but still...ugh. sometimes it still hurts.

message 3: by Jaline (new)

Jaline Lovely review, Miranda!

Melinda I read this once when I was a teenager (and loved it) however this time around I’m finding it so slow. Did you find it picks up a bit as it goes on or am I just spoilt by faster paced contemporaries?

Miranda Reads Imran wrote: "this was our novel in school but i found it boring at the start so didnt read it till the end but after reading this review thought of reading it till the end
excellent review"

Thank you!

Miranda Reads ʙᴇʟʟᴀ.: ☾**:.☆*.:。. wrote: "Lovely review😄 This is definitely a timeless classic which I really love...a all time favorite. And no, you're not the only one who did not like Jo's choice for a husband. I mean only after watchin..."

That's why whenever creating a love triangle... you need option B to be really creepy or crappy or just a very clear NO. It's not good to have your main character choose between a perfect partner... and an ehh guy (and then she chooses ehhh)

Miranda Reads Melinda wrote: "I read this once when I was a teenager (and loved it) however this time around I’m finding it so slow. Did you find it picks up a bit as it goes on or am I just spoilt by faster paced contemporaries?"

I think it picks up... but it's def not an instant book like many modern ones. Whenever i read it, i have to be in the mood for a slow and wonderful book

Aubrey Nekvinda "Oh, and am I the only one who's still bitter over who Jo ends up with? This book may have been published in 1868 but this is my hill and I WILL DIE ON IT!"
YES! I am with you! I will never, ever get over who Joe ends up with. We all know who it should have been!!

message 9: by Joel Swamy (new)

Joel Swamy Little people have to act like little people and big people have to act like big people

message 10: by Kim (new)

Kim This book will forever be linked to The Shining in my head thanks to Rachel and Joey from Friends 😆

Miranda Reads Aubrey wrote: ""Oh, and am I the only one who's still bitter over who Jo ends up with? This book may have been published in 1868 but this is my hill and I WILL DIE ON IT!"
YES! I am with you! I will never, ever g..."

Preach! Girl. Preach!

Still annoyed by it all!

Miranda Reads Joel Swamy wrote: "Little people have to act like little people and big people have to act like big people"

Ummmm....i don't think you read this book

Miranda Reads Kim wrote: "This book will forever be linked to The Shining in my head thanks to Rachel and Joey from Friends 😆"


·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Shilpee ♫♪♩·.¸¸.· Aww...this review is so beautiful ! I want to read the book desperately now!

Bren fall in love with the sea. Great review Miranda! I have always loved this book as well as the movie. It makes me think of Hot Chocolate and winter nights and family. I loved your review.

message 16: by Claire (new)

Claire Great review, Miranda!

message 17: by Audrey (new) - added it

Audrey Oh no, not Kate Reading. Can’t stand her voice!

Imran Shafi i found this book very boring but it was okay at the end

Miranda Reads Shilpee wrote: "Aww...this review is so beautiful ! I want to read the book desperately now!"


Miranda Reads Bren wrote: "Great review Miranda! I have always loved this book as well as the movie. It makes me think of Hot Chocolate and winter nights and family. I loved your review."

Love it! Now i gotta make myself hot chocolate!

Miranda Reads Claire wrote: "Great review, Miranda!"

Thanks Claire!

Miranda Reads Audrey wrote: "Oh no, not Kate Reading. Can’t stand her voice!"

Yikes! I've only listened to this one by Kate Reading - it wasnt too bad...why don't you like her reading?

Miranda Reads Imran wrote: "i found this book very boring but it was okay at the end"

Everyone loves different things!

Bren fall in love with the sea. Miranda wrote: "Bren wrote: "Great review Miranda! I have always loved this book as well as the movie. It makes me think of Hot Chocolate and winter nights and family. I loved your review."

Love it! Now i gotta m..."

It is cold and rainy right now so off to make some Chocolate Milk!

message 25: by Audrey (new) - added it

Audrey Miranda wrote: “Audrey wrote: “Oh no, not Kate Reading. Can’t stand her voice!”

Yikes! I’ve only listened to this one by Kate Reading - it wasnt too bad…why don’t you like her reading?”

Her voice just grates on me, and I don’t like the way she enunciates words.

Deanna Excellent review!!

Miranda Reads Audrey wrote: "Miranda wrote: “Audrey wrote: “Oh no, not Kate Reading. Can’t stand her voice!”

Yikes! I’ve only listened to this one by Kate Reading - it wasnt too bad…why don’t you like her reading?”

Her voice..."

Hmm, I'll definitely have to pay attention to that next time!

Miranda Reads Deanna wrote: "Excellent review!!"

Thank you!!

message 29: by Abby (new) - rated it 4 stars

Abby I too am a little disappointed that Jo did not marry Laurie. Marriages starts out in friendships and how much more wonderful it would have been if the best friends Jo and Laurie married. What a great friendship and marriage it would be! I know people say their personalities won’t fit, but I think they do fit well. There were many instances in the story where Jo encouraged Laurie in tough times and vice versa. They laughed together, cried together, and already had so many memories together! They are meant to be together! And with Laurie having been to college, he could entertain Jo’s brain just as well as the professor.

Maybe I really like Cinderella stories and I was hoping for one at the end of this book (Jo marrying her prince Laurie) but instead she ended up with an old”er” man...which is another disappointment I had about the story. Alcott could have made him a little bit younger.

Overall, I truly enjoyed the book, the characters and the wisdom from “marmee” . Great book and it was worth my time to read :)

Miranda Reads Abby wrote: "I too am a little disappointed that Jo did not marry Laurie. Marriages starts out in friendships and how much more wonderful it would have been if the best friends Jo and Laurie married. What a gre..."

I love this comment so much. Everything about Laurie and Jo is so true. I was so disappointed with the older guy marrying her!!

A Jeffrey I agree that she shouldn’t have ended up with that man although it’s very plausible. She should probably have been happily alone or a lesbian. And I mean nothing anti LGBT when I say that. But that was literally a different time. So the author couldn’t say it..

message 32: by Dave (new) - added it

Dave Good movie

Miranda Reads A Jeffrey wrote: "I agree that she shouldn’t have ended up with that man although it’s very plausible. She should probably have been happily alone or a lesbian. And I mean nothing anti LGBT when I say that. But that..."

Perhaps... that's such an interesting idea

Miranda Reads Dave wrote: "Good movie"

Which one?

message 35: by Paige (new)

Paige Love the cover of the book! Gorgeous!

Hannah U. After seeing the new movie with my friends I haven’t heard the end of it on how Laurie and Jo should’ve ended up together 🙈 I keep telling them that maybe they’ll feel a little better if they read the book (as some of them haven’t read it yet) but I see that it may not really help them at all😂 I’ve read the book a few times and I’m upset about it too but I am also pretty ok with the fact that Jo married the professor. Always had a soft spot for him.


message 38: by morgan denney (new)

morgan denney i love this book

message 39: by Dedi (new)

Dedi Prasetyo

Melissa That's my only complaint...that Jo didn't marry Laurie

message 41: by Lily Reads (new) - added it

Lily Reads Love your edition. It is beautiful! Mine has a bunch of misspellings and grammar errors.

message 42: by Thasneem Fazal (new)

Thasneem Fazal lol "Galentines" day is exciting 😂

message 43: by Thasneem Fazal (new)

Thasneem Fazal wait everyones saying galentines day... does that mean something?

message 44: by BLynne (new) - added it

BLynne This has been a favorite classic. It's been a long time since I have read this book 📖 and plan to read it again.

message 45: by Virginia (new)

Virginia Brilliant Book I loved it!!!

message 46: by Lily Reads (new) - added it

Lily Reads I am struggling with getting reading done. :(

message 47: by Beth (new)

Beth Joey Little Women has been on my bookshelf at home for years and I've never been able to finish it :( maybe this year!

Nodles_ we share the same thought on this book!

Miranda Reads Lily Reads wrote: "Love your edition. It is beautiful! Mine has a bunch of misspellings and grammar errors."

that's rather interesting!

Miranda Reads Thasneem Fazal wrote: "wait everyones saying galentines day... does that mean something?"

Thasneem Fazal wrote: "lol "Galentines" day is exciting 😂"

It's a holiday made by the Parks and Rec TV show. Happens on Feb 13th - you're supposed to celebrate female friendships that day

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