Kathy's Reviews > Dark-Hunter 3 Book Box Set

Dark-Hunter 3 Book Box Set by Sherrilyn Kenyon
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This boxed set was what got me hooked on the Dark Hunter series.
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June 4, 2008 – Shelved

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message 1: by Toni (new)

Toni Did the box set include Fantasy Lover? I want to buy it but in the description it does not list it as one of the books in the set. ???

Kathy No, it's not one of the books in the set. The male lead does pop up again throughout the series as a minor bit character, so it's nice to have read it first. As a precursor, Fantasy Lover is related to the Dark Hunter world and helps orient the reader, but it's not essential to understand what's going on in subsequent books.

message 3: by Toni (new)

Toni Oh okay. Great! Thanks for the info!

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