Bianca's Reviews > Boy Swallows Universe

Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton
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I had to push myself to finish this novel. This much-lauded, hyped novel. I even went to see the author speak to a packed room at the Perth Writers' Festival, so I was somewhat invested.

I won't go into too many details about the plot.

Boy Swallows Universe is a coming of age novel, about Eli Bell, who is brought up in a rough part of Brisbane, by his drug peddling and occasional user mum, and her boyfriend, Lyle.

This novel has a very distinct Australian feel to it, it almost feels put on, although people in the know say it's pretty accurate for 1990s Queensland.

Boy Swallows Universe is filled with characters from the wrong side of the tracks, people, most of us have never come across. Among all these people, the brothers Bell, Eli and his elder sibling, Gus, try to survive the best way they can. Their mum is not the most stable person, although she loves them. Their father is an alcoholic agoraphobe who suffers from anxiety and depression.

In my view, this novel is quite obviously a debut, as it's self-conscious while trying to be cruisy and quirky. There are some good writing passages and quite a few interesting things fill this overly long novel. But they are vignettes, many times, they stand alone, as we move onto the next chapter quite abruptly. Eli and his brother are charming characters, albeit too saintly.

There are many aspects of the novel that are exaggerated and some were outright incredulous, which doesn't really work for me.

So, in conclusion, this was not bad, but I never felt completely invested, charmed or horrified.
This will go straight onto my virtual shelf of Australian coming-of-age novels that everyone but me loves.

This counts towards my Aussie Author Challenge 2019 on
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Reading Progress

June 22, 2018 – Shelved
June 22, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
February 10, 2019 – Started Reading
February 10, 2019 –
page 0
0.0% "Let's see if the hype is deserved."
March 28, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019
March 28, 2019 – Shelved as: 2019-aussie-author-challenge
March 28, 2019 – Shelved as: aussie-setting
March 28, 2019 – Shelved as: contemporary
March 28, 2019 – Shelved as: debut-novel
March 28, 2019 – Shelved as: male-author
March 28, 2019 – Shelved as: kid-protagonist
March 28, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 55 (55 new)

message 1: by Susanne (new)

Susanne I keep looking at this.. so I am waiting anxiously for your thoughts!!!

Bianca Susanne wrote: "I keep looking at this.. so I am waiting anxiously for your thoughts!!!"

It's been extremely popular in Australia. I'm only 20% in - not bad.

Debra I have just started this novel. I keep dozing off. I will persist though, like you. I wondered if I was missing something.
Liked your review. It gives me hope.

message 4: by JanB (new)

JanB I think I will give this one a hard pass. Thanks for the honest review Bianca!

Bianca Debra wrote: "I have just started this novel. I keep dozing off. I will persist though, like you. I wondered if I was missing something.
Liked your review. It gives me hope."

Thanks, Debra. One of my friends liked it and another loved it. I may have gone into it with too high expectations. It's readable but I can't see why so many are ga-ga over it. I'm totally peeved that although I love coming-of-age novels, in the past four years, I've had quite a few disappointments with much loved Aussie novels (The Choke, Jasper Jones, Wimmera, How to Be a Whale).

Bianca JanB wrote: "I think I will give this one a hard pass. Thanks for the honest review Bianca!"

Jan, as you can see, I'm the outlier with this one.

Susan I'm sorry you didn't love this novel as much as I did, Bianca, but I guess it's a "specialised" taste.

message 8: by Marialyce (new)

Marialyce A fine honest review, Bianca!

message 9: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Great review...I’m humming and hawing now as to read it!

message 10: by Shey (new) - rated it 2 stars

Shey Jones I’m with you Bianca, I really struggled to push through it.

Angela M is taking a break. Bianca, I appreciate your thoughts and your honesty!

message 12: by Tammy (new)

Tammy I had a feeling that this isn’t for me. Thanks for the validation, Bianca. Great review

Bianca Susan wrote: "I'm sorry you didn't love this novel as much as I did, Bianca, but I guess it's a "specialised" taste."

I'm sorry, too. Not sure what you mean by "specialised" though.

Bianca Marialyce wrote: "A fine honest review, Bianca!"

Thank you, Marialyce. I find 3-star reviews difficult to write.

message 15: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Great review Bianca!

Bianca Shey wrote: "I’m with you Bianca, I really struggled to push through it."

Thanks, Shey. It had some nice moments and interesting bits, but I don't know, it was a bit of a mish-mash of ideas, characters and big moments.

Bianca Jen wrote: "Great review...I’m humming and hawing now as to read it!"

I'm not one to dissuade people from reading, especially when it comes to a book which wasn't horrible. As you can see, this book has very high ratings. It's been the most popular and one of the most awarded books on Australia in the past year.

Bianca Angela M wrote: "Bianca, I appreciate your thoughts and your honesty!"

Thanks, Angela.

Bianca Tammy wrote: "I had a feeling that this isn’t for me. Thanks for the validation, Bianca. Great review"

Thanks, Tammy. I'm sure you've got many books you'd rather read.

message 20: by Karen (new)

Karen I’ll pass on this one, thanks Bianca!

Susan Bianca wrote: "I'm sorry, too. Not sure what you mean by "specialised" though."

I meant that it's not for everyone. Even as I was reading it, I thought that it would be too quirky, or unconventional, for many readers.

message 22: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa Sorry this was only so so for you. I’m not sure I will bother with it now based on your honest review.

Bianca Vanessa wrote: "Sorry this was only so so for you. I’m not sure I will bother with it now based on your honest review."

Vanessa, there are so many people who were ga-ga over it. It definitely should have been shorter. Some things are left unexplained and/or abandoned. Based on the huge number of positive reviews, I'm the outlier. Maybe try the audiobook?

Marchpane Terrific, honest review Bianca. For me, the nostalgia factor and location (I'm from Brissie) nudged it from 3 stars to 4. The hype is at ridiculous levels for this one!

Bianca Marchpane wrote: "Terrific, honest review Bianca. For me, the nostalgia factor and location (I'm from Brissie) nudged it from 3 stars to 4. The hype is at ridiculous levels for this one!"

Thank you Marchpane. Although I moved to Australia 17 years ago, I myself have a great deal of nostalgia for the "olden days", even though I was living in another country, so I understand.

message 26: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa Yeah I agree there’s a lot of hype surrounding this book. I struggle with long audiobooks so might skip this book altogether.

Cheri Bianca, I love your unflinching honesty about books like these. I hope you've moved on to a much better read!

message 28: by Debbie (new) - added it

Debbie No time for a 3-star; this sounds amateurish and the fact that it was too long means I probably won't try it. Thanks for the honest review. Yes, 3-star reviews are the toughest to write!

Amanda - Mrs B's Book Reviews I'm not alone! Thanks for sharing your thoughts Bianca.

Bianca Vanessa wrote: "Yeah I agree there’s a lot of hype surrounding this book. I struggle with long audiobooks so might skip this book altogether."

haha, I struggle with overly long books as well - this one felt like a long one.

Bianca Cheri wrote: "Bianca, I love your unflinching honesty about books like these. I hope you've moved on to a much better read!"

Thanks, Cheri. There's no other way for me, that's why I stay away from blogging etc, so I don't have "obligations" that would make me think twice about being completely honest.

Bianca Debbie wrote: "No time for a 3-star; this sounds amateurish and the fact that it was too long means I probably won't try it. Thanks for the honest review. Yes, 3-star reviews are the toughest to write!"

Debbie, you should have seen the room of mostly women going ga-ga over the author and his book. It was quite interesting to watch, especially since, I don't know why, I wasn't quite gobbling up what Danton was saying.

Bianca Amanda - wrote: "I'm not alone! Thanks for sharing your thoughts Bianca."

Amanda, it drives me crazy that there are so many Aussie coming-of-age novels that I didn't love. Not only I love the genre, but I also love Aussie authors, settings and so on. Except for Tim Winton's latest, pretty much everything I read in the past years in the genre has been around the 3-star mark.

Maria I gave up on the book Bianca. I just couldn't get into it or the characters either. They way it was written drove me crazy. You're not alone!

Bianca Maria wrote: "I gave up on the book Bianca. I just couldn't get into it or the characters either. They way it was written drove me crazy. You're not alone!"

The writing didn't bother me that much. At least you cut your loses early. I'm not sorry I read it, I'm just sorry it didn't live up to my expectations. I knew early on it wasn't going to be a 5 star read, but was hoping for a 4.

message 36: by Brandice (new)

Brandice Nice review, Bianca! Despite the hype surrounding it, this book just hasn’t appealed to me. Incredulous and exaggerations don’t always work well for me. I hope your next read is much better! :)

message 37: by Esil (new) - added it

Esil Thanks for your honest review, Bianca. This one seems very attractive based on the title and cover, but it’s helpful to have your perspective. Still on the fence :)

Bianca Brandice wrote: "Nice review, Bianca! Despite the hype surrounding it, this book just hasn’t appealed to me. Incredulous and exaggerations don’t always work well for me. I hope your next read is much better! :)"

Thanks, Brandice. You can't read them all. :-)

Bianca Esil wrote: "Thanks for your honest review, Bianca. This one seems very attractive based on the title and cover, but it’s helpful to have your perspective. Still on the fence :)"

I was prepared to love it, but it didn't happen. I'm curious to see what you make of it if/when you read it.

message 40: by Bianca (last edited Apr 16, 2019 05:33AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Bianca Elyse wrote: "Thanks Bianca- I’ve debated about this. I have a copy from the library- but I think I’m going to send it back. So many books to choose from.
I don’t mind passing on this

Many loved this. I wish I did. Nobody can read all the books, not even you. :-)

message 41: by Glynis (new)

Glynis I started it but found I didn’t really like it or the writing but I love Tim Winton.

Bianca Glynis wrote: "I started it but found I didn’t really like it or the writing but I love Tim Winton."

I usually can tell early on if a book has a chance to get to 5 stars. I knew it wasn't going to be a 5. I pushed through because I wanted to see what the fuss was all about.

message 43: by Susanne (new)

Susanne Bianca wrote: "Susanne wrote: "I keep looking at this.. so I am waiting anxiously for your thoughts!!!"

It's been extremely popular in Australia. I'm only 20% in - not bad."

Sorry this ended up being just an ok read Bianca! Hope you love your next one! Nice honest review.

message 44: by Annetta (new)

Annetta Can’t quite get into this book at all .. not a fan of this crazy writing .. it is my second try at reading this as I put it down first time .. characters do not really interest me at all .. what is the hype ? Have read fir many years and taught English too .. but this is not my style either .. listened to Trent dalton on a podcast .. really a tad self absorbed too

Bianca Annetta wrote: "Can’t quite get into this book at all .. not a fan of this crazy writing .. it is my second try at reading this as I put it down first time .. characters do not really interest me at all .. what is..."

You're not the only one who's not that keen on it. I saw Dalton talk, he's quite the charmer; the huge auditorium, filled with mostly women, was eating out of his hands. I wasn't quite as taken with him, he was a bit too speak and cutesy for my liking.

Robyn Lewis I couldn't wait to finish it, such a silly plot which detracted from what might have been a reasonable coming of age story .

Bianca Robyn wrote: "I couldn't wait to finish it, such a silly plot which detracted from what might have been a reasonable coming of age story ."

Congratulations on finishing it :-). It had potential.

message 48: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Ciacia I’ve tried to enjoy the sample but I don’t.

message 49: by Frances (new)

Frances Pearson I can't get into this at all. I've read the first 100 pages, that's it for me.

Bianca Frances wrote: "I can't get into this at all. I've read the first 100 pages, that's it for me."

Move on. His latest book is worse as far I'm concerned.

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