BlackOxford's Reviews > Childhood’s End

Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke
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it was amazing
bookshelves: american, philosophy-theology, sci-fi

Theological Politics

For an avowed atheist, Arthur Clarke had a great deal to say about God, and not all of it negative. Childhood’s End is a tale of the theological roots of politics and how religious belief simultaneously stimulates and inhibits human society. Clarke’s view is subtle, complex, and appropriately ‘cosmic.’ As a commentary on the centrality of religion to human existence - for its opponents as well as its adherents - Childhood’s End is hard to beat.

If I read Clarke correctly, his view is that God is not the product of frightening illusion but of loving emotion. God is the idea we use to describe the wholly irrational but irresistibly compelling force of human affection. Fear is merely a derivative emotion brought about by the threat of loss of affection, not something positive, therefore, but an absence of love. The force of love is invisible, immaterial, unmeasurable, enacted everywhere and at all times; but it is, without any doubt, real. What Clarke does in Childhood’s End is provide a voice for such philosophical realism.

Love in all its forms - sexual, familial, communal, special, and inter-special - is only minimally an instinct, that is a motivation or drive. Rather it is a learned ability, a capacity which increases with experience and practice. Childhood’s End opens with conflict; moves to feelings of trust and friendship by one individual towards a powerful alien; and develops, under alien direction - which is effectively omniscient and omnipotent - into general peace and harmony among all of humanity. The capacity to love evolves over a century such that personal jealousy has disappeared, crime is almost unknown, involuntary or oppressive human toil has been eliminated, economic abundance and equality have been substantially achieved. In other words: paradise has arrived.*

Love is also a metaphysical condition. That is, it cannot be demonstrated to be beneficial, or even to be at all, except through a commitment to it. It is self-validating just as its antithesis, fear, is self-validating. Love and the world is loving; fear and the world is fearsome. The alien Overlords bring the whole of humanity to the metaphysical revelation of love through their tutelage and discipline. Only when love has been created as a reality can it be perceived and appreciated as a reality. This is a metaphysical paradox which is known to the Overlords, but must be demonstrated by human beings to themselves.

“But the stars are not for man,” the Overlord Supervisor proclaims. Human beings are not sufficiently competent in the skills of love to include anything outside their rather insignificant world. They may never be. They are therefore denied by the Overlords - in the name of love - the knowledge which would allow them to travel to distant worlds. This constraint is annoying and incomprehensible to many, mainly scientific types - not unlike the prohibition of eating from the Tree in the Garden. And the Supervisor could foresee the consequences, just as the book of Genesis had described - a loss of the Golden Age of innocence.

(view spoiler)

Theology considers love as a gift which is received from elsewhere. It can’t be produced on demand, only received when made available. We have no right to it and it dissipates when it is presumed upon. More important, it can be taken away by whoever or wherever it came from. It can disappear instantly as both an emotion and a practice. Love is a mystery about which Homo Sapiens has no clues. Therefore, when love is lost, we are wont to deify and pray to it as well as for it. Hence the remark of one of the characters early on in Childhood’s End: “Basically, the conflict [between the Overlords and humankind] is a religious one, however much it may be disguised.”

So the reason for the Overlords refusal to enlighten humankind eventually is made clear “The road to the stars was a road that forked in two directions, and neither led to a goal that took any account of human hopes or fears.” There may be an Overmind which is superior to the Overlords and calls the shots in the universe; there may even be an intelligence, or many, which are superior to the Overmind. It matters not at all. Oblivion is inevitable. Love as we know it will likely be destroyed since it doesn’t really seem to conform to any cosmic purpose. This is a brutal religious truth and one we’d rather not deal with: There is no reward for love, except love itself. Recognition of this truth is the real end of childhood and marks an entry into grown-up thinking.

*There is substantial theological precedent for the idea of an evolving capacity for human beings to not only behave with each other, but also to behave, as it were, when confronted with divine revelation. The medieval Joachim of Floris, Nicholas of Cusa, and the modern Teilhard de Chardin are Christian examples. Jewish Kabbalists like Akiva, Luria, and Abulafia held similar views. Interestingly, it is the Mormons who hold this view most explicitly in their doctrine of the progressive divinization of humankind. Clarke is clearly tapping in to a long-held cultural tradition in this story. See here for more on the theology of sci-fi:
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Reading Progress

September 11, 2018 – Started Reading
September 11, 2018 – Shelved
September 12, 2018 – Shelved as: american
September 12, 2018 – Shelved as: philosophy-theology
September 12, 2018 – Shelved as: sci-fi
September 12, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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message 1: by Richard S (new)

Richard S This is quite the review, for me personally the book hasn't aged too well, especially the ending. You might try Rendezvous with Rama next, which I think is superior. I have a problem with humanity deification in science fiction. If you say Man is God what are you really saying anyway? RwR is more subtle and I think will prove to be the more accurate if we ever do encounter another intelligence in the universe.

BlackOxford Richard wrote: "This is quite the review, for me personally the book hasn't aged too well, especially the ending. You might try Rendezvous with Rama next, which I think is superior. I have a problem with humanity ..."

Thanks Richard, I shall take your advice. But I don’t think Clarke deified humanity in this one. In fact quite the opposite given the fate of Homo Sapiens as a bunch of sterile rampaging kids. The Mormons are the culprits in that department.

message 3: by Richard S (new)

Richard S I should have said "Man is Special".

BlackOxford Richard wrote: "I should have said "Man is Special"."


David I think Clarke would've really liked your review. :)

You took away far more from it than I did. Admittedly, I read it decades ago and didn't feel all that moved by it, hence my rating. Perhaps a re-read by the older me will elicit a greater appreciation for it.

BlackOxford David wrote: "I think Clarke would've really liked your review. :)

You took away far more from it than I did. Admittedly, I read it decades ago and didn't feel all that moved by it, hence my rating. Perhaps a r..."

Wow, what a compliment. I blush. The older we get the more we know what we didn’t know.

BlackOxford Mike wrote: "David wrote: "I think Clarke would've really liked your review. :)

You took away far more from it than I did. Admittedly, I read it decades ago and didn't feel all that moved by it, hence my ratin..."

Mike, I must apologise for not responding to your comment from a few months ago. I don’t know how I missed it. And of course you’re right, it deserves several reads using different filters. A masterpiece.

BlackOxford Mike wrote: "BlackOxford wrote: "Mike wrote: "David wrote: "I think Clarke would've really liked your review. :)

You took away far more from it than I did. Admittedly, I read it decades ago and didn't feel all..."


BlackOxford Greg wrote: "I read this many years ago, loved it because of the revelation about the Overlords but was dismayed by the ending. Like David, you took much more from it than I did then, so I’m inclined to reread ..."

I understand that. I find that I have to watch any episode of Morse at least twice before I know what’s going on. And even then, I forget who done it within two weeks.

H (is anyone getting notifications) Balikov You make a strong case, Michael, for my need to reread this in light of your analysis. Thanks!

BlackOxford HBalikov wrote: "You make a strong case, Michael, for my need to reread this in light of your analysis. Thanks!"

I find re-reading things reminds me of just how stupid I have been. Therefore I only do it occasionally, usually when my wife has refrained from reminding me on her own.

H (is anyone getting notifications) Balikov BlackOxford wrote: "HBalikov wrote: "You make a strong case, Michael, for my need to reread this in light of your analysis. Thanks!"

I find re-reading things reminds me of just how stupid I have been. Therefore I onl..."

My spouse says she loves me for my virtues, not in spite of my faults...which she is happy to enumerate.

Stephane What an interesting take on the book. I read this twice, and your review makes me what to read it again. No small feat.

Pat the Book Goblin I’m reading this in 2020. I look forward to it even more now lol

BlackOxford HBalikov wrote: "BlackOxford wrote: "HBalikov wrote: "You make a strong case, Michael, for my need to reread this in light of your analysis. Thanks!"

I find re-reading things reminds me of just how stupid I have b..."

Let's hope your wife and mine never meet. Doomsday.

BlackOxford Stephane wrote: "What an interesting take on the book. I read this twice, and your review makes me what to read it again. No small feat."

Dedication is often rewarded... and sometimes not. Good luck.

BlackOxford Patrick wrote: "I’m reading this in 2020. I look forward to it even more now lol"

Clarke rarely disappoints.

Kamakana theological argument: Clarke is not about 'evolution', scientific concept, but 'transcendence', religious concept... and 'love' is not scientific...

BlackOxford Michael wrote: "theological argument: Clarke is not about 'evolution', scientific concept, but 'transcendence', religious concept... and 'love' is not scientific..."

Interesting insight, Michael. I buy it.

Judith I didn't read or read into it what you did. Some, yes, but very little of that. What stood out to me were quite different, but I read it too long ago to cite details. It's the overall impression that has stayed with me.

It's one of my all-time favorite books and seems relevant now -- or did. Think "Indigo children" and fundamentalist religion. But then the pandemic, climate change, corporate greed and insanity eclipsed all else, so anything hopefull seems rather irrelevant currently.

I don't reread books that I really liked or that were meaningful to me in some way, because I learned early on that who I am and my situation and experience, or lack thereof, at time time I read them are a big part of my reaction to the book. Later, it's never the same and can ruin a good memory.

It's one of my all-time favorite books and seems relevant now -- or did. Think "Indigo children" and fundamentalist religion. But then the pandemic, climate change, corporate greed and insanity eclipsed all else. I don't reread books that I really liked or that were meaningful to me in some way, because I learned early on that who I am and my situation and experience, or lack thereof, at time time I read them are a big part of my reaction to the book. Later, it's never the same and can ruin a good memory.

BlackOxford Judith wrote: "I didn't read or read into it what you did. Some, yes, but very little of that. What stood out to me were quite different, but I read it too long ago to cite details. It's the overall impression th..."

Well interpretation certainly depends upon individual circumstances, including age and experience of course. So reading something one liked at some later stage seems to me an experience to be valued. There is no reason why an early appreciation cannot stand beside a later one surely. Your fear seems somewhat neurotic therefore. Since your profile is private I have no way to know how old you are, so I can’t be sure.

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